Naruto poofed to training ground seven. Sasuke was standing in the middle of the clearing. Naruto and Sasuke were staring at each other intently. The power that was radiating off of them was similar to when Orochimaru and Sandaime were fighting. They just stood there looking at each other for two minutes.

All the ceremony people had arrived and Hinata arrived with her family. They were a distance away. Kakashi and those who were at the Barbeque shack had felt the immense power and came to check it out. They all landed next to Konohamaru. The Anbu squad came when they felt Sasuke and an unfamiliar power; they surround Naruto.

Sasuke spoke to the Anbu squad "Stand down."

Hokage and Kazekage were arrival at Training field ground. Tsuande turn to Gaara read his expression was not good after heard the truth about her owned sister betray his fellow jinchuriki heart.

"Gaara, I…"

"It alright I know what it rights my emotion has controlled as my Kage duty."Gaara looked at her so called sister Temari " I don't know what do to" His head down staring at the ground "She is my sister and I unable to kill her"

Tsunade smiled put her over Gaara shoulder " I knew you never hurt she is your sister. And I know you want to unity our alliance between your village and leaf. That why you made a proposal…..

"I has a proposal for him. It would not be Temari what she did with him. Garra lips smiled he look at blonde " I know there is a certain women in my village was already fall over him" Tsuande eyes widened and surprised at Gaara speech.

"What? Who ? when this happened ?"

"Well I told you later after this match is over" Gaara said. while Tsuande nobbed both look at the blonde.

Backed to Sasuke

A man with a bear mask spoke "Sasuke-sama, we have a duty to take in anyone who acts against a shinobi of the Leaf."

"I said to stand down. Don't get involved no matter what happens." He said this while looking at Naruto the whole time. The Anbu squad decided to watch the fight.

Suddenly Hitomi who was wearing anbu Uniform and wearing the Black cat masked " What happened cat-chan" Naruto looked at Hitomi. Hitomi stand besides him "Don't loose Naruto-kun , I don't want to loose my real daughter. If you win I would happily give you a special reward that you never forgotten."

Naruto smiled" It doesn't matter I'm happily accepted you're reward but I don't want it and it might be not like my below wife's." Naruto scratched his head " I'm doing this for those who was close to me and you're including Hitomi-chan" Naruto said with smiled. she lifted her upward little but that no on could see her identity. She gave kiss over his cheek.

Naruto blushed at sudden kiss and stared at Hitomi who put her masked backed to her face "Hey…." All the sekriei who seal inside Naruto and Hitomi bodies gave death glare to Hitomi.

"It was only good luck kiss nothing more girls" Hitomi replied.

"It was second time you did , it's okay with that but don't do that again in front his original wife is here" water sekirei replied. Naruto and Hitomi were blushed that she what she was remind

"Hey I'm his wife too" Akistu said who standing besides her.

"I wonder how kyubi's felt his new company's mostly a women" Naruto thoughs.

"So you finally thoughs about me huh , brat"

"Kyubi you finally talked" Naruto smiled at him. " Kyubi thank you for everything you did to me. Without you're power I can't relive Hitomi and known the truth that he told me" Naruto said. " I can anything do for you kyubi"


"anything kyubi. Uzumaki honoured I never go backed my words" Kyubi look at blonde give him a devil smirked " Okay Naruto-kun just win this fight" Naruto , Hitomi , Tsukuimi, Akistu and finally Musubi blinked at almighty beast added his name with –kun.

Suddenly Naruto and Hitomi could felt strongest dealth glared coming behind her backed that person was none of other than Hinata Hyuga. Hitomi smiled at her daughter it mean she really loved Naruto.

Backed to Hinata

"How dare she bitch tried to kiss my Naruto-kun" Hinata clench her feet " every women was tried to used my Naruto-kun an throw for their self-fish reasons" Hinata extent her killer intel that most of all men would gasps.

Naruto look at Hinata and smile. Hinata angered was vanished when she look at Naruto smile face. She blushed and look away.

(Here small Note: Hinata is only daughter of Hitomi. After her death Hiasha Married to Hana Hyuga who branch member. Hinabi was her child not Hitomi. Other part I explained later)

"Naruto-niisan is about to kick Sasukes ass." Konohamaru replied.

