"So what are we doing, Kakashi?" Naruto asked once his father disappeared.

"It's Kakashi-sensei. What you three have to do is get these bells." he said holding up two bells. He then went over and set down a clock set for noon. "You have until noon to get a bell. Whoever doesn't have a bell will fail and be sent back to the academy."

"Well that's not fair, there are only two bells." Naruto complained.

"Your catch on quick, Naruto. Just remember life isn't always fair." Kakashi said agitating Naruto.

"I just have to grab one of those bells before lunch and I won't fail. Seems easy enough." Sasuke said with overconfidence.

"Your arrogance will be your downfall. If you even want a chance you will have to come at me with the intent to kill. If you don't, you will fail." Kakashi stated.

"Let's do this! You better be ready, Kakashi." Naruto shouted.

"That's the spirit, Naruto. Though, how many times do I have to tell you. It's Kakashi-sensei. Now, Go!" Kakashi said and Naruto vanished into a puff of smoke.

'That was a shadow clone, so where is the real Naruto?' Kakashi thought and noticed Sasuke and Hinata disappeared also. Giving them some time to prepare, he took out his book and began reading.

Naruto was at Ichiraku's when the clone's memories returned. He slammed his bowl down and stood up.

"I got to go. I'll be back later, guys." Naruto said as he stepped out of the stand. Teuchi looked at the spot previously inhabited by Naruto. He smiled at the amusement Naruto's antics brought him.

'I didn't plan on Kakashi being on time. More important, how the hell am I going to get one of those bells?' Naruto thought on his way to the field. He knew what the challenge was and started formulating a plan. It was obvious that something was up. In the end all three or at least one of them would fail. It was something that stood out, but he would have to figure it out later.

Naruto arrived at the training field and crept into hiding at the edge. He saw Kakashi and Sasuke battling it out. He saw Sasuke using Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu and then Kakashi using Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu. Sasuke got washed away and Kakashi pulled his book out again. Naruto muffled a laugh and started considering his plan.

Kakashi wasn't lying when he said they would need to attack with the intent to kill. Kakashi had yet to reveal his Sharingan and he probably wouldn't, considering they were just genin. He had the best advantage if he struck first. Intending to hit him hard, he created four clones and three went to the back side of Kakashi. The real Naruto and a clone ran through the forest so that he would be facing his front side. Once he reached the spot he was favorable with, he saw Kakashi standing in the clearing reading his perverted novel just like before. He just had to wait for his clones to move and then he would strike.

The three clones landed in their position shortly after the real one reached his. The plan was one that relied on speed to overwhelm him, so that they could easily take the bells from him. A few seconds could offer more than enough time to let Kakashi escape and then their plan would certainly fall out.

The middle stationed clone would use Futon: Reppusho to release a gust of wind. Powerful in its own right, but when combined with something else, the jutsu's real might was shown. The clone on the left would use Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu to add a blazing inferno to the mess. His fireball wasn't strong at all, that's why combining it with the wind style move would increase it's power and make it a force to reckon with. The final clone would throw in some shuriken. The wind would increase it's speed and damage while hiding them in the fire. While the combination is dangerous, it was still likely Kakashi would evade it and that's where Naruto and the last clone came into play.

If Kakashi dodged the attack he would most likely come towards the real Naruto and the clone. They would quickly form a Rasengan in one of the real one's hand and then go at him. True, Naruto could have made the Rasengan one handed, but his speed was much faster using his clones. If he let Kakashi have a few seconds he wouldn't even have a chance. The moment when he was recovering from the first move, he would assault him.

Kakashi stood in the clearing pretending to read his novel. He heard and noticed movement in the trees. Somebody was about to make their move and his guess was on Naruto. He assumed Hinata was intimidated from his previous display and Sasuke was busy drying his clothes. Naruto also had the most knowledge on his fighting style and he would use the moment to his advantage. Not to mention the surprise attack he was letting him use.

As planned, the three clones jumped into the clearing behind Kakashi. The wind jutsu was released with the fire one shortly after. The second the fire took over the span of the wind jutsu the third one threw in the shuriken he had in both hands. As all that happened within a mere matter of seconds, Kakashi slammed his book shut and turned around to see a roaring inferno racing at him. Making a split second decision he used Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu and dived underground. While doing so he almost dropped his book and reaching up to save it he got his hand caught in the inferno. Looking down he saw is book had some burn marks.

"Where did he go?" the clone asked the real Naruto. The other three clones had dispelled once performing their part and all had gone according to plan on their part. He didn't come out of the inferno and once the fire died down there was no body in sight. That only left one possibility.

