Talos, Maxios, Pyre, Gaia, Elika, Kai, Crux, Alex, James, Taze, Destra, Combu, Noir, Smog, Aria and her Dark side; Ariasel, Lesh and Laya, Blank, Keros, Numas Blood, Dark and Soul belong to Dragon. Of. Chaos97
Update: Spike, Shena, Triple, and Ashe belong to Dragon. Of. Chaos97
(Note: DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT read this until after Tails the Machine has been completed)
Chapter 24
A portal opens up and Spike, Shena, and Backlash walk out, followed by Triple who now has three cybernetic tails and then Klaww and Fang. The difference with Fang is that he no longer looks like he's half Ice Golem. Klaww's left eye is now cybernetic.
"Come on walnut-brain, carry your own weight." said Klaww as he helped Fang walk after the two got into a massive fight on the Death Egg with Dr. Robotnik.
"Are you calling me fat runt?" snarled Fang.
"No, you're made of pure muscle which makes you heavy, seriously, you weigh a ton with all the muscles you have."
The two then notice the others looking into the sky and the two look up and see a Hook Jaw ship before they hear beeping and see Klaxon messing with his cybernetic arm.
"Gramps, what are you doing?" said Klaww as he looked at his grandfather, confusion on his face.
"I jinxed myself Klaww. Before I left to help you two, I said a Hook Jaw Planet Cracker wouldn't come here and well...it did. I have to go back in time now." said Klaxon sadly as he continued working with his arm.
"Can't we fight it?" said Fang as he got his injured foot in a stable position.
"No. If they brought that ship here, there's no chance of us winning...at all. I'm sorry..." said Klaxon before he disappeared in a clock-like vortex.
"Uh...guys? The ship's front is charging up a massive weapon!" said Triple looking up.
Suddenly a red beam surrounded by blue energy struck the planet and after thirty seconds it died down.
"What that supposed to do? Huh? Hu-" said Backlash before he disintegrated in thin air, followed by Spike, Ashe, and Shena. Klaww clutches his eye as he it shows him WarFang and everyone inside disintegrating.
"Bye Fluffy." said Triple before he exploded into dust. Trees, plants, and rocks then began disintegrating and Fang looked at Klaww.
"We're dying too." said Fang bluntly.
"What makes you say that?" said Klaww before Fang held up his hand to show it slowly disintegrating, the flesh gone with the muscles underneath slowly going.
"So this is the end huh? We become friends again, only to see everyone around us die before we do? Fate is a bunch of bullshit." said Klaww as Demon Lightning began crackling around him.
"What are you going to do?"
"Go Supernova."
"It's a move I learned but it kills me in the process. Care to give me a lift brother?"
"We're not going down without a fight." said Fang as his Sharingan eye morphed into the Mangekyou Sharingan and the two warped away in a vortex originating from his eye only to reappear in the hangar of the shape.
"They've been effected by the Planet Cracker! Don't let them live and get to the king!" yelled a Hook Jaw (HJ for short) Juggler as he pulled out three pairs of throwing knives from his back with his six arms.
"They're Hybrids! Kill them!" yelled a Grunt, jumping down from the catwalk above the two brothers.
"Old times?" asked Fang as he brought out his claws.
"Old times." said Klaww as he entered his Demon Form with the Demon Lightning still crackling around him.
Various HJs charge the two and a massive fight ensues with elements flying everywhere, bullets from various HJ weapons flying everywhere, and bodies being ripped apart by the two brothers until Fang is sliced in half by a HJ Berserker.
"Time to die Hybrid Filth." said the Beserker as he grabbed Fang by the head.
"No...time for you to die...I was mostly the decoy...NOW CLAW!" yelled Fang as blood trickled down from his mouth.
"With pleasure!" said Claw as he unleashed all his built up Demon Lightning and Elemental Energy at once.
Outside the Ship...
The ship seems fine until it suddenly collapses in on itself before it violently explodes into a Red-Black black hole that sucks in any remaining pieces of the ship. The red-black black hole then violently explodes taking out three hundred nearby solar systems with it.
Inside a Vast Whiteness...
Fang and Klaww standing side by side before they turn to face each other.
"So this is it?" said Fang.
"Yep. We're dead walnut-brain." said Klaww.
"I'm not stupid!"
"Oh yeah? Remember Piranha Lake? Or how about your fight with Zeph? Oh, I know! How about you trying to kill me when you knew I would see the attack coming?!"
"I was consumed by hate! But I guess you're right about one thing; I'm the brawns and you're the brains."
"Glad to see we're friends again. Well, I have to get going." said Claw as he began walking away, his scars fading.
"What? Where are you going?" said Fang confused.
"The Devil's Eye is called that for a reason, you figure it out...walnut-brain." said Claw before he disappeared in a puff of red hellfire.
Fang suddenly finds himself in a place that would be considered "paradise" before a certain three-tailed fox plows into him and puts him in a bone-crushing hug.
"Hi Fang!" said Triple.
"Nice...to see you...too Triple...can't breath...need air...!" said Fang as his face turned blue before the fox released him.
"Sorry, where's Klaww?"
"Couldn't make it to be here. Here's a hint: the reason his eye is called the 'Devil's Eye'."
"Oh. That sucks." said Triple, his ears drooping.
"Oh, I'm sure he'll be fine."
Meanwhile; Nether-Realm...
"Ever since you came here, the torture for all these evil souls has gone up. Why is that?" said Scorpion as he looked at the hooded figure he was walking with through the Nether-realm.
"Oh, no reason." said the figure as he looked at the audience, his eyes glowing a demonic red as red-black lightning crackled around him for a nanosecond which Scorpion missed.
Time Reversal: 5,000+ Years
Location: Warfang; Klaxon's Room...
A hand smashes the alarm clock to pieces before a twelve-year-old blue-green scaled dragon sits up in his bed, his eyes filled with sleep before they become fully aware and the dragon looks around.
'Back in the past huh? I forgot what it was like...maybe this time, Tyrannis won't wind up with such a bad past...guess I'll wait and see. I do feel bad for Klaww and Fang though...they'll come back into existence...eventually...' thought Klaxon as he got up and prepared for the Academy like he usually did when he was twelve.
Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to read, review, follow, and/or favorite.
For those who are confused as to how Fang came back to life; read Tails the Machine and wait until it is finished to understand this chapter! I said not to read this chapter until then for those who disobeyed!
Not sure if I'll rewrite Klaxon's adventures or not, I might though...so be prepared just in case.