"Yes Tony, I am batman," said Bruce looking at the man.

"But how?" asked Tony looking confused at Bruce.

"I have plenty of money Tony, you know that," responded Bruce.

"I meant why?" asked Tony.

"After my parents death, I was lost and I needed justice not just for them but for other's like them," said Bruce.

"Oh I see but what about the others?" asked Steve looking around the cave.

"We'll have story time after we get Tim and Dick back," said Jason moving forward.

"Superman is still covering for me. Damian and Steph why don't you two join him. Steve, Jason can you two look for the abduction site, while Babs, Tony and I work on cracking the IP address," said Bruce looking around the cave. Stephanie and Damian nodded and left. Jason grabbed his red bike helmet and tosses a second to Steve.

"You can take Damian's," said Jason tossing the spare keys to Steve.

"I want have another look at the original DVD," said Bruce turning to the computer.

"What do you think we are missing?" asked Babs looking at Bruce.

"I think that we might be looking in the wrong place," said Bruce watching the video again.

"How do you mean?" asked Tony looking at up at the masked man.

"Babs Conner has the Titians looking through cases right?" asked Bruce.

"Yes, he said that Bart couldn't find anything," said Babs.

"Then we need to look farther out maybe they moved here," said Bruce.

"I'll work that angle while you two work on the IP address."

"Ok, so it takes about 20 minutes from the manor to WE," said Jason bring routes on the computer.

"So they had to be taken in a short period of time but most of the roads are busy," said Steve.

"Let's pull over," said Jason moving to the side of the highway. Steve followed Jason to the side of the road.

"Dick knows all the short cuts that go through the less traveled parts of the city," said Jason pulling up more routes.

"So he could have taken any of these?" asked Steve looking at the computer.

"In theory yes, but with Tim, Dick would have used less dangers routes. So that eliminates all but these two," said Jason highlighting the two routes.

"But can't Tim handle his own?" asked Steve, "Why would Dick feel the need to use 'safer' routes?"

"Yes Tim can handle himself just fine, but Dick is very over protective," said Jason, " especially of Tim."

"Why?" asked Steve looking at the second oldest Wayne child.

"It's a long story which I will let Dick tell you, once he and Tim are back safely, I think I figured out which route Dick would probably take," Jason said as he pointed at one of the routes.

"Why?" asked Steve looking at Jason.

"Because it's the quicker then the other and it takes you out of the city and lets face it the far away from Gotham you are the safer it tends to be," said Jason setting the rout in his GPS.

"Let's go," he said jumping on his bike and heading down the highway. Steve followed closely behind.

Jason raced down the road. The abduction site was about six miles out side the city; it was along a deserted part of the high, the perfect place to take someone. Though in order to know that Dick was going to take that way they would have to know his rout.

"Damnit," swore Jason pulling off the road and jumped off the bike.

"Hood?" asked Steve following Jason a little worried.

"They knew," said Jason walking along the road.

"I'm sorry," said Steve looking at Jason confused.

"They knew these people knew that Dick was going to take this way, but how," said Jason walking along the rode trying to find where the kidnappers had their cars.

"What?" said Steve looking at Jason.

"They had the car bugged," said Jason, looking around the ditch.

"What exactly are we looking for?" asked Steve looking along the small creek that ran in the ditch.

"It would something small, electric," said Jason looking around in the tall grass.

"This whole thing seems professional to me, they wouldn't leave it on the car where the cops can to find it," finished Jason bending down and looking closes in the water.

"Which means that this wasn't a random kidnapping this was planned," said Steve a knot forming his on stomach.

"Yeah," said Jason bending down to pick something up.

"But why take Dick and Tim," said Steve looking at Jason.

"I may have a theory or two about that but we need to had back to the manor I found the tracking device," said Jason walking over to his bike. Steve nodded and followed him back to the cave.