"Damn it. He went underground. Keep an eye out for him." the real Naruto said to the clone. Once he said that the clone was dispelled. Turning around, he quickly blocked a fist coming from Kakashi.

"That was an impressive move. If you didn't make it so obvious you were over here I would have ran this way instead." Kakashi said as Naruto jumped back into the clearing wanting a wide open space.

"I forgot you could dive underground. Too bad I don't know how to counter that anyways. It looks like I got your hand though." Naruto said noticing his burnt hand.

"Oh, this. I hardly noticed. I'm more worried about this." Kakashi said holding up his ruined book. Naruto felt worried as he noticed the evil vibe coming off of his mentor.

"I'm sure you have another copy. Now that your book is out of the way, we can focus on the task at hand." Naruto said putting his fear away.

"You will have to pay for this, Naruto." Kakashi said with no emotion. Doing so caused another round fear to spread through Naruto.

"Whats the worst you can do...Kakashi." Naruto spatted daringly.

"Time to teach you some respect." Kakashi said raising his headband, revealing his Sharingan. Had Naruto not been terrified before, he certainly was now.

Sasuke and Hinata watched on interest and slight annoyance with Sasuke's case. So far it had been a battle clearly above their level. In the academy they did nothing to the level that Naruto had displayed. It made them wonder what kind of training Naruto went through daily. Sasuke always knew Naruto was a little ahead of him, but this made them look like entirely different levels. Now it was time for them to see what else Kakashi knew.

Kakashi reached back and drew out several shuriken. Once he had three in his hand he whipped them out towards Naruto. Naruto placed his right hand underneath his left wrist and activated the seal he placed on there. He drew out a kunai resembling his father's and used it to deflect the shuriken coming towards him.

Once he had throw the shuriken, Kakashi drew his own kunai and ran towards Naruto. The second he deflected them, Kakashi was on him lashing out with the kunai. Naruto caught Kakashi's with his and tried swiping his feet out with his left foot. Kakashi jumped back and threw his kunai at Naruto which he easily deflected. Kakashi then took a taijutsu stance and Naruto, deciding to play along, stored his kunai back into the seal on his wrist.

Kakashi pressed forward and Naruto was on the defensive. Kakashi was relentless in his punches and he prevented every move Naruto made in retaliation. The Sharingan allowed Kakashi to predict Naruto's movements. Naruto's own fighting style was somewhat random and sporadic. Even lacking a conventional pattern to follow, Kakashi could stop Naruto's moves mere seconds before he made them.

Naruto was slow, not because he was slow, but because he was still wearing all the weight he carried. Naruto had been to focused on their task to remember removing his weights. Weights were a great way to train your body, but in battle they took time to remove and the enemy wouldn't allow you the chance to remove them. Naruto's weights got rid of that issue, but it doesn't matter if you forget your wearing them in the first place.

After a few minutes of pushing Naruto around, Kakashi decided it was time finish the punishment.

"Your slow." Kakashi said as he quickly got behind Naruto and grabbed him by the collar. Naruto wasn't expecting the move and cursed himself for getting into the pattern to much. Throw off by why Kakashi would have grabbed his collar, he was dragged and throw into the air. Kakashi was then right behind Naruto and he clasped his hands together outstretching his pointer and middle fingers.

"Sennen Goroshi!" Kakashi yelled out as he inserted his fingers into Naruto's behind.

Naruto yelled out in pain as he felt his behind penetrated. He continued crying in pain as he landed on the ground. Hinata and Sasuke continued to look on horrified and dumbfounded.

"They're both highly skilled shinobi...yet they're both complete idiots." Sasuke said shocked at their display.

Kakashi stood over Naruto's form and covered his Sharingan. He used it longer than he had intended and he could feel the effects of it.

"Damn you. That was hardly fair." Naruto cried as he rubbed his behind.

"Life isn't fair. Even less in our world. You will encounter many people with abilities far greater than your own. Instead of concentrating on how unfair the battle is, focus on overcoming their advantage and taking them down."

"Yeah, yeah Kakashi...-sensei." Naruto mumbled out.

"Good. Now you just need to pass this exam. I will say though, you lasted longer than most people have with my Sharingan activated." Kakashi said as he left Naruto in the clearing.

