Thank you Reikon Shiten for the first review! Wahaha yes! Toki's power must not be underestimated oho. Hopefully more people would come to love this couple! (I was so happy when I searched for Toki online and found that many people indeed love Toki!) Anyway this chapter is formed from the very very very brief flashback of Toki when she was at the semi-finals. Actually, only the flashback part and the toki shift is from the show. It's mostly part of my imagination though. Pardon me for the lousy mahjong scenes for I knew nothing on how to count the points ):

Chapter 2: To Tokyo


Ryuuka Shimizudani's voice floated across the wide distance between them and overwhelmed her eardrums. Ryuuka's sweet voice resonated within her mind as she turned around to face Senriyama's Mahjong club president. Long black hair, smooth as silk, swayed. Eyes of the colour of rubies shined and the short skirt fluttered. The school uniform fitted her form perfectly, bringing out her slender long legs and ample chest. Everything about her was perfect, wonderfully and flawlessly perfect in Toki's eyes. Toki wondered what good deeds she must have did in the past to deserve such a person as a friend.

The pair of rubies staying by the doorway searched and finally found the target.


Ryuuka wanted the attention of the pair of deep blue orbs, but those cerulean eyes just wouldn't look at her. She wondered why.

Ryuuka's voice was bewitching her mind again. As Ryuuka called out her name one more time, her will wavered. NO! Toki clenched her fists into a ball as she struggled to overcome the internal conflict that was happening in her mind. At Ryuuka's third call, her mind was completely ensnared by that oh so beautiful voice, and she lost her will to the enchantress of that alluring voice.

To Toki, Ryuuka was a drug and she was so deeply addicted to her.

She didn't know when she had made that particular discovery about her friend. When had that happened? She didn't know when she found Ryuuka more alluring, more captivating, more dazzling then usual. She gradually beginning to pay more attention to Ryuuka, sometimes even spacing out right in front of Ryuuka as her mind formed fantasies. She didn't know when she started staring at Ryuuka more often than usual, noticing her beautiful form, completely taken away by Ryuuka, as if a goddess descended.

She didn't know when and how her opinion of Ryuuka changed.

Maybe its…lo- Her mind furiously tried to banish the thought to the back of her mind as her logical self stamped out the very thought of it. We are just friends. She thought, as if to reassure their friendship. Yes its friendship and nothing more. She nodded to herself, as if to physically reinforce the thought.

She made the mistake, however, to look right into those scarlet eyes of Ryuuka. Those eyes were burning accusingly, staring right into the very depths of her soul, questioning as to why Toki hadn't answered her even at the third call.

"Ryuuka…" She said her name.

Ryuuka was standing by her side, with one of her palm on the mahjong table, another on her hips and looked somewhat furious.

"Isn't it time to play with me?" Her invitation was so tempting, but Toki's mind had decided to refuse Ryuuka's offer.

"But the game with the third team hasn't ended yet…" Her mind was desperate to find any excuse that could allow her to get away from Ryuuka. Why though? It was hard to form coherent thoughts while Ryuuka's stare was blazing a path through her mind.

Ryuuka sighed. Toki was spacing out again and this time in front of the third team. How was she to convince people that Toki was in a good enough health condition to play mahjong when Toki was spacing out more often than before?

"Toki. Look around you." As if her sentence was a warning bell, Toki Onjouji snapped back to reality and she was aware of her surroundings again. Her eyes took in the visual information as her mind frenziedly tried to process the information. Her ears picked out silence. Eh? I should be playing a game with the third team now. There should be the sounds of tiles being discarded…

"Toki." It was that endearing voice calling her name again. Toki shook her head feverishly, frantically trying to dispel the voice from corrupting her very mind.

Looking at Toki shaking her head, Ryuuka's worries deepened. What had happened to Toki? Is she feeling dizzy? When she called out Toki's name for the fourth time and no reply answered her, Ryuuka decided to take action.

When Toki finally grasped the situation where she was sitting alone at the mahjong table, with nobody by her side, except Ryuuka, it was too late. Ryuuka had stretched out her arms, and grabbed her wrists. The hot contact of Ryuuka's hand touching her sent shivers down her body. The thought of Ryuuka touching her had made her mind go blank. Why though? She didn't use to mind Ryuuka's touch, though it was true in middle school they hardly had any contact through the skin.

