I hope you guys liked my last chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own DC Nation


Tim narrowed his eyes, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. The only time Tim had heard the Mountain's system reporting Steph's entrance was with the alarm when she appeared in the kitchen, no announcement being made that anyone had come through the zeta tubes. And even if she did somehow pick up some hacking skills from hanging around Tim so much, everyone still would have heard the zeta beam, not to mention that the alarm never would have gone off in the first place. That meant she used magic to find him.

He knew that he had pissed off Steph, hell, there was no way he could not have pissed off Steph at this point. But Steph was his girlfriend, the person who knew him even better than his own family. Tim knew even with how bad things were getting between them, he could piss Steph off all he wanted and then some more, but she would never break their promise they made when they started dating. The promise, that unless they were either injured or in trouble, neither of them would use their magic against each other.

"Tim, do you know this girl?" Conner asked as he slid into a fighting position, everyone's eyes set on Steph.

Steph narrowed her eyes, ignoring Conner as she walked towards Tim, passing by everyone else completely. "What's going on, Tim? Why is everyone staring at me like I'm the enemy?" She asked, looking around the Mountain.

"Because you're the one who set off the alarm, idiot." The older Roy hissed, reaching for the set of kitchen knives on the counter.

"No." Tim said, before Steph could snap at him, her eyes already flaring with her magic. "Our alarms can't be set off by magic, because when the Justice League set this place up originally, they had no idea how to make the system alert to magic. Batman made tech to fix that, after the Watch Tower was made. And... that's not how her magic works."

"What do you mean that's not how her magic works? Since when does Steph do magic?" The younger Roy asked, glaring at the couple as Bart looked back and forth between Steph and Tim, caught between confusion by Steph's magic, and concern over the alarms that continued to blare loudly in the Mountain.

Steph rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. "Since, most of my life. And what Tim means, is that, when me and Tim started dating, I promised I would only use magic on him if he was in danger." She said, looking around the Mountain suspiciously.

"But that means..." Bart said, trailing off as his eyes started to widen.

"That someone else set off the alarm." Tim finished, just in time for the door to the kitchen to be blast open, and flames engulfed the entire room.

"Everybody get down!" Tim yelled, dropping to the floor as flames soared above his head.

"What the hell is going on, Tim?" Steph asked, sweat starting bead on her forehead from the sweat. "Don't tell me you've pissed off someone this much since the League incident. That was only a few weeks ago."

Tim smirked, even as his wings cramped inside his shirt, the bandages wrapped around his wings the only thing that kept them from flapping on instinct. "Well, you know these type of things go. If they're trying to kill you, least you know you're doing something right, then."

Steph shook her head, scowling. "Yeah, and it's about to get us all fried." Steph over the roar of the flame, then froze as they both heard snapping above them.

Tim looked up, his eyes widening in panic when he saw the rafters on the roof were breaking, right above... Stephanie.

"Steph, watch out!" Tim yelled, pushing Steph away from him quickly; so quickly that he forgot to hold back his real strength as he pushed Steph away from the fire.

Steph skidded along the floor, flames catching onto the edges of her clothes and hair before her back hit the wall, yelping as her head hit the wall. She went limp against the floor, fire surrounding her.

"Steph!" Tim shouted, his voice full of fear and panic as the smoke started to get into his lungs, and his sight turn blurry until all he saw was Steph catching on fire.

Suddenly, a hand wrapped around his ankle, dragging him backwards away from the fire, and away from Steph. "Let me go!" Tim yelled, kicking his legs, and twisting his body around. The hand tightened it's grip, the fingers digging bruises into the skin of his ankle until Tim was dragged down a corridor, and was dropped roughly onto the ground.

"Tim, what's wrong with you? You were going to burn in there!"

Tim turned around, scowling as Kon glared at him. "Steph's still in there! She's the one that's going to burn if I don't go back!" Tim snapped, pushing himself up quickly.

"M'gann got her, I saw. They went out a back door I think, probably used by Flash so he could get to the kitchen quicker if he's anything like Bart." Conner said, crossing his arms. "She's fine. We won't be though if we don't keep on moving."