Hanabi who was standing next Hinata"You really are a fool, monkey boy. Naruto can't beat Sasuke-sama. He's going to be the My Sister Fiance who were powerful than him, no way he loses to him."

He turned back to Sasuke and was smiling. Sasuke was curious.

"What are you smiling at dobe?"

"Just smiling at how I will bring backed what I lost and there is another thing I do that to make to defeat badly, Sasugay."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed at that statement. Naruto calling Sasuke-chan was one thing, but saying that he was a fag boy was over the line. He shifted in to a fighting stance, "Then show me"

"With pleasure."

Naruto and Sasuke formed hand seals faster then anyone could follow, and they both yelled "Katon: Ryuka no Jutsu" A big dragon flew from both their mouth. Both dragons collided and canceled each other out. No one could see would happen after that due to the dirt blocking their vision

Temari was looking, trying to see what was happening. Neji saw her worry, so he decided to tell her what was happening "They are engaging in a tajutsu match, neither one is getting the upper hand. When the dust cleared everyone saw both fighters blocking the others punches and kicks. Sasuke did a round house kick that sent Naruto into a nearby tree. Everyone was looking on in amazement.

"Naruto-kun , are you alright?" Tsukuimi and Akistu said in same time.

"I'm alright Himes but if you're with me nothing can bit me" that comment made them blushed again he heard Kyubi growled that made him confused.

Naruto rubbed his jaw "Dam he's good. I didn't want to do this but I guess I have no choice." Naruto walked back the clearing where Sasuke stood in his fighting stance.

"That was a nice kick. But let's stop playing with each other. How about you take off your weights and I take off mine so we can pick up where we left off six months ago." Naruto complemented.

Sasuke spoke in a mocking tone, "You sure that's what you want?. When I take of my weights, this fight is going to be more or less over."

"Just take them off already," Naruto said in bored tone.

Both warriors took of their weights. Sasuke took of his wrist, ankle, and vest which were all weighted. Naruto took off the weight tag that was in his shoes. He also took off the ones that were under his wrist bands as well as the one that was under his shirt and his pants.

Naruto was ready. Both warriors blurred out of everyone's site. Kakashi was stunned.

Anko spoke "What the hell….where did they go?"

"They're moving at a high speed. I can follow them but barely. They are exchanging blows." Lee committed.

Out of everyone that was there only Gaara and Tsunade saw what exactly was happening. Kakashi, Lee, and Gai were barely keeping up with the speed. Gaara who was looking at the fight intently smiled. He knew what had just happened. Sasuke had just got kicked in his face.

Everyone, except those who could follow the fight, had saw Sasuke fly into a tree. Neji smirked " Looks like the Uchiha is eating dirt." Most of the ninjas or crowd that were there couldn't believe what they had just heard. Sasuke who was able the future husband of Hyuga clan. When the lot of ninjas and Sasuke-fans saw that he was pulling himself out of the little ditch, they were surprised to say the least.

"Impossible. I never seen anyone who was able to lay a hit on Sasuke-sama" an Anbu guard said.

" Who does that guy think he is, hurting Sasuke-kun?" Said a Chuunin fan girl.

The Hitomi looked at the girl, " That's my Naruto-kun. This Sasuke of yours can't ever beat my Naruto. Hitomi blushed at moments what she said.

"Yup, I agreed Naruto beats that Ugly Guy. I wonder Naruto-sama would teach me fighting skill" Hitomi giggled at Musubi comment.

She looked back at Naruto who was waiting for Sasuke to pull himself together, "The very same."

Sasuke finally got up. His lip was bleeding. He wiped the blood away with the back of his hand; he smiled, "The dobe got better. No matter, I'm still going to kick his ass"

Sasuke did some hand seals. When he was finished, his right-hand was holding his left wrist; the Chidori was forming in his left-hand.

Naruto held out his right-hand to form the Rasengan. "I held back last time, Sasuke. This time I won't. The promise that I made with Haruno no longer applies. You better come at me with everything you got."

Sasuke knew that Naruto was serious. He always wondered why Naruto held back and now he had his answer. It was because of Sakura. Sasuke looked at Naruto with a steely gaze, "I plan to do just that."

