Axel: Hello everyone! I'm back with a new story, I'm not planning to spam you with stories, it just happened to be finished at the same time with my NarutoXTLR fanfiction, so please don't be mad.
Oh yeah, it might take some time to update my other stories, since I have writer block and I just bough 'The Last of Us', and it's a kick ass game!
This story Idea I got from 'Ignisha', so give credit to him people!
I also wanted to thank my kouhai to betaing the story.
Please forgive me for every grammar errors. Disclaimer!
Zero: Axel own nothing.
*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
"Mmm..." A blond spiky haired male was sleeping peacefully, unaware of the knocking on his door.
*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
"... Ramen..." He mumbled with a slight drool coming out of his mouth.
"Wha-? Who?" The blond said standing up, he looked around the room in drowsiness.
"NARUTO! WAKE UP!" A voice yelled from outside.
Naruto flinched, he knew whose voice is that, after all, they've been teammates all this times. "Alright I'm coming..." Naruto said, walking toward the door unwillingly. He opened the wooden door, and sure enough, his teammate was there.
"Took you long enough you bum." Sakura Haruno said, crossing her arms in clear disapproval of his late answer.
"What is it Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked, rubbing his eye. "Its still early, let me sleep some more..."
A tick mark appeared on Sakura head. "Its noon already! Also, Tsunade-sama calling for you." She said, holding herself back not to punch Naruto's head.
"Okay okay..." Naruto said with a yawn, before he could move outside to meet with Tsunade, he was stopped by Sakura. "What is it Sakura-chan?"
Sakura sigh. "You can't go outside in just your pants."
Naruto looked down to himself, he was naked except his long black pants and his sleeping hat that looked like a weird creature with two buckteeth. Naruto rubbed his head sheepishly. "Sorry about that, I'll go change." Naruto said closing the door.
Sakura sighed, he still hadn't changed. She looked at the blue sky, so peaceful, it's been six months after the dreaded war, Sakura shook her head, now's not the time to remember about that dark past.
Her train of thought was cut off as the door opened and Naruto emerged, wearing his normal black orange jumpsuit, his Konoha headband on his head. "Yosh! Let's go Sakura-chan!" Naruto said, full of spirits.
Sakura nodded her head as the two began their journey toward the temporary Hokage office, the largest camping site above the Hokage's mountain.
"Naruto-san!" Naruto and Sakura looked behind them and saw three village girls walking toward them, they all had black hair and they looked like they're related, probably siblings. They all stopped moving when they are close.
"Ano... We have something for you Naruto-san." One of the girl said, she is the tallest out of all the three girls with her long, black hair, probably the eldest. She nodded her head toward the other girl, she is the shortest with a twintail, looking very nervous.
"Come on Nina, give it to him." The third girl said, she is shorter than the first but taller than the second girl, her hair tied into a ponytail.
The girl was fidgeting, reminding Sakura and Naruto of certain Hyuuga. "Ano... H-here, please take this." The girl said, shoving a wooden basket toward Naruto. "W-w-we all made it, i-in case you are hungry, Naruto-san."
"Oh, thank you." Naruto said with a bright smile, accepting the basket.
The girl flushed deep red as she run away, followed by the pony tail girl while she laughed and teased the runaway girl, the long hair one bowed her head and followed her siblings.
Sakura expression changed into a mischievous one. "Aw... Looks like you have yourself some admirers huh?"
Naruto smiled as he looked at the content of the basket, which was a delicious looking homemade bento. "What a kind sisters." The seventeen years old blond nodded his head. "I should give them something if I meet with them again." Naruto said, completly oblivious.
Sakura shook her head, still the oblivious blond. "Come on, you can eat it later."
Naruto nodded his head and followed after Sakura. He looked around, the re-construction of Konoha are going smoothly, with the help of Yamato, who they rescued along with Anko after the war is over, the rebuilding goes much faster. Naruto looked at the bright blue sky, the sky that he and his friends managed to save, the war costs many lives, so many lives... But their sacrifice were not in vain as Naruto managed to defeat Obito and the Ten Tailed Beast, which was not easy.
"What's with the trip of memory lane kid?" A deep voice asked.
"... I dont know... I'm just... remembering." Naruto replied.
"Come on Naruto, stop moping around, you've saved the world." Kyuubi said.
Naruto sighed. "With a price..."
"Kid, you know their sacrifices were worth it, without them, we won't be able to achieve this peace."
"... Yeah, I will never forget... Never." Naruto thought, clenching his fist.
"Well, we're here." Sakura said, cutting Naruto out of his train of thought. Naruto blinked, he was too focused on his conversation with Kyuubi that he didn't realize they've already arrived.
The two guards that guarded the tent both saluted at the sight of Naruto. ""Good morning Naruto-san!"" They said at the same time.
Naruto sighed, he could never get used to it. "Don't call me that... Anyway, Baa-chan expecting us, can we go in?" Naruto asked, though not before earning a whack from Sakura for calling the Hokage disrespectfully.
