Lucy has forcibly been with Natsu for a total of three years because of the death threats that he's been giving her. For the third time, Lucy's planning on running away from Natsu and succeeded, but after some weeks, she realises that she's slowly killing herself by missing Natsu. Fs oneshot! R&R!

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail damnit!

A/N: Soooo please R&R on my first angst-romance oneshot fic! If you won't I'LL KILL YA! Muahahaha!

I'll Kill you if you'll Leave me


"Hey Luce, can I borrow your notes?" Gray informally asked Lucy who was playing some game on her phone.

"Notes?" Lucy replied, "Sorry but I'll use it later for study."

"Oh. Maybe we can study together later at your house..." Gray suggested, but upon hearing a growl from behind, he hissed, "...Nevermind. I think that'll be a bad idea..."

Lucy put her phone down and glanced at Natsu, her boyfriend, who's glaring at Gray just outside the room, "Yeah. Just go at Juvia's." she smiled, "I copied my notes from hers'."

"I though so." Gray smiled back and walked towards Juvia just at the corner of the classroom.

Lucy sighed and took her bag up. She walked towards Natsu and kissed his cheek. "Hey."

Natsu smiled, "Hey baby. What did that Gray told you?"

"He just wanna borrow my notes." Lucy answered.

Natsu smirked before snaking an arm around Lucy's waist, "Don't let him borrow anything from you. Hm? He's an idiot."

Lucy nodded.

"Will you let me take you home today?" Natsu smilingly asked, Lucy nodded again and forced out a smile.

The walk to Lucy's home was quiet for that day. Outside Lucy's apartment, Natsu gave her princess a one sweet kiss.

"Thanks for taking me home Natsu." Lucy thanked. Natsu scratched his nape and grinned.

"You're very welcome. Uh... By the way baby..." Natsu moved his face close to Lucy's, "Please tell Gray not to call you 'Luce'."

Lucy forced out a laugh and said, "Ahaha... Natsu don't worry about that. Everyone in my class calls me that you silly."

Natsu lowered his brows, "Is that so?" then he beamed, "Okay. Bye now Lucy... And, don't forget."

Lucy gulped, the couple of seconds that she's been fearing of coming in every other day is coming...

" I'll Kill you if you'll Leave me. "

Natsu smiled and headed off.

Lucy's tears came out as she watched Natsu's figure disappear from her sight. It has been three years of pretending, and being afraid from the person she thought that'll be perfect for her. She knew she committed a mi

stake. A mistake that'll affect her whole life.

She went inside her apartment and cried the whole night. 2:31 in the morning, she decided she'll try to run away from him... Again.

The first attempt to run away was a total failure. Lucy didn't know that Natsu had a contact with a neighbor; She called for a taxi with two big luggages beside her in front of her apartment, the neighbor saw her and immediately called Natsu. She was just waiting for her plane in the airport when Natsu appeared before her kneeling and begging her not to leave him. She had no choice but not to leave after seeing how Natsu reacted. She just nodded her head, cried for herself, and hugged her boyfriend. And the people around them applauded. Yes, to the audience it had been a cute and romantic don't-leave-me airport scene. But hell it's not, and what Natsu did after that was to make her wanting to leave him more.

The second attempt of running away from the painful love was almost successful, almost.

The couple were in Natsu's house. Lucy told Natsu that she'll be using his bathroom and that she'll take a while there but truth is she went out from a window with all of her money in a small handbag. She went to the nearest train station wearing a suspicious disguise. She stood out among the crowd and thought that it was a bad idea wearing a disguise. Soon, a guy approached her and suddenly wanted an autograph from her. Oh. They thought she was a celebrity hiding from any fans out there. The news quickly spread out and reached Natsu who dashed out after knowing that Lucy was missing and not in the bathroom anymore. And the people was then forcing Lucy to take off her disguise when Natsu came panting to rescue her shouting, "Get off my girlfriend!" and "I'll kill you all if I see her even with a scratch!". He grabbed the crying Lucy's hand and dragged her out of the train station, forcing her in his car.

"Lucy, again?!" Natsu punched the car's window beside him.

"I... I'm sorry." that was all Lucy can say.

Natsu sighed frustratedly while ignoring his bleeding fist. Lucy gently took his bleeding fist and covered it with a scarf she wore for disguise.

"This is the last." he warned, "This time, I won't hesitate again, I'll kill you if you'll try leave me again. I mean it Lucy. I'll kill you with these hands that cares for you. God led you to me. You and I live for each other and it'll be nothing if we're apart. But if you'll leave me you're better off dead."

How Lucy wished he didn't have to say the three first and the last sentences, maybe she wouldn't hesitate to love him freely again after that.

Three years ago they were happy in love, they loved each other, when Natsu suddenly said things that sounded like threats to Lucy's ears, no, those things he said were really threats. Death threats. And since then Lucy always hears " I'll Kill you if you'll Leave me " from him everyday after he gave her a usual sweet kiss. She don't know what hit his head but she's certain that he'll really kill her if she'll try to leave him, and the two attempts on running away were just warnings for her not to attempt for the third time, or this time, Natsu's love will kill her, the look in his eyes tells her that he surely can kill her.

