I'm back again! In the future (at some point between me dropping off the earth) I will update my other stories, but this just wouldn't leave me alone! Reviews of any kind are much appreciated! Again I am so sorry, but I have just been so busy and I really don't have an acceptable excuse...

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Ouran High school Host Club!

The rotting wooden door to the apartment that I shared with my father closed with a barely audible click. Mentally checking my hefty backpack to make sure I had everything that I needed. Supplies, backpack, lunch, manual, paperwork. I'm good. Stepping off the concrete steps and onto the sidewalk I assessed the still dark, dawn sky. Shades of deep violet were just starting to make their appearance against the navy night. Setting off at a brisk pace I started on my way. Well-worn, ebony leather boots adorned my feet, making my steps near silent. An older pair of dark wash jeans fell over the top of the close to knee high boots. A startling canary yellow, long sleeved blouse with a light blue pinstriped vest over it completed my makeshift uniform. As poor as we were we couldn't afford the costly clothing. Not that he would buy it anyway. I thought about my father and his "penny pinching" ways. Even though it felt like it was still summer out I wore a shirt that covered all but the very tips of three of my fingers. Most wouldn't understand my reasons. Around my neck fluttered the long tails of a thick, silk alabaster ribbon. That worn for the same reason as the long sleeves. To hide what most would deem 'unsightly'. Scars, too many to count. Long, dark auburn hair flew into my face. Hm, the winds picking up.

Eight miles, and 2 hours later I rounded the final corner which would bring me to my new school. Ouran academy highly esteemed and built for the rich and powerful. Reciting the information the pamphlet gave me I soon found myself face to face with and obnoxiously pink multi building school. Walking through the front gardens I couldn't help but marvel at the splendor of it all. High towers, gardens, fountains, everything beautifully made. With the sun finally up as of about half an hour ago, the faint chirping of birds could be heard, calming me. Gathering my nerve I stood tall and walked in this luxurious school to gather my class schedule. Entering the front office I was greeted by an elderly woman with a kind smile.

"Hello, um, I'm the new scholarship student Yoshida Tsuki. I was told to report here early this morning...?" unable to meet anyone in their eyes I stared at my feet. Curse my shyness!

"Right this way dear!" unfazed by my unsocial nature the woman kindly grabs my arm and leads me toward the back. "I'm bringing you to headmaster Suoh. You are going to love it here! Suoh-sama will give you everything you need child! Enjoy your day!" Leaving me at a door, I gave the retreating woman a small nod and a mutter of thanks.

Knocking a few times I waited for any indication of a human presence. "Come in!" a cheerful tone greeted me from beyond the door. Opening it, I walked into the most lavish office I had ever seen. A middle aged man with his brown hair pulled back and kind chocolate eyes smiled at me. Gesturing for me to sit I pulled back one of the plush chair in front of the giant oak desk. Hoping that my smile looked kind I mustered up the courage to look him in the eye.

"So, you must be the scholarship student, Yoshida Tsuki! I am the superintendent here at Ouran. My son, Tamaki, will be in some of your classes. After receiving your test scores these are the classes you will be taking." Kind and energetic Suoh-sama handed me a pale piece of paper. Skimming it I was astounded.

"Um, Sir, theses classes... I'm only a first year... You have me in mostly third year classes with some second year classes too..." Trailing off I looked down at my feet. A deep chuckle brought my head up again though. Was he... laughing at me?!

"You miss, have gotten perfect or near perfect scores on almost every test you have ever taken! When you sent in the application, with the adjoining test, you answered every first year question correctly with most of second years and some of the third year question on it! That, is why you are in the classes you are in. All those classes by the way are 2A and 3A."

Astounded my jaw dropped. Quickly regaining my senses though I carefully took the papers from his outstretched hand. Looking them over I nodded my consent. This was again met by another chuckle.

"Is this all sir?" eager to leave I asked.

"Yes, now have a good day!" Hurriedly I grabbed my things to leave. Hoping and wishing that my clothing would escape notice. I guess that was too much to wish for.

"Wait! What about a uniform?"

"I'm sorry sir, but my family can't afford a uniform." Looking down dejectedly at the floor I offered a prayer to whoever was listening

"Well, actually, what you're wearing right now will work. Anything really, as long as it is nice and not some rags. Oh! It must be appropriate too!" With a smile the headmaster waved me off returning to his paperwork.

