Hey kids, thanks so much for all the reviews on chapter one! they really mean a lot.

So I got kind stuck on this chapter and realised I was short on characters. so i had to do some thinking back through the episodes and found two characters I could use. Elise: the girl from the episode The Gorilla Club, the one Andre tries to ask out. And Ryder Daniels, we all know who he is!

Also, as you will notice, Tori and Trina are NOT related.

enjoy! xoxo

Jade sighed to herself as she pulled into the parking lot of Hollywood Arts high school, the most popular performing arts school in Hollywood. She shut off her car and sat for a moment behind the wheel, looking out at the crowd of students which flooded the school grounds. She noticed several tv camera crews set up across the parking lot, taking shots of the school and interviewing several students. Jade's stomach started turning again and her eyes darted around, looking for any sign of him.

She shook her head and grabbed her black satchel from the back seat before climbing out of her car and slamming the door behind her, just wanting the day to be over already. She slung her satchel over her shoulder and walked through the asphalt cafe.

"Jade! Hey Jade!" a voice came from behind her. Jade didn't even have to turn round. She knew it was Robbie Shapiro. Jade wasn't even sure how they had become friends in the first place, she actually used to hate Robbie. They had met one day through a mutual friend, Cat Valentine, who attended a different school. Cat and Robbie had started dating, so Jade had basically been forced to spend time with him. He used to carry round a puppet named Rex. God, Jade hated that thing. But Robbie had since gotten rid of it and he and Jade had bonded over the years. She wouldn't say they were 'best friends', but she could definitely rely on Robbie.

The boy in question appeared by her side, out of breath from running after her, "Hey, you ready for today?" he panted, pushing his thick framed glasses up his nose, "It's gonna be a tough one."

Jade snorted, "I'm well aware, Robbie, trust me," she shook her head, adjusting her bag strap on her shoulder as they walked, her eyes darting around.

Robbie nodded, "I prepped all night. My mom had to make me like three espresso shots. If I stop shaking, I'll fall asleep," he spoke quickly, holding up a vibrating hand to prove his point.

Jade frowned and came to a halt, "What are we talking about?" she questioned, her confusion evident on her face.

"Our pre-calculus quiz. What are you talking about?" Robbie asked, bouncing slightly as he stood in front of her.

"Beck Oliver," her stomach turned as she spoke his name, "The murderer..." she continued when Robbie didn't respond, "Jump rope. Dead aunt. Town scandal?" she prompted.

Robbie shook his head, "I'm not familiar."

Jade raised her eye brows, "Why did you think all these reporters were here?"

"I'm not really surprised... This is a performing arts school," Robbie replied, looking around him.

Jade shook her head, "Come on," she said as she lead the way into the school. Robbie shrugged and followed behind her.

"Look Tori, your socio line is trending on Twitter," Trina Crane cried as she scrolled through her PearPhone.

"Good, maybe he'll get the hint and stay away from me," Tori Vega sighed as she checked her own phone.

"He better, or I'll make sure he runs back to his padded cell if he tries to mess with you," Elise Masters smirked, "He doesn't scare me, I spent the summer in theatre camp, those girls will mess you up."

"Yeah, and I've been super-vicious since I went off gluten," Trina smiled, "We've got your back, Tor," she said as she linked arms with her best friend as they walked into the large building that was Hollywood Arts.

As soon as they began to walk down the hall, Tori was greeted by her handsome boyfriend, Andre Harris. He grinned charmingly at her before leaning down and pecking her lips with his, "Hi girls," he briefly greeted Elise and Trina before swinging his arm around Tori's shoulders as they continued down the hallway, "Saw you on the news, you look sexy when you're traumatised," he grinned.

Tori smiled and rolled her eyes, "Thanks, I'm glad my scarred psyche turns you on," she smiled sarcastically.

"You're stressed, babe. We've got bets saying the freak transfers once he realises everyone hates him" Andre told her, resting a hand on her waist.

She shook her head and sighed, "I still can't believe they let him back in. Fully reformed, my ass."

"It's a cute ass," Andre offered with a smile, making her giggle and shake her head. He chuckled and pressed a kiss to her cheek, "I gotta run or I'll be late. See you at lunch."

Tori watched with a love-sick smile on her face as she watched Andre rush down the hall, almost running into several people on his way. She giggled and brushed her hair out of her face.

