Chapter 2: New students
I sat there looking around the room with my hands cuffed to the the table and cussed under my breath. It had been two hours since the police arrested us because Slim decided to screw up and steal a damn drink from the store. He was probably In a different interrogation room, most likely raising hell and giving them trouble.
He was my friend but there were times i had wish I never met his stupid ass because he's too irrational for no reason. I just sat there looking around until I heard the door behind me open up. I turned around to see two men in black suits and black shades enter the room, one of them carrying a folder under his arm. They came in front of me and tossed the folder on the desk. The man with the bald head decided to sit down while the guy with the slicked back hair decided to stand behind his partner.
We all just looked at each other in silence until I decided to break the ice.
"It's a little too dark in here to be wearing sun glasses, don't ya think?" I said letting a small smirk form on my face.
"Why don't you shut up before I break your jaw you lil shit?" the guy standing behind his partner said in a threatening voice.
I muttered a okay as I held my hands up showing the cuffs around my wrist. The detective sitting down brung the folder in front of him and opened it to reveal A white sheet. He looked at it and looked at me. It was a full two minutes before he tossed it back on the table and decided to open his mouth.
"Any reason your buddie didn't want to pay for his drink?" he asked me. I just sat there and shrugged my shoulders. He let out a sigh and turned around to his partner and nodded his head. His partner got up off the wall, walked towards me and got in my face.
"What's wrong afraid of getting your buddy in trouble?" he said with a weird smile.
"No i just-"
"What flavor was it?" He interrupted
"What flavor was what? What is you talkin about?" I asked.
"What flavor was the drink, huh? I bet it was a grape soda wasn't it?" he said with a grin. I started to get angry and stood on my feet.
"What the fuck does that mean?!" I said aggressively as I got in his face. Terrible mistake on my part.
"Suspect acting hostile!" the man said before putting his fist in my gut causing me to bend over in pain. I started to cough up spit as my head laid on the table. I was about to recover until I felt a hand land. On the back of my head and pull me up so I was facing the detective. I guess it wasn't over since he put another in my jaw, This time he drew blood. The next one was a upper causing me to raise up out of my seat and cough out blood.
As I pulled my head back up I got a back hand slap making a few splatters of blood stain the floor.
"Motherfuckers." I muttered through the cough and panting. I was most likely gonna get roughed up some more if I hadn't heard what I heard next.
The guy with the slicked back hair was about to land another punch on before we all heard the door click again. It opened to reveal another guy in the same uniform as the other two.
"Alright that's enough Mullen." the man said to the officer with his hand on my head. He let go of my shirt and walked towards the man standing in the door. All I heard was angry muttering and silent yelling as I sat there dazed, cough and spit out blood.
I heard him walk back over to the side of me. I was waiting for the punches to start coming at me again until I saw the man known as Mullen pull a key out of his pocket and took off my handcuffs. I sat there with my eyebrow raised looking for an explanation until I got it.
"Congratulations, I don't know how but you got the charges dropped." he said as he took the second cuff off my wrist. I sat there for a minute rubbing my wrist until I sat up and started walking to the door. I walked down the hall taking another glance at my violent iinterrogator before the door closed again. I kept walking down the hall until I made it to the center of the police precinct where I started to crack my neck. I started to look around the room to see slim coming out of another hall with a smile on his face. We walked towards each other and he started to extend his fist out to receive a bump from me. I just looked at it and looked at him.
"You really think I want to say what up to you right now?" I said as I smacked his hand out from in front of me.
"come on dude, don't be like that." he said as he raised his arms up a bit.
"Oh, don't be like that?" I retorted. We stood there arguing for three minutes until we were interrupted by a girls voice.
"Um, excuse me, are you Thomas Smith? The voice asked. We turned around to see two girls walking towards us. One was a slightly tan girl with black long hair with some covering her right eye. She Wore a skeleton ribcage shirt that hugged her curvy waist and short shorts completed with thigh high socks that wrapped around two nicely shaped legs. The other was a fairly petite girl with a schoolgirl uniform on with dirty blonde hair tied up in pigtails. I looked towards Slim to see him eyeing the black haired girl up and down with a small smile on his face as the two girls stopped in front of us.
I roughly slapped him in the chest to make him pay attention and stop looking at the one girl in front of us. After, I turned my attention to the two girls to answer.
"Yeah, that's me, can I ask who you two are?" I questioned.
"Nice to meet you, my name's Maria Garcia and this is my friend Maka Albarn. We were sent here to take you to the DWMA for your orientation." The girl named Maria stated as she and Maka extended their hand for us to shake.
"Well you can just call me Tj." I said as I shook both of their hands.