But now Lucy is desperate, the second time's attempt's punishment was two times heart-breaking from the first but it increased her motivation to try to run way from him more. She can't pretend forever, it'll make her crazy! She don't care if she dies! It'll be the same in either way!

Now, Lucy's in an airport, 4:12am, surely, Natsu's asleep because she gave him a drink with a sleeping powder mixed with it, the neighbor won't be able to contact Natsu because she shot him with paralyzing gun. Lucy purchased a plane ticket to the farthest continent.

She succeeded, she's now in a plane going to the farthest place from Natsu. She smiled and sighed in relief that he wouldn't be with her anymore. But, it'll be really a relief for her?

She stepped down the plane breathing the fresh air of freedom and independence. She swore to herself that if she'll love another person, she'll make sure that he's not some yandere.

And so she lived by herself in a little boarding house, still supported by her parents who are somewhere in this world sending her enough money for the month. She thought she can have a new life by herself, but she can't.

Some weeks later, Lucy's feeling something that she couldn't understand nor express, just she feels incomplete, the days since she completely realised she left Natsu had been incomplete.

"Why?" she thought as she cried under her bed cover. She wanted not to be Natsu, no, she wanted to not to pretend with love, no, she don't want to be hurt... But wait, Did Natsu ever physically hurt her before? Even when he threatened her that he'll kill her millions of times, did he REALLY hurt her before or even gave her a tiny little scratch?

"I'll kill you all if I see her even with a scratch!" a voice of a Natsu was heard inside her mind. He said that when the people forced her to take her disguise off. He were really furious then, and every words he said were like words that came out from a shoujo manga.

Lucy sat up and smiled, "Natsu, you cunning idiot, you really are gonna kill me... You're killing me right now Natsu." tears rolled down from her reddish eyes, "Really Natsu... I really miss you. Natsu... Why did I leave you?"

And she would cry for Natsu every night like that. The sadness and depression slowly killing her. Is she going to come back to him?

Days passed and all came in her mind was Natsu. She thought of the happy dates they had, even her smiles were fake that time, the sweet kisses he gave her after he safely took her home, the books he bought for her, the times when he was sick that she couldn't help but see him as a lost cute pup, when he protectively pulled her to him when guys like Gray approached her... The things he did when she tried to run away from him; in the first time she tried to leave him and failed, that night, Natsu laid himself next to Lucy in her bed hugging her tightly like she'll disappear if he let go of her. Someone might see it cute and romantic but for Lucy it was not, no more when he started whispering tons of death threats. Why does he has to threat her over and over? Its not like she hate him and needed to break up. Nevertheless, he didn't physically hurt her. The second attempt to leave him was, as told, failure too. The scene that night was just like the last night, he hugged her even tighter than the last time though and even said he'll kill himself after he kill her. Lucy can only cry in his arms, it makes her whole being sad and depressed knowing Natsu can mix love and excessive anxiety.

"Geez, just what was he thinking?" she said aloud, trying to keep a smile up, "No. What was I thinking? Maybe I was just thinking about myself... I'm a selfish freak. Natsu's a selfish freak too damn it. I miss him. Why won't he come and get me back to him?"

Kring Kring Kring~

Lucy wiped her tears and reached her phone out, Gray was trying to contact her for the hundredth time. She sighed and pressed the answer key.


"Oh thank God Lucy you answered!"

"What do you want? My notes?"

"No you dummy! Natsu's looking for you and he's going crazy!"

"Natsu? Is he there?"

"No. Uh... He's in a hospital..."


"Now you're shouting."

"What happened to him?!"

"He was shot by the police after messing up in your apartment and trying to run from the police to find you. He's in a critical stage right now and the doctors are sweating buckets in the emergency room! Just where are you? Why won't you answer our calls?"

Lucy dropped her phone and stormed out with only her wallet. Damn that's for blocking everyone's contact in her phone.

In fifteen hours, she arrived back to her place and just dropped a jaw seeing her room really messed up, even her microwave oven was disassembled.

"Oh Natsu you even looked for me in the microwave oven." she cried and took the Telephone out to call Gray.


"Hey. We're in the hospital now are you coming? Natsu's not really looking good now..."

"Shit yes. What hospital are you in now?"

"The central hospital. Room 720."

Lucy threw the Telephone somewhere and ran as fast as she could out, thank God the hospital's just a half kilometer away from her apartment.

When she arrived, she quickly went to the hospital room Gray told her to come.

"Lucy-nee..." Romeo, Natsu's little brother, approached Lucy crying, "Natsu-nii is... Natsu-nii is..."

-To be continued- (If even someone Reviewed)

A/N: Okay okay I said it's oneshot, but it's not (MUAHAHAHA! I'm so EVIIIRU). Ahem, you probably know what it means, I want reviews! I need 15+ reviews for this people! I got myself in a bet and my Lucy and Natsu figurines are in danger! Please do help me! I promise you to give the most dramatic ending of this fic if you did. Thanks very much! God bless us all!