"Her hair makes me sad," Trina pouted from behind Tori. Tori frowned and followed Trina's gaze before realising what she was talking about. Jade stood by a wall of lockers, her eyes focused on her red PearPhone as she tapped her right foot up and down.

"At least it draws the attention away from those goth boots. I can't believe you used to be such good friends with her, Tori. What did you two even talk about?" Elise snorted as she stared at Jade.

Tori looked over at Jade and watched as she looked up. Their eyes met across the hall and Jade rolled hers before looking back at her phone. Tori shook her head before turning back to her friends.

"I can't even remember," she answered in response to Elise's question.

Elise was about to respond when her boyfriend, Ryder Daniels, suddenly appeared from behind her, distracting her and Trina as he began talking to them. Tori took no notice of him and instead began walking down the hall towards where Jade stood.

"Hey," she spoke up as she approached her former best friend. Jade looked up at her, her eyes filled with confusion as to why Tori was talking to her, "How you holding up?" Tori spoke again.

"Uh okay, I guess," Jade responded warily, "You?"

"Okay," Tori replied with a small smile, "I mean my mom's pissing me off. Beck coming back is the perfect excuse for her to bulldoze her way back into my life..." her voice faded out and an awkward silence fell between the two girls as they looked around, trying to avoid eye contact with each other. "Have you started having those dreams again?" Tori finally asked.

"No, not really," Jade responded immediately, lying skilfully with a tight smile.

"I have," Tori nodded, swallowing roughly, "He's alway squeezing that yellow jump rope like it's part of him or some-"

"Red" Jade cut her off.

Tori looked at her confusedly.

"It was a red jump rope," Jade clarified, running her fingers over the screen of her PearPhone.

"Look, I know you probably don't even care and it's not really your scene, but me and my friends are having a party tonight," Tori changed the subject.

Jade raised an eyebrow, "On a school night? You crazy kids," she remarked sarcastically.

Tori smiled softly, "Yeah well, Trina's parents are out of town, so we thought we'd throw a little 'Michael Myers goes to our school now, lets blow off some steam' little thing," she joked softly, trying to make light of the situation - something she always did. When Jade said nothing, she continued, "I mean pretty much everyone's coming so, if you wanna go you can."

Jade snorted, "While I am honoured," she said sarcastically, "Don't do me any favours, Vega." Tori opened her mouth to argue but Jade spoke over her, "Look it's not like I lie around wishing I could hang out with you and your lame, superficial friends anyway."

Tori's face fell, "Fine. Then don't come."

Jade went to roll her eyes, but before she got the chance to, the hallway suddenly went very quiet and everyone's eyes turned to the door. Students began whispering and pointing. Tori and Jade followed their stares until they finally realised what all the fuss was about. Their eyes widened and their faces fell as their stomachs turned wildly.

Students parted like the red sea. And there he was.

Beck Oliver.

His long black hair was pulled into a ponytail at the back of his head. He wore a simple white t-shirt with a plaid tank thrown over it and a green jacket on top. Dark jeans covered his legs and heavy boots were worn on his feet and his tan fingers were covered with several silver rings. If Jade didn't know any better, she would have been extremely attracted to him. He had that certain 'bad boy' look she usually went for. Only he was certainly worse than a bad boy, he was a murderer.

Beck stood in the middle of the hallway and looked around as everyone stared at him. He knew exactly why they were staring. He was a known murderer, why wouldn't they stare. He would just have to get used to it. He looked around and caught the eyes of his once best friends, Tori Vega and Jade West. The two girls immediately ducked their heads as they made eye contact.

Jade cursed under her breath as Beck began to make his way over to them. She and Tori kept their eyes on the ground as he reached them, they did their best to not look up and make any more eye contact with him.

"Boo," he finally spoke.

This forced both girls to look up at him incredulously.

He smiled, "I'm sorry," he chuckled, "I'm sorry, I was just joking. Umm... How are you guys?" he asked, trying to make conversation as if the past five years hadn't happened. He looked at the girls expectantly.

To save Tori and Jade from the extremely uncomfortable moment they had found themselves in, Helen - the principal - appeared from around the corner.

"Mr Oliver? Come with me please?" Helen asked, motioning for Beck to follow her.

Beck sighed and took a last look at Tori and Jade before following Helen down the hall, hearing the rest of the students beginning to whisper. Tori and Jade watched, their faces confused as Beck was lead away from them. As soon as he was out of sight, the girls turned to look at each other, wondering what the hell they were going to do now.

yay? nay? let me know!