The guards were already used to Naruto's antic, made a way for them. "Go on ahead Naruto-san!" One of the guard said.
Naruto's eye twitch for being called 'san'. Before he can walk inside however, one of the guard stopped him. "Ano... Naruto-san, can you sign this book for me? It's for my son ." He showed the blond a book with the tittle 'Tales of the Gutsy Ninja: The Beginning', a rewritten version of the original 'Tales of the Gutsy Ninja' by Naruto, there were three parts, each re-telling the story of three great ninjas, Jiraya, Nagato, and the last being himself.
"Oh... Sure I guess..." Naruto said in a nervous tone as he took the book and signed it. "Um, here you go."
"Ah! Thank you Naruto-san! He'll be very happy!" The guard said while the other guard silently cursing he didn't brought anything for the blond to sign.
"Uh, you're welcome..." Naruto mumbled before entering the tent, followed by a impressed Sakura, who ever thought the blond was a natural writter?
"Yo! Granny! Uzumaki Naruto is here!" Naruto declared, though he was greeted by his old friend, Tsunade's sake bottle, right on the head. "Gah! That hurt!"
"Then stop calling me that brat!" Tsunade said with annoyance clear in her tone.
Naruto grumbled. "So Granny, why did you called me here?" Naruto asked.
"Ah yes, I'm sorry for calling you a day after your mission suddenly." Tsunade said, she rolled her wheel chair away from behind the table. Thats right folks, Tsunade can't used her legs anymore after the fight with the resurrected Madara. It was one of the things Naruto regretted. Tsunade noticed Naruto's guilty look on his face said. "Don't worry about me brat, I'm used to it. Beside, you make it up to all of us by saving us all."
Naruto stayed silent, Sakura touched his shoulder in sympathy, Naruto had gone through so much.
Naruto shook his head, then beamed at Tsunade with his usual smile. "Sorry about that, so what's the mission Granny?"
"Oh yes, about that." Tsunade turned around toward her table, she searched something from a pile of paper works. "Ah, here it is." Tsunade turned around and gave Naruto a paper. "Its an S-Rank mission."
Naruto flinched, S rank? Since the war, there hasn't been any S-rank mission. This is the first. Naruto read the paper with Sakura reading from his shoulder. "Guarding mission? For two years?"
"Thats right." Tsunade said. "Its our first S-rank since the war, and I'm offering the mission to you, Naruto." She said, surprising the other occupant. "Its a solo guarding mission, do you accept? If you do I'll tell you the detail."
Now Naruto is in a dilemma, on one hand, he knew an S-rank mission usually benefit the village greatly if he succeded, and on the other hand, it'll be a year worth mission, so he'll be away from his village, and his friends.
"So what do you say Naruto?" Tsunade asked again.
Naruto remembered the sacrifices of many ninja for their villages, no matter how they suffered, they fight on, in the name of their village. And so, Naruto has his answer.
"I'll do it."
A day had passed since the mission was offered.
Right now, a large crowd of people are gathering at the port of Wave country, most being people of Konoha, they had walked half a day toward Wave country to see their hero off. All of Naruto's friend are also there, even one person everyone half expecting wont come.
"So you'll be gone for a year dope?" A smug sounding voice belong to the one and only Uchiha Sasuka asked.
"Thats right you teme." Naruto answered. "Don't go AWOL again when I'm gone."
Sasuke snorted. "Whatever."
"Can't believe you'll be gone Naruto." Kiba said to his best friend. "We'll miss ya."
"Woof!" Akamaru barked in agreement.
"Good luck Naruto." Ino said.
Chouji walked toward the blond. "Take this." He handed Naruto a large pack of chips. "So you wont get hungry at your journey."
Naruto grinned, accepting the pack. "Thanks Chouji, but I already packed ramens in my storage scroll, no need to worry."
Chouji nodded, satisfied. He walked back to the crowd.
Shikamaru sighed, he inhaled the cigarette on his mouth, and puffed out a smoke. "You're a troublesome person Naruto. But it'll be boring without you around."
Naruto frowned. "That thing will kill you one day."
"Maybe, you should try it."
"No thanks."
Before Shikamaru could persuade his blond friend to try a cigarette, a loud voice cut him off.
"YOSH NARUTO-KUN! Your flame of youth shine brightly!" Lee said in a loud voice. "Never forget your training, and never let your flame of youth gone to waste!"
"Indeed Naruto-kun! Always know that we will miss you." Gai said, smiling to the blond.
"Yosh! Such a youthful thing to said to our friend, Gai-sensei!"
"Indeed Lee! Let us see our friend off with the power of youth! If we can't do that, then I shall run around Konoha with just my hands!"
"If you can't do that, I shall do a thousand push up!"
"And if you can't do that, I shall run laps around town in my underwear!"
