I thought the idea I had in the, you decide Song was good so I decide to do it in a story.
Hope you like it!
Zane pov
I woke up to Jay and Kai blasting the noise on their video game. I sat up and rubbed my head, my blond hair sat in front of my face. I had a massive migraine, I sat there for a few more moments rubbing the side of my head with my two fingers.
I let my legs hang off my bed, I had a strange dream (I know nindroids can't dream but just go along with it!). I saw the dark figure again.
We were standing in a small white room. He was black with purple lines all over his body. He had black claws and two long ears, like a wolves. We didn't say anything for a while, all he did was stare with his two dark red eyes.
He then smiled, he had sharp white teeth covered with red blood. I can tell it was blood from the smell. The stench of death filled the room, the aroma made my eyes water. I felt a stinging pain in my lower abdomen.
I looked down to find a hole with blood leaking out, I fell to my knees as clenched my stomach. I cried out in pain. I could feel it.
"I found my way out" he said, he had a cold, high, and scratchy voice. The figure then jumped towards me with mouth open and claws out. The dream then ended when there video game went off.
I jumped off the top bunk of the bed, I was the only one in the room. Their beds have already been made, so I knew they have all been ready for a while. I looked at the alarm clock 11:11 I never got up this late before.
I walked over to one of our dressers and opened the top drawer reveling 5 white ninja suits. I grabbed a pair and walked out of the room grudgingly, I felt nauseas. I walked into the bathroom and set my clothes on the sink.
I turned on hot water in the bathtub to help clear up my sinuses. The steam helped my nose clear up. I then decided to soak to maybe help my sickness. I took off my cloths and threw them on the floor. I slid into the bath.
The hot water made my toes feel numb, but it helped. I was no longer cold. I laid my head back on the side. I closed my eyes for a while. When I opened them again I was facing the ceiling, I rubbed my eye.
I looked down at the water again, but it didn't look like water anymore. The water was now a pool of blood. I jumped out of the tub and scooted across the floor to the door. I saw the boy in my dream covered in blood. He floated out of the blood and flew towards me teeth and claws out.
I screamed and covered my eyes. When I opened them again, he was gone. I was no longer covered in blood and the tub was filled with water. I slowly got to my feet, my headache was worse. I dried myself off and got dressed.
I walked out of the bathroom, I put my hood up and walked down the hall. About half way I had to hold onto the wall for support. The ship swerved to one side making my stomach jump. I held my mouth as I felt my warm lunch coming up on me.
I swallowed it and kept moving to end of the hallway. I opened the door to the deck. Kai, Cole, and Jay all shot their heads at me. Sensei didn't have to look over.
"Zane you are late" he said not even glancing over.
"My apologies sensei" I bowed and walked over next to Cole. I breathed slowly out my mouth, I didn't feel like moving
Sensei did a pose where he stood on one leg with his arms up and his hands pointed. I usually was the best at this stance, but I was off balance. I managed to get my arms in the air but I couldn't get on one leg.
I felt the ship swerve to the left, I put my hand over my mouth and held my stomach. Before anyone could see me I went back to doing poses. Sensei Wu poured another cup of tea. He stopped when there was no more coming out. He flipped the pot over, nothing came out.
"Nya head the ship to go to ninjago city, I need more tea" Nya who was sitting on the stairs nodded and walked into the control room across the deck.
A few minutes later I felt the ship do a complete U-turn. That is when I lost it. I ran off the deck across the hall and into the bathroom. I puked up everything into the toilet. I heard a knock on the door and Jay's voice.
"Zane, are you ok?" he asked slowly I didn't say anything back I stared into the toilet. It was all black. I quickly flushed. What the hell was going on? I stood up and looked into Kai's little mirror. He spent all morning trying to get his spikes correctly in line.
My face was pale and I had a light purple under my eyes. I put down the mirror and walked out they all stood out the door.
"Wow, you look terrible" jay said, Kai punched his arm.
"I am fine, just an ordinary… cold" I said leaning against the door. I need answers.