Disclaimer: The main characters don't belong to me, but the rest does.

Dear Diary,

I'm probably being completely delusional and flattering myself, but I think maybe Erik is planning on proposing to me (!), and if he is, I don't know how to feel about it…

I know it sounds crazy, but I have my reasons:

First off: the other day (about a week ago) he started this conversation about how I see my future, which wasn't that weird in of itself, but some of his questions were a bit specific. He's really pleased my first choice of college is nearby — I have to say I am too, it's good that our city has such a great arts college, so it's not like I'd be settling just to stay here — but he also seemed really interested in where I'd want to live in the long-term. Not just that, but he asked in a semi-joking tone at what age I saw myself getting married, and how many kids I'd ideally want to have.

Now, none of that is too strange on its own… except:

I'm pretty sure he took my ring size over the weekend. We were having our lesson at his house, when he announced he'd impulse-bought himself a kit to make molds of things to turn them into plaster casts, and suggested we try it out on my hand. I thought it sounded fun, so I put my hand in the container and let him pour some mixture over it (I think he called it 'alginate,' which I only remember because it sounds like 'algae'). It only took three minutes or so, and he said he'd show me the cast next time I came over.

I didn't think much of it at the time, but yesterday he randomly brought up the topic of historic jewelry, and started asking me what kinds of rings I especially liked, and all I could think was "aaaaaaah!"

Am I overthinking this? Am I going crazy? I don't know. But I do think the combination of making a cast of my hand and then asking me about rings is definitely at least a little suspicious. Who knows, though, maybe he's not thinking of an engagement ring at all, but rather… a "friendship ring"? Like a friendship bracelet, except fancier? Or an "appreciation ring"?

(So long as it's not a "purity ring." I have zero intention of sleeping with anyone premaritally, being Catholic and all, but "purity rings" are definitely a bit weird.)

Anyway, you see, maybe I am being delusional — but then also maybe not.

I knew Erik was a bit old-fashioned, but I'd have expected us to date for at least a couple years before getting engaged. I'd be happy to go for a romantic dinner or stargazing if he asked me, but wedding-planning is still a thing of the relatively distant future as far as I'm concerned.

Well, I guess I can always set him straight when/if the moment comes. He hasn't even said "I love you" yet, so…