"And if you can't do that-"
"ENOUGH ALREADY!" The crowds yelled at the two green beasts of Konoha, who fell silent.
"Naruto-kun, goodluck." Hinata said, beside her Tenten nodded her head, behind them were several other Hyuugas. "Come back soon."
Sakura walked forward and gave her friend one last hug. "Stay safe." She said as she let go and walked back toward the crowd.
Now it's Kakashi turn to walk toward his student. "Naruto, you've become strong this past few years, there's nothing I can teach you now. Just remember what you have been taught, and everything will be fine." Kakashi handed Naruto a small pouch. "Here, there's a few... 'Entertaiment' books inside, to pass time when your on the ship." Kakashi said in a whisper tone and a wink.
Naruto sweatdrop. "Right..."
Kakashi nodded and walked back toward the crowd, finally, its Tsunade's turn, her wheel chair being pushed by Shizune. "We'll miss you brat." Tsunade said with a smile. "Stay safe, and don't get in trouble over there."
Shizune giggled. "Its impossible Tsunade-sama, trouble always seems to find him first."
Naruto grinned. "Nee-chan's right. I'm Uzumaki Naruto! Trouble seems to love me!"
Tsunade just shook her head. "Just... come back safely, your contact should be waiting for you when you arrive and I expect some stories of girls there."
Naruto blinked, before his face went red. "Granny!"
Tsunade laughed as Shizune pushed the wheel chair back at the crowds.
"Naruto." Naruto looked at the person he respected since he was a genin walked toward him. "Whatever happened, stay safe, and know that we will all misses you." Iruka said, hugging the blond as tears fell from his eyes.
Naruto smiled warmly."Thanks for everything, Iruka-sensei." Iruka let go of him and nodded as he walked back to the crowds. "Everyone, thank you. I'll miss you all." Naruto started to walk toward the large ship waiting for him. "Everyone, protect the village while Im gone."
Some of the crowds started to openly crying and nodded their head. But everybody knew his words are meant to his friends, the heroes of Shinobi wars.
"Good luck!"
"Stay safe!"
"Write letters!"
"Don't be a stranger!"
Naruto stepped on the ship, he looked back toward the crowds waving their hands. Naruto waved back one last time, before he turned to the ship captain and nodded.
The captain quickly gave the order. "Come on! Raise the sail and anchor! We're sailing!"
The crews responded with an 'aye, aye!' and went to work as the ship slowly sailed into the oceans, leaving the crowds.
Tsunade looked on as her grandson figure started sailing away, slowly dissapearing. But then, she blinked as she remembered something important. "Oh yeah... I forgot to mention he needed to learn about music instrument and he'll be going to an academy."
"What?" Shizune looked at her master like she had grown another head. "But Naruto-kun didn't know how to play one! And he hates school!"
Tsunade just shrugged. "He'll learn and adapt, after all, he's an Uzumaki.
Naruto smiled sadly watching as land started to slowly dissapear.
"They're good people kid. I understand it's hard leaving them." The captain of the ship said. From the looks of him he's at his 40s or so.
"You have no idea..."
The captain nodded his head. "Well, go and settle up kid, you're going to be here in a long time."
"Long time? How long exactly?"
"Two and a half months, if the wind is good."
Naruto face quickly changed into a horrific one. Two and a half months? In this ship? "You mean I'm gonna be stuck here for two fricking months?!"
Naruto blinked, then he groaned. "Aw, come on! This stink!"
"Boy, I know we are pretty stinky, we are sailors, but don't worry, you'll get used to the smell." The captain said patting Naruto's back. "Well then, I'll be going Mr. Uzumaki, your room is below deck, just ask someone below for more information."
Naruto groaned. "Damn it Granny! Why didn't you tell me?!"
Naruto walked around the deck in boredom, it was nighttime, so only a few sailors are out in the deck. Naruto looked at the never-ending dark oceans, its pretty scary now looking at the dark oceans, never know what might be lurking.
"Hey kid, don't go stand near the railing, you'll fall off."
Naruto looked behind him and saw one of the sailor, though he seemed a bit different, he wore sleeveless white shirt and long black pants and a pair of brown boots. He also wore a red headband, but the thing that piqued his interest was the violin on his hand.
"Hey oji-san, you can play that thing?" Naruto asked walking toward the sailor.
The sailor eye twitch at being called uncle, but he ignored it. "Sure I can boy. I'm this ship greatest musician! Since i'm the only one who can play." The man put the violin on his shoulder and ready the violin bows. "Wanna hear a song?"
Naruto nodded his head, though he kinda doubted the man can play a decent song.
Naruto will be proven very wrong however.
The man put his jaw on the violin, the he started playing a soft, yet sad song.
*Insert Winter Sonata: My Memory.*
If only his jaws could drop on to the floor, he would. The man played like an expert, his face was in complete seriousness, he moved like the oceans waves. And the song was... sad. Naruto could even feel a tear escaped his eyes.
