A/N; I'm sorry guys. I guess I'll be leaving this story unfinished. T^T I didn't get any story idea to finish it. Since I'm addicting to SougoxKaguraxGintoki this days. I'm still thinking to finish it with only two or three more chapters. So, I'll make this story stop for a while until I know how to finish it. Lately, I'm working on my GaaSaku fanfics and thinking of GinxTae fics as well. But, I must say, I'm such a jerk at times like this. I can't think of how to end this story since I don't know how. /3

Sorry for the mistakes in my story and also some wrong grammar too. I'll try my best after a month or so. So, stay tuned, I guess. And thanks for the review guys. I appreciated it. 3 Love ya guys.