Disclaimer: Doesn't own the character

Claim: I own the story

A/N: I managed to update…God bless me. To be honest, I didn't even meant to update this story because it's like…hanging half way—but because I managed to spark up an inspiration, I updated. Anyway, I'm shameless the way I am. –coughs-To those who are interested to know me personally, PM me for my Facebook account because I'm always there lurking.

Reborn was standing at the audition seats, watching. He nodded as he watched the Dynamites sing and dance. He admitted that they were getting better, just in a few weeks. Someone tapped his shoulder and he turned. Leon, his sister and also manager, was standing there looking worried.

"Leon?" he acknowledged her.

"I saw him," Leon blurted out. Her green orbs looked around, making sure that no one was looking at them, or eavesdropping. "Your partner in crime, I saw him!"

Reborn's eyebrows joined together. "What is he doing here?" Reborn did not know that Leon does not approve of his actions and plans with the said person. "How did he get in here?"

"He was not in here," Leon answered. "I saw him beside the walls when I went to the toilet just now. Reborn, I don't like how he was smirking at the Dynamites. Do something," Leon pretended that she does not know anything about the plans.

Reborn said nothing. Then he said, "Sit down, Leon."

The green hair was startled. She was hoping that her brother would do something about it but her expectations were crushed. Enraged, she walked away from her brother and left the stadium. She listened to her brother all these times but she couldn't bear to see the Dynamites being pulled down mercilessly.

'I must do something.' She thought, getting into her car. Reborn will have to take a taxi later. 'Who cares,' she muttered again.

"That was a great show, you guys!" Tsuna beamed when the idols under his management came in to the back stage. "I'm glad the fans were happy."

Gokudera smiled slightly at the brunet. "Thanks," he said quietly. The other members soon filled the dressing room. They were served with light drinks to quench their parched throats. Then they broke into murmurs and talked with each other. Tsuna sat there, smiling. Suddenly, Reborn entered the room, clapping. Everyone turned.

"Well done, I'm impressed." The man congratulated them. The Dynamites looked pleased. "As a reward, I shall treat you to a luxury tea," he said. Yamamoto clapped his hands gleefully. Aside from baseball and video games, he loved tea the most. "Leon!" Reborn snapped his fingers.

No reply.

Reborn was puzzled. He turned and sighed. So Leon had already left. He then turned to the others and smirked slightly. "Leon left, I think. So I guess I will have to call my personal driver." He said, controlling his anger.

"Leon was the one who drove you everywhere?" Gokudera arched an eyebrow.

"No," Reborn snapped. "I had to call my personal driver because I came here in her personal car, so when she left I will have no ride."

Nobody said anything. Reborn ignored the atmosphere and called his driver. A few minutes later, they were all climbing into a silky black limo. Tsuna sat beside Reborn and Lambo in the first row while the others at the back row. Ryohei was sitting beside the driver. Reborn had insisted that he sit with the rest but the teen—being the rebellious one—ignored him. Reborn made a mental list to have revenge.

Tsuna squirmed in his seat, obviously uneasy. His face was flushing and his palms were sweaty. Why? Because his crush, that was, Reborn was sitting beside him. Not only that, the man's thighs occasionally brushed on his own and Tsuna could feel his own heart thumping in his ribcage. The brunet had kept his crush quite a secret and so far, no one knows it, yet.

What will happen if they know? Tsuna dreaded the day when his secrets were out and he would be shunned out. He knew that Reborn would never like him, because he only has interests in women. Women with long, pale thighs, make ups and big boobs were what Reborn liked—well, that was what Tsuna thought. He had never seen Reborn with a woman other than Leon before, and it made him hopeful.

Something brushed his thighs and Tsuna flinched. He risked a glance at the man beside him and saw Reborn looking out of the window, lost in his own thoughts. Tsuna didn't know how long he was staring because the next moment, Reborn's dark eyes were staring back at him. The brunet fidgeted.

"I didn't know you like staring," Reborn said.