"This is my friend Slim." I said as I put my thumb into his direction. Slim muttered a "sup" and put his hands in his pockets. I started to rub my chin as it began to ache from the beating I took from the cop in the other room. I guess that Maria girl saw since I saw her raise her hand and place it gently on the left side of my cheek.
"What happened to your face?" she asked as she turned my face to the side observing the bruises on it.
"Its nothing, don't worry about it." I said as I pulled my face away. I rather not tell them about the act of police brutality I went through.
"So I guess we should go and meet with the others at the school." Maka said. I agreed and we all walked out the police station. After we were about a block away from the station I put my hand on Slim's shoulder and stopped him before he could take another step.
"Oh, I almost forgot to give you something man." I said. He already knew what it was because I felt his shoulder start to tense up. I heard him mutter a "shit" before I turned him around and punched him in the gut, making him kneel down in pain.
"That's for havin me get my ass beat in the police station." I said before I brung him back up to his feet and patted him on the back.
"Aight, I deserved that." he coughed out.
"Alright lets go." I said as I started walking again.
"What was that about?" Maka asked.
"Nothing." we continued walking and talking until we got to the giant building.
"Oh shit, this is the school?" Slim said in astonishment.
"Yep" Maka said walking in front of us, "Welcome to Death Weapon Miester Academy." she exclaimed hold up her hand in the direction of the giant school as we began walking up the steep stairs. As we all entered the school I began to notice the interior was as big as the outside. I looked around observing the corridors and the arched ceilings.
"I think everyone should be in the class." Maka said as she motioned us to enter. We were greeted by the sound of random voices and saw the people we assume were Maka and Maria's friends. It was three guys and a girl talking with each other until we came in the room.
Maka introduced us to her partner soul who was a pretty laid back and nonchalant guy. Maria introduced us to her partner Eddie who had a pretty straight forward attitude. Then, we were introduced to blackstar and his partner, tsubaki. Tsubaki was a great girl to meet, it was just her partner who pushed buttons. He was pretty childish and arrogant and always reffered to himself as a god. I could already see him and slim not getting along with each other.
"I see you've met some of your classmates." I heard from behind me. I turned around to see a gray looking zombie man with braids.
"You must be the two new students that we had to bail out of jail." The zombie looking man said earning us a few stares from everyone in the room.
"What did they do to land themselves in jail?" I heard soul ask.
"It doesn't matter right now, now, we should get you two to your apartments."
We said bye to our soon to be classmates as we walked out the room down the hallway with Sid. Before we went out the building, Sid stopped us next to a board on the wall.
"Beforeii forget to tell you this is the mission bulletin where you'll be able to get all your quest and extra curricular activities." he said as he pointed to the board.
"Okay, when can we start em?"
"Well you can start most of them when you two get your partners." he said
Before I could say another word I heard multiple footsteps come our way. I turned around to see a bunch of men in black uniforms and flak jackets stop behind us check their gear.
"Who are those guys?" I asked
"Those are men part of the special forces division," Sid said, "we'll be going on a assignment on the outskirts of the city."
"Sir, we are ready." a soldier with a green cap said to Sid.
"So , what's say you let us go on this mission with you guys?" I said pointing at both me and Slim.
"AAbsolutely not." Sid sternly said to me.
"Come on, just think of it as us trying to pay you back for bailing us out, plus, think of it as our first extra credit activity."
"You two don't even have your partners yet."
"Just hand us a couple of the gear they have and we'll take care of it."
"I'm not very comfortable with giving students assault rifles."
"Please, we know how to use guns." Slim added in.
"I don't want wanna be responsible if something happens to both of you."
"Don't worry we can handle ourselves."
"Just started your first day of the academy and you want to take on a dangerous mission," Sid stated, "Kind of reminds me of Blackstar when first started here."
"Of all the people you compare us to him." I said disappointingly.
"Fine ill let you guys on this mission, but first you'll have to come with me to grab your gear and sign on a few papers saying in not responsible for what happens to you on this mission."
"Alright." I said.
"Follow me and we'll get to it." he said motioning us to following him.
I was stopped by Slim before I could take another step.
"I guess you didn't hear him say special forces, which we ain't." he said
"Man don't sweat it it ain't gonna be nothing we can't handle." I said nonchalantly.
"Bitch, did you not just here him say special forces," he emphasized, "WHICH WE ARE NOT!" he started shouting.
"Just don't sweat it man and you still owe me." I said as I started following Sid.
"We gon fucking die." I heard Slim mutter.
Well that's the second chapter finally, my bad if I didn't update for so long ive been busy. Ill be updating more frequenlty.