Siren inhaled the hot air outside of the Museum of History. She squinted in the sun's rays and blistering breeze.

"I don't think I ever could get used to the sun." She rubbed her eyes in the blinding light

Siren heard foot steps walk up to her, "Smoothskin? What are you doing with Charon?"

Siren blinked straining to see who it was, "Willow? He is my new bodyguard."

"What? Ahzrukhal just let you have him?"

"Ahzrukhal is dead" she squinted at Willow.

"What? Wait what happened in there?" Willow rubbed her forehead.

"No one told you? I bought Charon's contract. Charon killed Ahzrukhal. Yea, that's about it."

"Why doesn't anyone tell me this shit? Fuck, I'm going inside to take a break. See yea, smoothskin."

Willow walked past the two and through the doors.

"I guess we should get going as well, Charon. It is only going to get hotter." Siren took out her magnum.

Charon followed her and, took out his combat shotgun.

His mistress took the lead, "We're going to the Museum of Technology. I need to get a replacement dish for the GNR. Apparently there is a relay dish on a lunar lander. So look out for it."

Siren turned her head to to see if Charon was listening. He was busy scanning the area for threats.

"Charon?" Siren stopped walking.

"Yes mistress?" Charon full attention was now on her.

"Are you ok?" She turned to face him.

"I am fine."

He body language was tense as he griped his combat shotgun. She looked down at Dogmeat. If there was something around he usually put up a fit to let her know. The dog was panting happily as he waited. She decided to ignore Charon's demeanor. The longer she stood outside the more sun burnt she got. Siren took at look at her Pip-boy and followed it's directions. Three Dog had marked it on her map. When he pointed out how close it was to the Museum of History, she decided to finally deliver Gob's letter. Siren had been carrying it around for awhile and it was worn. Now she had another letter to replace his. At least this letter will be a lot easier to deliver. The recipient lives in the same town as her. Can't be that hard, right? Siren let out a short sigh. She was dreading the trek back to GNR and then to where ever her dad was. She was still pissed at him for just ditching her. For a long time she didn't even bother to look for him.

Why should I care where he goes. Fucking old man left me! Tells me that I'm all grown up and I can take care of myself. Then leaves me in the vault for the others to deal with me. If he really thought I could take care of myself he would have brought me with him. Did he really believe that I couldn't take care of myself out here? Fuck, I'm not that lazy. Oh wait. Yes I am! Work smart not hard!

She let out a giggle.

Fucking vault brainwashing wouldn't work one me. "Hard work and..." I don't even remember the rest of it. That is how well it worked. HA! I can remember a medical book from front to back, but I can't remember those pointless rules.

Siren looked down at her Pip-boy. The museum was just across the trenches. This time she made sure to go around them to avoid any attention. Siren hated crouching around in the shadows. It was hard being stealthy with a large guitar case on her back. At least she was in the shade of the crumbling building. By the time she saw the building in the distance, her thighs were burning. Charon seemed to have no problem skulking around. They could make a run for it, but there were two super mutants between them and the museum.

This is taking too long. Fuck it.

Siren's patient finally ran out. She aimed her magnum and looked down the scope.

They aren't too far away. I could get some good shots in. He goes nothing.

She aimed for the head and fired. The first shot hit the mutant right between the eyes.

Yes...oh god!

The recoil from the gun shot straight up her arm. Her dominate hand was still sore from the show last night.

Siren gripped her arm to try to dull the pain, "Fuck!"

She quickly took aim and that's when she saw Charon and Dogmeat run out towards the super mutants.

"God damnit!" Siren yelled out as she returned fire. Every shot sent a wave of pain up her arm. She managed to kill one of them before Charon got close enough to fire. The second one fired at Charon before going down. Siren heard the other super mutants yell in response to the gun fire.

She bolted out from her cover and ran towards the building, "Run!"

Charon gave her cover fire as she ran ahead of him. Siren opened the door expecting to find safety. Instead the front room had another big bastard in it. Siren and Charon jumped in opposite directions for cover.

"Fuck." Siren yelled as she reloaded her gun.

By the time she reloaded her gun, Charon had already killed him. Dogmeat was sniffing the area for anymore threats. She walked out from the pillar and looked around.

Well, that was stupid. I should have known better.

As Siren walked towards the center of the lobby, she notice a familiar green glow. One of the walls had working terminals attached to it. She happily jogged over to them without a care in the world. She quickly turned it on and frowned. It wasn't locked.

Boring. I wanted a challenge.

She skimmed over the notes in the terminal. Just a bunch of crap.