After listening more to the song, the man stopped playing, and his serious face changed into a proud and kinda smug looking face.
"What do you think kid?" The man asked. "Pretty cool huh?"
"Yeah! You're good oji-san!" Naruto said impressed.
The man laughed proudly. "Of course! I am Keiji! The man who ruled the ocean with song!"
"Ah! The name's Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto! Nice to meet you Ji-san."
"Same here kid."
After that, the Keiji and Naruto started small chats here and there, trading stories sometime.
"So kid, you wanted to learn violin?"
"He? You're gonna teach me? And I'm not a kid! I'm Naruto!"
"Yeah, sure kid." He ignored the glare Naruto sent his way. " So, you want to?"
Naruto thought about it, he'll be on the ship for two and a half months... And there'll probably not much to do but stare at the ocean and fish... So his answer is obvious. "Sure Ji-san!"
"All right kid, prepare yourself, cause I'm not a kind teacher!"
And so, that night, Naruto's training in the art of music of Violin, has started.
Two months had passed quickly, soon they would arrive at their destination, but first...
"Damn it! Hold one boys! Keep it steady!" The captain of the ship said, he cursed, they just had to hit the damn storm. Usually, they'll be in trouble since the storm is bigger than he thought, however, that blond kid and his clones were very useful. "Come on kid! Don't laze around!"
"Shut up you old man!" Naruto yelled, holding the rope with his clones. "Come on! We can't let this ship sink! Pull!"
'Ossuuu!' The clone all replied, pulling the rope of the ship.
With the ropes secured at Naruto's hands, all the sailors can do other works, the storm was the biggest thay had hit so far, so the crews were in a kind of panic.
"Man overboard! Man overboard!" Someone yelled as all the sailors including Naruto looked toward the voice. "Keiji fell!"
Without second thought, Naruto release the rope, leaving them with his clones and quickly sprinted in a great speed toward the starboard, when at the railing, he jumped.
He sent some chakra to his feet and he landed on the water safely, he quickly searched for Keiji. After a minute of searching he found the sailor almost drowned on the water, Naruto wasted no time, sprinting toward him.
"Keiji-sensei! Hold on!" Naruto picked Keiji up from the water, the man already lost consciousness, probably swallowing too much water. Naruto quickly ran back toward the ship, when close, he ninja jumped into the ship, surprising some of the sailors, he quickly put Keiji down.
Not wasting another second, two sailors quickly went to him, they checked his heartbeat, still alive, they quickly started to push Keiji stomach a few times as Keiji puked out the water inside him.
Keiji coughed as he regained consciousness. "Man... What hit me?"
The sailors all laugh. "You've almost drowned mate. If wasn't for the fact that your student saved you, you'll be shark food."
Keiji looked at Naruto in surprise, before grinning. "Thanks kid, I owe you one."
"Don't mention it, ji-sensei."
"What are you idiots doing? Get back to work!" The captain yelled at his crew, who quickly went to their post to evade the captain's wrath.
"Come on kid, help us out. The last thing we need is a sinking ship."
"Yeah yeah..."
"Woah... So this is Crypton city!" Naruto said, looking around the large buildings and lots of weird vehicles passing by. Now, the good thing traveling for two months with sailors who's been here before, they shared information with you, so Naruto wasn't really THAT surprised, he heard most from the sailors.
"Hey kid."
Naruto looked behind him and saw all the sailors, including the captain and Keiji. "Guys?"
"This is good bye boy." The captain said. "I... no, we, we'll miss you kid."
"Stay safe."
"Kick some ass!"
Naruto then remembered he has to said his good bye to the sailors. Naruto smiled sadly. "Yeah... I'll miss you guys too. I won't miss the smell though."
The sailors all laughed at that.
Naruto looked at Keiji, who walked toward him with a violin case. "Here, I want you to take this." Keiji shoved the violin to Naruto. Despite learning only for two months, Naruto were becoming a good musician, he's a fast leaner.
"Eh? But this-"
"Its okay kid, I have a spare." Keiji said, he then turned around and walked back to the ship. "Well, take care of yourself kid."
"Hey Keiji, you crying?"
"Shut up! I ain't crying! Something hit my eyes!"
"Yeah sure."
Naruto smiled as he watched his company for two months and his sensei walked away. Naruto then bowed his head. "Thank you for everything." He then quickly turned around and walked toward the unknown city, holding back tears of companionship.
Narutp stopped walking however, when he realized... He didn't know where to go. "No way! W-what did granny said again..? Its been two months and I already forgotten about it!" Naruto said in panic. He knew he should've taken notes!
The passerby sweatdropped, seeing a blond hair orange wearing guy panicking is quite a sight to see.
"Ano... Are you Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto?"
Naruto blinked, he quickly looked behind him and saw a person in all black suits with black sunglasses. He looks... Kinda cool actually, if only the suits are all orange... "Yes, Yes I am." Naruto instantly went into business mode, though he can only keep this up for ten minutes.