They continued to look each other for a second. When the second that seemed like an eternity ended, they both took off at each other, armed with two of the most fearsome jutsus ever created. Everyone looked on in awe waiting to see what happened next.

Naruto and Sasuke ran at full speed towards one another. The distance, which seemed like a mile, began to close. The sound of a thousand birds was heard throughout the area. As Sasuke ran forward, the ground underneath his Chidori, began to break like glass subjected to a high pitch. Naruto's Rasengan was a perfect orb, with chakra spinning inside of it. Sasuke pulled his arm back, Naruto did the same with his right-hand, both preparing to thrust forward their trademark attacks.

Both warriors thrust their arms towards one another, and before the jutsus made contact they yelled



Both jutsus made contact. There was a big flash of light emitted from the jutsus that caused everyone to squint. When the light died down and both figures were visible, everyone saw both warriors trying to over power the other.

Both warriors were flying back into the direction they came. Naruto did a flip mid flight to and landed on his feet. He stood as if nothing had happened; Sasuke did the same. Sasuke was furious that his attack didn't work. He had put everything he had, and it was cancelled out. But that wasn't the thing that made him furious; what really pissed him off was that Naruto was standing there as if he was unfazed by his attack at all.

Sasuke thought to himself, "How the hell can he stand there and act like that didn't faze him? I know he's hurt; the dobe is just acting tough. No matter, I'll prove that I'm stronger"

Naruto was a little surprised that his attack was equal ground. But he wasn't that surprised since he didn't put everything he had into it. Naruto thought to himself, "I should have pumped more chakra into my Rasengan. He wouldn't be standing there all nonchalant. This is going to be so fun, he has no idea that I'm still holding back."

Naruto looked at Sasuke. He smirked, then he spoke, "Hey Sasuke, let's take this up a notch."

Sasuke gave his infamous smirk, "Sure let's do that." Sasuke vanished from sight.

Naruto's eyes went wide; he didn't even see where Sasuke went until he felt a kick planted on his chin. Naruto was suspended in mid air. Sasuke appeared directly behind him, Naruto turned his head slightly to see a smirking Sasuke.

"From here on out its all original." The Uchiha stated.

Sasuke threw a punch with his left, expecting Naruto to block it. He swung around, making Naruto think he was going to kick with his right-leg. He then planted the back of his left hand, which was balled up into a fist into Naruto's face. Naruto was sent hurling to the ground. Sasuke punched him in the stomach with his right-hand, and then he followed it with his left. Both punches was followed by Sasuke doing a front flip that landed in Naruto's stomach.

Sasuke yelled, "SHI SHI RENDAN!"

Sasuke bent his body so he could do a back flip. He smiled as he looked at Naruto. Everyone else looked on. Konohamaru, Hinata, Hitomi , Gaara and Tsunade looked on in shock, everyone else seem to expect this.

"NARUTO-KUN" Hinata yelled at top of his lungs. All the peoples who attained the marriage was looking at Hinata and confused. " GET UP. NARUTO-KUN. YOU STRONGER THEN HIM NOW COME ON GET UP MY LOVE". At her speech made his Haisha angry as his father slapped her and she fall on the ground. " How dare you…." And now it was a solid punch throw over his made him fall over his face as he fall over the ground.

"Sorry Hyuga-sama This is fight being held for Hinata Hyuga as her priority Hokage-sama order me to protect her until the match over" Anbu said politely " So woundn't do anything that you'd regret" Hitomi was glared at hiasha if he had hurt her daughter in front of her eyes.

Hisha stand on his feet and greeted his feet rubbing his face where she'd did punch his face. Hiash couldn't help but understood he could not disobeyed hokage order so he has to leave. Hitomi turned backed daughter her Hinata.

" wow Your daughter is so cute. She is same look like you Hitomi. Now I get it why Naruto-kun suddenly kiss you" Hitomi blinked and blushing furiously she remind that Naruto relieve Hinata's Mother Hitomi who smilier carbon copy of Hinata Hyuga in shippuden after that Naruto mistakly give her passionate kiss without even notice her.

" it was Mistaken he kiss me"

"Then Why did you returned Kiss Naruto spread your arms arounds Naruto Neck and Pull him close. I don't think It was Mistaken" Hitomi now Blushing Madly as her respond just like she not idiot any more sometimes she use her brain.

