A/N PLEASE READ: Thanks for giving this a read, I hope you like it. In this story, the events of the That 70s Show episode 'It's A Wonderful Life' have happened, up to the point of the prom episode...

Otherwise I hope you like it! :)

ALSO This story is quite long, so I cut it in half, it was supposed to be a one sho but I thought it was too long enjoy chapter one!

Point Place, Wisconsin

Donna Pinciotti's Room

Prom Week; Thursday, 7:46 p.m.

Donna was showing her prom dress to Jackie, Eric was simply watching because he had nothing better to do, "Don't you like it?" Donna asked Jackie, holding it over her body for emphasis.

Jackie laughed without humor, "Yeah, I was gonna get a dress...but Michael didn't ask me." she stated, expecting some sort of pity.

Okay, maybe Eric could be down in the basement with the guys, but Hyde kept talking about the prom being the night when he and Donna finally do it. He was a lovesick puppy for her.

Eric had no feelings for Donna, he was happy Hyde was happy with Donna. So he was fine with them going to prom. He and Donna were still great friends, nothing changed when she started dating Hyde. So Eric's friendship with Hyde was even better than what you'd think it would be.

Eric had no intention of going to prom and he liked it that way, his plans were watching the National Wrestling Alliance PPV, he was excited about that. Terry Funk was taking on some jobber who didn't really matter, it was Terry Funk he wanted to see.

Donna nodded, ignoring Jackie pity trap, "Yeah...and look at these shoes!" the redhead said with giddy practically radiating from her

Eric was staring into the wind not paying attention, when did his life get so dull?

The brunette just gasped, "Yeah! I could be doing the same thing…" she paused for some dramatic effect, "...but Michael didn't ask me." Jackie said, choking and almost tearing up.

Yes, Jackie and Michael broke up but that didn't stop Jackie's dream of attending the prom with her first boyfriend, even if they weren't currently together.

Donna bit her lip, upset Jackie wanted all the attention, "Oh!" Donna exclaimed making Eric jump, "I have the cutest purse to go with this, I have it in the Eldorado. I'll be right back!" Donna stated with pure excitement, running towards the door.

Donna looked to Eric before she closed the door, Eric was glaring at Donna for leaving so abruptly, leaving him with Jackie...alone.

Donna just grinned to herself as she shut the door, Eric felt as if he wouldn't make it out of here alive.

He didn't hate Jackie, but she wasn't exactly a sweetheart, especially to him!

Jackie looked at Eric, "Why hasn't Michael asked me yet?!" she shrilled, there was an actual echo, very faint, throughout the room.

"Just appease her." he told himself.

Eric stood up, his voice groaned as he stretched, "I don't know, Jackie. You guys broke up, didn't you?"

Eric sat back down after stretching, Jackie groaned, "Yes. But me and him were meant to go to the prom, and he hasn't even asked me yet." she explained in a sad tone, she never knew why she opened up to Eric, there was that time she thought she was pregnant and she confided in him about it. Jackie never really thanked him for that. He had a distinctive atmosphere about him that was comforting and assuring.

Jackie always felt was a good guy, but them being friends wasn't a priority so she never bothered.

"Well, have you talked to him about it?" Eric asked her, Jackie just shook her head saying 'no'.

"Well, why don't you just ask him to go with you?" Eric suggested in a generic tone, Jackie immediately scoffed.

Jackie glared at him like he was stupid, "Well, the guy is supposed to ask the girl, Eric. Not surprised you don't know that. Then again; you're just short of being a girl yourself." she said with such cruelness, and not feeling much remorse about it.

Jackie stupidly decided to continue, not stopping to think about the person's feelings she was hurting, "Have you ever even had a girlfriend? Why am I even taking advice from you?" the brunette girl shot at him angrily, as her words hung about in the air, she quickly felt bad and was taken back herself that she snapped like that. She always had trouble keeping her mouth shut when she was upset.

Eric stared at her and then at the floor, he took what she said in, "Thanks, Jackie. Next time, go talk to a therapist or something." he shot looking right at her, "Bitch." Eric mumbled as he stood up and left looking more bummed than Jackie herself.

As she sat alone in the room, Jackie felt a little bad for that, he was only trying to help her out when he didn't even need to.

"Crap." Jackie said aloud.

Jackie was gonna go next door and see for herself why Michael wouldn't ask her to the prom, who else would he go with?

Jackie almost thought he might have a date, "No." she assured herself. Her ignorance was also something she needed to work on...

Forman Basement...

Kelso ran in the basement a few minutes after Eric came in, Hyde and Fez noticed Eric's demeanor was very off, but shrugged it off, "Guess who's got two thumbs and is taking Pam Macy to the prom!" Kelso said before he even shut the basement door.

"The only dumbass in town who actually uses that expression anymore?" Hyde said nonchalantly from his white chair.

But the kettle-head just laughed, "Yeah, you're right!" he stated, not realizing he burned himself.

Jackie came in the basement through the door, Kelso noticed his friends tensed up as Hyde and Fez looked behind his shoulder, Kelso turned and saw his ex with a 'smile' on her face.