Tim took a shaky breath, the his lungs still aching slightly from the smoke he inhaled earlier. "Yeah, alright. There's another corridor on the first right down this hall, we should go there." Tim said, nodding.

Conner nodded, running down the corridor. "Do you have any idea who that was?" He asked, taking the right turn as Tim followed.

The flames roared behind them, snaking around the corridor straight towards the two vigilantes as they started running faster.

"No idea. I haven't seen a pyro metas who would just break in like that without showing themselves. They're usually very proud that they set fire to a building and people." Tim said, gritting his teeth as he felt the heat from the fire get closer. "Take this left, I have an idea."

Conner nodded, Tim following just as the fire shot out behind the entrance of the room. "Too close." I muttered, turning around to look at the shower room.

"You take the left, I'll take the right." I said, running towards the wall, where stall-less shower heads were screwed to the top.

Tim started turning the handles to the showers, water pouring over him as Conner did the same. "The fire's not moving." Conner said, glaring at the fire in the entrance of the shower room.

It was spiralling, the fire somehow spinning it's way into a tornado of fire. "We're definitely dealing with a meta." Tim said with a scowl, then turned to Conner. "At least the water helps, as long as the showers stay on, we should be fine." I said.

Right after Tim said that, the knobs to the showers started rattling, the noise echoing inside the shower room. Then, before Conner or Tim could say anything, the shower knobs shot off the wall completely, water shooting out where the knobs used to be like a fire fighter's water hose; only, it was 10 times worse than any fire house.

"Oh yeah, like this is fine." Conner snapped, glaring at Tim as the water started raising to our knees.

"You know I said should be fine. Should." Tim shot back, biting his lip as the water passed his knee quickly and started rising towards his thigh. "I never said we would be fine."

"Wonderful." Conner muttered, looking over at the door way where the tornado of fire was still spinning.

The water was rising fast, already passing their waist, and would probably reach Tim's shoulders soon. There was only one exit out of the Shower room, and with the fire blocking the entrance, Tim and Conner wouldn't get far before the caught up with them. With those two choices and no other exits, they only had two things to think about. Burn to death, or drown to death.

They were completely and utterly screwed.

Conner fidgeted as the water closed around his neck, quickly rising towards his face.

Tim was already swimming, his legs kicking in the water as he fought to stay above the rising liquid. "Conner... you can swim, right?" Tim asked as the water rose, slight fear in his eyes as he looked Tim in the eye.

"Let me put it this way; is it hard to learn?" Conner asked, wincing as he forced himself to stand on his tip toes to stay above water.

Tim shook his head, a scowl set on his face as he mentally cursed himself. Of course he didn't know how to swim, Tim snapped at himself,102446+ he was born in a test tube! Where was he supposed to learn how to swim if he was a few weeks old? "Just start kicking your feet!" Tim shouted quickly, barely able to finish what he was about to say before the water rose too much, and he was forced to hold his breath.

Conner nodded, kicking his feet clumsily in the water, his arms helping him by paddling next to him, making him look like a dog swimming. It would have been funny to watch Conner dog paddle, Tim thought, if they hadn't been drowning.

Tim looked around, his eyes narrowed. The water was rising too fast, there was only a few feet between the water and the ceiling now, and that would close up in a minute, at most. That meant, Tim thought as he pulled the Red X belt he had under his T-shirt, they would have to find a way out quick.

Tim pulled out the exploding X's from his belt, pressing them to the side of the wall. He pushed away from the wall quickly, pulling Conner back with him just as the explosion went off.

The water started draining through the hole, dumping Tim and Conner into a hallway with it, coughing and hacking as the rest of the water poured out around them. "You could have warned me, you know." Conner said through coughs.

"What was I supposed to do, yell at you and hope you understand me as I slowly die from lack of oxygen?" Tim asked, pushing himself off the ground shakily. "Besides, you're half kryptonian, a little explosion like that won't kill you."

"You call that little? That blew up a wall!" Conner snapped.

"One wall. And it was only a shower wall, not anything impressive like a steel door or anything." I said, starting to walk down the hallway. "Now come on, we need to find the bastards who decided to attack us."

I hope you guys liked this chapter. Review!