"Oh wait, what is this?" Siren clicked on the last entry, "Someone added their own entry on this terminal. #000? Wait, is this? Hey it looks like some guy came through her and locked up all the good shit. The only way to get to it is if I unlock all three terminals. Sound like fun!"

She turned around to face Charon.

"What the hell, Charon!" She found him digging into this shoulder with his hunting knife.

She was too busy with the computer to notice that he had been shot. With a flick of his wrist, then embedded bullet popped out. The last time Siren tried that herself, she ended up passed out on the floor.

"Oh, fuck! Hold on, I'll get a stimpak." Siren dug around her messenger bag.

"I do not need it, mistress." Charon cover his wound with his hand.

"What! There is a hole in your shoulder that says other wise. Sit down so I can see."

Charon sat in a near by chair as Siren pulled out a metal lunch box filled with supplies. She grabbed some clean gauze and moved his hand.

"Shit Charon, why didn't you tell me." she held the gauze to his wound.

"You did not ask."

That made her feel worse. It was her fault he got shot in the first place. Now he pointed out that she didn't even notice.

"God damnit." She tried to stop the bleeding.

He looked away. Charon waited for her to scold him.

"I'm sorry, Charon. time just tell me." Siren used a stimpak on him.

She held the gauze until his wound closed up. Once it closed, she clean up the blood surrounding the new skin. She threw the cloth away and prodded at the closed wound. He wouldn't looked at her as she inspected him.

"Does it still hurt?"

He pulled his jacket back over his shoulder, "No."

She groaned, "There is a hole in the new jacket I bought you."

He still wouldn't look her in the eye, "You may punish me for my failure, mistress."

She went silent.

"Wait. I'm going to say this out loud. To make sure you know how ridiculous this sounds. You want me to punish you for getting shot...after you protected me?"

Charon didn't say anything.

"Because getting shot is not already punishment enough?"

He glanced up at her.

"Yes. I'm going to punish my bodyguard for doing his job! Great idea!" She covered her face with a groan. "God, Charon. What did they do to you to make you think like this."

"I do not remember."

She pulled out his contract. "Here. Take it."

His whole body froze, "I cannot."

"What, why not?"

"I just...I can't. Why are you doing this to me?"

"I just thought that if you have your own contract you could be free?"

"It doesn't work like that, mistress. If you no longer want my services, I will have to give the contract to the next person I see."

She placed both of her hands on the contract," What if I just rip it up?"

Charon grabbed her arm and stood up, "I would have to kill you before you could."

"What if I stood very far away, and then lit it on fire?"

His grip tighten, "I would still have to kill you."

"What if I..."

"Please stop. Even if you destroy it. I have to obey the contract no matter want condition it is in."

"I'll think of something, Charon don't you worry." Siren tried to remove his grip.

"Stop it!" He yelled.

Siren jumped.

"If you continue to talk about destroying my contract, I will be forced to protect it." He said through his teeth.

"Okay, I'll stop."

Charon let go of her arm. Siren rubbed it. She felt it starting to bruise.

"I just wanted to help."

"If you really want to help, make sure that some asshole doesn't gets a hold of it."

Siren gently folded the paper away and put it in her jacket. Out of all her items, the paper felt the heaviest. His whole existent was literally paper thin.

I need to find a better way to hide his contract when I get home.

"Okay, lets just get the stupid dish and get out of here."

Charon didn't say anything afterwords. The vault tour made her feel even worse. It brought back memories she wanted to forget. They ran into a few supermutants but Charon quickly killed them before getting close. Siren made use of Charon's backpack and filled it with anything of value. She was almost maxed out with all her equipment. Having Charon around was a lot more useful than than she first thought. She unlocked all the terminals along the way which opened up a door to a large amount of loot. Finally they made their way towards the dish.

"There is it." She ran over to it and reached out her arms. "Eh?" Siren jumped as high as she could but she still couldn't reach it. "Charon, help." She said with a whine.

He walked over and he easily reached it. Charon tried to rip it off the lunar lander.

"No! Stop you'll break it!"

"What do you want me to do then?"

Siren took off her large pack and guitar case, "let me sit on your shoulders."

Charon raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure."

"Hurry up I want to get out of here."

He picked her up and placed her onto his shoulders.

She locked her legs behind him, "Hold onto the dish while I unscrew it."

Siren pulled out some tools from her bag and got to work.

She placed the screws into her pocket, "Okay try pulling it now."

The dish came off without a fight this time. Charon set it on the floor to put down his mistress.

Siren put her tools back into her messenger bag, "Lets get out of here."

The dog started to bark. There was a loud thumping noise coming towards them. Charon drew out his shotgun and aimed.

A supermutant burst through the door way, "Where is the Human, Ghoul?"