Michael turned and his smile quickly fell and led to a face off with his ex, an exchange of each other saying the other one's name took place.



Jackie had her arms crossed and stared at what appeared to be her ex boyfriends soul, "Did you know Steven is taking Donna to the prom?" Jackie asked him, with Kelso's advanced stupidity, Jackie had to say emphasis on all her words, even more so on the word 'prom', she knew Michael needed help to see what she wanted.

Hyde just smirked, getting even more excited about this night, he hoped this would be the night he and Donna finally 'do it' for the first time, Steven Hyde was almost giddy (believe it or not!) "Yes. Yes, we are." he assured Jackie's statement, "Actually, this could be the night where we-" the burnout was saying happily before Jackie inevitably cut him off.

"Steven…" the focused brunette held her hand up towards Hyde, "…no one cares." Jackie scolded him, leaving a shut down Hyde to just glare at her across the basement.

Jackie turned her attention back to the kettle-head, Kelso felt disturbed by Jackie's glare, as did Hyde and Fez.

Eric, however, was watching the TV from the couch, he could care less about Jackie's problems after what happened next door. "Last time I do anything for her..." he thought bitterly.

Hyde sensed Kelso's head was about to roll, and he didn't want to be around when the yelling started, he then stood, "We were just leaving." Hyde said reluctantly hitting Fez shoulder softly, he really wanted to see how Jackie's questioning would go but something told him to leave now...

"No, we weren't!" Fez stated, looking back to Kelso and Jackie. Hyde shook his head and sat back down.

"So, Hyde is taking Donna to the prom, Michael." Jackie stated yet again...her words were meant to convey a simple message to Kelso.

It got lost in the translation, as Michael with a true smile said, "I'm going to the prom too." he replied, not piecing together that Jackie wanted to go with him.

Jackie's face completely fell and turned pale, but Kelso continued...to make things worse that is, "Yeah, I'm taking Pam Macy." he finished happily, with a big teeth showing smile, a stupid grin to boot.

Jackie's face went even whiter, she never felt so hurt in her life, the man she loved was going with some whore! The brunette felt her cheeks ache, she was about to cry, but she had to stop herself as she needed to hold back and not let her ex win. She had to bite her lip as hard as she possibly could, just not enough to draw blood, forcing the pain to be on her now pulsing lip and not Kelso going with someone else to the prom.

Eric didn't move...but took his attention off the TV after hearing Kelso say to Jackie in an unsubtle and unashamed manner, "Come on, Kelso...really?" Eric thought, a part of him actually hoping Kelso would hear his own thoughts.

It wasn't easy but Jackie quickly recovered, "I...have a date too..." the raven haired girl shot back, her bottom lip ached like hell now, Eric wanted to snort a laugh at that since he knew it wasn't true, but couldn't bring himself to do so. He didn't find it funny but he wanted to burn Jackie, but he felt for her and knew she didn't need his smart ass snicker to boot.

Kelso stepped forward after hearing that, "With who? Who is it?" he asked intently, not happy she was going to the prom, but Michael's worried tone assured Jackie that she won this battle. She could walk away with that.

Jackie smiled, it wasn't genuine, but she was able to manage to get one off, "It doesn't matter. Cause I know he's better than you in every single way there is." the brunette retorted with a dominating smile.

Jackie continued after seeing her ex have his patent 'I'm defeated and I know it…' look on his face, "So, Michael. If you think about that-if you can even think in that hollow head of yours-that only leaves about everybody in Wisconsin." she shot at him in the same manner he said to her before; very blatantly.

Kelso turned on his heel and stormed out of the basement, the Batcave air was filled with silence, "You don't have a date do you?" Hyde knowingly asked Jackie from his chair, arms crossed and feet kicked up on the cable spool table.

Jackie glared holes into him, "Oh, I do." she replied menacingly, Jackie assumed Hyde and Fez bought it, as their attention went back to the TV.

Jackie tried to get Eric's attention by eyeing him, she wanted to mouth the words, 'thanks' for not ratting her out, but he didn't look in her direction, she knew it was from what she said to him, she just left the basement feeling even more pathetic than ever lying about having a date.

The next morning and throughout the whole day was a personal living hell for Jackie, the school halls were completely littered with colorful streamers, banners reading "Have fun at the PROM!" taunted Jackie's heart to the point where she wanted to rip it down and shred it up into pieces. The decorations made it look like New Years at Mrs. Forman's house.

Naturally, Jackie dressed up more revealing than usual, but not too much, to see if someone was interested, a pair of curve hugging jeans and a tight red shirt, just showing a sliver of flesh from her stomach, but most if not everyone had a date to prom, Jackie wondered why Eric wasn't as hell bent on getting a date for the prom as she was. It's the PROM for God's sake!

So Jackie's Friday school day was just terrible, she couldn't even focus on her work, maybe she should just hang out in the basement for tonight, it was better than nothing...the basement would always be there for her at least.

Later on that night Hyde went with Donna to the prom, Fez went as well to fail in his attempts to seduce his English teacher.

