Chapter 15

A/N: Hey guys I apologize for the lack in updates. I've just had personal issues going on. There was a moment that I thought my hiatus was almost permanent. I know I'm just coming back now but I will need to take another hiatus so I decided instead of making you guys wait for another chapter after this one that this will be the closing chapter of She is Love. I plan on writing a one shot going about two, maybe three years into Tori and Jade's life. Let me know if you guys would like to see something like that.

Jade's POV:

I'm so nervous right now. Today is the day that Tori and I are getting married. We ended up sleeping in different houses last night. She really doesn't want this to be jinxed and well I can't blame her. We've been through a lot and I wouldn't want anyone other than Tori. This has been the best but most stressful time of my life. I know I made fun of Tori for stressing out during wedding planning. But truth be told I was stressing out as well. I insisted that Cat helps Tori out since I needed to talk to Trina. Also I know Cat will do a much better job then Trina. I need to find out where Tori's dream honeymoon spot is. I can't ask Tori for obvious reasons.

"Hey Treen how nervous do you think Tori is?"

"Probably as nervous as you are right now Jade."

"How the hell did you know I was nervous?"

"I heard you mumble it a little bit ago", damn she does hear everything.

"Oh and Jade; Tori's dream honeymoon spot is a week in New York city with Broadway shows. Also don't worry about it since it's already been set up."

"Wait how did you pay for this?"

"Easy this s your wedding gift from my parents. Although the Broadway tickets are from Cat and I."

"Thank you so much", I get up and hug Trina which surprised her at first.

"Don't mention it you two are so happy together that I decided I'd take it easy on you", with that she grabbed her phone and walked out of the room most likely going to see Cat and Tori.

I look over at the smoke gray gown in front of me. I know that it's time to put it on and marry the love of my life.

Tori's POV:

It's almost time Cat and Trina have just helped me into the pearl white gown. My hair is perfect which I've thanked Cat for about twenty times. I guess it's time to marry this girl. I'm so glad that this has worked out. Jades parent's are in town so she'll have someone to walk her down the aisle. According to Trina Jade's almost as nervous as I am. Which surprises me since Jade usually has that calm and collected vibe. I bet she's sweating and look at me not being able to get a picture of this moment.

"Tori, Tori", Cat's high pitched voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Yes Cat."

"It's almost time can I do a final check of you."

"Go ahead Cat."

"Kay kay."

"So Cat let me ask you a question."

"What is it Tori?"

"Trina told me that Jade was stressing out earlier. Do you think she was sweating?"

"Tori as much it pains me to say this. Yes you did get her to sweat. Which in turn got her even more stressed and nervous."

"Damn she's that worried about today", Cat stops circling around me and looks straight at me.

"Well Tori the girl loves you. You're all she lives for. You brought her back from the torment of the incident. She's forgotten the incident but I don't think she'll ever forgive Beck."

"She shouldn't you know as much as I do that what he did was wrong. I love Jade and I'm going to prove it to everyone by marrying her."

"Okay enough about him Tori are you ready to get married?"

"Yeah I am. I'm so ready."

"Then let's go. It's time to get you hitched."

The Altar: No POV(10 minutes later.)

Jade stands at the door on one side of the building while Tori stands on the opposite side. The music hits and on cue both girls step in the sanctuary. It didn't take long for them to notice each other. In addition to being escorted down the aisle Jade and Tori grab each other's hand and continue to the altar. As they reached Lane in the front Mr. Vega and Mr. West handed their daughters off. Once everyone had sat back down Lane started the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God to join together Victoria Vega and Jadelyn West in holy Matrimony; which is an honorable estate, present come now to be joined. Therefore if any person can show any just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, let them now speak, or for ever hold his peace. The brides may exchange rings and be pronounced wife and wife."

"Victoria will you please repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed through sickness and health, for rich or poor 'til death do us part."

"With this ring I thee wed", Tori says sliding the ring on Jade's finger, "through sickness and health, for rich or poor 'til death do us part."

"Jade now it is your turn", Lane states.

"With this ring I thee wed", Jade takes Tori's hand and puts the ring on her finger, "through sickness and health, for rich or poor 'til death do us part."

"I believe you two have written vows you'd like to say."

"Yes", both girls reply.

"Jadelyn you may start if you'd like."

"Tori, most people know we weren't always like this with each other. Matter in fact we were the complete opposite of what we are now. We've gone from enemies to friends and look at us now we're in love. You've brought me back from the hurt I was feeling. You made me feel cared for like I still belonged in life. You knocked and I let you in. I love you Tori. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Thank you Jade that was amazing. Victoria you may say what you would like to as well."

"Jade, I've seen you open up to me in the last year more then you have in the past two and a half years I've known you. I've experienced feelings with you that I've never felt from anyone before. You make me feel complete as if all I would need for the rest of my life is you. I want to grow elderly with you on the beach in rocking chairs. I want our children to feel loved in the world not for who we will become but for who we are inside."

"Victoria will you take Jadelyn West as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Jadelyn will you take Victoria Vega as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Ladies and gentlemen I know pronounce to you Jade and Tori West-Vega. The brides may now kiss."

Tori and Jade's lips met and they were lost in each other's grasp.

3 years later:

"Tori come on we've got to go out on stage", Jade says knocking on the door.

"One second."

"Baby is something wrong?"

"Nope the opposite", Tori yelled through the door.

"Open up Tori I want to know."

The trailer door opened and Jade walked in the threshold. She saw something that peaked her interest in coming in the trailer.

"Jade I'm pregnant. The operation worked. We're going to have a kid."

"Oh my God you mean we're going to have a family?"

"Yes Jade. After this tour I'm going to focus on the baby. So it grows up knowing it was loved."

9 months later:

"Come on Tori you're almost there. Just relax baby."

"I am relaxed Jade", Tori said through clenched teeth.

"Tori I can see a head we're so close baby."

"It's here Jade. It's here."

"Yes Tori we have a beautiful baby girl."

"Mrs. West-Vega what is the baby's name?"

"Dawn. Dawn West-Vega."

"What does she mean to us Jade?"

"She is love. She represents love Tori."


Author's Note: Thank you all for following along with me on this journey. I'm thankful for those that have stayed faithful in my writing. Expect a one shot very soon. After that I plan on doing two different stories I don't know which one I'll do yet. I have a bit of a feeling on one of them but I want it to be better than this.