A/N: To ngrey651; I honestly can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. So... if you are, well played. If you're serious, then no... That kind of ending seems a little... too much. To me. I like happy endings, but not too happy. So we'll see where it goes. And as usual, thank you for reviewing. To my stalker;... I love your face.

Disclaimer: I do not own Invader Zim or any of its characters.

Chapter Eleven: Stars (The Xx)

I can give it all on the first date

I don't have to exist outside of this place

and do you know that I can change

but if stars shouldn't shine by the very first time

Then dear, its fine, so fine by me

Cause we can give it time, so much time, with me

Dib felt the voot cruiser shake slightly as it landed swiftly in Zim's attic. He never understood how humans could be so stupid as to not notice Zim's ship. He heard the hiss of air as the hatch door opened. Zim's blurry shape jumped out and stood still, as though waiting for Dib. GIR bounded out of the ship and ran off at full speed, screaming about his jellyfish.

"Give me a minute, I can't see." Dib grumbled. Feeling his way with this hands, he got up out of the chair and moved towards the hatch door awkwardly. As he started to climb out, he missed his step and slipped, falling down on the floor.

"Ugh, humans are so clumsy. Come, hurry." Zim complained. Dib could imagine him waving his hand in the air in agitation.

"I'm sorry that I can't see Zim. Be more of a jerk about it why don't you?" He grouched, getting up off the floor.

"Why are you being mean to Zim? You were being so nice before." Zim accused, looking up at Dib.

"Yeah well I'm different now. I'm how I used to be." Dib said, frowning.

"Does this mean that you don't like Zim anymore?" He asked, Dib could see his blurry form backing away.

"Of course not... I still like you Zim." Dib said, reaching for him. He felt the Irken grab his hand, a little hesitant. Without speaking, Zim led him down to the main floor, then down to the depths of his underground base.

"I think I have some spare glasses in my bag." Dib said, almost to himself. He felt Zim lead him by the hand to the cage that he had been kept in for the last few days. Zim let go of his hand as the metal bars were sucked up into the ceiling, effectively removing his temporary prison. Zim bent down and grabbed Dib's bag, handing it to the human. Dib was instantly relived when he unzipped the side pocket and felt the hard case that held his spare pair. He opened the case and slid his glasses up his nose.

Looking down at Zim, he grinned.

"Thank you."

"Eh. I don't have time to be leading you around all the time so I would rather you have those weird contraptions on your face." Zim said, waving his thanks away. He turned away from Dib and walked to his computer, sitting in his chair. Dib walked after him and sat on the counter next to Zim's glowing key board, looking down at the alien.

"So what now?" Dib asked, his voice growing serious.

"Now I will work on my next scheme to conquer this rock!" Zim said, halfheartedly. Dib watched him, unsure.

"What about what you said, in the lab?" He asked, watching the small aliens face.

"Eh?" He asked, not looking at Dib. The human became angry.

"Were you lying?" He asked, his voice rising slightly. Zim muttered to himself as he typed away at his keys.

Dib sat there, fuming at the alien. After all the shit they had just gone through, was he really going to do this? Was he really going to side with his enemies?

"Don't tell me that you're not affected by everything that has happened Zim." Dib said, sliding down off of the counter and standing over the Irken. Zim looked up at him, reclining in his chair.

"I am an INVADER Dib! I must conquer! I must rule and be in control! I NEED this mission! Without it, I am nothing!" He yelled up at him, his eyes narrowed. Dib leaned down, putting his hands on the arm of Zim's chair, effectively surrounding him.

"Then lets compromise." Dib said roughly. "If you join with me, you will rule on this planet. But you will rule to better it, not to destroy it."

"What nonsense are you speaking? Are you sure your brain isn't broken?" Zim said, cocking his head to the side.

"No. Listen to me, I am the son of Professor Membrane. One day, I will inherent the entire Membrane Co. Do you have any idea what that means? I will have power. A lot of power." Dib said, slowly, as though he was trying to make a child understand.

"Does that mean that you will be this planets next ruler?" Zim asked dramatically, pointing at Dib accusingly. "You ARE Zim's enemy!" He yelled.

"No! Listen Zim! Join me, and work with me at Membrane Co. With you and your knowledge of advanced technology by my side, we will be unstoppable. We'll take this world by storm. They won't know what hit them." Dib said excitedly.

"But... we won't destroy it?" Zim asked, confused. Dib's smile faded a little.

"No Zim. We won't destroy earth. We will build a better earth. An unstoppable earth." He said, his eyes glinting with the fire of his conquest. The Invader in Zim reacted to that fire.

"We will... rule earth? Together?" Zim asked, trying to understand and confirm what he thought Dib was saying.

"Pretty much." Dib said, waving his hand around in the air. He leaned down close to Zim's face and spoke to him softly. "You and I will be masters of the earth. We'll build it up to be impenetrable. Nothing, not even your Tallests will be able to stop us." Dib said, his voice low and seductive.

"But... my Tallests..." Zim tried to defend his masters, but his words were lost as Dib's breath caressed his antennae.

"Zim, they don't care about you... They're mean to you... They don't take you seriously. I do. I know that you are capable of great things. Do great things with me, Zim. Be my ally, my friend." Dib whispered, his lips brushing against Zim's sensitive appendages. Zim's mouth opened as he gasped at the sensation.