Hitomi inwardly smiled at Musubi has her compliment. Hitomi look at her so called daughter and grab her soft hand has lifted her daughter on her feet. Hitomi felt weird when she touch cat anbu hand just like motherly tounge.

Hinata stared at her because this women tried her boyfriend in front of him " Is there anything you want Hinata-sama?" Hinata continuously stared at her "I'll deal with you later" Hitomi scared at her owned daughter tone, She turned back to fight while Hitomi relief but she has stayed near to her before anyone could harm her again.

" NARUTO-KUN GET UP, YOU WON'T LOOSE HIM" Hinata yelled at her top of his lungs besides her mother hitomi smiled at her daughter at she was always his side. Hitomi put a hand over her shoulder tried to cheer up her " Don't worry Hinata-sama, Naruto-kun wasn't easily defeat yet" Hinata again growled at her but she blinked at the voice.

Hanabi looked at Konohamaru then laughed, "You said he was going to kick whose ass? Pathetic, he stood no chance."

Konohamaru couldn't say anything. She was right. Naruto was lying before Sasuke beaten. From what he could see, Naruto was passed out. kages were cool as a cucumber. He didn't look surprised about what just happened. Gaara just smiled, Neji caught on to this, something wasn't right; he believed the old man knew something. Hinata was hoping that Naruto got back up. No one took notice, but she was given a death glare at Sasuke.

Sasuke stood there triumphant. He began to speak, "You have improved dobe, but I'm still better. Did you really think you were better than me? It's sad your girlfriend who was becoming my wife. No one girl want a love with demon" Hinata heard at what he said at that moment her anger were raised , death aura surrounded her body. "but you were too weak to do anything. I am your better, know it and understand it." He walked forward and wisher his ear " Haha I think I told you about a little secret that Hyuga girl never betray you. She cast a genjustu over the room before you enter the room. What she has done and the words she used that what genjustu part the main reason was she want protect you..before he continued it was interutpt by Hinata.

"UCHIHA SASUKE" Sasuke blinked and turned look backed to future finance. Her dark aura engluped around her body while her eyes were covered her hair" I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" she activate her Byakyugan and disappeared in dark blue flash and reappeared in front of Sasuke punch his face sent toward the trees.

Kages, Hyuga's ,Konaha 10, Sasuke and especially Hitomi eyes widened and surprised at Hinata shocking speed only one man in Konaha who surpass the speed limit other than Minato Namikaze as we refer the forth hokage.

"Don't you dare to touch my Naruto-kun and don't ever talk about him" Hinata yelled in demonic voice at Uchiha. Before she could do anything the wind Ninja appeared in the battle field.

"Hinata Hyuga, you should not interfere battle please get back to your seat" Temari said with politely.

Hinata gave another dealth glare to Naruto previous lover " if I don't"

Temari just gave her death glared first she hate Uzumaki Naruto who was ruined her life and her friend Hinata " then I'll go on force'

Hinata smirked "Bring it on"

Hinata activated her byakugan Temari leapt back and fully opened her fan. "Great Wind Storm." It was a powerful area attack designed to keep Hinata at a safe distance. It worked as Hinata was struck by it and forced back. She quickly realized she could not move forward in the face of such a strong wind jutsu.

She performed some simple hand signs and was suddenly replaced by a log.

Seeing her opponent perform a substitution Temari ended her jutsu, no point wasting valuable chakra. She had a sharp mind and good eye as well. Since they were forbidden from leaving the arena area there was only one place she could be. The girl had to be hiding among he cover along the wall. Temari shook her head, if the girl wanted to drag things out that was fine. Heck, she could have a little bit of fun while she waited for the war to start.

"You know Naruto just like coward guy. Why do you waste you're time over him and you could find better guy then him" Temari called out loudly.

Suddenly and without warning Jyuken punch aim at Temari face. Temari dodged and saw a dozen Hinatas coming at her . "Don't you dare to say my Naruto name in your mouth you bitch"Hinata quick forth using light speed technique and punch Temari face and throw her over the ground.

Temari quicky got up and really pissed off"Great Wind Storm." She directed the jutsu towards half the targets. Sure enough five kept coming on as though completely unaffected by the wind, the sixth came to a halt and fell over.