Quietly I fled the room and the office all in one. Walking down the high ceilinged hallways, I again marveled at the grandeur of the place. Continuing my trek down the marble hallways I stopped at my first class, reading the sign: History Class 3A. Stepping in I realized that I was the first one there. Setting my grey backpack besides me I slid to the ground in the front of the classroom. Pulling one of the zippered pockets open I grabbed out simple note book, but one of many. Writing in Sharpie on the cover History I sat and waited. Before long though other students started to file in and I forced myself to stand, and walk, moving to the side of the classroom by the teacher's desk. Inspecting it I found the name card reading Mrs. Suzuki Aki. In a short time the first bell rang then in no time at all afterward the last bell sounded. A short, long and straight haired woman came in looking rather young, but experienced.

"Hello class I am your teacher Suzuki-sensei. This year we have a new student who is here on a scholarship." beckoning me forward, I slowly obliged; gasps were heard from all at my appearance. I even heard one from Suzuki-sensei. "Tell us about yourself dear." With a kind smile she brought me to the front and center of the class, placing both hand comfortingly on my shoulders. This for some reason gave me unfound confidence to, well, not stutter.

"Hello, I am Yoshida Tsuki. I am a 16 yrs old and am here on a scholarship?" Not knowing what more to say I ended my description on what sounded to be a question. Suddenly it seemed the confidence was sucked, by some ethereal force, right out of me. Of course now the teacher would ask for questions.

"Are there any questions that you all might have for her?" The now too perky teacher asked. One brave hand from a mean looking boy shot up right away.


"Why is he in this class if she should be a first year?" The boy questioned. Whether it was directed at her or me, I will never know. I did know that this teacher was going to be one of my favorites. Releasing my shoulders she came to stand next to me. Coming barely to my shoulders. What came out of her next I never would have expected.

"Now, Sato Haku. Why do you think she's in this class? She. Is. Smart. Now, are there any other questions?" Pausing and waiting she looked around. "No? Alright. Tsuki, you may sit behind Takashi Morinozuka and Mitsukuni Haninozuka. Boys, raise your hands please." A short, blonde, childish boy stood up and started waving his hand wildly, while his partner on the double seat tables, the seemingly darker, and taller boy next to him simply watched me as I walked past with his hand half up. Slinging my bag over the back of my chair I opened my notebook, hoping that the two martial arts experts wouldn't recognize me, sitting down.

The whole hour consisted of mainly taking notes on what to expect, and learning each other's names. When class drew to a close I started to make my way over to my new favorite teacher to thank her when I suddenly felt I small hand tug at my shirt. Looking down I was near face to face with Haninozuka-sempai. Holding a small bunny close to his chest I watched as his free hand flew to his mouth upon seeing my face. Immediately, upon his friend's reaction Morinozuka-sempai stood up and walked over, I suppose to make sure that I am not a threat.

"Y-your eyes..." Trailing off he smiled at me removing his hand from his mouth. I must admit, it was one of the dang cutest things ever. "Cool! Takashi, look!" Pulling his friend closer, I looked up at the extremely tall male before me.

No expression crossed his face but in his eyes, I seen shock ripple through their smoky haze. Then his eyes found, what I believe Haninozuka was too kind to mention, my snake tonguing scar that marred the skin on my right cheek. Then in his eyes I saw what I took to be curiosity. Tilting his head slightly to the side I could tell that this guy liked to be silent until he needed to speak. Respect. My mind called. Swiftly, I recalled all the information that had been drilled into my head prior. Morinozuka Takashi, master of the techniques of Kendo. Well known, but not as well know as the older cousin Haninozuka Mitsukuni. The elder is a master of karate and has superb skills in that field. He may seem childish but is much more powerful and serious then he seems. Both families are well known for their martial arts capabilities. I sent a calculating gaze at the dark haired, handsome male in front of me. Watching him inwardly recoil at what I've heard been called my 'ghost glare'. Sending a much kinder look at his cousin, but just as calculating. I saw that what I was told is true. I can see that for at least a piece, Mitsukuni is putting up a facade. Interesting.