Eric let Hyde take his Vista Cruiser since he wasn't gonna use it, he chose to sit in the basement watching his wrestling PPV. Eric saved up enough money to get it and gave it to Red to pay for it.

Terry Funk in this next match against some jobber, which had no disqualifications, would be a hell of a match! He was only watching it for Terry Funk...

Eric was sitting on his couch...in peace before Jackie came in, he didn't even have to look up cause he knew it was Jackie. Eric knew she didn't have a date for prom, although he wanted some company...Jackie was a different story. She had since put a zip up hoodie on over her teasing red shirt.

They just never got along, it was like the planets tilting around the sun, it seemed to have to happen, he didn't regret telling Jackie that he wanted her down in the basement: "SO WHAT?!" Jackie shrilled at Eric's sister Laurie, "Eric wants me here -" she pointed out before looking at Eric himself, "- don't you, Eric?" the young brunette asked already knowing what his answer would be, she knew since she hated Laurie just like him, the scrawny neighbor boy would defend her to death.

"Why, yes I do!" he chimed in immediately. Jackie had become great friends with Donna, so he wouldn't kick her out for his own selfish desires, the reason the basement was their HQ was because they were liked hanging with each other, they were all friends.

Except Eric and Jackie, Eric himself thought of the word 'Tolerance' when he thought of their relationship, they had an unspoken 'Friends of Friends' relationship. They didn't lose any sleep over that.

Jackie sat down on the couch, not saying a word, after about 10 seconds of silence; "Gee, where's that date?" Eric asked plainly, arms fully crossed, eyes on the TV.

She glared at him, to which he didn't retort, "Shut your mouth, Eric!" Jackie yelled coldly, she turned away from him. Looking at the TV, she strangely wanted to vent to him, the brunette suddenly thought back to what Eric said to her about her finding a 'therapist'...well, Eric was, in a weird way, her therapist.

Despite yelling at him in such a harsh manner, she kinda hoped he would ask her what was wrong, even though he knew, Hell, she would have settled for: "Jackie, I'd love to hear you vent! What do you say, sweetie pie?"

She began to vent when he clearly displayed disinterest in her, she just wanted a friend, "Stupid Michael took that damn town slut Pam Macy. And I…" Jackie was saying but paused realizing how foolish she presented herself today, she felt she must have radiated pity the way she clothed herself, she continued, "...dressed up like a slut for God's sake just for someone to ask me." the patient admitted to her therapist, she felt her heart was in pieces, Jackie Burkhart couldn't help but think that even with all the money she had at her disposal, she had nothing in terms of the feeling of love. Not even from her own parents.

She had everything but she had nothing as well.

"God, I feel so pathetic right now." Jackie said with sorrow, she kicked her feet up on the cable spool table, her own mind was being pushed to the limits of criticizing the very person it occupied.

Eric nodded, "Yeah…" he started, suddenly feeling like she didn't need his cynical jokes that made her feel bad, he knew would regret it later.

"...well, no, Jackie. Laurie is the slut of this land we call Earth. Pam Macy is a close number two though. Even if you dressed like one, you're not a slut anyway, Jackie. A real cold bitch sometimes, but not a slut." he told her in a neutral tone, trying to comfort her to some extent. Maybe he was just trying to shut her up.

"Anyway I don't see what the big deal is about prom. You just dance and drink punch and who wants to go to school after hours unless you're vandalizing something?" Eric stated, trying to keep the negativity down so he could watch the match.

As time went on, Eric was hooked on the match and Jackie was half paying attention, although when Terry Funk did his trademark Texas Piledriver right through the announcer's table caught her attention.

All Jackie could think about was the prom, dancing, slow music, punch and the thing she wanted most: a date to dance with, she needed something to distract her, this stupid show wasn't helping, "Why are we watching this? Can we watch something else?" Jackie asked impatiently, she wanted to occupy her mind from this terrible day.

Eric shook his head, "No. I worked extra hours to get the money for this." he shot back harshly.

Jackie rolled her eyes, "Come on! This is all fake! And who the hell puts all the weapons like chairs, barbed wire covered tables, barbed wire covered baseball bats and Singapore canes under the ring?"she asked him, she was subconsciously picking her nails.

Eric shrugged as he didn't have a answer, "I don't know but it certainly draws a crowd." he pointed out.

Jackie kept checking her wristwatch as it was 7:34 and the prom had yet to start, Jackie herself didn't even know why she was checking since she wasn't going cause she didn't have a date, that just saddened her even more. Jackie couldn't believe she, Jackie Burkhart, couldn't go to the prom because she had no date!

Instead Jackie was stuck in a basement with nothing better to do but hang out with the geek Eric Forman, who ironically enough didn't have a date for prom either.



Jackie's eyes widened as she knew a imaginary yellow light bulb just clicked on above her head.

Jackie shifted on the couch as she looking dead on at Eric, "You're not going to the prom either!" she exclaimed as Eric knew this idea of hers didn't bode well for his night.

Eric nodded strangely, trying to play stupid, "Okay...? So?" he asked simply, acting as if not knowing where the hell that comment came from.