"You'll have to do better than that." Temari said smugly.

"I don't want used my real power to kill weak Ninja." A voice right behind her said an instant before six palm strikes slammed into her back and sent her to the ground.

And in that moment when she held the advantage, to Hinata's credit, she decided not to hold back who betray Naruto trust. "You are within the range of my attack,Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms." With that she launched the specialized attack on her opponent and shut down all of her chakra points. It was over."

Hinata smirked " Don't ever say word in front of my Naruto-kun" In kages Gaara really Guity as his sister behaviour while Tsuande smirked inwardly she was happy that Hinata took her revenge "Two down two to go"

"I'll send you , you demon whore" Sasuke yelled standing behind Hinata activate Chidori to crush at Hinata heart.

Hinata caught off guard she tried defend herself but it was to late. Sasuke was closer to Hinata.

"HINATA" Hitomi yelled at her daughter was going to die in front of her eyes as she jumped and tried to save her daughter.

Back to Hinata

Hinata froze at she was ready to die because her little mistake she lost her life "Sorry Naruto-kun,Kaa-san just one lie tried to defend my love. Naruto just one thing I want to say I love you and Kaa-san."

Ice wall" suddenly the large Ice wall appear between Sasuke and Hinata. Sasuke chidori strike was gone through the Ice wall. as far Hitomi timely appear near to Hinata grabbed her and disappeared and reappeared besides Tsunade.

"Hinata, are you alright? Did you hurt ? tell me please? Don't be kept tell me? Hinata stared at cat anbu why she suddenly protective type become like mother.

"I'm alright" Hinata replied.

"Hinata" she turned to Tsuande " What the meaning of this ? First this marriage was lie then you risk your life tried to protect this blonde" Tsuande yelled

"That blonde is my future Husband and No on No one can talk about my Naruto-kun like that. I'll risk my to protect my love any of cost" Dark aura surrounded by Hinata that made Hitomi ,Tsuande and Garra kept quite.

"she is scary" they though.

Back to field

Sasuke crused he took out his hand from ice " Well dobe I don't know you was able to used Ice type justu"

"Sasuke this is fight between you and me. I warned you if you harmed Hinata You pay for this" Naruto disappeared reappeared in front of sasuke tried to punch over his face. But Uchiha dogde his punch due to his sharingun.

Naruto cursed now he had no choice to used sekirei's rage " Tskikuimi and Akistu my himes lend me your rage" Before they replied Kyubi interupt them " wait Water and ice girl use my power to… It was interupt by Naruto. "Kyubi no I don't want relied you power you had to much do for me. please let me and my below wife …wait. This is wrong Tsukuimi and Akistu you're my wife and I would not force you to used your power, thank you Kyubi I reliased what is important"

Tsukumi hissed at Naruto but smile " Naruto I always with you. You want it or not as Your First wife I have right to help you in every trouble" while Akistu only one word to say "Go Naruto-kun Do you best Kick his ass"

He look at sasuke Naruto smile as his below wife cheer him. He gather his wind nature elements "Sage mode awaken"

Sasuke's facial expression was one of pure shock, but only for a moment, it quickly took on one of deadly confidence, pride and determination. Sasuke rushed forward towards Naruto, then brought his right arm back, sword firmly in hand and shot his right arm forward, thrusting his sword at the back of Naruto's neck, hoping to pierce it and end it quickly. But in the blink of an eye, Naruto spun around and stopped the sword dead in it's tracks, with his bare hands, by grabbing it on each side. Sasuke was shocked beyond all belief, he had put all his strength behind that thrust. Naruto, then in one quick motion, maneuvered his hands to the left, breaking the sword in two.

Sasuke couldn't believe his eyes, Naruto could never have gotten that fast, or that strong, not this fast! Naruto then brought his arms back down to his sides, into a neutral position. Sasuke didn't see what Brandon and Jiraiya saw, upon closer inspection, there were two deep gashes on Naruto's hands, that were bleeding profusely, he's just doing his best to hide that fact. But it didn't matter, and Naruto knew it, Sasuke would find out soon enough what his sword really did to his hands. As Sasuke stood there in disbelief, Naruto spoke, "Sasuke, we don't have to fight, I know you don't really wanna kill me. If you did, then that Kunai you buried in my chest three years ago would have pierced my heart, and I wouldn't even be standing here right now."

