The Expression of a Mother's Love

Summary: - Musa reminisces about the time when she first heard her mother's song .

Authoress's notes: - I was inspired to write this by the song 'Like a ruby shining'. I hope you enjoy this story.

Musa stood in the balcony of the teacher's quarters which she shared with the rest of the Winx Club and sighed. It was that day again, that sorrow filled day when her mother had left them forever.

She would be meeting up with her father at Melody and they would be spending a quiet day at the song wharf. As she turned away and headed back inside she heard a familiar tune that brought back memories of her time with her mother.

"Mommy will I ever be a great music fairy like you were?"

A blue haired woman stroked her hair while saying "Yes my darling. You will be the best fairy in the whole world."

The young eight year old suddenly thought of the time when her mother had fallen ill , so she asked "You won't leave me , right mommy?"

"Of course I won't silly girl. Mommy will always stay with her darling daughter. You are precious to me Musa and I can never leave you. Now it's past your bed time and if you're not asleep by the time your father gets in, you know what will happen."

Giggling she said "I know mommy."

"Then I suggest we get you to bed."

Musa clutched onto her mother's hand as they walked to the young girl's room. Matlin sat by her daughter and kissed her forehead as she said "Goodnight Little One. Get a good night's rest." Switching off the light, she quietly slipped out of her daughter's room.

Musa snuggled into her the warm quilt but try as she did, she couldn't fall asleep.

Just then Ho-Boe who had come home after a long day asked "Fast Asleep?"

Smiling, she said "Sound asleep."

"Our daughter is a lot like you Matlin. She will grow up to be a beauty one day."

"I know." As Matlin went towards their room, she was surprised to see a very disgruntled ten year old.

"Mommy I can't fall asleep."

Matlin gathered her in her arms and murmured "You know Musa when I was your age and I couldn't fall asleep my mother used to sing me this song . I'm sure that you will love it." She began to sing softly

" As you wonder never fear

I'll be right where you are

Everlasting ever near

Like a beacon for your heart

My love will shine for you girl

There are mysteries you may seek

Riddles you may answer

But it's the secret song we speak

It makes my heart a dancer

I love you beyond all treasure

Your beauty beyond all measure

Just like a ruby shining

Under the blue sea

Corals are colorful strings

That you feel in a key

Just like a ruby shining

Under the blue sea

Corals are colorful strings

That you feel in a key"

As Matlin looked down at Musa, she was not surprised to see that she had fallen asleep. She put her to bed and said " Sweet dreams my daughter."

A/N:- I know that it wasn't that great but this is my first fanfiction in Winx Club. Please read and review!