So I've been into Zelda almost obsessively for a while now and I thought a fic should be in order. Never have I shipped a pairing so fast (first scene and I was sold, damn they are good).

Title: Across The Sky.
Skyward Sword.
They were destined, high up the sky or down to earth. [Ten genres challenge 3/10].

Across The Sky


Bath Surprise.

He liked it better when he washed up at night. He could just relax and didn't have to worry about anyone entering and playing pranks on him when he dozed off to sleep. People in Skyloft often feared getting out at night, outdoors or even indoors. He never knew why though, maybe it had to do with how dark it was here above the clouds.

So, with a towel and some extra soap (for his clothes, they needed to be washed), he opened the bath's door and immediately took off his clothes upon closing it.

He was about to hop in when he saw that there was someone there.

And by someone he meant Zelda.

They stared with shock at each other, one deeply settled in the large bath and the other about to enter it.

And then they shrieked. Loudly.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know that you were in here!" Link exclaimed, not sure whether he's supposed to cover himself or his eyes or to hurriedly run out of there.

Zelda only yelped at his rapid movements.

In the end, he decided to run away, not bothering to wear his clothes.

It took some moments to compose herself, her best friend and secret crush seeing her naked and her seeing him naked was something major in her opinion.

And thinking about it again, Zelda really couldn't help but to smile dazedly.

So I was right all along, he does have a great body…

"I'm sorry again… I honestly didn't know…" Face and body blushing furiously, Link repeated his apology.

He had to wait for Zelda to finish washing up to hand the clothes he left at the bath. Luckily, Zelda didn't take too long and knocked his door a short while later, handing him his clothes from behind it.

Zelda only giggled, the tone of her voice not sounding angry at all. "It's alright, just be careful next time, okay?"

He heard her stepping away to leave, but before that, he could've swore he heard her saying, "You can join me next time."

He slapped himself, firmly telling his mind not to go there.


Dreaded Dialog Tree.

She was peacefully watching out the sky she missed so much during her quest. Even though she and Link agreed to establish a new land on the surface, they frequently visited Skyloft, after all, who else but its residents will help them?

"Zelda," a gentle voice called her from behind, making her smile fondly before turning to face its owner.

The smile, however, completely left her features when she saw him.

Because here Link was, wearing a green and form-fitting outfit (form-fitting was an understatement…), old symbols printed in black lining over it and to complete the look, he wore a black cloak that flowed with the wind, letting her clearly see his nicely toned arms.

That outfit left nothing for the imagination, and she would be a huge liar if she said that she didn't absolutely love it.

"How do I look?" he asked, totally oblivious to her hungry stares, "Groose made this outfit, he said that he inspired it from Impa."

Zelda was about to open her mouth to reply when a dialog tree stopped her. It always came in the most inappropriate times and Zelda really wished it left her now. And she paled considerably when she saw the choices, even though they perfectly suited her train of thoughts, she wasn't sure if it was proper to say.

So she stared at the choices hovering above: "1000/10 would bang." and "You would look even better naked on my bed."Link confusedly looking at her because she was taking too long to answer.


Wake Up Call.

Every morning, she wakes up to a faint touch on her face and a bright smile from Link. It was something she learned to get used to; ever since they got together after the ordeals they faced, he always made sure to wake her up.

It's strange, she thinks, the famed sleepyhead waking up early in the morning just for her.

But Zelda perfectly understood him; he was afraid. He was afraid of losing her, losing her for eternal sleep, losing her for fate.

And honestly, she felt the same.

She only asked him to wake her up one time, but trust Link to continue that promise.

Every morning, she wakes up to a faint touch on her face and a bright smile from Link.

And every morning, she would smile back, close the space between them for a kiss and then whisper a grateful, "Thank you."


Next up genres: AU, First Time, Crossover.