Sasuke was snapped out of his state of shock by Naruto's words, but was thrown into a spiral of memories, self doubt, hate and envy. Sasuke could not believe Naruto had surpassed him again, that's why he had left the Leaf Village, that's why he joined Orochimaru, to become stronger than Naruto ever could, so he could avenge his fallen clan, by killing his older Brother. Sasuke pulled himself out of it, gritted his teeth so hard, that any more pressure would have made them crack.

Sasuke looked directly into Naruto's eyes, with an expression of pure rage on his face, and spoke, "I only left you alive because of how goddamn weak you are! You will never pose a threat to me, I am far beyond your grasp! My power is so far beyond yours that if I wanted to, I could utterly destroy you with one technique! I left you alive because of how pathetic you are, you lost everything, so I took pity on you! You wanna know the real reason they exiled you? It's because your an utter failure, nothing but a fucking loser! That's why no one wanted you around in the first place, and that's why everyone hated you! And the only reason you ever survived any enemy was because of the goddamn demon within you, you fucking monster vessel!"

Naruto couldn't help but wince at Sasuke's words, they cut, deeply. They also fueled Naruto's fire within, he tried to remain calm on the outside, but he couldn't help but let one tear escape from his right eye, and slide down his face. But besides that, there wasn't much emotion in his expression, just confidence, and calm rage. "Sasuke, you don't actually feel that way, now do you?"

Naruto could sense Sasuke's emotions, but they were so jumbled, that he couldn't get a clear reading from them. Sasuke just struck Naruto in the face, with his right fist, so hard, that you could see bruise begin to from, as Naruto turned back to look at Sasuke once more. "I'm going to kill you, once and for all!"

Sasuke then activated his Sharingan, and quickly brought his left arm back, and shot it forward, but before his left fist could connect with Naruto's face, he had locked it within his right fist, holding it tight, so Sasuke couldn't pry it free from his grasp. Sasuke just stared at Naruto's hold on his left fist for a second, not understanding why he couldn't have seen that coming, but then brought back his right arm, and shot it forward, trying to strike Naruto's face once more, but Naruto caught this as well, with his left hand, with a tight grip. Which prevented Sasuke from pulling his fist free. Sasuke stared at this for a moment too, still utterly confused as to why the Sharingan wasn't helping, but quickly snapped out of it and shot his right knee upward, slamming it hard into Naruto's gut. Naruto couldn't help but wince at the contact between Sasuke's knee, and his abdomen.

And before Naruto could recover, Sasuke did it once more, but with his left knee, Naruto couldn't help but grimace, in pain, Sasuke's knee really had a hard impact on Naruto's gut. But before Sasuke could do it once again, Naruto brought his head back and shot it forward, slamming his head, full force, into Sasuke's head. Sasuke's head flew back from the impact, blood dripping down his forehead, Naruto had busted his head open. But Naruto's head only had a few drops of blood on it, Sasuke's blood to be more specific. And before Sasuke could recover from Naruto's hard headbutt, he shot his head forward, once more, headbutting Sasuke again.

Sasuke's head shot backward once more, the blood sliding down his face, increasing from the blow, that was delivered to his face, by Naruto's head. Sasuke was in a daze, his head was throbbing with extreme pain, and his eyesight was slowly losing it's focus. Naruto didn't give Sasuke time to recover, he quickly brought his right knee up, and slammed it full force into Sasuke's stomach, this caused Sasuke, to unintentionally, hunch over, and spit up a bit of blood. Naruto then let go of Sasuke's fists, brought his own right arm back, and shot it forward, slamming it right into the left side of Sasuke's face, sending him flying backwards, a bit of blood, spilling from his mouth as it happened.

Sasuke flew back and didn't stop until he slammed into a wall, while all of this happened, Orochimaru's scowl grew deeper and deeper. Sasuke fell to his knee's, while Naruto slowly began walking forwards, towards him. Sasuke's eyesight was out of focus, and blurry, he could barely tell what was going on. Sasuke managed to get to his feet, but as he did, Naruto was only a few steps away. But before Naruto could make a move, Sasuke lashed out, striking Naruto in the face, full force, with his left fist. And before Naruto could turn his head, back to face Sasuke, he shot his right knee upward, slamming it full force into Naruto's gut, which caused him to wince in pain.