Tsuna blushed. "I-I wasn't staring at you. I was…uh, looking at the scenery. It's beautiful," he denied. He saw Reborn smirked and he quickly looked away. Reborn let out a silent laugh.

The silveret stared. He did not know why he was slightly furious when he saw Tsuna blushing. He didn't like the brunet. The brunet had given him a wimpy impression on the first day and honestly, he was only obeying him because he hated to hurt people. Yes, he hates it. His sister left because he hurt her, and he wasn't going to let anyone left him because of that reason anymore.

They reached the restaurant after a few more traffic lights. Tsuna had been here before, back when he still hadn't join Reborn. Memories bit his heart and he tried to brush it away.

"Wow, this is extreme!" Ryohei grinned at the luxurious café.

"This might be costly, are you sure you wanted to treat us?" Yamamoto turned to look at Reborn. The man chortled.

"I never go back on my words." He said. "Come on."

Leon paced back and forth in her office. Her mind swirled with thousands of ways to stop the sabotage. Why must Reborn do this? Who was the mastermind in this? She sighed, frustrated. She wondered if she should call the man and tell him to stop, or just leave it.

"I can't call him, judging by his nature, he will act more aggressively." She pondered.

Her phone buzzed and she scooped it up.

Saw you at the concert today, I'm just warning you, please don't interfere. I don't want you to get hurt, all right?


Leon huffed. She bit her lips, trying to suppress her anger. Why must he do like this? The man was her childhood crush, and they were perfectly in love, and were going to the next step when a disaster happened. The man turned vicious, cruel and she did not even know him anymore. She grew to hate him, and now she hated her brother too. Why must Reborn join the man? Did he not see the consequences to all this?

"You're not getting away, Colonnello. I'll make sure to stop you." she gritted her teeth as she pressed send.

In just a minute, she got her reply.

Don't, Leon. I warned you. Don't you remember what that little guy's father did to me? My career…? You were there, you witnessed everything. Just watch from the side lines. When this is all over, we'll get married.


"Bastard…! Why did you have to announce that?" The blonde glared daggers at the man hatefully. Tears glistened at the end of his eyes. "Why must you tell everyone that I am adopted? That I am not your real son? Why?!" Did he not realize that he was ruining his career?

The man laughed. "I couldn't bear to look at you anymore. Look at all the rumours. You are always seen with a woman, and it was a humiliation when one mother called and said that her daughter was pregnant. Colonnello, I regretted taking you as my son."

Colonnello inhaled shakily. How heartless can that man go? "You have a son too, Iemitsu, I don't believe that he wouldn't bring shame to you! You are ruining my career. All my hard works are wasted—you are a bastard. BASTARD!"

With that, he stormed out. Colonnello was an orphan, with his parents killed in an accident. He was taken to the orphanage, only to catch the eyes of Iemitsu Sawada, and was adopted. For years Iemitsu had always supported him on everything he did, and with just a few photos, he was going to disown him? Colonnello could still continue his career, but his fans will soon run. Then everything would crash down. Iemitsu was a popular man back in his days and Colonnello hated him for being such a hypocrite.

He hated the Sawadas.

He was going to destroy them.

They were the reason he had to leave Leon and Reborn in the orphanage.

The reason he was separated from Leon.

He jolted up and was blinded by the sun rays. Rubbing his eyes, he could feel liquid. Was he crying? Colonnello smirked and then laughed. A few more drops of tears fell and soon the blonde was sobbing on his bed. He truly loved Leon and she was the reason he left. She told him that a better life was awaiting him.


He regretted of following that hypocrite, whose mission in life was just to destroy all his dreams. He sighed. Then he climbed out from the bed and headed towards the bathroom. Soon, the noise of water tapping on the cement floor was heard.

It was just another day.

"Get up, get up, and get up!" Tsuna pulled off the blankets from Gokudera and Yamamoto. The two groaned and Yamamoto continued snoring. Only Gokudera woke up and strutted towards the bathroom, getting ready. Next, Tsuna did the same to the other four.