Jackie patted his leg, scooting closer to him, "Why don't we go...? Together!" the brunette questioned him, she at this point didn't care who she went with.

And hell...she could be doing a lot worse than Eric...but she wouldn't admit that anytime soon.

Eric cringed, he had a brief thought she might ask him to go with her, but he didn't think she would be so desperate, he finally stared at her in shock and disgust, "Jackie, I'm telling you...you're better off not going at all than going with me, I really hope your joking right now." he said being serious, he also knew he wasn't in Jackie's league. He knew that. Eric Forman always thought Jackie was good looking, very good looking, but she was a cheerleader and he was on the chess team (literally), so he never bothered with her. And she wasn't very nice to him anyway...but then again neither was he.

Jackie stuttered quickly, "I-I'm not, Eric! We don't have dates to the prom, and we have nothing else to do!" she exclaimed, her tone desperate, her hands shaking, mind in personal turmoil, she was shocked herself that she was so desperate to get Eric to be her date for anything, but this is the prom. She had been looking forward to this and it only came once!

"And Donna said you bought a tux in case you got a date, right?! I'll be your date! I bet you look really nice in it...!" Jackie singsonged, she found it odd to compliment Eric, it was a foreign feeling.

Eric shook his head stressfully, "No! You don't have anything to do, I do. I'm trying to watch this, Jackie. Just drop it!" he told her straining anger, she had another thing coming if she thought he would just agree to be her date after what she said to him.

"I am not going to the prom, especially with you of all people." Eric replied bitterly one upping her, the kind of way that said he had such disdain for her, but Eric had of a feeling Jackie wouldn't give up on this still, but he wanted to stick to his guns.

Jackie let that slide, "Eric...please? I had a horrible day at school, while everyone talked about prom, I couldn't! Everyone is at the prom but us!" the brunette pleaded with him, she told herself not to get teary eyed, so she didn't, and the way this conversation was going didn't look good for her prom hopes, and that made her chest hurt.

She immediately noticed his eyes went from the TV off to the side, as if he was MAYBE considering it, she continued quickly, "Eric, I've been so lonely lately...I've never needed a friend more than tonight...please?" she confided in such a pained voice, and it wasn't faked...it was genuine.

Jackie sighed and continued after her hopeful date seemed to ignore her, "Eric...I know I haven't been nice to you over the years...and I'm really sorry about earlier, I'm sure you've gotten upset and let anger take you over? That was rude of me, I'm really sorry and I mean that, Eric." Jackie's tone emphasized her emotional turmoil...and she really meant it, she hoped Eric would give in, but still, he continued to ignore her.

Until he replied with a simple, but strong, "No."

Jackie could feel tears coming up, now she was getting even more desperate, "Eric, I'm begging you! This is really important to me, I've been waiting all school year! It would mean the w-"

Eric scoffed angrily cutting her off, "Shut up, Jackie!" he yelled, making Jackie jump in her seat on the couch.

But he continued on, "I have tried time after time to be a friend to you, only for you to shoot me down and insult me in the most personal way you can think of. You just seem to want to be a complete bitch to me. Hell, the only reason you're evernice to me, or even talk to me is to burn me or just to get something out of it. Like right now." he retorted with rage building up.

Jackie was taken back as Eric wasn't one to...well, stand up for himself, so the brunette could only watch him yell at her.

"I tried to cheer you up in Donna's room and you threw it in my face just to be a bitch! So why in the hell would I do anything at all for you now?" Eric angrily shot at her, Jackie just sat there.

The brunette leaned back on the couch as she had never seen him this angry, "So answer me this: Why the hell would I try to help you when you treat me the way you do?" he asked her, leaning forward in anger.

Jackie was extremely nervous and guilty, "I...I-I don't know." she quietly replied, "So you won't go with me?" Jackie asked him softly, and somewhat hurt.

Eric laughed coldly, "No. Come back to me when hell freezes over...got it?" Eric replied turning and looking at the TV.

"Fine..." Jackie replied softly, she wasn't expecting Eric to say anything so hurtful to her, but it didn't sting as strong as it could have since she now understood why he loathed her so much.

Jackie turned and sat normally on the couch, her heart felt like he just shut down and wouldn't reboot, it ached as Jackie tried to stop the pain but she felt her cheeks ache like before, this time was different from before and she wouldn't be able to hold back the tears.

Not even the geek, Eric Forman, would go with her...not that she blamed him of course, she took him for granted and now she was paying for it in the worst way possible.

Jackie and Eric had something in common after all...as Eric didn't keep his mouth shut when he was upset. Eric slowly felt terrible for yelling at her the way he did. How could one girl be that devoted to getting a date for some stupid prom?

He then heard sniffles and crying pants, and he knew she was crying now, it was confirmed after he looked over to see her doing so as she used her hoodie to wipe the tears away.

This wasn't an act by Jackie...

Jackie's face was already red the tears were rolling down, her green and brown eyes filled with them, she made no attempt to wipe them away after she noticed it was pretty much pointless as they kept on coming.

Jackie, without saying a word, got up and quickly left the basement through the door she came in. He noticed she looked back at him briefly for leaving out the door determined not to come back.

