TE- We need 2 talk. coming over b there in a sec

I raise my eyebrows. What's so important that Tobias has to talk to me right now?

Tobias lives across the street so he should be here in a matter of minutes. I continue doing homework until I hear the doorbell ring. I walk downstairs and see that Caleb has already opened the door and is looking at Tobias with disgust.

I laugh silently and pull Tobias out from in front of Caleb. Caleb scrunched his nose and walks upstairs.

I pull Tobias down on the couch and laugh.

"Caleb is such a dork. So what do you need to talk about?" I ask.


"Whatdya mean? What about us?" I say confused.

"Our relationship." He says. I start to get annoyed at his vagueness.

"What relationship?"

"Ours." Okay, now I'm really annoyed.

"We don't have a relationship." I say irritation clear in my voice.

"Exactly. And that's the problem."

I stare at him for a second, not processing what he said. Then it hits me. He wants me to be his girlfriend.

"What?!" I say annoyance replaced with confusion.

He suddenly grins and goes into hysterics. I just stare at him with my eyebrows raised until he calms down.

"You... Should have... Seen your... Face!" He says between laughter.

I snap when he finally calms down. "What the hell are you talking about?!" I shout.

"Okay so I came here to tell you something. The whole relationship thing will come up in a second and don't worry I don't like you or anything." He says.

"Okay." I say.

"So, you know Shanua right?" He doesn't wait for me to answer. "Well she's hit a new low. So I was at McDonalds the other day when this girl named Angelica came up. So we started talking and hit it off. I was about to ask her out when Shauna comes out of no where and dumps a smoothie on her head screaming "Back off bitch he's mine!". Angelica ran off crying and Shauna left. So now that I know that Shauna is stalking me I need to ask a favor. A big one." He finishes.

"Shoot." I say raising an eyebrow.

He takes a deep breath. "I need you... To be my fake girlfriend." He says the last part in a rush.

"No." I say without hesitating.

"Come on please? For me?" Tobias says

"No!" I say

"Why not?" He questions


"Because why?"

"We've known each other too long it would be weird!"

"I'm not asking you to date me for real Tris, just for a little while so Shauna will leave me alone!"

I guess he's right. Shauna is his ex-girlfriend who is obsessed with him. She thinks he still loves her and wants to get back together. He doesn't. He thinks she's a creepy stalker and the sad thing is, he's right.

I sigh "Fine. Everyone thinks we're secretly dating anyway, might as well mess with their heads, have some fun."

"Aw yes! Thank you so much I owe you one!"

"Yes you do and don't forget to pick me up tomorrow."

"I live across the street how could I forget?"

"You usually find a way"

"One time! I forgot one time!"

"Yeah, and because of that I had to walk to school!"

"But I do remember saying I was sorry and you forgiving me."

"So? You'll still never live it down."

He sighs. "I guess I'll have to do something else that's stupid so you'll forget about that."

"Good luck with that. You probably won't have a hard time with that, you do stupid stuff all the time."

"Hey! I do not." He defends.

"Yes you do." I scoff.

"Fine. If you're just going to insult me then I guess I'll leave." He says with fake hurt.

"Good. I have homework to do now go away."

He makes a super sad super fake face before leaving. I laugh at his sarcasm.

Tobias walks across the street to his house. I wonder how this will work out. Being his fake girlfriend, I mean. Will people believe us? I'm not very good at acting and he isn't much better. Well, I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

I've known Tobias ever since I can remember. We have kissed before but we were only eight and it was a dare. But now we're both sixteen and everything is so much more real and complicated. Everyone thinks we should date but we just ignore them. I wonder what they'll say now that we're actually going out. Most of the girls will be jealous and glare at me. Actually they glare at me anyway because we're best friends so we spend a lot of time together.

But it will be interesting seeing how people react, especially Christina who is always telling me what a cute couple Tobias and I would be.

I sigh and lie down on my bed. I fall asleep thinking about whats going to happen tomorrow.


I wake up to my alarm clock singing my favorite song. I listen to the chorus and then I turn it off.

I'm the street lights that got ou home

I'll be your GPS when you've lost your phone

I'll be he song that's rockin' in your headphones

i'll show you the signs, to let you know, you'll never be alone

I heard that song when I was 10 and Tobias sang it at a karaoke party. He was actually pretty good. I get dressed and do my hair. I stand in font of my mirror and look at myself.

I'm not attractive. In fact I'm quite the opposite. I'm short skinny and blond. Sometimes I wish I were pretty, desirable even, but not often. No one judges me for my looks and I'm grateful for that so I guess I don't need to be pretty.

I sigh at my reflection and go downstairs. I eat breakfast and then I hear a knock at the door.

"Caleb! Hurry up!"

Caleb drives to school with Tobias and I even though he doesn't like him and he wont tell me why. I wonder what he'll think about our current relationship as 'boyfriend and girlfriend' I open the door and Tobias is standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Ready to go babe?"

I laugh. I sounds so foreign but I like it. No one has called me that in a long time.

"What did he just call you?" I hear Caleb say behind me.

Well, this should be interesting.