Hiccup walks out of the school today is a free day! The teenagers all are tossing a football, playing basketball, or walking around the track. Hiccup walks over to the wall of the school facing the others. He sighs, thinking about how better his life would be if he had friends.

"Some nights I wish that this all would end," he softly sings, he is a good singer. "'Cause I could use a friend for a change." He closes his eyes and imagines a better life.

"Hey useless!" someone shouts. Hiccup is then hit in the skull by a stone, followed by laughter. Hiccup opens his eyes to seeā€¦

'Well that is a surprise.' Hiccup thinks sarcastically 'it is Snotlout.'

"Useless, go ahead cry for help like the wimp you are." He jeers as he pulls Hiccup's arm into a painful position.

'Man do I want to kill him right now.' Hiccup thinks. Snotlout eventually lets go, being called by his band of cronies to play football. He gets up off the ground and just leans on the wall again.

"How do you put up with him?" asks a female voice from next to him. He turns and sees Astrid, a girl that he has had a crush on since he first met her. He gives a half smile and to his surprise, she lightly blushes and looks at him from the corner of her eyes. (A/N, look at the picture at the top of the page, that is this scene.)

"I don't really know." Is all he said. She looks at him surprised but keeps her body in the same spot, just her eyes are facing him. This is the first time he has spoken at school. Everyone thought he was a mute. "I could fight back, but that would only make others hate me more." He sighs as he turns his head to look out into the field. "I want to gain his friendship without doing something I would regret. I don't really want to become an even worse enemy to him than I already am, or the whole school for that matter." His eyes start to water remembering when his torment started.

"When did he start?" she asks.

'That has to be a coincidence.' He thinks. "After my mother died." He said softly. She died protecting him, a standard hit and run. The driver was not found. Astrid's head snapped to him. Her eyes filled with guilt.

"I'm sorry." She says.

"Eh, don't worry about it." He said. She nods and looks out into the crowds of teens. He chuckles.

"What's so funny." She asks.

"Here I am, a social outcast, talking to easily the most popular girl in the school" he chuckles. "If Christian was here he would say the universe was out of order. Or someone needed to die." She giggles. "He was an odd person, but the best brother one could ask for."

"What happened to him?" she asks after she got over her giggling fit.

"Armed forces, stationed in Iraq, harrier pilot." He says. "He loves those vertical flight planes. Brilliant sniper, the Special Forces wanted him to join, but he declined. He likes explosions more than sniping. In his words 'I can't live without seeing a beautiful explosion in the sky every now and then.' Man, the guy is such a fruit." She laughs. "He was not very talkative to people around our age. It just grew on him, I got so annoyed when he started to not shut up!" Hiccup starts laughing.

"Sounds like he gets on people's nerves a lot." She says. He nods.

"Yeah, but he had my back whenever possible. Helped in stopping Snotlout. The idiot was terrified of him after he and Christian had a game of Call of Duty, Christian crushed him after Snotlout started teasing me about my poor skills." Hiccup says. "I heard Snotlout whisper 'note to self, don't piss off Christian haddock" Astrid laughs again.

"Yeah, I remember Snotlout stopped flirting with me for a week, since I learned he stayed away from Christian. It was like Christmas came early that year." She laughs. The bell rings. The two head into the school. "Bye Hiccup! See you tomorrow!" she calls as she walks off to her locker. Hiccup gives a wave. Hiccup heads to his bus and sits down, at his stop he starts walking to the airport to watch the planes, something him and his brother did a lot. As he watches, he notices three harriers waiting to land. The lead plane, flies over hiccup and does a little jig. Hiccup's eyes widen, his brother said he would do that jig if he saw hiccup watching the planes when he came back. Hiccup runs to the air force hangers. On the field, a crowd of airport personal were waving and cheering as the three planes fly overhead. They soon land and the pilots get out of them. As Hiccup suspected, his brother is the lead pilot. Hiccup waves and Christian laughs and walks over.

"Christian!" Hiccup shouts.

"Calm down Hiccup" he laughs. His blonde hair falls over his forehead. (Yes, Hiccup's brother is a Blondie since stoic has the same color hair as hiccup, I assume that hiccup's mom was a blonde)."Let's go home, I want to scare the shit out of dad." Hiccup laughs. The two brothers walk off to their house.