"Good, I'm here to take you to the client, so if you will follow me."
Naruto blinked, then he remembered. "Oh yeah... Granny said someone will come and pick me up!"
"Is something amiss?" The man asked again, already a few feet ahead.
"Huh?! Oh, nothing! Nothing at all!"
"Woah..." Naruto said in awe. Right now, he is riding in one of the strange vehicles called 'car'. And the sight of lots of beautiful and tall buildings were very impressive. Though, he wondered if he could remembered the layout of the city, it's larger than Konoha though...
"In all my life of wandering the Land, I had never see such an impressive sight and advance technology."
"Yeah... The technology here is pretty cool. And the place seems so peaceful here..."
"Why don't you move here Naruto?"
"You know I can't do that Kyuubi."
"Just saying."
" We are here." The man in black said as the car stopped.
Naruto stopped conversing with Kyuubi and looked to the front, what he saw will always be remembered.
It's a large five stories school building, with other multiple sub-buildings around it. It's like a castle! "What is this place?"
"This, , is the Crypton Artistic and Music Academy." The man exited the car, with Naruto following behind. "The Chairman is waiting for you."
Naruto nodded, still not used or like being called 'Mr.', it sounded so formal! But he guessed he needs to bear it, for now. Naruto then began following the man, whom he still haven't gotten his name, he asked, but the man replied that he is 'Not important' so Naruto resorted to calling him 'Man in black'. Is people here that weird?
Naruto followed the man inside the biggest, probably the main, building. He saw several staffs and some security on the area, but no student at all.
"Where are the students?" Naruto asked.
"Ah, well, today is a holiday you see, so no students are here right now." The man in black answered with his stoic voice.
Naruto nodded in complete understanding, he too wouldn't even get close to school if holiday's hit. Naruto followed the man in black through several hallways, and walked upstairs through the stairs until they reached the third floor.
"This is it. The Chairman are waiting beyond this door."
"... Through here?"
"Well... Alright then." Naruto gulped, he imagined the chairman is some old bearded man with a strict personality that take no informality. Naruto took one last gulp, then he enter.
The chairman office was filled with creepy artifacts, probably a century old. There's some weird masks on the wall, some weird humanoid cactus things, and a large weird pillar with faces on them. It's official, the chairman is a weirdoe.
On the end of the room were a medium sized sofa with a desk across of it and a large screen on the wall behind the desk. Naruto walked toward the sofa and sat down, looking around the room for any sign the chairman, that is... Until the screen came alive.
"Thank you for coming, Naruto Uzumaki."
Naruto looked at the person on the screen, who had half of his body covered in shadow and only his hands were shown. "Uh... Hi?" Was Naruto intelligent response.
"Ah, hi to you too." The chairman responded with a non-formal tone. "Now, I believe introductions are in order, I am the chairman in this school. I have many names, like Charlie, Yamato, Gintoki, but you can call me ' ' .'"
Naruto blinked, then quickly pointed his finger toward the chairman. "HOW THE HECK DOES THOSE NAMES TURNED INTO 'MR. CHAIRMAN'? ISN'T THAT WHAT YOU ARE?!" Naruto yelled out completely forgetting about formality.
"That's right." Good thing for him the chairman doesn't mind it one bit
Naruto's eyes twitch. "... So I just call you ?"
"Whatever you say then." Naruto already decided everyone here have a very weird sense of naming themself, so he just accepted it.
"Says a person who got named after a food."
"Shut up you furball.'
"Now the pleasentary out of the window, let us talk of your mission, ."
Naruto immidietly snap into attention, this is important.
"To begin with, thank you for coming here, it must be a tiresome journey." He continued. "Now, it's about your missions. You will have several missions at once, however the most important one is to protect the students of the class I will put you into."
Naruto blink in confusion. "Wait... Class? As in, I'm becoming a student?"
"Ah yes, didn't your Hokage tells you that?"
"... I think so... Maybe I'm just forgetting." Naruto said protecting the Hokage reputation and holding himself back to to scream bloody murder of having to go to school, again.
"Ah well, you'll be undercover as a student here, you can play at least an instrument, right?"
Naruto nodded his head, silently thanking his luck of being taught how to play violin by Keiji.
"Good." He seems to be satisfied. "now, the class I'm placing you are filled with famous idols, almost all of them are idols, some still on the way, but have a very high talent. Some people even wanted to pay millions of yen just to study in that class."
"Uhm... So I have to protect an entire class... By myself?"
"Well, not really, since some of them have their own security and our security team will help you along the way. However, there are several 'Must protect' students, their information are on the desk with your schedule."
Naruto looked at the desk, and indeed there are several files of the priority target students and a schedule paper.
"Now, do you have any question?"
"Uhm... Don't I get information for other students?"