In an hour, the six of them was heading into the dining room. Tsuna beamed at them.

"We will have spaghetti today!" he grinned. Lambo's eyes lit up. He was the first to shamelessly scoop up a big bowl of spaghetti. The others sat down and started eating once they filled their own bowls. Everyone ate in silence.

"Guys, I was thinking. Reborn said that you guys should launch an online fan page, so you can get more fans faster," Tsuna said.

"Online fan page?" Gokudera asked.

"I don't think we need to, because the fans will do it for us," Mukuro added in.

Tsuna shook his head. "I meant the official one! I mean, everyone can make a fan page of you, but there's still got to be an official one, right?" he explained. The six teens broke into murmurs. Then they all agreed and surprisingly, Hibari himself offered to make the page.

"Firework, boom boom boom, go Fireworks!" the fans cheered and shrill squeals were heard .

The main vocalist, a blonde hair was singing and beside him was two guitarists, one with straight blonde hair and the other one blue hair. The bass was taken by a raven and the background vocalist was another raven and a green hair. The fans screamed when the main vocalist winked at them.

Colonnello smirked. "It's all going well," he thought. He let go of the curtains and walked back into the dressing room, planning his next move. "Dynamites, you won't last long. The Fireworks will burn you out and soon, you're all just dynamites with no more sparks."

The main vocalist glanced at the backstage door. He saw the blonde leaving and was smirking. He started to wonder if it was all worth it. But then again, his dream was to bring his band to be the hottest one in the world.

"Giotto!" Someone nudged him and he turned. Daemon was staring at him, puzzled. Then he realized he was not singing. The music was still going as his friends were still playing them. The fans all stared at Giotto. The blonde licked his lips.

"Sorry, spaced out!" he said into the microphone and winked.

The girls went wild.

Tsuna's face turned white when he was told about the news. Reborn was sitting there, crossing his arms. His expression gave nothing away and only Leon knew what happened.

"W-What…? Reborn-san, you mean that there's a new band and they were above us, just in a week?" The brunet gasped in disbelief. He knew that the Dynamites were new since they debut a week ago, and they worked hard to achieve the fame. But what shocked him was the new band. He didn't even know about it! The media did not report anything about them, and most of all, he himself never knew the band existed. What happened?

Reborn nodded. "Yes, and they are going up rapidly," the man said, playing with his sideburns. "You have to do something, Tsunayoshi." His dark eyes bore into the brunet's.

Tsuna shifted his sitting position. He was starting to panic now.

Show me what you can do, Tsunayoshi. Show me that you can beat Colonnello, and then I will confirm that you are mine.

That's right. The man was interested in Tsuna too but to him, he couldn't reveal it because Tsuna was a coward, and he will never risk his reputation for that.

"So…?" he drawled.

Leon stared at Tsuna in pity. She nudged Reborn. The man turned. Leon glared at her brother and turned away. Reborn shrugged. Tsuna took a deep breath.

"D-Don't worry, I've always been dreaming to lead my own band to the top, and to be the best. I will make sure that the Fireworks go down in two months! Trust me!" He said, determined.

"Two months? Tsunayoshi, by then, they have already beaten Dynamites," Reborn replied back coldly. Say something better, Tsunayoshi, show me more.

"Not if our ranks are consistent with theirs! And then we will launch the last attack, and the Dynamites will stop the Fireworks!" Tsuna grinned.

Leon smirked at Tsuna's determination. Silently, she hoped that Tsuna could succeed. Then she glanced at her brother and doubted everything. Reborn was staring with Tsuna with unfathomable dark eyes. Leon dreaded the current Reborn, like how she dreaded Colonnello. She did not want another one to join them. She knew that if Tsuna's dreams were crushed, he will turn into what Reborn and Colonnello were now.

To be honest, she really liked Tsuna.

A/N: What the hell have I posted…so , trial exams are over and there's just one REALLY BIG exam in November. So, feed backs are always welcome~!