Then Sasuke quickly shot his right arm forward, slugging Naruto, full force in his face, with his right fist. Sasuke then, quickly shot his left leg upward, kicking Naruto, right in the jaw, causing his head to jerk upwards. Sasuke then jumped up about five feet, and decked Naruto in the chest, with a full strength, drop kick. But, since Naruto had his feet firmly planted on the ground, he just slid back several feet, from the impact, and couldn't help but grimace in quite a bit of pain. Sasuke, landed on his feet, and dashed forward, shoulder charging Naruto, he slammed his right shoulder into Naruto's abdomen, with his full strength, causing Naruto to go sliding back, several more feet, wincing in pain once more.

Sasuke quickly advance once more, he got up close, then went for a low kick, aiming for the back of Naruto's right knee, and he hit his target, causing Naruto to almost buckle. Sasuke then quickly slammed his right fist into Naruto's face, then went for another low kick, this time for the back of Naruto's left knee, and hit his target once more, causing Naruto to almost buckle once more. Sasuke then quickly shot his right leg upward, slamming his foot into Naruto's jaw, forcing him to jerk his head upwards. Sasuke, then jumped up about five feet, and slammed both of his feet into Naruto's chest, drop kicking him once more.

And just as Sasuke had planned, the combination of attacks, loosened Naruto up, which let Sasuke's drop kick, to force him to go flying. Sasuke had forced an opening, so he bent down a bit, putting his right hand in a claw position, near the ground, grabbing his right forearm with his left hand, and began charging his ultimate technique. After a second, lightning began to appear all around Sasuke's right hand, he was charging up for the Chidori, or so it seemed.

Tsukiumi and Akistu watching his Ashikabi Fight without having their help" Naruto-kun Be careful"

Sasuke dashed forward, as Naruto flipped in mid air, to regain his composure, and landed firmly on the ground, but by this time, Sasuke was up in his face. Sasuke quickly slammed his right hand into Naruto's gut, "Chidori True Spear!"

As it connected with Naruto's gut, a beam of lightning launched from it, slamming right through Naruto's gut, and it extended about ten feet, which puts Naruto a bit of a distance away from Sasuke. The beam of lightning disappeared, and the lightning around Sasuke's right hand ceased to be, Sasuke couldn't help but collapse to his knee's in exhaustion, he had put almost every ounce of chakra he had into that move, it was his second greatest move. The only other one, was saved for Itachi, and it could only be done outside. Naruto fell down onto the ground, blood spilling from the wound he had sustained.

Sasuke was baffled by the realization the Naruto used his chakra to fuck with Sasuke's Sharingan, that takes a lot of chakra control, but nevertheless, he had killed him. Hinata, and Tsunade gasped as all of this happened, while Orochimaru's scowl, turned upside down, into his signature, creepy ass smile. Sasuke had his eyes closed, as he raggedly breathed, trying to supply his lungs with air. His eyes were still closed, as Orochimaru yelled, "Get up Sasuke! Fight!"

Sasuke couldn't help but think, "What the hell is he talking about?"

Sasuke opened his eyes, and Naruto was in his face, blood still pouring from his wound. Sasuke was beyond shocked, "W...what the fuck?"

Naruto then quickly brought his right leg back, and slammed it into the side of Sasuke's face, sending him flying to the left, then before he could slam into the wall, Naruto appear, and slammed his left fist into his face, sending him flying strait back the way he came. As he got close to the wall again, Naruto appeared before him, and slammed his right fist into his face, sending him flying, again, the way he came. But this time, Naruto did not appear to hit him, he just let Sasuke slam into the wall, cracking it, and putting his indentation into it, as well. He fell to the ground, exhausted, drained, and with a badly damaged ego.