Eric saw the brief look back at him from the brunette, that pained him to the point of wanting to go up there and pull her in a hug.

He was left in the empty basement with an atmosphere he didn't need to create, but he did for no damn reason and hated himself for it, he knew the rich loud mouthed girl had some bad problems, very distant dad, insecure and a boyfriend who couldn't be faithful to save his life. Eric then knew Jackie Burkhart was more troubled than she let on, Eric felt like a genuine dumbass.

"You made a girl cry, dipshit! She was bawling her eyes out!" Eric's mind scolded himself, although his mind applied Red's voice to it.

"Son of a bitch!" Eric stated angrily as he kicked the table, several items shifted and fell to the floor, he stood up and went out after her, "Why do you have have to be such an asshole?!" he told himself.

Outside, he immediately saw Jackie by the hedges, head slumped and clearly crying, if not sobbing, he walked over to her and was thankful she hadn't run off, he needed to fix this.

Eric walked over quickly but stopped momentarily, sighed gathering courage and approached her.

He licked his lips, "J-Jackie?" Eric started reluctantly, he wanted to make up for yelling at her the way he did, and was gonna do so by asking her to the prom like she wanted.

The normally vibrant brunette looked sullen and downtrodden, "What do you want, Eric?" Jackie squeaked out with anger, "Just go away." she hoarsely sobbed the last demand as Eric was the last person she wanted to see, she didn't want to see anybody right now.

Jackie inhaled a choking sob and she wiped her runny nose on her hoodie sleeve, she hadn't turned to face him and continued to have her back to him and look at the concrete floor as she leaned against the basket ball hoop pole.

"Do you wanna go to prom with me, Jackie?" Eric asked her in a rushed tone, taking some steps toward her, "Please just say yes…"

A long deafening silence came over the two as she took his words in, Jackie sniffled quickly and looked back at him, she wondered before she looked at him if he was joking, but the thoughts were gone when she saw he was very serious, "R-really? You'll go with me?" Jackie asked incredulously as her heart turned on again and felt new levels of happiness swell.

Eric sighed, he knew this wasn't gonna sit well with Kelso but for God's sake, this girl was crying and guys don't like to see a female crying because of something they did, Eric was too familiar with that fact, it does something and that 'something' set them off to do whatever they could do to fix it.

"Yes, really." Eric confirmed, he slowly took her wrist for assurance, not wanting to freak her, "I'm really...really sorry for yelling at you, it was in the heat of the moment, you know? I'm really sorry, Jackie. You don't deserve to be treated like that by anybody, I won't talk to you like that ever again. I promise. You didn't ask for that, Jackie." Eric told her sincerely, sweetly, and kindly. His hand found it's way from her wrist to her hand for assurance.

Jackie was definitely taken back by his gesture, mostly because he was so mad before but she chose welcomed it to try to begin to fix this problem between them, she nodded gripping his hand as it felt...warm and comforting, she didn't expect that from him, "I'm sorry too...for yelling at you in Donna's room, you were only trying to help...like always. You're actually a really nice and sweet guy, Eric." she said locking eyes with him, he seemed to embrace her hand a tad more, "I don't blame you for putting me in my place like that, it kind of needed to come out. I took you for granted and..." Jackie was saying before she got choked up, she looked at him with her green and brown colored eyes.

"...I'm so sorry, Eric." Jackie told him, he smiled at her, it was kind of awkward considering the fact they hadn't even been acquaintances before this, "I'd...like to be friends with you from now on...can we be friends, Eric?" Jackie asked him with such a sweet voice, a warm tone, Eric couldn't have said no to that, friends with a cheerleader couldn't hurt.

"I'd like that, Jackie." Eric smiled as he pulled her in for a hug without a second guess, the brunette was taken back, as she was gently pulled in, at first, but this was what friends do, right? The red eyed girl couldn't deny this was all strange, but she was feeling happy for the first time in a while, gaining a new friend was never a bad thing.

Eric pulled back and took her hand again, Jackie was pretty surprised for feeling almost used to it, "So...come on, Jackie. I won't be mean if you don't, okay? I promise to make sure you have fun."

Eric studied her and could see behind the cheerleading, rich girl persona that she was a girl in pain who just needed some companionship, someone to be...well, nice to her.

He sighed and asked the question she needed to hear, "So...do you wanna go to prom with me, Jackie?" he asked the raven haired girl in a kind tone. Her face was immediately graced with a smile that showed her pearly whites, he could tell she tried to hold it back, he didn't blame her.

Jackie wiped some fresh tears away, "Yes, I would." she replied smiling sweetly, trying not to sound too giddy but she knew it did because she was so delighted to be asked to the prom. The two now prom dates parted ways, Eric went up to his room to change into the suit he got for the prom, (yes, Jackie was right) just in case he decided to go, he was glad he got it since he now had a date...a popular one to boot!

Jackie said she would pick him up in her car since he gave the car to Hyde.