"I will get you back, sensei. That was a dirty move." Naruto said to himself. Remembering the battle he realized his greatest mistake. He was so focused on taking him down he forgot to remove his weights. No wonder he had such a hard time keeping up. He removed his weights and started to reevaluate the situation. Now without the weights he had a better chance of getting him. Kakashi was also sluggish from using the Sharingan, granted Naruto was feeling the effects of the battle as well. More importantly, he needed to reconsider the entire exam. There was a deeper meaning; he was sure of it.

"N-naruto-kun, are you okay?" Hinata asked. Naruto looked behind him and saw Hinata had come out of the forest. From what he could tell, Hinata had been shaken by something. After the display she just observed, anybody would be scared of Kakashi.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about this test." Naruto said.

"I-it does seem a little w-weird." Hinata noted thinking about it as well.

"We don't have much time for thinking. In less than two hours, it will be noon. Tell me his weaknesses, Naruto. I almost had a bell before." Sasuke said walking towards the two.

"That's just it. He covers all of his weaknesses. Finding an opening will be tough. I couldn't even get close with him using the Sharingan. He is out of our league; getting a bell will be impossible." Naruto said realistically.

"Why d-don't we work together. We have a b-better chance then." Hinata added in.

"But there is only two bells. That means one of us will get sent back to the academy." Sasuke said falling into the obvious trap of the test.

"That's just it. There is something else going on with the test; it's designed weirdly. Kakashi said our objective is the bells, but they're not; the bells are a mere diversion. There is only two bells, meaning we are more likely to look out for ourselves and fight individually. However if there were three bells, then it would be obvious to work together to get them all so everyone passed. Individually, we have no chance of getting a bell, but together we have a chance of getting them. That means the objective of the test is not getting a bell, but working together to get a bell. Leave it to Hinata to have the answer." Naruto said in sudden realization.

"B-but I..." she started saying before being interrupted.

"To pass we just need to work together, so we don't need the bells." Sasuke said making sure the point was clear.

"Probably not, but we'll get the bells anyways. Now to think of a plan..."

'Looks like they may have figured it out.' Kakashi thought as the three talked in the recent battleground.

"Do you see him?" Naruto asked to Hinata with her Byakugan activated.

"Y-yes, about two-hundred meters at three o'clock. H-he's leaning against a t-tree reading."

"If were going to move, we need to do it soon. We have about an hour before noon." Sasuke said worried.

"Don't worry. This will be over in no time. You all know the plan?" Naruto asked.

"Yep." Sasuke and Hinata said simultaneously.

"Alright, let's go."

All three ran in the direction of Kakashi. Sasuke went to the left, whereas Hinata and Naruto went to the right. The plan wasn't anything to the grand scale Naruto had displayed earlier, but it was one catered to their abilities and current condition.

Sasuke ran into sights of Kakashi and threw several shuriken at him. All of the shuriken hit the target, only to revel a log in the place of the real Kakashi. Sasuke looked around and found Kakashi at his back side engaging him in taijutsu.

"That won't work." Kakashi said as Sasuke kept his interest for a bit. They hoped Kakashi would have fallen back towards where Naruto and Hinata had stationed themselves, but any amount of planning couldn't prepare yourself for the actual battle. They could only improvise at that point and do as they saw fit.

Naruto and Hinata raced towards Kakashi and Sasuke. He had held his own, but to overtake him they would need to help. Two squads of shadow clones raced along either side of them. Hinata would get hits on Kakashi, hopefully disabling his movements while they tried for the bells. The shadow clones would try to grab for his limbs and hold him down while they made their move.

As they came up from behind a clone jumped for Kakashi's right leg; only to get kicked and dispelled. Hinata continued up from behind and tried to get a hit in, but realized she had just struck Naruto from behind and surprised. The clone dispersed and Kakashi had once again evaded their assault.

"Stop running, Sensei. We've had enough of you dodging our every move." Naruto shouted in growing annoyance.

"It is merely evasion. I shouldn't have to explain that." Kakashi stated making his appearance once again.

"He's scared we'll actually beat him; that's why he is always running from our combined attacks." Sasuke declared.

"I'm right here. Try you best; you will not get a bell. This is your last chance or you'll all be failing." Kakashi bluffed. Kakashi had to keep his bravado up, but the three knew it was just a bluff to cause panic in them.

"Don't worry. None of us are going to fail." Naruto said reaching for the seals on his wrist. He retrieved four kunai from the seal; he threw two behind him and then two at Kakashi landing on either side of him. Kakashi kept alert himself; he had never seen the tactic before and wondered what his plan was. There was no way Naruto had learned the Hiraishin, but what would the seal be then?

