Tosh booted her computer up and found Owen trying to catch her eye. She raised her eyebrows in a silent question but he shook his head and shrugged. She sighed as he brought her a coffee.

'Sorry love, it's still bloody chilly around here.'

'I had thought they might have sorted it out by now.' She still remembered the look on Ianto's face as he'd stalked out of the conference room, it made her less sure of herself.

'It's been what, two weeks, I'm not sure they'll ever sort it out at this rate.' Muttering under her breath about stubborn males.

They both sighed as they thought about the glacial turn of events between Jack and Ianto.

'I will deny ever saying this, but I almost miss walking in on them. At least I knew they were okay when they were shagging their way around the place. And maybe if they were okay, I'd be okay. Even if I kept copping an eyeful.'

Tosh put her coffee down as she swallowed the mouthful rather than spit it out over her keyboard. 'God Owen.' She glared at him. 'This isn't coffee.'

'Oh yeah, sorry about that, it's instant.'

'Instant coffee?'

He scratched his head and nodded. 'Yeah, we ran out of beans and Ianto's not here yet to tell me where he gets them from or anything.'

'Where did you even find it?'

'Back of the cupboard in the kitchen, I think it'd been there a while, it had Suzie's name on the jar.'

'We need to fix this Owen.' Pushing her cup aside.

He shook his head. 'It's up to those two stubborn jack-arses.' he laughed at his own joke. 'To figure themselves out Tosh, we agreed to stay out of it.'

'Yes, but that was before,' she pointed to the now abandoned coffee cup. 'Before that!'

'It's about the only advantage to being dead, I don't have to drink the instant coffee. Although.'

Tosh frowned at the thoughtful note to Owen's tone. 'Although?' She prompted.

'Gwen's the one who royally fucked it all up, she should be the one to fix it.'

Tosh surprised him with a bitter laugh.

'Oh that's going to happen.' She grabbed her purse. 'The rift's quiet, I'll be back with a proper coffee.'

'Bring his highness one back will ya.'

She flashed him a smile that would have chilled him to the bone if he'd been able to feel.

'Oh I don't think so.'

Tosh slipped into the aroma of her double shot mocha as caffeine buzzed around her brain. The nonsense between Ianto and Jack had to stop, instant coffee? She wasn't sure she wanted to ask the question of, what next... Would they be able to fix this one? Did they want to she wondered as she sipped her coffee. She didn't know what they had argued about two weeks ago, but things had been really uncomfortable since. And if she had to spend any more time listening to Gwen going on about how wonderful it was being married to Rhys she was going to shoot the woman. Probably with a stun gun, but the idea of putting her out of action with a flesh wound was tempting.

She was surrounded by friends, and she felt alone. So how did Ianto feel, being apart from the man he loved. Which was worse, she wondered, to have never had the opportunity to be with Owen, or to be like Jack and Ianto. They were clearly in love with each other but pride had pulled them apart.

Ianto walked in the Hub and frowned, something was wrong. Or more wrong than his going home alone to the flat, by himself each night. He and Jack had been given each other their space, but one night had turned into one week and now it was stretching out to two weeks. How much space did they need. It was weird being home alone, the flat filled with all things Jack, his clothes in the hamper, toothbrush in the bathroom. That awful tacky coffee cup with 'worlds best lover' scribbled over it, complete with bad grammar, sitting there mocking him from the kitchen bench.

He was tempted to throw it out, since Jack was hardly standing behind him or lounging in the doorway watching him cook. He'd never thought about how much time Jack spent just watching him before now. He wasn't sure if he should be finding it creepy or not. He did miss it. He missed falling asleep in the man's arms and waking up to Jack touching him, licking him, kissing him awake. But he wasn't going to make the first move, not this time. He shook his head and looked around, greeting Owen he asked where Tosh was. It surprised him to hear she was getting coffee until he remembered they had been running low.

'Has he had a coffee then?'

Owen nodded.

'What did you give him?'

'Instant.' He shivered as Ianto's smile ghosted across his lips before vanishing.

'Well, wont that be interesting then.' He turned back to his computer and waited.

Jack wrinkled his nose up at the coffee, it didn't smell like Ianto's, Owen had been getting the hang of the coffee machine and everything. He took a hesitant sip before he spat it back into the cup and stormed out of his office and saw Ianto had arrived.

'Ianto!' He watched Ianto turn slowly and look up, no smirk, no smile, nothing. 'What's the situation with the coffee?'

'I believe we have run out Sir.' He turned back to his computer, checking his emails.

Jack looked at Ianto's back. 'Ianto, my office please.' He watched as Ianto moved, again it was in slow motion, he wanted to scream at the man to move faster but he couldn't be sure he wasn't moving at a normal pace. He followed Ianto into his office and closed the door.

'How have we run out of coffee Ianto?'

'We seem to have drunk it all Sir.'

Jack closed his eyes as he sat down and looked up at Ianto. 'Sit, please.' Trying to hold onto a degree of calm. 'I understand we must have drunk the coffee to have run out.' He held his hand up to stop Ianto speaking. 'I don't want a smart arsed answer, I want to know when I will be getting a decent cup of coffee.'

'My supplier has been hit by unseasonal weather, Sir.'

'That's not the only thing that's unseasonal around here.' Jack muttered. 'And?'

'I was checking my emails to find out but you asked me to step in here, Sir.'

Jack sighed. This wasn't working. 'Ianto.' He sighed. 'We both said things -.'

Ianto cut him off. 'If that's all there is Sir, I'd like to get back to work.' Rising to his feet.

'Damn it Ianto, don't walk away from me.'

Ianto looked at Jack. 'What do you want, other than a coffee that's drinkable.'

'I want, I want us to talk.'

'Was there anything we didn't already say?'

'Damn it Ianto, I don't want this to be it. Is it what you want?'

'I don't know any more Jack.' His voice quiet as he stared at him. 'We both said things, it doesn't just go away, we can't wish them unsaid.'

Jack sighed. 'I know that. I just don't want this to be it.' He missed the Ianto that he had fallen in love with, this Ianto he wasn't so sure he liked.

Ianto shook his head. He wanted the relationship they had back, he wanted the man he woke up next to each morning to be the Jack sitting at his desk. But words had been exchanged and feelings that had been bottled up had been exposed to the air. Like a wound that doesn't hurt until it can breathe, pain had flooded back and he wasn't sure there would be enough time to get over that.

It wasn't about Jack ordering him to destroy Lisa, this was about wounds that went deeper. This was about the wounding, if not the very death itself, of a human soul. Words echoed around his head. Telling him he would never be good enough. That god had made a mistake the day Ianto Jones had been conceived. And an even bigger one in letting him live. He was not worthy of love if the man he loved couldn't trust him. So he turned to walk away instead. 'I'll see what I can do about the coffee Sir.'

Jack was torn, did he let the man walk away, or did he leap over his desk and kiss him until he saw reason. He didn't want to look back one day and wish he'd done more as he watched Ianto walk away.