Chapter 1: Will I Ever See You Again?

Ikuto's POV

"Hurry! We're going to miss the plane!" a 17 year old Ikuto shouted at his little sister, Utau, and his father. I recently found my father when I went all over the world searching for him. Turns out he was in Japan the whole entire time. The family of three was heading to visit Ikuto and Usui's mother who was recently sent to the hospitable in the U.S. They scurried to the gate.

"Oof!" a pinkette suddenly appeared in the view of the three and was rubbing her head as if she had a headache. "Watch out!" she shouted looking up to see who supposedly "bumped" into her.

There was something different about this girl. This pink-haired girl has an expensive necklace that I have seen in the mall in Paris before… It was called a Humpty…something…Another aspect of her that caught my eye was that she had some powerful gleam in her eyes…WHAT AM I THINKING!? I don't have time for that! "Sorry, we're late for our plane!" rushing past her. For a moment, he looked back to see her talking to a brown-haired boy that seems about one year older than her. My throat suddenly felt dry and my heartbeat was racing.

Ikuto thought it was from all the running and lack of water…but he was far from the answer.

Amu's POV

Gosh. That was weird. That dude just ran into me like he didn't see me standing here looking for my passport.

"Hey Kukai…why are you heading to Oregon?" I questioned the brown-headed who was one year older than me.

"Uh…Y-y-you..." there was a long pause from him. "I-i-i…." He took a deep breath and finally spat out, "I want to protect you." When I had a questioning look in my eyes he became flustered and immediately added, "You know…since we're best friends and all." He then laughed uncomfortably.

"Okay. Whatever you say "best" "friend". Let's go before we're late for the plane." Concluding the conversation.

We scurried to the gate and went through the gate doors seconds before it was going to close. Once Kukai and I got to our seats, we immediately began a conversation about Truth or Dare.

"Kukai. Truth or Dare." I said trying to break the silence. Kukai, my best friend was just staring out the window as if he was deep in thought.

"Hmm…" he looked at me with a smile on his face. He knows what I'm going to ask him if he says "truth". We're best friends…shouldn't we know almost everything about each other!? For some reason, I have a feeling he's keeping a secret from me. "…truth!" Kukai exclaimed thinking I would ask the same old question. Which was: What's your secret? This time, I am going to mix it up a bit.

"Who do you like, oh so popular….Kukai." I said with a mischievous smirk plastered on my face. He looked away, but I could tell that he was blushing. "So you DO like someone!" from my exclamation Kukai covered his red face and from the corner of my eye I could see a blue head smirk and quickly move in front of us. I chose to ignore it…for Kukai's sake.

Meanwhile, Ikuto was busy thinking to himself. "Will I ever see you again?" he muttered under his breath.

That's the end of the First Chapter of my VERY FIRST FANFICTION!

Who does Kukai like? Is it Amu? Or is it someone else?

Who is Ikuto talking about when he says "Will I ever see you again?"

Stay Tuned.