Eric made a quick trip to the mall before changing, he knew prom protocol so he kind of had to, but Jackie deserved something, all the crap life was giving her, he almost felt a responsibility to make sure Jackie enjoyed herself tonight, he was in giving/friend mood, and Jackie Burkhart needed a friend right now, and he could always use a another friend.

Eric went back home as he got her something he knew she would appreciate.

Jackie was in her room, she could not have been more excited about the turn this night took. The prom started about 5 minutes ago so it wasn't that bad, Jackie had a amazing red silk dress on, she knew she rocked this dress. Jackie intended to make other girls weep with jealousy.

Eric walked down the steps from his room, prom suit and all, Red and Kitty looked up and he tried to make a quick move to the door, trying to avoid the attention of his parents.

Kitty stood up immediately, "Eric, sweetie. I thought you weren't going to the prom?" his mother asked curiously, Red looked up as well from the newspaper.

He shrugged nervously, "I...uh, I got a date. So I'll be back later. Bye." Eric said opening the door, but he didn't much farther than that.

Kitty stopped him, "Well hold on. Who's the lucky girl then? Donna?" she drilled him with questions, Eric didn't like how invasive his mother could be.

He shook his head, "Uh...no. I'm not taking Donna. You know she's with Hyde, right?" he asked her, Eric was surprised to see his father was still looking up from the sports section and was listening in.

"I know but I never know what happens down in the basement, I always thought you would be going with her to the prom. So-" Kitty was saying before her husband spoke up.

"Well, who are you taking?" Red asked impatiently, this was interesting how Eric got a sudden date within the hour.

Eric sighed, "The Burkhart girl: Jackie." he answered plainly, Red and Kitty were silent.

Red and Kitty finally replied at the same time:

"Good for you!"


After their statements hung in the air, Kitty looked at her husband, "...'Good for you'...?" Kitty repeated looking at him.

Red nodded assuringly, "Yeah. She's not useless and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty with a car. That girl knows her way around a one of those, and I always liked her better than Donna. I'm surprised Hyde has lasted this long with Donna with her annoying little feminist bull crap." Red defended himself.

"No. He was supposed to go with Donna, Red!" Kitty argued, they had failed to notice Eric had left, not even hearing the door shut.

Outside, Eric waited in the driveway for Jackie to pull up in her Lincoln, he strangely found himself nervous about this, "Craziest night ever…"

Kelso would be pissed and he was even more worried about getting there and Jackie ditching him for Kelso, it wouldn't shock him since Jackie was one to alter her emotions.

That would just shoot down his morale, it wasn't that he would be jealous if Jackie ditched him for Michael, it would be that it would be just typical for Eric to be left alone yet again...

Jackie finally pulled up in her Lincoln, she opened her door and walked around to Eric.

The second she came into view, he was blown away, he had to catch his breath, his pupils expanded by about 20%, Dopamine pumped into his brain. He knew Jackie was hot, but this only took that fact to the next level.

Jackie looked absolutely flawless with everything about her in that amazing blood red dress.

If Kelso was at the prom with Pam Macy instead of the beautiful girl in front of him, he was the biggest dumbass in Wisconsin...too bad Kelso already proudly held that title.

Jackie had her long hair let down, it was slick with some nice curly waves to it, he felt his brain faltering with his eyes not obeying his orders not to stare. The way this red dress hugged the curves of Jackie's upper body was sheer sexiness.

"Holy Lord...keep your eyes on hers…!" And even that was difficult.

Red was really Jackie's color, the color red was associated with passion and beauty, so that fit Jackie perfectly.

When the dress met her hips, it was silky and swayed around her legs as she moved towards him, every step she took would have her leg come out of the slit that started at the thigh area and went all the way down, her legs were long, tanned and toned, the dress was shoulder less and ended just above her illuminated breasts, she was no doubt the sexiest woman he had ever laid eyes on.

Eric was taken back by the little details about her, her nails were painted red with white flowers, her ideally shaped lips were a much lighter red which perfectly accented her dress and well...every part of her. Eric was amazed she managed to look so stunning with the little time they both had to get ready for the prom, not a single misplaced smudge of makeup, her hair was perfectly curled and downright immaculate, not a single solitary detail was out of place, "Uh...bluh."

"Um...wow." Eric struggled to not get aroused but it required more skill than he had, "J-Jackie, you look...so beautiful." Eric told her, voice slightly shaking trying not to gush over her but it proved extremely difficult, Jackie looked fucking spectacular. Despite her being beautiful, he was aching to let out the words in his head; 'Sexy, gorgeous, breathtaking, stunning...hell, all of the above.'

The raven haired girl beamed and glowed with a red blush that was almost as red as her dress, she brushed a thick strand of hair behind her ear, she did that whenever she was nervous, "Thank you...you don't look...so bad yourself, Eric." Jackie replied as she studied him.

Eric wore a classic black tux that wasn't too showy, but that's what she liked about it, it was simple which matched Eric's nature very well, it was perfectly tailored to his body, Jackie couldn't help but notice how nice shoulders looked in it as well...his hair was shaggy but still slightly smooth, "It looks damn nice like that, actually!" the Burkhart girl thought to herself.

