This is the second and last chapter of this story. I dedicate it to MG, my personal publisher :P
Flashbacks are in past tense. This chapter went a little dark, I must warn you. It wasn't my original idea but now I feel it's good.
Warning: Rape, fight and murder. I don't excuse violence in any way. Violence is never the answer. So do not do this. Try to find another way.
Unbetad for now.
If I wasn't naked I would have jump and punch him. But that won't accomplish anything. Not yet.
"At least she is in my bed willingly," I fire back at him and he explodes.
He launch himself towards me and I have time to only shove out Regina before he lands on top of me with his hands around my neck squeezing it. I can't breathe because he is pressing me further into the bed. I kick with my legs before I realized he is between mine and there is not point of the kicking. Being smart jackass, Daniel press my legs with his, pinning me to the bed fully. I try to remove his hands but he seems to add more clenching force. There is no air left in my lungs and they start to burn from the lack of it. I scratch his hands hoping that the pain will make him loosen the grip. Damn, I trimmed them before I got here.
It's all coming back to me now. That night is taking over my brain as the air leaves my lungs.
I was on my way out of the club. I had a fight with Regina about the guy I was flirting with. I was angry and stormed out of the club hoping that she would follow me. I was so very wrong. She wasn't after me. I exited the building and started walking in the little back alley when I heard footsteps behind me. If I wasn't so drunk I could have figured out that it wasn't the sound of the clicking heels but actual footsteps.
When I spun around I collided with solid body and I felt strong arms pushing me towards the nearest wall. I hissed in pain when my back hit the brick wall. I managed to open my eyes and saw that the guy I was fooling around was looking at me with devilish fire in his eyes.
Shit. He got my flirting all too serious. But I was dancing with Regina the while night. I was filling her up shamelessly all through the night. Was he blind that I was with her?
Apparently I should have listened to my girlfriend, I thought when he pressed his form to mine. I felt his hardness against my stomach and I wished that this was all just a dream.
Sadly, it was anything but a dream. It was the harsh reality that he got the wrong idea and now he wanted me. And he was determined to have me.
I tried to fight. I really did but in vain. He was stronger and taller. He hit me, he slapped me, and he tore my red dress away. I was screaming "No," but the high club music was drowning my voice. He was the only audience to everything that was coming from my mouth.
I heard him fumbling with his belt and I knew that I had to stop him. Knowing what was coming made no difference. I also knew that I was frail. For the first time in my life I felt weak and unable to do anything. The desperation which, according to all the books, was supposed to give you some strength was nowhere to be found.
There was nothing that could aid me at this moment.
The guy trusted at me and I sunk low. My mind fell into oblivion in a pathetic attempt to not understand what was happening to the body. My mind was trying to push the actions into a black hole and never reach it again. But I knew better than him that this can't be that simple.
The burn inside of me was spreading all over me with each trust. I waited and waited, hoping the end will come soon. Hoping that this nightmare was nothing more than my guilt for not listening to my girlfriend. But that was just fooling myself.
He came. After what felt forever to me. With a final deep trust and a grunt it was all over. Well, at least the moving part was. He was still in me. Enjoying his blissful moment no doubt.
"Emma..." I heard someone calling me from a distance.
I couldn't recognize the source. I even thought it was mind playing tricks on me.
"Emma..." I hear Regina saying from far away. She is not next to the bed.
The burn becomes more and more with each passing second. His body weight makes it impossible for me to move. With every passing moment I feel sinking deeper into the bed, if that's even possible. He gets heavier and his eyes get redder. Regina is nowhere in sight. I hear her voice getting more distant with each moment.
"You will stay the fuck away from my wife." I hear his voice close to my left ear. His hold on me is lighter now.
I open my eyes and blink rapidly so I can adjust my vision. All I see is stars and blurry image.
The pressure on my neck eases off and my brain starts to work. I almost feel the wheels as they start spinning.
"Stay away from my girlfriend, you freak." I heard somewhere from the distance the voice of hope combined with a sound that I could only describe as metal hitting the ground.