Sasuke was ashamed of himself, how could he be so weak, that one of his best techniques, couldn't even stop Naruto, Naruto! Sasuke couldn't help but think, "How am I supposed to avenge my Clan? How? When I can't even defeat Naruto! Naruto of all people! Why am I so worthless? Why am I so weak? How the fuck is he so damn strong? Why? Why? Why? How can he say that he know's how it feels? He never had any family, he never grew up with them! I had mine taken away, I have no family! I must be a true avenger! But how can I become an avenger, if I'm weaker than Naruto?"

Sasuke couldn't take it anymore, this was way too much for his psyche, he was about to snap, he was seriously about to go off the deep end. A few tears slid down his face, and that's when he felt the curse mark begin to spread over his body, it spread rapidly, and it hurt a lot more than it usually did, he couldn't help but scream out in pain, "AHHHHHH!"

Naruto eyes widened "Damn it his curse mark still over his neck Now their no way I could defeat" Naruto suddenly blinked he felt the surge of power flow within his body.

"hime what happening to me?"

"Sorry Naruto-kun , Kyubi, I and Tsukuimi decided we wouldn't let you see hurt anymore"

"but "


"hai…" Kyubi and Akistu sweet drop at Naruto sudden answer

Sasuke cried out in pain, and soon, he transformed, into the second stage of the curse mark. Sasuke's skin was dark grey, with a black four-point star-mark between his eyes and across the bridge of his nose, the white of his eyes turned black, and his irises were that of the mangekyo Sharingan, since it was already activated. His lips turned blue, he also grew claw-like nails and his hair grew to waist-length without losing its style, and the colored changed to grey. And his shirt was soon ripped in three, by his two large wings that sprouted from his back. Naruto could clearly read his emotions, they sent a chill down his spine. Sasuke quickly dashed towards Naruto, "I'm going to annihilate you!"

Using Sekirei and beast power Naruto Chakra mode raised within 10 fold Naruto quickly went on the defensive, as Sasuke got up close, and began throwing a flurry of punches, Naruto managed to block them, but with his new speed, and his Sharingan still working a bit, Naruto couldn't get an attack in himself. Naruto kept doing his best at blocking Sasuke's strikes, but Sasuke, soon found an opening, he shot his right hand forward, hitting Naruto full force in the face, almost sending him flying, he then unleashed a torrent of punches to Naruto's face, causing blood to begin trickling out of his mouth, and down his chin. Sasuke then jumped back, and used his wings, to fly up several feet, and shot forward with both of his legs, and slammed both of his legs into Naruto's chest, with a bit of chakra, and all of his strength behind them, giving Naruto an extremely powerful dropkick to the chest.

This sent Naruto flying, but Sasuke quickly flew towards him, and grabbed his shoulders, and slammed him into the ground. Then, before Naruto could defend, Sasuke brought back his right arm, and shot it forward, slamming his fist, into Naruto's wound, causing him severe pain, but he did not yelp. Sasuke grinned, landed on his feet, and quickly jumped back about a dozen feet, and began charging the technique, he could only use in this form, the Black Chidori. Naruto got to his feet, he saw what Sasuke was doing, so he quickly began charging his Rasengan, without any of the extra help, the way it's supposed to be done.

Sasuke quickly dashed forward with his now complete, Black Chidori, and Naruto did the same, and charged forward with his Rasengan.

"Black Chidori!"


The two quickly closed the distance between them, and slammed their techniques together, Sasuke's left handed, Black Chidori, and Naruto's right handed, Rasengan. They pushed, and pushed, Sasuke was quickly getting frustrated, "Just fucking die already!"

"I won't do that!"

"And why the fuck not?"

"Because I won't abandon you like the rest of your family did! I won't die on you, and I will not betray you!"

Sasuke's head began spinning at that statement, it didn't make sense to him, it soothed him, and angered him, at the same time. "W...what? Your fucking nuts!"

I want let you die because I promise your mother I protect you from Darkness!"

Sasuke's voice cracked, and was shaky as Naruto said this, "J...just shut up! Get out of my head! Die!"

Naruto and Sasuke then both pushed their attacks forward, with all of their might. This quickly caused their attacks to explode, filling the room with a blinding light.

As the light faded, Naruto was on his feet, his wound bleeding profusely, and Sasuke was lying on the ground, back to normal, and unconscious. All Hyuga's , Kages , Guest and Konaha 10 were gasped at Blonde power defeat Uchiha.