"What are you doing, Naruto? Those were no where near him." Sasuke asked impatiently. At that point the plan was gone and they were doing everything as they thought of it.

"They weren't meant to hit him; they're meant to trap him. This way he can't run from us." Naruto said as a shadow clone clapped his hands together. A seal spread out quickly connecting each of the kunai and a barrier rose around them. Before Kakashi could react the barrier had trapped them all.

"So, this is another of your creations? A Kekkai you can maintain by yourself; you use the kunai's to create the shape. Impressive, but it also means that only you maintain the barrier. You must supply enough chakra for four people." Kakashi said in minor interest.

"That's true, but this wasn't my initial purpose for creating these seals; I'm improvising." Naruto stated proud of his handiwork.

"Then what was?" Kakashi asked in an attempt waste time.

"Ah, N-naruto-kun. Shouldn't we be fighting, n-not talking." Hinata said worried about the time.

"She's right. You can brag about you seals later, we need to hurry." Sasuke agreed.

"Right, thanks guys." Naruto said. Sasuke grabbed one of his last shuriken and tossed it Kakashi's way. Now he couldn't use a substitution or go underground, so that left dodging to the side. With the tight confines they now had, fighting would get much more hairier.

The three rushed forward and tried their best at a teamed assault. Though having never practiced before, it was a mess of activity. Naruto and Sasuke got into each others ways and constantly ruined every opening Hinata saw. Every attack that was planned was blocked, but allowed Hinata an opening which let her get a few hits in. Having enough of the constant scrambling, Kakashi jumped and used the wall to get into the center of the barrier.

"At this rate time we'll run out of time. You two try to grab a hold of him and hold him still. I have an idea that will finish this quickly." Naruto said and the two could only agree.

This was it. The last attempt. Time was ticking down and exhaustion started to gnaw at each of them. In a final attack, Naruto ran and jumped above Kakashi getting into his weakest spot. Sasuke and Hinata took the moment he had done that, stealing Kakashi's attention, and made a grab for his legs. Sasuke barely got his hand on his leg while Hinata had managed to grip his left leg firmly.

That was the losing move. Kakashi knew it would have been defeat then and there. He had wasted all of his energy on using the Sharingan and all the other jutsu's he had done. Hinata's attacks also limited his movements. Even if he could use a substitution, he had nothing to switch out with. He was trapped, right in their hands. He tried escaping from their death holds, but they put their all in as well. To busy on escaping he heard his worst nightmare from behind.

"This is payback. Namikaze Style Sennen Goroshi!" Naruto yelled as he stabbed his innovated jutsu into Kakashi. Kakashi yelled out in extreme pain and discomfort. The normal style one he used gave him nightmare's, but the creation of Naruto Namikaze was one of pure evil. Upon the tips of his fingers, Naruto had created a tiny Rasengan. The violent mass of rotating chakra caused a great pain and the scream was one nobody would ever forget.

Kakashi fell over. Due to the effect of the jutsu and the added exhaustion, Kakashi had lost temporary control over his waist and downwards. All three soon realized their success. In the beginning they had clearly known Kakashi would have been impossible to defeat, but thanks to teamwork and foolish moves on Kakashi's part, they had succeeded.

"D-did we beat him?" Hinata asked unsure herself.

"Looks like it." Sasuke said surprised himself.

"We beat Kakashi! Looks like we win sensei!" Naruto said proudly reaching down for the bells. Unfortunate for Team Seven the sound of a distant alarm rang out. As Naruto was about to touch the bell, his hand was swatted away by Kakashi.

"Nope, you guys lose. You all failed to get a bell from me by noon." Kakashi said getting himself up. He walked, or what you could deem as walking, in front of them and turned around looked them all in the eye. Kakashi wore a mocking face and anticipated the sad looks of his failed students. However, his students showed no signs of defeat.

"What? Aren't you guys at all disappointed? You managed to get so close, but failed in the end." Kakashi said.

"Stop the act, Kakashi. We know the goal wasn't the bells." Sasuke said.

"Oh, do I need to teach you lesson as well? Or perhaps I could have Naruto administer the punishment." Kakashi said and enjoyed the visible shudder Sasuke displayed.

"I'll pass." he said with clear distaste.

"Fine. Since you won't let me have my fun anymore. Congratulations, you all pass."

"Alright!" Naruto screamed out. Hinata just smiled and Sasuke wore his own smug smile.

