Hermione always knew she was adopted. In her fourth year, she found out her father was a pureblood descended from mermaids and her mother a mermaid princess from the dark sea. However, when her friends find out, they break the friendship in disgust. Hermione ( Harmony) is hungry for revenge. Will she go to the dark side because of her heritage or stand by her belief.

Hermione was flipping through a random book on a shelf in the Hogwarts library when she saw a piece of parchment in the trashcan. She picked it up and saw the heritage that must have been hers.

Syreni are a rare type of mermaid. Their voices are beautiful, enchanting and can move the sad ones. There are known as the seven pearls, each pearl a different color. The most powerful syreni known was the orange mermaid Sara.

There was a picture of Sara on the page. She looked beautiful. She had an orange tail and a braclet on her left arm. Her hair was orange and so was her eyes. She touched the picture.

A unseen wind swept her hair and touched her locks. A bright white light flashed between her eyes. She collasped on the ground.

Sara woke up.

Her daughter was alive and well. The daughter she believed was dead.