"You're really...handsome actually." the brunette complimented him with a twinkling smile, Jackie actually wanted to say more but didn't want to embarrass herself, she was taken back she hadn't stopped blushing, "Going good so far…" she told herself in her head.

Kelso never said complimenting words like that, well he did but not very subtle; "Oh, I can't wait till we do it later!" He actually said that, it would totally ruin the date, or just make things awkward in front of their friends...that's right. He even said it then!

Eric and Jackie stared at each other for a few seconds, it was surprisingly not awkward, "OH." he said breaking from his trance handing her a small box from a flower shop, "I, uh. I got you something, because I know you like...gifts when it's...you know, necessary." Eric told her, trying to play off how affectionate his gift to her actually was, as he motioned for her to open it.

Jackie's body didn't respond at first, she was so taken back as this was the polar opposite to what she normally got from Michael, and she quickly smiled excitedly as it was from the flower shop, what girl didn't love flowers? She didn't get gifts like this, the raven haired girl quickly opened it like a kid opening present on Christmas Day and gasped, "Eric...wow, oh my God!" Jackie carefully took the Red Silk Rose Corsage out of the small box.

Eric got it because he was told by 20 or so year old girl that guys got this for their dates at the prom. This was her night, he wanted to be the one who made it memorable.

The corsage had a silk white bow under it, it made the red roses on it stick out much more, Eric loved seeing her examine it, "So, do you like it?" he asked his date after a bit.

Jackie was very fond of it, and that it matched her red silk dress as well, "Of course! Eric...I-I...absolutely love it, really." the brunette beauty told him sweetly, "You didn't have to do this much for me." she told him with a 1000 watt smile.

"No, I did, Jackie. I promised you that you would have fun tonight, I want you to remember this night." Eric explained, he wanted their friendship to work, he really did.

Jackie's face delicately softened at his words, "Eric...you're so sweet." was all she could say to him, "I might keep this forever, I'll put it in my memory box." she informed him.

He smiled knowing that she liked it, "Yeah, I was gonna get you a rubber chicken, but I'm pretty sure you might have one of those." Eric joked, Jackie giggled and nodded. "I actually do." she teased back.

"Could you put it on?" Jackie asked kindly holding her wrist out to him, he nodded and tied the small 'ribbons' on her wrist.

"There you go." Eric told her, Jackie looked at the corsage she already loved with a pleased and kind look on her face, she then felt guilty for not getting him something.

Jackie had an idea of what might make them 'even' and leaned and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, there was a small smack from her lips as she pulled away, as she did, she saw that now Eric donned the red blush.

"Um...do you want to drive?" the curly haired brunette asked pointing towards the car.

Eric got a look of pure excitement, "Oh, hell yes." he said keenly, Jackie laughed and turned as Eric opened the passenger door for her.

"Thank you." Jackie said with a taken back smile, Kelso only did that when Jackie told him to or if he remembered, Eric's old fashioned style standing out especially to Jackie tonight.

"Yeah." Eric replied, he couldn't believe Jackie was gonna let him drive the Lincoln, he knew he and Jackie would be going to the prom in style!

Once they were on the road, Jackie smiled as she eyed this corsage she liked so much, once it was on her wrist, Jackie knew it looked so awesome with her red dress as well.

Jackie turned the radio off, "I'm gonna set some rules for you." the raven haired girl told him.

Eric laughed, "This'll be good...", which had Jackie promptly slapping his shoulder.

"These are necessary rules, Eric." Jackie scolded him, she had made these rules in her head as she was getting ready.

"Okay. Number 1: Don't ditch me for another girl when we're there." Jackie said holding up a finger for emphasis.

Eric laughed, "Jackie, does that really sound like something I would do? And now I have a feeling you're gonna break one of your own rules." he told her, he turned down High Street which ironically led right to the school...

The car would get towed if he parked in the school parking lot, cause he wasn't gonna blow almost 40 bucks for a parking permit, something he wasn't gonna go to...but plans changed.

Eric knew a place behind the school, one of Red's friend owned a small business and he knew he wouldn't mind if he parked there. Red said if you leave the car in the last marked parking spot he knew it was one of the Formans.

Jackie sighed, "I won't bail on you if you don't bail on me, got it?" she told almost in a warning tone.

Eric nodded, "Deal.", they stopped at a train track as a train passed, so they had some time, Eric relaxed in the leather seat and looked at her as she explained the 'rules'.

Jackie nodded as well, "Good." Jackie held up a second finger, "Number 2: When we dance, don't let your hands wander. Meaning don't try to cop a feel of these." Jackie warned him as she cupped her very own boobs for emphasis, she could not stress that rule enough, she looked down and hiked the dress back up as her little action caused it to go down some.

Eric saw her little 'action' and the fact that she just did that didn't help, he felt a punch of lust in his gut and a pull in his groin, he noticed how nice her breasts were...he quickly rid his head of cobwebs, "Don't be a pig!" his mind scolded his eyes.

He coughed nervously and sighed feigning disappointment, "There goes my night...but fine." Eric joked, he wouldn't want to blow his first prom by being a pig.