"You guys are the first to ever pass my test. Every other team before you has failed to realize the real goal of the exam. As you know, the bells are a diversion. The real goal was to see if you could put aside yourself and work together as a team. Teamwork is the most important skill for a shinobi. While independent strength is important; it is when we pool together our independent strength that our collective strength is that much greater. You guys were able to see underneath the underneath. You could set aside your personal interest and pool together your collective strengths. That way, you guys could almost get these bells. Follow me, I want to show you all something." Kakashi said hobbling away. After a few minutes of walking they came up to a stone with names engraved in it. It was one Naruto had recognized.

"There was another part to the test. I told you guys not to eat breakfast this morning. Did any of you eat breakfast this morning?" Kakashi asked.

Naruto and Sasuke nodded their heads, while Hinata shook hers as she didn't have breakfast. Kakashi was right; that was how he had predicted it would turn out. In either case he was happy with the results.

"I was testing your loyalty. Hinata followed my orders, but you two didn't. Why is that?"

"Well, I assumed you said not to, because of your intense training. I knew I could handle it so I thought I would eat." Naruto said worried.

"Same here." Sasuke said with unconcerned.

"Well, good." Kakashi said earning a puzzled response. "I wanted to see if you guys were blind dogs who would do anything I said or genins with an actual intelligence. It is important to follow orders. Those who don't are called trash, but it is also important you question your orders. There maybe a time you receive an order that is questionable or without reason. Hinata, if you were ordered to kill an innocent baby, could you? The point is that you must also make sure your orders are in the best interest of the mission, whether you are receiving or giving them. Telling you not to eat was an order without much reason. Hinata followed my orders, which is good, but it had no reasoning behind it. You two questioned me and thus disobeyed me. I tested you further as well, Naruto. Your father owed me a favor and he agreed. He also told you not to eat breakfast and you yet again disobeyed him, your own father and Hokage. Even the Hokage can get mislead and give out bad orders. It is up to you to make the best possible decision in that case. Is that clear? We are not things for people to do with as they wish, we are human beings with our own minds and feelings. That line does exist and it's important to know it does."

Kakashi finished and all three nodded. Kakashi turned around and looked at the stone. Naruto knew very well it held a great importance to Kakashi.

"This stone has the names of hero's engraved in it. Many of them I fought beside, including my best friend. They all fought bravely in battle and followed orders. Some even questioned their orders and did as they saw best. In doing so, they saved the life of their comrades. Remember this, those who break the rules are trash, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash."

Kakashi stood and continues to look at the stone. Sasuke and Hinata got the feeling he was greatly attached to the stone as well. Soon though, Kakashi returned in a much better mood.

"Alright, everyone. Team Seven is officially formed. We start first thing tomorrow." Kakashi stated.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Orochimaru asked his unannounced guest.

"An alliance. We both have a similar goal. I can help you ensure victory." the visitor said.

"Always straight to business with you. You never change, do you Danzo?"

"I could say the same to you. Will you accept my aid or not?" Danzo restated his question and looked at the snake man.

"First off, how do you know of my plans?" he asked cautious of the man.

"You should know quite well I have my own connections throughout this world. I hear things that not even your former teammate would have a clue about." Danzo said stoically.

"Ah, Jiraiya. I've heard his spy network has become the largest in all of the shinobi lands."

"It's not the quantity of something, but the quality of something that makes it formidable." Danzo stated in his ever cryptic manner.

"Yes, leave it to Jiraiya to be more concerned about quantity than quality; all he ever cared about was the size of things. You know what I have planned, so what do you want out of it?" Orochimaru asked finally.

"It's quite simple really. You get to destroy the village and I come in and rebuild it as the new Hokage. If I must take a destroyed village, then I will. It's only a matter of time until its destroyed anyways by that fool Yondaime."

"Your still clinging onto that dream, Danzo. You are persistent, but I shall accept. You can aid me by taking out Minato. I'll be taking the old fool for myself. I assume you have you own forces as well." Orochimaru said in acceptance of his aid.

"Of course."

"Good, than the Leaf's destruction is at hand." Orochimaru said amusing himself.

Author's Note:

Leaf Ranger pointed out that I had missed the point on deception with the entire breakfast thing. I can't believe I forgot about that, but I managed to pull something out of my ass and bring it around in this chapter.

School has also started again. Expect stuff at a much more slower pace than normal. I have also had a lack of inspiration lately and once I get back into the groove of things I hope it will return. Thanks for your patience and thanks for reading.

Jutsu List:

Futon: Reppusho – Wind Style: Gale Palm

Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu – Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu

Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu – Earth Style: Hiding like a Mole Technique

Sennen Goroshi – One Thousand Years of Death

Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu – Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu