SO I DECIDED TO GET CRAZY AND WRITE A GEARS FIC. I Just love the angst and the Baird. The two are irresistible and when they're conjoined with my evil hands, well it poops out this baby.

Here it goes.

Dammit Damon

Chapter 1

They were getting too close for Baird's liking, much too CLOSE. Delta was also greatly outnumbered and they didn't stand a chance. A bullet whizzed by Baird's head. He breathed in slowly trying to think of a way out (a way out that didn't involve his or his squads' death). He looked down the side out the cliff trying to calculate if the fall would be fatal.

"We're gonna have to jump! It's the only way!" He shouted (over the gunshots and stomping of the locusts).

He gazed at Marcus then Anya and Marcus again in a weary almost pleading way. Marcus nodded his head in comprehension. Marcus turned around swiftly as did Anya, and as if the very wind had knocked them off their feet, they jumped and disappeared from Baird's sight. Then as the blonde was about to take a literal leap of faith something he didn't expect happened. Unfortunately, for Baird, one of the Drones had gotten close enough to shove him making Baird ungracefully tumble to edge. He landed awkwardly on his arm and Baird could've sworn the POP that came from his arm could be heard in a whole ten mile radius. He couldn't help but yelping at the extreme intense pain that burned in his humerous and then his head forcefully slammed against the ground just before he rolled off the edge and dived deep into nothingness.


Marcus and Anya hit the water hard. For a moment Marcus was just in a shocked state, just floating there in the freezing cold water. Then it slowly came to him that he needed air so he started to kick up and he burst through waves gasping for precious oxygen. He looked around for Anya and saw her rise from the water. Then he heard a splash coming from behind him figuring that it was Baird. So he swam towards Anya instead to see if she was ok.

"You alright?" He grounded out.

"Yeah, I think so. What about you?" She asked tentatively.

"Yeah I'm good. At least better than I would have been if I stayed up there."

"Heh, yeah." She replied but not really meaning anything. Marcus frowned noticing that there was no blonde insight or a complaining one that he could hear.

He turned around and heard Anya breath "Shit." His heart sank at the sight. Baird was floating face down in the water completely still.

"BAIRD!" He screamed and started to swim towards the prone form. His heart sank farther down in fear annoyance. He finally reached the blonde and lifted his body upwards so the blonde's back leaned against his chest. He placed Baird's head on his shoulder and felt for a pulse.

"Fuck." He breathed as he felt none. Damon was not breathing either.

"He's not breathing!" He yelled to no one in particular. He slid his arm under the man's armpits and started to swim to shore. The blonde's head lolled lifelessly.

He dragged the man out of the water out of the tides reach with Anya not too far behind. He angled Baird's neck for a clear airway. He balled his hands together and started CPR. He pushed down hard on the man's sternum making sure he massaged the heart muscle. Anya knelt down by him placing her hand on his shoulder as a gesture to stop. He did as he noticed that she was starting emergency breaths, literally breathing for the blonde. She stopped and motioned him to keep going.

"Come on Baird!" She shouted.

Marcus wasn't sure how long they sat there trying to revive Baird but then as if death was tired of trying to keep Damon, the blonde took in a choked faint breathe. A gyser of water erupted from his mouth. Marcus rolled him over on his side so he could let out all the water that had earlier resided in the poor guy's lungs. Then his body went limp again as the blonde fell into unconsciousness once more. Marcus finally had a full look at the blonde. The water had washed the blood from his head before but now it was coming down in a stream from the middle of his forehead all the way across to the temple. And his arm, his arm looked horribly mangled. The humerus bone protruded through the skin with nasty greyish purplish bruises covering the area. The bruises contrasted greatly with his stark white complexion. The arm was obviously broken. He cringed at the sight. He could see that the blonde was trembling from the cold. But other than that, Baird looked ok. (not that he was)

"Don't do that to us ever again, got that?" He grumbled.

"What the hell happened to him up there?" Anya inputted.

"No clue and I don't think he'll be able to tell us either. Let's get him out of the open, I need to get a look at that cut, looks like he could have a concussion."

"I'll call control see if we could get an evac here."

"Too risky, we need to get out of here now before any of the grubs decide to get pretty with us again."

Marcus to a large bandage and took Baird broken arm and sighed.

"I'm gonna havta set this." He grimaced "it's gonna hurt like a bitch though. Better to do it now and save the risk of him falling into shock on us. Got that genius? Better not wake up and start complaining about how I picked a terrible spot for camp cuz I'll beat your ass down."

That is the end of that chappie. I not expecting much feedback because it's a gears fic and not much people take the energy to come and check these bad boys out. But whoever is reading this feel free to comment on my suckish gears take.