No. It was Regina's low and husky voice laced with anger that I hadn't heard before.
All of a sudden the man's whole body weight was pressing me into the ground. His face was in the crock of my neck, his hands on both side of my body.
"Regina." I managed to produce with my mouth something like a whisper. I thought she hadn't heard it because for a few moments there was nothing. Dead silence.
But then the weight of me was being lifted. I opened my eyes and saw her...dragging his body by the leg. Away from me. Dragging his lifeless body away from me.
Oh, God, she killed him. The realization hit me and the pain from it was muting the burn between my legs. I looked around and spotted a pipe covered with blood two feet away from me. I gazed at Regina again and she gazed me back.
Fear creped between us as the night wind started to blow slowly. Chills run up and down my spine and I swear they weren't from the cold.
Taking a deep breath I slowly raised my upper body. Regina quickly came next to me and helped get up completely. I looked down at my dress. It was ruined of course and there a lot of bloody spots on it.
She killed him for me. To protect me.
I looked up at her. For a moment time stops. I realized what had just happened. I panic started rising in me. What will happen now? Looking at the dead body behind her I swallowed hard.
"Oh, God, what have I done?" The horror in her eyes made it even harder for me to think.
I stood before her taking her face with my hands and forcing her to look at me. "You've done... Something... Thank you for saving my life." I managed to whisper as my emotions took the better of me and I pressed lips against hers.
She stood there like a statue. She didn't respond. Nothing. Her lips might have been dead. No emotion came out of her. Which scared me even more. I detached myself from her and looked at her.
"I-I'll g-go to jail, Emma. T-that is not g-good," she stuttered. Her face wrinkled as I had never seen it. Tears damping her tears. Fear swirling in those gorgeous brown eyes that I so love to get lost in. "I... Oh, God."
She freed herself from my hands and leaned her back on the club wall.
I thought I was going to die right there. Because the woman that was all to me did the bravest thing anyone has done to me. She stood up for me. And I couldn't be more grateful for that except that she would go to jail for that.
"I will take the blame." I heard myself saying.
"What?" Regina turned around not believing her ears. Her eyebrows shot up to her hairline.
"I'll take the blame."
"But he..."
"I know. He deserved it. But you don't deserve going in jail."
"And you do?"
When I open my eyes (I haven't noticed I closed them) I see Daniel hovering over my face.
"Tell her to stop calling me." I challenge him as soon as his grip loosens. "Tell her to stop coming to my bed. Tell her to stop wanting me."
It seems that my every word touches him in unpleasant way because the grip soon disappears entirely.
"Tell her to stop begging me to take her and make her mine. Tell her that she belongs to her husband, not her lover." I continue to talk with boldness and cockiness. And I have every fucking right to do it.
He gets up from the bed and looks at naked Regina who is crouched in the far corner of the room. Her head is between her legs with her hands on her ears.
I use his distraction to get up and start dressing. I put my undies and search for the bra.
"Are you coming with me?" He asks emotionless because he already knows the answer.
I bit my lips to stop myself from saying, "Do you even know how to make her come?"
"I'm staying here," barely a whisper escapes from her lips. She is afraid of his reaction.
I put my bra and locate the tank-top.
"I expect you to be home before dinner," he commands but she flinches.
He turns to me and says, "This isn't over, you murderer."
"It will be over when you are six feet under..." I reply while I put on the tank-top. "Or when you give her divorce."
"Over my dead body."
"That could be arranged," I smirk at him and for the first time I think how easy it would be to kill him. But damn, Regina and her moral.
"Regina is mine. Forever. And you will have to deal with it."
"Is it a trade for your family to make people yours by force? Coz that was the reason your brother was killed."
"He didn't rape you. You lied."
"I didn't lie."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot," he put a hand on his chests in mocking gesture. "It was you who killed him and she took the blame."
"And your point is?" I ask, my fists aching to kiss his cheek.
"Get out of this town. Forget this whore..."