His date couldn't help but laugh, but got back to business "And number 3: No 'goodnight kisses' at the end of the night, okay? I don't know where your tongue has been. And I don't want it in my mouth." Jackie made it sound menacing instead of a question.

He just scoffed, "That wouldn't be a problem, Jackie. Trust me." Eric assured her, he wouldn't never French his best friends ex-girlfriend, he then felt kind of pathetic as he had never kissed a girl anyway, so Jackie had nothing to worry about anyway...

Jackie looked satisfied, "Good."

Several minutes passed before they reached the school, Eric drove past the parking lot entrance, "Where are you going?" Jackie asked as Eric pulled into the parking lot of 'Barber Black Sheep', "You getting a haircut or something?"

Eric laughed, "One of Red's friends owns this place and he said we can park here, we can't park in there," he said pointing to the school parking lot, "We'll get a ticket and your nice car will be towed." Eric explained to her, it would a disgrace to see this nice car towed away.

Jackie nodded, "Okay. You're lucky this dress isn't that long, otherwise you would have to carry me so my dress wouldn't get scratched." Jackie told him, Eric looked over and noticed this dress which had the intentional slit from her thighs downwards, she really had good taste in clothing, he saw her thighs were slightly exposed.

"Good God..." Eric thought, no wonder she's so full of herself, it's pretty damn warranted! Jackie was beyond sexy.

He was floored on why he didn't how much of a looker Jackie was, her legs were long, smooth and toned and couldn't believe he was gonna be able to dance with her tonight. He licked his lips as he had never felt more attracted to a girl like this before...she was a turn on.

Jackie looked over at him and saw he was eyeing her! It took her by surprise, she never thought Eric was smart enough to see how hot she really was, he usually just ignored her, but she always wondered why she never caught Eric checking her out at least once.

She was flattered, but she snapped her fingers to get his attention, "Hey! Rule number 4: Don't let your eyes wander either!" Jackie suddenly scolded him, although a scolding tone was present, she didn't mind being ogled, Jackie was used to it at this point in her life.

Eric looked up quickly, "Busted...!" he knew he was staring, "Sorry, you just look nice tonight. Sorry, it won't happen again. Sorry...really...sorry." he apologized quickly, "Alright, let's go." Eric said opening his door.

Jackie smiled to herself, Eric really knew how to make her feel good about how she looked, she liked that Eric put some time into how he looked as well in his tux.

It was better than Michael's or Stevens, Michael wore a white tux with a stupid un-matching yellow flower. Steven wore something similar but to be honest it didn't match how well Eric wore his, Jackie had to be sure not to break rule number 4!

Jackie would admit Eric looked rather ravishing tonight, the raven haired beauty never thought she would think something like that, but she thought a lot of things that didn't make sense...

Like how she thought she would go to the prom with Michael, and that she thought Eric was a twitchy nerd. Okay, Eric was still a nerd, but he wasn't as twitchy as she made him out to be, at least he wasn't tonight that is.

The Burkhart girl hoped he kept it up, he seemed calm and collected tonight, she was pleased he was her date tonight.

Jackie was snapped out of her thoughts when Eric opened her door, she was still getting used to having a guy do that for her.

The brunette took Eric's hand he held out for her and stepped out of the car and she felt like a princess leaving her carriage, Jackie could hear 'A Horse With No Name' playing from the school.

Eric shut the door and locked it, "You're, uh...not...embarrassed I'm your date?" he asked her, he was wondering why she hadn't made at least one backhanded comment about it.

Jackie bit her lip, "No. I was the one who brought it up to you, wasn't I? I wouldn't have if I was embarrassed by you." Jackie replied, she linked her arm with his as they walked across the street. It was a natural gesture since he was technically her date.

He just nodded, "I guess not...but...you were desperate to get a date, so maybe you didn't think about it." Eric reminded her.

Jackie nodded, "I didn't think about it too much, but I did when I was getting ready and I don't mind going with you at all. You're actually really handsome tonight." Jackie said honestly with her eyes studying his face.

Eric looked at her, "Really?" he asked her with a hopeful smile, he was nervous of how he looked in this suit but was glad that in Jackie's opinion, which certainly mattered, that he looked 'handsome' in it.

Jackie laughed, "Yes I am, Eric. Really handsome." she assured him with the best smile she could give him.

Eric was blushing, "Thanks, Jackie."

Eric exhaled as he forgot about Jackie's EX, "Kelso is gonna make a scene, I just know it." he stated, Eric and Jackie got several looks from other students, they were certainly in shock that the nerd Eric Forman and the head cheerleader Jackie Burkhart, who was also one of the most popular in the school were each others date for the prom.

Eric saw several guys giving him a thumbs up, and some girls even did so! Eric was beaming, this might be hubris for him, the beginning of his downfall...but he was gonna enjoy this night.

Okay, that was the first chapter! I already have the second one written and ready to go! I'm just letting the people who read this first one and then I'll post that final chapter, so yes, this story will only have 2 chapters.

Also this story may not be my best, but I'll let you decide if it's even any good. Please leave a review! I always love feedback...;)