"Of course, the rooster and important information are in there as well." The chairman then continued. "Now, if there isn't anything else, let's talk about living arrangement. I have already bought you an apartment several blocks from here, everything you need for school stuffs is there, books, bags, clothes, and even some gadgets and their manuals. The man in black that picked you up will show you the way."
"Okay then... Anything else Chairman-san?"
"Nothing else, you may leave, and do please arrive on time, our student council is very... Strict. And Uzumaki Naruto, let me welcome you to the 'Crypton Artistic and Music Academy."
Naruto nod, he stood up and walked out of the room, where the man in black still waiting patiently.
"Come , this way."
"Damn my place is awesome!" Naruto said giddy, looking around his spacy and cool apartment.
"It's much better than your temporary home, kid."
Naruto ignored the comment, since he already knew its the truth.
Naruto's room consist of a living room with a flat tv, coffee table and a sofa, a kitchen, one bathroom, and a bedroom. The most coolest part was the large window like wall that gave him the view of the city. However, the room lack of plants made a frown on Naruto's face, he needed to buy more plants.
"You and your plants..."
"What about it? I like gardening."
"Oh nothing... It's just a manly thing to do... Gardening, yeah."
"Are you trying to say I'm not manly?"
"Nope, not at all."
Naruto sigh and decided to ignored the fox, he quickly took out a small scroll that had the kanji of 'Storage'. "Alrigh then, let's get settle."
Few hours later.
"Oh my god!" Naruto said, shielding his eyes. "Is that... Is that..." Naruto went to pick it up, slowly like his life depend on it. "A cell phone?!"Naruto looked carefully at the flip type orange phone. He heard about the 'Cell Phone' from the sailors, says it's a very handy and almost everyone have it, its like a 'take-it-anywhere' phone. AND ITS IN ORANGE! He has missed it when he first arrived, but then he noticed the phone on the coffee table, but who cares? IT'S IN ORANGE!
"Do you know how to use it kid?"
Naruto happy moment was crushed, he felt like a thousand bricks plus one big hippo had fallen on top of him.
"... I thought as much, isn't there any instruction book or something?"
Naruto the spotted a small but pretty thick book with the words 'Cell phone manual for monkey'. Naruto decided to ignored the monkey words and began reading the manual.
"Yosh! I'll master the way of using the cellphone! You'll see Kyuubi!"
"Well, good luck kid."
Naruto then began to read the first page od the manual with high spirit.
Five minutes later...
"Uhm... Uh... Allrigh already... Stop ringing..." Naruto opened his eyes slowly, he blink and loooked around. It was his living room. He stood up slowly, yawning. He walked toward the sound of the alarm clock, which is by the sofa. He then pressed the off button. Naruto sleepily walked toward the bathroom.
Naruto washed his face on the sink, he then looked at the mirror above the sink. He blink, then like a roller coaster the memory from yesterday blast through his mind.
"Oh, you finally awake?"
"Kyuubi! Why didn't you wake me up?!"
"I've tried, but you wont even budge, so I just let you be. Good thing your alarm clock still haven't been moved from the sofa. Well, I'm gonna take a nap now, bye."
"Damn it! I've got to read it again-Wait! What time is it?" Naruto quickly sprint toward his clock.
"Damn it! Don't have time! The academy start at 8! Gotta rush thing a bit." Naruto quickly sprint to the bathroom and brush his teeth in a record time, after that he quickly sprint toward the kitchen and ready a instant ramen with a glass of milk, while the ramen boil he heads toward the bedroom and changed his clothes into the academy uniform consisting of black blazer with the school symbol on the left pocket, white button up shirt, long black pants and a pair of orange sneakers. He silently disappointed that no orange in the school clothes whatsoever, at least the chairman gave him a pair of orange sneakers.
Naruto quickly heads to the kitchen and began eating his instant ramen. He manage to finish it in 40 seconds, he drink his milk and quickly grab his bag that already consist the books for today (He already checked) and his violin. "I'm off!" Naruto said to no one in particular.
Naruto jog steadily toward the academy, passing several other students with the same uniform, some looks at him weirdly, probably because they never seen him before. Naruto continue onward none the less, thinking what await him on the academy.
Will the students accept him? Will the teacher be like Iruka? Will there be ramen on the cafeteria? Oh god, please let it be ramen there! In the name of all that ramen!
Naruto was so lost in thought that he crashed into the person in front of him as they both ended up falling down.
"Itai... What hit me?" Naruto opened his eyes as he was greeted by a pair of blue eyes, almost the same as his. He then realize that he is above the said person.
Now, this is almost as cliche as any romantic comedy story everyone knows about, with the guy bump into the girls and they fall down etc, etc.
Now... What if the person you bump into was a pretty boy instead of female?
"Ano... Can you get off of me?"
Naruto then realize he had been trapped in his thought, again. "Oh, sorry about that." Naruto stood up. Naruto looked around, no people, only a few students heading their way, good, his reputation still standing. "Are you hurt anywhere?" Naruto extend his hand, whic the person took gratefully.