And that is it for me. That is the last drop of my patience. All I see now is red. And that ugly face of his.
My fist collides with his jaw. Fuck, it hurts like hell but he stumble backwards which gives me a sick satisfaction. But I need more. I launch myself on him knocking him down with me on top. A gasp escapes his gory mouth. I use this as my advantage and starts hitting his face with my fists. And it feels fucking awesome. Rightful. I have wanted this for quite a while.
"Emma, stop. You'll kill him," Regina pleads.
I feel her hands grabbing my upper arms and pulling me off of him. At first I don't budge. I just stay there, straddling him and watching him wincing at the pain I had caused him. His nose is bleeding and there is a cut on his cheek that also bleeds. He looks every bit like a beaten street dog. He is worthless.
I stand away from him my eyes focused on Regina, who is wearing one of my white shirts.
"Don't go any further."
She sounds much like the voice of reason. Which I don't have.
Daniel shifts trying to raise himself. I look down at him with disgust. Son of a bitch.
"He is not worthy," Regina whispers in my ear like that would calm me down.
But it doesn't. My heart is racing, my knuckles hurt like hell but I want to beat the living crap out of him. He is the reason I had to be separated from my child. Yes, Henry was conceived when I was raped by Daniel's brother but he is my child and I should have raised him. I should have heard him saying 'Mommy' for the first time. I should have seen his first step, his first tooth. I missed all of that because of his brother. And then when I was out of the prison Daniel decided to avenge for his brother. He threatened to kill Regina and Henry if I come close to them. But that didn't stopped me and never will.
Oh, God how I want to kill him right now but that won't make the problems go away. I will end up in jail again. I can't take another sentence. I can't be away from Regina and Henry for a long period again. So my only option is hiding. Again.
"Go ahead. Kill me." Daniel cuts my thoughts with a smirk. "Or is it she is the killer and you just hide behind her?"
My heart speeds up again and I clench my fists. "I don't hide behind her. I hide inside of her." I challenge him. I know that it's very wrong but damn it feels fucking awesome. I know how possessive he is. I know how he wants things and people for himself only.
Naturally he fights me. The jealous part of him takes over when his fist collides with my cheek. The force from the hit causes me to stumble and crush into Regina's body. She loses balance and drops to the floor. I look back at him with rage and use all my power to punch him right in the nose. I hear the bones breaking and can't help the smile forming on my face. God that feels tucking amazing.
The force of the hit whips his head to the side. He rubs his cheek with his hand and I use his distraction to kick him with my leg in the kidneys area. He screams and his free hand flies to the place that hurts. He drops to his knees and it's then when I launch myself on him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I press harder as I feel him unable to breath. He tries to push me off but I won't budge. It's like all the pain from my past gives me strength.
"That is for you and your brother did to me and to the woman I love. It's time for you to pay, Daniel."
H widgets against my half.
"No." Regina cries from behind me and snakes her fingers between my arms trying to free him.
He doesn't deserve anyone to fight for him. He doesn't deserve to be free.
"Emma, please. Don't it." Her eyes full with tear plead me and I feel mine mirroring them.
I plead her too. To put me out of my own misery coz honesty I have had it. It is all too much for me. It fucking hurts me every time I breathe and she is not next to me.
He continues to fight but he gets weaker by the second.
"Emma, let him go. If you don't one of us is going to end up in jail. And once they dig into our past and see that his brother has raped you they will see us as accompanies. Don't do this to Henry."
She is right. I know that but it just fucking hurts. And to be able to take control for once in your life is pretty seductive.
So I am stopping here. I know I am devil for doing so but the thing is that I would leave you to decide who Emma listens to. If she continues to hold Daniel it is now longer defense. It is murder with intention of doing it. She knows she will kill him. A little part of me can't write that. So I'm stopping here and let you decide what she will do next. Will she listen to Regina and let Daniel? Of course the consciences after that might lead to one of them in jail. If she kills him what next? Life on the run? Does any of them deserve it? What a dilemma?
I would love to hear your thoughts on this.