Grabbing Toki's wrist, Ryuuka finally get those blue sapphires to once again, look at her in the eye. She had Toki's attention now. Somehow that thought had made her just a little happy. The moment was short-lived however, as Toki soon turned her head away from her, breaking the eye contact, looking rather shyly at the innocent ground nearby. It was hard for Ryuuka to tear her eyes away from Toki though. Toki wasn't acting normal and that she was sure of it. A part of her ached. Toki why won't you look at me in the eye anymore?

In a split second, the president of the mahjong club made another decision. With both her hands, she clasped Toki's face firmly between her palms and turned Toki's face so that she could once more, look at those pretty blue eyes. She herself, leaned in towards Toki's face so that those cunning blue orbs would not be able to escape her gaze anymore.

Blue eyes flickered to the side, desperate to escape those binding red. Ryuuka leaned in closer and closer, not stopping until her forehead touched the other. At the contact, Toki's eyes snapped back to the middle and they were once again, looking right into each other's eyes.

"Toki. Are you alright?"


"You were spacing out earlier though…"

"I-I am fine." Did she just stutter?

Ryuuka smiled, seemly satisfied with Toki's answer. "So… Are you ready to play with your president?" Ryuuka's smiled, accompanied with her gentle tone, was enough to melt Toki. After all, she just made Ryuuka worried over nothing and she was desperate to assure the other girl that she was fine.

"Yeah…" Toki stood up from her seat, resigned to her fate. Around her, were about a dozen or so mahjong tables, provided to the mahjong club members. Usually, those seats in the club would be constantly filled and being sickly, she hardly had chance to play for her stamina would not allow. Because of her condition too, she hardly played with her friends from middle school anymore. A melancholy thought had somehow wriggled itself to her mind again. Ryuuka…Sera… Ever since she joined high school, her condition worsened and she was just a member without any significant existence in the club. She could only watch as the distance between her and the two of them becoming greater and greater.

Eh? Toki stumbled as she realised there was only four people in the room. Hiroko Funakubo, the niece of the coach, Sera and Ryuuka were the only ones left, apart from her. She eyed the clock hanging on the wall. It was seven in the evening and club was officially half an hour ago.

"Ready for a game?" Sera, with one eye closed had looked at Toki with an expectant look. "FunaQ also stayed back to play with us~!" FunaQ was what they used to call Hiroko.

"Let's play…"

"Richii." Toki took out a one thousand point stick and placed it on the table.

"EHHHH. We are just at the second turn Toki!" Sera cried out while she bailed out and discarded the tile Toki had previously discarded. Ryuuka calmly smiled while FunaQ entered something into that device she always carried around.

"Ipattsu Tsumo. 5000 all." It was expected, that Toki would take the winning tile since nobody could call.

Two hanchans had soon passed by and Toki was having a rather hard time winning. Sera was, after all the previous ace and the club President wasn't some person to underestimate. Ryuuka had overwhelmed her both physically and in mahjong. FunaQ was happily adding details to her research, not really caring whether she lost or won.

"That would be a ron, Toki." Ryuuka's voice echoed.

"Eh?" She had played right into Ryuuka's waiting hand even though she had just read a turn into the future three turns ago.

"That would be 1300." Ryuuka smiled.

"Ah…" Toki obediently handed over the point sticks.

"Seems like your one turn ahead reading backfired in the end huh!" Sera chuckled at Toki's somewhat dumbfounded look.

The next round, the unsuspecting Toki had played in to Sera's hand this time. "Hehe. Ron! 3600." Her one turn ahead reading backfired again.After looking into the future for every round they played, Toki had begun to feel the strain on her body again.

Breathing heavily, Toki dropped her tile by accident as her vision blurred.

"Hah! Ron!" This time, the voice came from FunaQ. Toki was in last place with only 3900 points.

"Hah…" She heaved as she handed the points over to FunaQ.

"Toki? Are you alright?" Ryuuka's concerned voice floated across.

"Yeah….." It was harder to speak now and Toki raised her slightly trembling arm to take her tile.


"It's like magic Toki! This is sooooo cool! How I wish I had your ability!" Sera cried out as the three of them walked home.

"Say Toki…"


"If you could read one turn ahead…." Ryuuka's voice was getting softer and softer.


"If one hand had passed slowly, would it affect your one turn reading?"

"No… Though it would be a bit harder, but I could always read for one turn."

"What if one turn had passed very quickly, would you be able to read two turns ahead?"

"No… Though sometimes I strained myself hard enough, when I really really wanted to know what will happen, I do get a flash of the second turn…"

"Aww… It's too bad then. Never mind."

"Maybe I should try it next practice then."

End of flashback

Since Ryuuka had asked and since she's losing, there would be no harm trying right? Toki herself was in tenpai and she had a feeling that Ryuuka was waiting for her winning tile too. Reading one turn ahead, she was disappointed that her winning tile would not appear. Ryuuka didn't win the next turn either.

Toki saw Ryuuka's hand fidget for a moment in the future and her heart skipped a bit. It was a one man tile. Maybe she was waiting for two man? Since the only difference between the two characters on the tile was that one stroke.

Double. She cried out in her mind as this time, both her eyes flashed green and her vision before her fast forwarded. She had discarded a two man and Ryuuka had smiled.

Ah? Just as Ryuuka in her green vision had reached out her hand to take her tile, the world crumbled. Everything was white in a moment. Cracks started appearing in the snowy white scene as she felt her heart stop. Her eyes hurt. She felt breathless and something was choking her. It was restricting her chest. She needed oxygen. Her body had felt cold as everything blacked out.

When she woke up, all she saw was a pair of slender legs and short skirt. That looks like Ryuuka's….Her oxygen-deprived mind had managed to form that thought. Ah… I am in hell am I? I died didn't I? Ryuuka….

She had spoken her question out loud.


"Stupid Toki!" Ryuuka's face was within her sight again after that light smack had hit her forehead. Tears had welled up in her red eyes and was threatening to break the dam. In fact, Toki could spot two trails of wet trailing from those eyes.

"I am not dead am I? This feels too good to be in hell." She reached out and grabbed Ryuuka's breasts, causing her other girl to blush furiously and pushed Toki away.

"And this is how you check whether you're dead a not?" Looking at Toki incredulously, Ryuuka crossed both of her arms across her chest to protect herself from future attacks by Toki.

"Ah… So I am alive. I get to see Ryuuka again." Toki smiled and Ryuuka's chest constricted for a moment.

For Ryuuka, she just went through a hell lot of emotional rollercoaster rides. She was so worried when Toki had passed out right in front of her, collapsing to the ground with a sickening thud. She collapsed? Her mind froze in fear as terror gripped her heart. She remembered Toki's incidenta few months ago that nearly cost Toki's life and panic shot through her. She was just inches close to never seeing Toki again. Tears had filled her eyes in a moment as she lunged towards the figure on the floor. The sound when Toki's body had impacted the ground was etched in her mind. She was sure that sound would come to haunt her for the days to come.

Toki was breathing when she reached her friend. She had to strain herself to hear the very shallow breathing. Toki's eyes were closed and her face seemed to reflect one that was very tired.

"TOKI!" She was panicking now. Toki please wake up. Toki! Sera had to grab her arms to stop her from shaking Toki awake.

For a brief moment, she had thought Toki would never wake up again, but Toki's eyelids fluttered and her heart was once again pumping furiously. Toki's blue eyes had diluted to almost the colour of grey. Staring at those eyes, Ryuuka felt her emotions overwhelm her. Her Toki was alive.

When Toki had groped her unexpectedly, she was embarrassed and slightly furious and even though one part of her was somewhat happy, she would never admit it herself. Toki had just sent her flying from one corner of the world to another in a few minutes.

"Never do that again!" She cried out as Toki lay her head on Ryuuka's thighs. A shot of fear sliced through Toki. Did I just made Ryuuka mad by touching her…?

Ryuuka, however doesn't seemed concerned about that. She stroked Toki's brown hair as she questioned Toki, tears still running down her face.

"Did you just tried to read two turns into the future?"

Toki nodded.

This time, Ryuuka's tears was let loose like a tsunami.

"Never do that again! Promise me Toki? Promise me that you will never try that again?"

Looking into those beautiful scarlet eyes, Toki could not (would not) refuse them. She nodded her head once more and Ryuuka looked obviously relieved.

She had broken her promise with Ryuuka. After all, they were going for the nationals weren't they? She just had to try her best. Ryuuka was putting twice as much effort in running the club and helping her in improving and Toki just couldn't stand the thought of losing at the nationals. Ryuuka would be devastated and that was not an outcome that Toki wished for.


"Ron!" Toki had just played into Ryuuka's hand after she declared Richii.

"Ehhh!" Bewildered, Toki looked around at the pool of discards and Ryuuka's hand.

"Now now…" Sera chuckled at Toki's expression. It wasn't every day that Toki would make such an lively expression after all.

"Toki. You shouldn't declare Richii so easily… See this and this discard? It makes it easy to read you hand. This is why you're at the third team."

"That was blunt Ryuuka. I am hurt." Toki pouted. Ryuuka grinned.

End of flashback

Ryuuka, FunaQ, Sera and Izumi often stayed back after club just to play with her, almost every club session. She could see that Ryuuka was rather stressed, though she kept it well from others, Toki could sometimes spot her sighing alone outside club.

So Toki did the only thing she could. And that was to practice.

She had tried to read two turns into the future as frequently as she could, only stopping when she collapsed. She tried it daily, at home, and sure, she fainted numerous times. But there was no side effects right? She just needed to rest more than usual after collapsing.

The feeling of the floor in her room, was familiar. Often, she would just lie there, too tired to get up, while the floor absorbed her body heat. Her mind would often wander during these periods, her thoughts frequently lingering around a certain black haired president, a certain Senriyama student, a certain Ryuuka.

The day they would set off to Tokyo was getting nearer and nearer. In just a few weeks, Toki's mahjong skills had improved immensely, with her Ipattsu Tsumo rate of more than seventy percent. Without her actually noticing, Toki's body had finally hit the peak of its strain.

"TOKI!" It was her scream again. Ryuuka's cries resonated in her ear. Ah I fainted again. It was the second time this week (the week before the day they set off for Tokyo).

Everything was silent and her slow heart beat was annoying in her ears. Her last thought was of Ryuuka before she blacked out again.

When she woke up, she was on a white bed, at the nurse's office.

"Ryuuka…" The owner of the name was anxiously by Toki's side, one hand clutching her arm so tightly that Toki thought it might break.

"I am sorry I fainted again."

"Don't be…" Ryuuka and Sera shook their heads.

To her surprise, she saw FunaQ and Izumi in the white room too.

"Glad that you woke up! From now on there will be a Toki shift." FunaQ announced, looking up from the device that she was furiously tapping on.


"We would take turns taking care of you. That's what your doctor made us promise before you are allowed to go to the training camp. I have researched the recipes for necessary nutrients you might need at the camp." She pushed her spectacles upwards and gave Toki a grin.

"And I can cook rather well too!" Ryuuka piped in.

"You can leave the physical work to me!" Sera bandished her arm and pointed at her muscles.

"Everybody…." She was honestly touched. With team spirits this high, Senriyama might just make it to the nationals this time.

They were at the mahjong training camp.

It was near their bedtime when Toki collapsed, and she waved it off saying that she was just sleepy, even managing a smile just for Ryuuka's sake.

Ryuuka's red eyes peered into her own eyes and Ryuuka could see that Toki's pupils were dilated. Toki, however, stubbornly insisted she was fine and she gave up. Ryuuka stood up, feeling Toki's eyes trailing her form as she cleared the mahjong table and laid out the futons, with the help of the other three team members. FunaQ snapped her device shut, and said goodnight. Izumi Nijou, the first year was already sound asleep by the time Ryuuka came over to Toki's side.

They had previously taken a bath at the onsen at the camp and everybody was wearing plain simple yukatas. Ryuuka sat on her futon with her knees bend back and lightly slapped her thighs, while motioning Toki to come over. Toki obediently complied, and placed her head on the lap pillow. Ah this is bliss. She thought as she closed her eyes, taking in Ryuuka's scent and her soft yet firm thighs.

Ryuuka, however, was far from sleeping. She watched as Toki closed her eyes. Her face, looked like she aged ten years in a week. There were dark eyes circles around her eyes and her eye bags were obvious. Ryuuka stretched her hand out and stroked Toki's brown hair.

Stupid Toki. She inwardly scolded. There was no need for her to push herself over the limits. As the President of the club, it was her duty. She waited until Toki's breathing become regular and soft, waited till the energetic Sera to be asleep, before climbing into her own futon.

Many thoughts clouded her mind that night. Her worries were immense. Unable to sleep, Ryuuka walked over to the balcony, feeling the soft cold wind of the night embrace her. Her sleeves swayed in the wind as she looked out at the city lights. It was truly a sight to behold. Thousands of small flickering lights could be seen in the huge empty darkness.

She whirled around in shock, after a moment as she heard footsteps closing in. Everybody should be asleep? It was Toki. Even in the dark, those deep blue eyes that she would never forget shone in the dark. The colour of her eyes were slightly off again. She hardly seen Toki's clear blue orbs anymore ever since she started seeing one turn ahead.

It was a colour that was hard to describe. It was greyish-blue, with a tinge of green in it. And those eyes were so piercingly alert with energy. Even though the colour didn't change much, Ryuuka felt that more grey had ever since clouded Toki's eyes.

"Be careful of mosquito bites."

Ryuuka had to stifle a chuckle. Toki was sometimes so cute.

"Yeah. I was just admiring the view."

"What's there to look at at this time?" Toki gave her a puzzled expression.

"Look at all those lights across in the city. There were thousands of houses-"

"Those are probably just street lights though." Toki had cut across her sentence.

"Toki! Mou can't you just let me imagine a bit!" Ryuuka pouted. Toki's heart skipped a beat and pounded furious within her at the sight in front of her. She chuckled, to cover up what she was feeling inside.

"Sera told me. When she lost at the semifinals last year, on the plane flight back, she had looked out of the window and caught this magnificent scene."

Ryuuka paused, as if for the effect and continued.

"She said, 'there must be at least one person out there that supported me in the match' and she was so upset she broke down." Finishing her story, Ryuuka leaned over the railings at the balcony, waiting for Toki's response.

"That doesn't seem like Sera."

"Mah… That's true. I guess that's what nationals do to you."

"I guess so. If Sera said that, maybe I will try to catch a glimpse of it on the way back." Toki smiled. In the darkness of the night, Ryuuka caught sight of that gentle smile that was on Toki's face. She felt oddly satisfied, to see that expression on Toki's face that was caused by her. Toki walked to her side and she too, gazed at the wonderful sight that graced their eyes.

Ryuuka peered over at Toki, catching the sight of the beautiful night sky coated with stars, reflecting from those beautiful eyes.

"Hmm?" Those eyes snapped back from their reverie and was giving her rapt attention.

"T-Toki I think we should go to sleep now." She tried furiously to halt her rising blush.

"Huh that's too bad. I wanted to stay up the whole night and be the first one to eat your breakfast."

"I-We can still eat it tomorrow morning!"

"But then I won't be the first one to eat it will I?" It was that resigned pout again.

"I-" Ryuuka stopped her mid-sentence as Toki turned away from the blanket of the night and headed back to her futon, away from her.

Hey that concluded the second chapter of my RyuuToki story! Hahah! Do give me reviews if you happen to like the story so far! It would make me very happy if more people would share the love of ryuuka x toki hehe. The Achiga series honestly... Senriyama should have won after the effort they had put in! When Ryuuka lost, she was so devastated... (HMM maybe i should let Senriyama win in my story) And Toki was CRYING at the hospital bed. ):

For this chapter, only the flashback are from the show. Hmm did i make Toki fall in love with Ryuuka too fast? Hahah anyway hope you enjoyed this chpater! Till the next time!