"Oh, I'm fine, thanks for asking." The person said, he had a blond hair tied into a ponytail, wearing the same uniform as he is, and he's short, shorter than him at least. But he really looked familiar... Oh, and he also carried a guitar case with him.
"By the way, I've never seen you before, are you a new student?" The blond hair guy asked.
"Huh? Oh! Yeah! Yeah I am! Name's Uuzumaki Naruto, nice to meet you." Naruto offered his hand again, which the other blond accepted.
"Kagamine Len, nice to meet you."
Now that hit him, Kagamine Len, Its one of the priority target he must protected. He already briefly read the files he was given, though only the names, he's too lazy to read more.
"Anyway Uzumaki-san, we should be going, or we're gonna be late."
"Oh! Right! But please call me Naruto, Uzumaki-san is too polite."
"Alright then Naruto-san."
"And drop the 'san'! It made me feel old!"
"Woah..." Naruto said in awe at the academy, even though he already seen it once, it's still impressive.
"Well, Naruto, let me welcome you to Crypton academy! Hope you enjoy it!" Len said rather proudly.
The two blonds walked inside the main building, though Naruto hears and sees some girls whispering and looking at them. Why is that?
"So Naruto, what class are you in?" Len asked.
Naruto hummed in thought. "Its... 3-A, I think."
"Really? What a coincidence! I'm there too!"
"Yeah, coincidence." Naruto thought, he is placed there to guard the students there after all.
"Anyway, you should head on to the teacher office, you need a guide?"
"Nah, I'll be fine." Naruto wave him off.
"Alright then, see you in class!" Len wave at Naruto, then walk away toward class, leaving the blond alone.
Naruto then began his journey toward the teacher office. Truth to be told, he was kinda surprise that the people here are pretty kind, well, he only met few of them, so he'll have to keep his judgement for now.
After walking around searching for the room for about five minutes, Naruto finally found it, the teacher office.
"Excuse me..." Naruto said entering the room, he saw several teachers inside, most of them are walking around here and there doing... Something.
"Hm? Are you the new student?"
Naruto looked at the brown hair women, wearing red clothing that doesnt looked like formal at all. "Uh... Yeah, I am."
"Is that so?" The woman stood up and walked closer toward him. "I'm Meiko, the homeroom teacher of class 3-A and the music teacher, its nice to meet you." Meiko grin at the blond. "I've been expecting you, come on blondie, the class gonna start soon."
Naruto nod his head and followed Meiko toward the class, the teacher seems descent enough.
The class is on the third floor, Meiko said that teaching the third year is kinda troublesome, since they have to climb up to the third floor first, and the children can get kinda rowdy.
"Oh yes, I have to warn you that the students at class 3-A are a unique bunch, so if you see anything weird at all, don't panic!" Meiko warned. "Ah, we're here. Now remember, don't panic." Meiko then open the door. "All right gu-" Before she can finished saying, a bucket of water fall from the door into Meiko, covering her head with the said bucket and drenching her. "..."
Naruto can heard the class all laughing, there's a prankster on his class... He likes it!
Naruto sweatdropped watching his sensei entering the class, rampaging like a hulk on steroid.
"Ahem! Alright, well, I've got some good news for you guys. You see, there'll be a new student on this class, so i hope you guys be nice to him, okay? Or I'll kick your ass."
The students answered with a 'Yes teacher'. Some are snickering though.
"All right, you can come in now."
Naruto took a deep breath, and walked inside, instantly he could feel the eyes of all the students, and he could spotted Len from the corner of his eyes. Naruto stop next to Meiko and turned facing the class.
Multiple options gone through his heads for his introductions, from a bad ass deliquent style to calm and intelectual Haruno style introduction, after debating in his head for two and a half seconds, he finally decided.
"My name is Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto, Its nice to meet you all." Naruto then automatically put on his charming (Foxy) grin.
Naruto could hear a few whispers, he took this chance to scan his classmates.
They are... Unique, different hair style and color, clothes, etc. He sees his priority targets, and a girl that looked like Len. Ah, must be the twin sister he read on the files.
However, there's one person that catched his eyes.
A teal twin tail hair girl, wearing the school standard female uniform. Their eyes met, her bright green eyes staring at Naruto's blue ones. However, that's not what catches Naruto's eyes. You see, the girl are eating a... Leek. A fricking leek. Are munching leek raw like that even taste good?
Naruto train of thought was cut off by Meiko. "All right then, now where to put you..."
Len raised his hand. "Sensei! The seat next to mine are empty!"
"Ah yes! Well, you'll be sitting next to Kagamine-kun over there. I hope you two get along."
"Ah, arigato sensei." Naruto walked toward Len and sat down next to him. "Yo."
"You really are here."
"Of course I am! Who the heck do you think I am?"
"A random dude that crash into me."
"Hey! That was an accident!"
"Namikaze, Kagamine, both of you can get to know each other later, I'm taking register."
