When Marceline awoke, she was lying on her back, in a hard bed. She was confused, her body was numb, and she found that every move she made was painful. Her hand automatically went to her stomach, but jumped back when she realized that the bump she had grown so accustomed to was now gone, and her stomach was nearly as flat as it had been before her whole life had fell apart. Panic gripped the Vampire's heart and she looked around the room she was in wildly.

Marceline saw that she was in a large tent, rather than the infirmary that she had expected, and slowly, everything that had happened after her wedding came back. The memories were fuzzy at first, but as they began to sharpen, Marceline's panic turned to a deep, cold fear. She remembered giving birth, and hearing Ash's voice, and seeing him run away with Liam in his arms. A scream rose in her throat, and it soon pierced the silence around her.

Finn, who was sitting silently around a campfire outside the tent along with Princess Bubblegum, Doctor Princess, Jake, Lady Rainicorn, and Simon, heard Marceline's screams and ran to her. With Doctor Princess and Princess Bubblegum at his heels, he threw back the tent flaps and wrapped Marceline in a tight, yet gentle, embrace.

"I'm so glad you're awake, Marcy. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

"Where's my baby?" Marceline screamed, gripping Finn's t-shirt in her fists. "Where's Liam?"

Finn began to cry, and Princess Bubblegum stepped forward and gently removed Marceline's fist from Finn's shirt.

"Ash took him, Marceline," she said. "We don't know where, but we're trying our best to find out."

"No you're not! You're just standing here!" Marceline screamed, trying to push herself out of bed. "We have to go get him!"

Doctor Princess gently pushed Marceline back onto the bed.

"Marceline, you have to lie down," she said, her voice firm. "You had some complications during delivery, and I had to operate. You've just had a major surgery, and you're in no condition to go anywhere."

Marceline stopped struggling against the doctor and looked up at her.

"Major surgery? Why?"

"You hemorrhaged after giving birth, and I have to do an emergency hysterectomy. That means that you'll never have another child, but it was a last resort. You were losing too much blood, and-"

"Just stop," Marceline said. "I don't blame you. You were just trying to save me."

"I'm glad you understand," Doctor Princess said. "Now, you need to rest. I can give you something to relax you if you'd like."

"Okay," Marceline agreed. "Finn, will you stay with me until I fall asleep?"

"I'll stay with you all night, Marcy," Finn promised.

Doctor Princess handed Marceline a pill and a glass of water.

"It'll take about an hour for it to kick in, but anything that works faster would probably make you nauseous. Do you need anything else?"

"No, I'm fine," Marceline said. "Thank you."

Princess Bubblegum squeezed Marceline's hand and tried her best to smile.

"We really do have a plan, Marceline. We're going to get him back. No matter what."

"Thanks, Bonnibel."

The doctor and the princess left Marceline and Finn alone so that the queen could rest. Finn stood next to Marceline's bed, his head down, his blond hair hanging down over his eyes.

"Lay down with me, hero," Marceline whispered, taking Finn's hand. "Please?"

Marceline pulled back the blankets, and Finn laid down next to her, taking care to avoid the IV that was steadily pumping blood back into her body. Despite their close proximity, Finn didn't touch Marceline, and she realized how upset he was. She scooted over until she was under his arm, and she rested her head on his chest.

"I don't blame you, you know," she said.

"But it's my fault," Finn said, his chest beginning to heave. "I didn't stop Ash in time. I let him get away with Liam."

"We're going to find him, Finn. You guys said you had a plan, didn't you?"

"Yeah," Finn replied, wiping his eyes.

"Well, what is it?"

"PB is trying to pinpoint Ash's location. In about a week, we're going after him. Simon, Jake, Lady Rainicorn, and Princess Bubblegum are coming with us. Doctor Princess is going to stay back to help out in the Vampire Kingdom."

"Okay. Hey Finn?"


"Why aren't we in the castle? Why are we here?" Marceline asked, already knowing the answer.

"It's gone, Marcy. The whole castle and most of the kingdom."

Marceline nodded. She knew that she should be upset, and a part of her was, but she also couldn't help but feel as though a weight lifted off her shoulders. She could no longer be a ruler without a kingdom, and she was now a queen in title only.

The Vampire looked over at Finn, and saw that his eyes were closed, and a steady stream of tears ran down his face. She started to comfort him, but she realized that nothing she could say would ease the pain he was feeling. She settled for snuggling closer to him and slowly, almost hesitantly, he wrapped both arms around her.

They lay close together and sleep overtook them. Finn's rest was troubled by dark, confused dreams filled with a green mist. He was beginning to get scared when a bright light shown through the mist, and he was once again face to face with the Cosmic Owl.

"You haven't failed, Finn. Find the child. It is greatly important that you do. Trust no one on your journey, for the man with the ram's horn is in your midst. Good luck to you, Finn."

Finn shot up in the bed, his heart racing.

"What is it, Finn? What's wrong?" Marceline asked groggily.

"Nothing Marcy," he replied. "Go back to sleep."

Marceline lay back down, her head on Finn's chest. The hero put his arms back around her, and wondered where Ash had taken Liam.

"I'm going to find you, Liam," he thought. "Daddy promises."

Finn rested his chin on the top of Marceline's head, and hoped that he could keep his promise.

AN: Thanks for reading! The third installment of the trilogy will be out soon, titled "The Lost Prince". Don't forget to leave a review telling me what you rethink, or if you have anything you'd like to see in the final story!