A/N: Hi! Please read this. I actually just came up with this idea recently. I am currently working on another fic, The Pink Umbrella. This is Dramione. Dumbledore's alive and Luna Lovegood is a 7th year student. :D I want her to be a 7th year.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. If I had, I'd be the happiest person ever alive and Hermione Granger will end up with Draco Malfoy.

Summary: One boring lesson, 13 days before the end of the last term, the ghost Professor Binns came up with an idea to steal his students' attention. He told them the infamous legend of 12 letters. The next day, Hermione Granger started receiving unsually sweet letters from an anonymous.

Chapter One: Tale To Tell A Bored Class

It was a bright and sunny morning, 13 days before the 7th years finally leave Hogwarts. And as the end was nearing, Professor Binns' class became more and more boring than ever. Everyone in his class had their attentions to something else. He peeked from the book he was holding, seeing his class not even listening to what he was talking about.

He saw the legendary hero, Harry Potter in a conversation with his bestfriend Ron Weasley. Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas were scribbling something in their parchments only they knew what. Neville Longbottom was swishing his wand, muttering something under his breath. Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown were giggling silently after every glance at Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini who were planning how to trap Potter and Weasley under a stair. Pansy Parkinson and Millicent Bullstrode were glaring at Parvati and Lavender. Hermione Granger, the supposed-to-be brightest witch and the only one who really paid attention to History of Magic was also leaning her face on her arm while making lazy circles on the desk.

He realized how boring his class really was that even Hermione Granger wasn't able to stand it. He had to do something. He had to get their attention even for the first and last time before they leave Hogwarts.

He continued speaking without reading his book. He formulated a plan in his head and after several minutes, snapped his book close, earning him glances from everyone. Good start.

He dropped his book and cleared his throat. "Do you want to hear a tale?" He asked, now earning him 13 pairs of arched eyebrows.

"And what tale is that, Professor?" Hermione Granger asked a little attentively.

The teacher cleared his throat again. "The Legend of the 12 Letters."

The class erupted into whispers. They looked at the professor confusedly and with interest as well.

"The Legend of the 12 letters? What is that Professor?" Dean Thomas asked him, dropping his quill.

"It's quite famous." He said matter-of-factly.

"How come I haven't heard of it, then?" Hermione said, raising a doubting eyebrow at the teacher.

The Professor shrugged, "You don't think you know everything, do you, Miss Granger?"

Hermione was taken aback. Her face truned red from embarrassment. Even she, admitted that what the Professor said was sensible and true. She looked away and crossed her arms.

"Tell us about it, Professor." Harry said.

He smirked slightly careful not to show it to his students. He cleared his throat once more and floated a little higher for better view of the whole class. Certainly, he had caught everyone's attention.

"I will tell you about it." he paused.

Everyone stared at him silently, patiently waiting for him to continue. He smiled and went on, "Many years ago, just a decade after Hogwarts was built, this story happened. It was same as today, 13 days before graduation. A certain student was secretly hiding romantic feelings for another student, he just couldn't muster up his courage to tell her face-to-face. So, he decided, he should atleast show her signs that someone was secretly admiring her. So, the next day, he started sending her letters. Everytime he sent her a letter, he felt much more close to her especially when he saw her happily reading his letters, smiling with matching blush on the cheek." he paused again and looked up at his students.

They were still gaping at him, waiting for him to speak again. Even Hermione Granger was staring at him with slightly creased forehead, obviously wondering what would happen next.

He continued, "So, for 11 days, she continued receiving sweet letters from him. On the 12th day, the same day as graduation, he finally walked over to her to personally give her the 12th letter. She was surprised but accepted it, nevertheless. He confessed his feelings for her and she accepted it too. She grew feelings to her secret admirer so it wasn't hard for her to later on finally equal his affection to her. They married, had...3 sons and lived happily together till they died. So, from then on, secret lovers started working on their moves 12 days before the classes end, and according to the legend, it never failed."

"That's a lovely story!" Parvati exclaimed.

"Yes, indeed ." Professor Binns said to Parvati, feeling grateful for her appreciation of the story.


"Class, dismissed." Professor Binns announced.

The students started walking away, but before completely vanishing, he heard them whisper about the story he told them. So, he had to make up stories just to get their attention? Students prefer fictions than facts. That could have been a bad thing...if they didn't buy his tale.

He smirked truimphantly before floating through a wall.

So, how's chapter one? Please review.