Both blonds grin sheepishly.
"Sorry sensei."
Meiko shrug. "At least you both becoming quick friend. But please don't develope more than that, it'll be troublesome if it's happened, for us and the author, not that I mind or anything."
""HELL NO!"" Both blond quickly replied.
Then a blue hair student who is licking an ice cream raise his hand. "Not to worry sensei! The author doesn't like Yaoi so it won't happened!" He paused for a second. "And the beta reader also."
"As much as I appreciate it Shion, stop breaking the fourth wall."
"You started it."
"So where are you from?"
"Somewhere far away."
"Where you live?"
"Have a girlfriend yet?"
"No, but answering that kind of question from a guy is a bit..."
"Hahaha, true, I feel weird asking it too."
"Then don't ask it Bakaito."
Naruto watch in amusement at the interaction of Len twin sister Rin and Kaito Shion, the blue hair student that break the fourth wall. Naruto right now are surrounded by a few students who are curious, while the other don't really care much or too lazy to ask. Shikamaru's syndrome is everywhere I tell you!
Naruto now at least knew the people here are not so bad, a little weird but not so bad. Len had introduced him to his friends that consist of:
Shion Kaito , the blue hair ice cream loving student that sometime called 'Bakaito' by his close friends.
Kagamine Rin, the twin sister of Len. She is far more energetic than Len by far. And she seems to like insulting Kaito.
Luka Megurine, the calm and collected pink hair girl, she has one of the biggest breasts in class (Damn you ero-sennin!). Her kind aura made Naruto feel calm.
The last but not least, Hatsune Miku, the weird teal hair girl that seemed to love leek with passion, he can respect that, but leek? Come on! Although she's more of Rin and Luka friend as they seems very closed.
Naruto silently thanking whoever up there that made his job a little easier, all of his primary target are here, and they're friends now!
"So Naruto-san, do you like leek?"
Naruto train of thought was cut off by Miku's questioned. "Huh? Oh, uhm... I like leek, but not the raw one..."
Miku frown a little at that. "Thats not good! You should try the raw one!" She produce a leek out of nowhere. Something that made Naruto thought she's a magician or something. "Here! Try it!"
"Miku, stop trying to make people like raw leek." Luka interfered before it's get out of hand.
"But Luke-nee!" Miku whined.
"No but."
"Mouu..." Miku puff her cheeks.
"Cute..." Naruto thought with a slight red face, but then his ninja instinct kicked in and he realize he was being watched, by Rin, who gave him a knowing smirk that said 'You liiikkeee her'. Naruto eyes twitch, he wanted to denied it but it'll create a unecessary scene... It's tempting... IT'S TEMPTING TO ERADICATE THAT SMIRK, DAMN IT!
"Ne, Naruto, how about we show you around?" Len offered.
"Sure. But show me where the cafeteria first, in case of me getting hungry."
Before any of them can do any activity, the cruel school bell that knows no bound rang that signal the end of break, much to the students (And silently teachers) displeasure.
After a few minutes of bell, the class door opened and the teacher enter.
"All right, settle down guys." The teacher said taking his place behind the teacher desk.
Naruto looks at the teacher oddly, he has purple hair that tied into a ponytail, and wear a samurai like clothing, heck, he even has a katana on his waist! Its rare to see someone dress like that here.
Len sensing his new friend weirded looked quickly explain. "Thats Kamui Gakupo-sensei, he's the history teacher, he always dressed like that so don't worry about it."
"I heard there's a new student here, is that you?" Gakupo asked looking at Naruto.
"Huh? Uh, yeah! My name is Uzumaki Naruto, believe it."
Gakupo nod. "I'm Kamui Gakupo, history teacher, it's nice to meet you Uzumaki." Gakupo then clear his throat.
"Now then, let's pick up where we left off." Gakupo stood up. " As you know, the famous daimyo, Nobunaga Oda, entered the capital of early Japan, Kyoto, in 1568. On latter year at 1570, Nobunaga Oda launch a campaign toward Echizen, facing the Asakura with the help of the Tokugawa, but then, the Azai clan which has been the Asakura allied for generations betrayed Nobunaga Oda, which is to be expected or so the scholars said."
But then Gakupo unsheated his katana and cut the teacher table in two, surprising Naruto and half of the class. "What is Nagamasa thinking?! Its obvious Nobunaga's powerful, but he still grip his old alliance and challenge him? He must be-"
Naruto sweatdropped, watching the history teacher rant about Nagamasa Azai's decisions. "Is this gonna be daily?"
Len answered immedietly. "Yup."
The door of the classroom opened and Meiko enter with all her glory.
"Gakupo-sensei! What did I tell you about cutting the table in half?! It's your fourth time this month!"
"Huh? Oh... Sorry."
Naruto sigh, his weird day in this academy is just getting started.
To be continued.
Axel: I'm trying to put a good humor in this one, so please advice people! And review!