Charon looked next to him. Siren was hiding behind the dish and out of sight.

She whispered to Charon, "Just point the opposite direction."

He pointed away, "That way."

The supermutant took off without thinking twice. She waited until she couldn't hear him anymore. Charon couldn't believe that she just pulled that off.

Siren stood up, "Stupid supermutants."

She put her pack and guitar case back on and attempted to pick up the dish.

"Fuck this thing is heavy. I can't carry anymore stuff."

Charon walked over to pick it up without any trouble. Siren led the way back out of the museum with Charon and Dogmeat behind her. They made their way towards the Washington Monument to install the dish. They manage not to attract the attention of any supermutants. Siren ran over to the paladins expecting a warm welcome. Instead all she got was a barrel of a gun pointed at her.

"Move it along wastlander."

"I'm here to fix your stupid dish!"

"Three Dog didn't say anything about a zombie."

"He is my bodyguard."

The two soldiers spoke to each other. "You can go inside. The zombie has to stay here."

"Fucking tin cans." She whispered to herself. She took off her backpack and guitar case, "Give me the dish and stay here, Charon."

Charon handed over the dish to her. She struggled to get a good grip on it. Eventually she was able to lift it up and carry it over to the gate. It felt a little bit cooler in the Washington Monument.

She walked into the elevator thanking what ever god for it. She really didn't want to carry the dish up a bunch of stairs. Siren set the dish down to turn on the elevator.

When the doors closed she noticed it was full of holes, "Maybe stairs would have been safer."

She grabbed the rails as the lift sprung up. The holes allowed her to see out into the wastelands.

"Stairs sound a lot better right now." She waited impatiently for the lift to stop.

She quickly rolled the dish out of the elevator. There was a large hole outside the monument, and the dish was mounted outside.

Siren slowly walked to the edge to check out the broken dish, "You got to be shitting me."

She took off her jacket and put the screws into her bag. Siren pulled out of the wires she uses from her pack. She used it to tie around herself and to the scaffolding. She double checked if she had everything she needed to replace the dish.

"Well here goes nothing." Siren hopped out of the window sized hole and grabbed the railing.

She started to shake, "Fuck, why did it have to be installed outside?"

She took a deep breath and pulled out her screwdriver. Her shaking made it hard for her to line up the tool. Once she lined them up, Siren put all her strength into turning the screw loose.

"Fucking hell, I want to kill who ever installed this thing in the first place. Wait, why didn't they get the guy that installed it to fix it. What the fuck! Fucking Three Dog. Let's send the little vault girl to do it. By the way, the dish is in super mutant territory. But if you some how manage to get it, you need to climb outside the Washington Monument to install it. Good Luck! Fucking didn't tell me that, asshole. People are so lazy. Rule number 1: people are lazy. They will lay around until they are forced to do something. Rule number 2: People are stupid. I agreed to this crazy thing in the first place. No matter how smart a person is, they will fuck up. Rule number 3: people are crazy. One of the most important rules. You can never completely predict a person. Does it make me a horrible person that I use rules to deal with people? Shit."

Siren's grip slipped.

Charon heart was racing. She was no more than a small dot on the white monument. He had just watched her jump out a hole and onto a small railing. If she falls, one of these two assholes get his contract. His fist tightened at the thought of it. The Botherhood of Steal didn't treat any ghoul as a human. Why would they treat a ghoul slave any differently? Something caught his eye. He saw an object quite large starting to fall from the tower. He wasn't close enough to see what it was. He couldn't tell if it was his mistress.

"Watch out!"

He heard a small voice from the top yell out. It wasn't her that fell. The sound it made was different from a body hitting the ground. He let out a sigh of relief. Charon had only just left with his new employer, and she already had him worrying.

When she unscrewed the dish, it slipped out of her hands.

She heard the soldiers yell out something, "Yeah, yeah. Fuck you to."

Siren pulled the new relay dish out and placed it onto the stand. It went a lot faster this time around. She quickly made her way back into the monument and untied the wire.

"I'm never doing that again." She made her way back into the lift. "Come on, hurry up."

Siren ran out of the lift. She took a couple of breaths and cleaned her glasses. "I'm going to kill Three Dog when I get back." she said as she put her jacket back on.

Siren stepped out and walked straight over to Charon. She picked up her things and dusted them off.

She looked up at Charon to find his normal stoic expression, "Lets go."

~Author's Note~

Thank you everyone that commented. IndigoWriter DJBBear Guest silverdragon0315 and Buttz( omg that guest name)

My mother seems to be doing well. She is resting at home for now.

I might not update as much though. Since I work from home and have to take care of my mom. But don't worry, I'm not bored of writing yet.