Making my way to the next class the beginning was much the same though, albeit, not as entertaining as watching Suzuki-sensei put that other boy in his place. The teacher of my next class English is Ito Daichi-sensei. I was assigned the seat next to headmaster Suoh's son, Tamaki. Because of this I was sent envious glares from all around the classroom. This class went by much the same as the last but I knew that I had for sure made a friend this time. Every chance he could get Tamaki would talk/ask me about near everything and I told him. Why, I don't know, I think something about him just makes him really trustworthy. I'm just glad he didn't ask about my home life... Eventually, at the end of class I thought all the animosity toward me from other girls was gone. Then when I dropped my notebook for this class he picked it up for me. This seems like such an innocent movement until I seen all the glares of pure hatred reverberate through the room. I got out of that classroom as quickly as I could.

My third hour was physics in class 2A again. Walking in I was charged by Tamaki.

"MY DEAREST DAUGHTER! I AM SOOOOO GLAD THAT YOU ARE IN THIS CLASS TOO! I UNFORTUNATELY HAVE A PARTNER IN THIS CLASS BUT MY BEST FRIEND, KYOYA WOULD MOST LIKELY LOOOOVE TO HAVE YOU AS A PARTNER!" quieter he whispered to me "though I wouldn't make him mad, he is also known as the shadow king..." glancing at a dark haired male, this one though was wearing glasses. Tamaki was being so serious with this I couldn't help but break my mask and giggle. Making Tamaki hold a happy and proud look while, I felt daggers being glared at me from other girls.

I was starting to think that all the teachers had the same thing planned for all the classes. Starting off the same as the rest I was, actually assigned to be partners with Kyoya. After sitting next to each other all of class without saying a word we both stood up looked at each other once and parted ways. I have never gathered so much about a person from one glance. I feel like he gathered much too, with the look he gave. He's lonely, stressed and something else that I don't know... Those were my thoughts as I watched him stalk out of the classroom.

"Hey! Tsuki-chan!" Tamaki skittered over to me. "Do you want to eat lunch with us today?"

I would like too, but...

"Sorry Tamaki-sempai but I have other plans." I told him with a smile. I have plans to eat alone, by that nice tree I saw outside.

"Alright! You should stop by the host club after school!" Leaving, I was left to wonder, what is a host club?

Making my way over to the leafy oak I seen from this morning I sat on the medium sized rock at the base. Opening the brown bag in my hand I took out my meager lunch. A single piece of cooked pork, and a water bottle. I was so hungry, I hadn't eaten anything this morning or the night before, or the night before that and so on. Finishing the pork in just a few bites, my stomach still grumbled and I quickly finished the rest of my lunch. Standing to leave I looked up at one of the windows that were scattered over the building and seen a face I had hoped not to see, looking so confused and heartbroken. I'm sorry Tamaki. Rushing to the bathroom I just stared at my reflection. Thick hair parted to the right, and a scarred cheek. And then the thing that really scares people. From my right side a pale green eye stared back, but from my left a pale blue eye stared back too. Pushing my yellow sleeves even farther down on my hands I rushed out of the bathroom and into the next class.

It was finally my last class of the day with the two before this one just being plain boring. I was greeted by a more elderly gentleman with grey hair and a nice smile. Introducing me, he didn't require me to say a thing just simply told me to go and sit in front of two certain martial arts champions. With Morinozuka straight behind me, and Haninozuka to my immediate right I tried my best to take the notes like I was supposed to. Really, does every teacher in this school plan the same thing? After the notes though this is where Mr. Watanabe Minoru switched things up on us. He decided to hand out a surprise assessment. Blowing through each of the questions, I was the first one to finish. Math was always the easiest subject for me to learn and I rarely ever focused in the class. All my previous notebooks were filled mostly with sketches. So, I decided to christen this years with the start of a detailed flower. If mother never did anything else for me she at least made sure I was good at the arts. I miss you mom. While my thoughts drifted I was barely able to register the final bell ringing and Mitsukuni walking towards me.

"Wow, Tsuki-chan! You are really good!" Mitsukuni said looking at my drawing. Continuing "I really like your eyes they are so pretty! I would like to be friends. Can we be friends Tsuki-chan?" With puppy dog eyes Haninozuka-sempai looked up at me.

"Sure!" I stated probably a little too quickly, but I wanted to make sure that he really didn't know who I was.

"YAY! This is Usa-chan my stuffed rabbit! I love cake! Do you like cake Tsu-chan?"

Hesitantly I answered "Yes..."