"This is... not what friends do." He said, breathless. Dib smiled and leaned back to look at him.

"No. Its not. But we don't have to be only friends. We can be more..." He said, leaning back down and kissing Zim. Zim broke the kiss and spoke again.

"You will be loyal to Zim? Only Zim?" He asked, his eyes searching Dib's. The humans expression softened as he looked down at his lover.

"Yes, Zim. I will be only yours." Dib replied, dipping down to kiss Zim again. Their tongues entwined for the first time in what seemed like days. Zim moved forward in his chair and slid out of it, pulling Dib around in his place. He pushed gently and Dib understood, letting himself fall back into the chair. Zim climbed up on top of him. Straddling his hips and pushing himself against the human.

Dib moaned at the pressure to his groin, letting his hands rest on Zim's slim hips so that he could move Zim against him. Zim pulled his mouth away and leaned back, grabbing Dibs shirt. He pulled it away from his body, not quite sure how to get it off of him. Dib smiled and grabbed his shirt from the aliens grip and pulled it up over his head. Zim nodded, pleased as he pulled off his only remaining glove. His hand had stopped bleeding.

Zim placed his green hands on Dib's chest and lowered his head down to kiss the human. Dib's hands moved from Zim's hips to pull Zim's invader uniform up over his head. It stuck for a moment on Zim's head, Dib had to fight with it to get it off. When it finally came free, Zim scowled at him. Dib smiled and pulled him close to kiss him again. They were hot and breathless as their tongues fought for dominance.

Dib pulled Zim's hips closer, grinding his cock against him. The friction was delicious as Zim moved his hips of his own accord. Zim pressed his naked chest against Dib's, their skin heating up even more at the contact. Dib moaned into Zim's mouth, moving his hands from his small hips to his butt. He almost came early when Zim started undulating his spine, his hips thrusting into Dib's with each roll of his body.

"Wait Zim, I won't last if you keep that up." Dib moaned, gripping Zim's hips as they gyrated against him. Zim purred in his ear, his strange teeth nipping Dib's earlobe. The human cried out and gripped Zim's hips tightly, standing and carrying the alien with him. He walked, a little unsteady as Zim continued to lick and bite his neck and ear, to the pillows that still lay on the floor. Dropping to his knees painfully, he laid Zim on his back. Dib leaned back up on his knees in front of the Irken, looking down at him with lust in his eyes.

Zim was panting, his pale green skin flushed beautifully. His antennae quivered as he looked up at Dib. He held his arms out to his human, wanting. Dib grinned and reached for Zim's foot. Zim was confused at first but then readily let Dib pull off his boots. He lifted his hips as Dib pulled his pants off.

His breath caught as he looked down at a naked Zim for the first time. Dib's fantasies did not do him justice. He lay, propped up on his elbows with his legs bent, open for Dib. His mouth was open as he panted. Dib stood and swiftly removed his shoes, pants, and boxers. He shoved his glasses up his sweaty nose as he leaned back down on his knees, positioning himself in front of his Irken lover. He pressed the tip of his erection against Zim's small entrance, and leaned down to kiss Zim passionately.

In one swift thrust he pushed into Zim, both of them breaking their kiss to cry out. Zim's fingers gripped Dibs shoulders as Dib shoved into him over and over. Dibs' hands gripped his slim hips and Zim let his shoulders go to fall back on the pillows, his head thrown back and his mouth open. Dib smiled down at the spectacular sight. Zim's tightness felt even better this time than it had the last time, so warm and slick. With every thrust into him, Dib felt a little shock to his cock, a wonderful, almost painful but much more pleasurable shock. It was the most wonderful thing he had ever felt.

"You're amazing you know that? You're the most incredible thing I've ever seen." Dib said, his voice low with his lust. Zim moaned at his words, pushing harder into Dibs thrusts. "I would do anything for you. I'd conquer the world with you. I'd leave forever and spend the rest of my life staring at the stars with you. Whatever you wanted." Dib said, his breathing quickening. Zim began to moan, almost squeaking with every thrust. Dib knew he was close, he picked up his rhythm, pushing into his small hips almost painfully.

"Zim, I'm about to-"

"Yes! Yes, Dib-" His words were cut off as his body detonated with the feel of his orgasm. Dib yelled out incoherently as he thrust into Zim once, twice more before he stilled, still gripping the small Irkens hips tight as he spilled himself into him. He sagged, his hands flat on the floor on either side of Zim to steady himself. Zim stared up at him, panting, his legs still wrapped around Dib's waist.

"You really are stunning, you know that?" Dib said between breaths. Zim smiled at him proudly as he reached up and pushed Dib's glasses up his nose before they fell off.

"Yes, yes, I'm amazing. I know." He replied. Dib grinned down at him and kissed him tenderly, happier than he could ever remember being. Zim ran his sharp fingers through Dib's messy hair.

"We are allies now?" Zim asked.

"We are whatever you want us to be." Dib replied, leaning into his touch.

"I think I would like to have the Dib as an ally. Conquering the world with you can't be all that bad." Zim stated, his voice low and thoughtful.

"It will be epic." Dib said, smiling at him.

"Epic... yes. Yes I think it will."

The end.