"Then you should come to the Host Club today! We can sit and have cake and sweets for hours!" Walking out of the classroom now he looked like he expected me to follow. So, I did. I need to remember that he, they, never saw my face. They only know my title. Feeling better over my sudden epiphany, I started to put on one of my more excited masks. Asking me questions from what my favorite color was to what I liked about the school I answered each truthfully. For the most part. When I told Mitsukuni about my love for animals, Morinozuka perked up and was suddenly very interested.

"Takashi really likes animals too! I think you two would be great friends!" Mitsukuni cheered, skipping ahead of us.

"I bet we would be." Looking behind me at the towering male, my eyes were drawn to his muscles. Then back to his eyes before I blushed and failed to make eye contact. Turning around I seen one of Morinozuka's hands raise up and I flinched involuntarily. Hoping my reaction had gone unnoticed by them would have been too much to ask and I instantly apologized "I'm sorry Haninozuka-sempai. Morinozuka-sempai." Haninozuka's expression turned from his childish one to the serious one that I had seen two years prior.

"No worries! And we're friends now! You can call me Honey and Takashi you can call Mori!" His face switching back to its childish look he started to make his way down the hall again. Suddenly, I felt a large hand on my shoulder as Mori passed me with a concerned and quizzical look before continuing. The rest of the way to the apparent 'Host Club' was spent in silence. Stopping in front of a door with a sign that read "Music Room Three".

"You need to wait out here for about another 15 minutes then you can come in!" a cheerful Honey told me. I merely nodded my understanding.

About 15 minutes later I stood gathering my courage to open the large doors. Upon pushing them open I was blasted with rose petals with decided to become glued to my hair and heard a chorus of voices say "Welcome." looking around I found Tamaki lounging in a throne, with Kyoya to his right hand side. Honey was to the left with ever silent Mori behind him. Behind the throne stood two identical twins each with rusty colored hair and devilish golden eyes. Then there was a very feminine...WAIT! Hold up! Is that a girl? Well then, that's odd. From what I gather about the host club it was 7 guys who 'entertained' girls. At my enter Tamaki stood up and slowly walked over to me grabbing my hand and kissing it. Gazing into my eyes with his violet ones "So, you came Tsuki-hime. When you arrived the world became dimmer compared to the beauty that is you." This is what that blonde idiot says to me?!

"Drop the act fool." I honestly walked right past him, and considered walking out when I heard Kyoya's voice ring out.

"Who would you like to designate today Tsuki?" Without even looking at me!

"Hm?" utter confusion racked my brain.

"You may choose any one of us to be your host for the day. There is Tamaki," he pointed to the corner where Tamaki decided to grow mushrooms. "Who is the princely type. Me the 'cool' type. Honey, the 'loli-shota'. Mori, the 'wild' type. The twins, the 'brotherly love' or 'twincest'. And finally, Haruhi, the 'natural'. So, which will it be?" Kyoya finished. After minutes of careful deliberation on my part I finally reached a conclusion.

"No one." With that I attempted to walk out.

"Was that a choice?" The collected voice of Kyoya sounded.

"I just made it one." With an outraged huff behind me I almost made it to the door before I felt a familiar tug on my sleeve. With a sigh I turned around, to face the little loli-shota.

"Won't you eat cake with me?" To others this question probably sounds so innocent but in truth it was a well disguised order. Mine and Mori's eyebrows rose up at this.

"I-I guess I can stay for a little bit Honey." I gave in. Fine. Be that way.

I knew I needed to get home soon, so I figured one slice of cake and then I can go. It's amazing how time seems to fly when your mind is preoccupied. Today no guests showed up for Honey which is rare, so it was Honey, Mori and I all eating cake and drinking tea around a table. It was actually very relaxing. That is till I heard the clock chime out 5:00. I was told to be home at 4. Damn. Quickly I thanked Honey for his company and fled the third music room.

I ran home, my shoes pounding the ground. A whole hour later and I arrived huffing and puffing at my door. Slowly I opened the rotting door hoping that he was already passed out drunk. Creaking, the door became a traitor to my motives. Before I knew it the silhouette of my father blocked my path. Reaching around me he slammed the door close with a reverberating thunk. Grabbing my previously bruised arms with strength no one would think he had. The smell of alcohol permeated the room. With wide eyes frightened I stared up at my supposed father.

"You're late." he slurred.

Please review! I will try to get updates out for my other story/stories soon! Thank you all and I hope you like it. Any kind of review is well loved! 3 (I think I might have rushed some parts.) -Shade