A/N Thank you for all your support on this story. All good things come to an end, glad you enjoyed it xxx

Her dad held her tight in his arms, as they watched the monitor, the arena in blackout as her husband made his way to the ring.

Mark walked slowly down the ramp towards the ring, not once lifting his head to see how his victim was. He had heard over the years that wrestlers shit themselves when they heard his theme tune especially when it came to Hell in the Cell.

Steph looked around her wide eyed, seeing if there was any way of escape, checking the door, no exit there, not now when The Undertaker stepped in through it. Hearing the clink from the steel, the lock settling in place, her stomach dropped. There was no escape, not now, lifting her head up she stared into the cold eyes of her son in law, her daughters husband. Mark pushed his hood down on his robe, his stand enough to scare any of the brave. He was out for blood, hers, he rolled his eyes back as the lights came on, all could see Steph shaking, for the first time in years, she was afraid.

Seeing the referee step into the ring, she was surprised to see him give a microphone to Mark, what the hell was he up to now, she wanted this over and done with out of the way as quickly as possible.

"Steph, Steph, Steph now I admit I use to admire you, respect you, for who you were and what you stood for" He walked back and fro like a caged tiger, loving the fear that came from Summer's mum

"Now I demanded this Hell in the Cell through your dad, why was that Steph? Do you want to tell all the WWE fans, my fans why I ordered this" seeing Steph put her head down she shook her head, wishing the floor would open her up, not wanting to bring this all up in front of the audience. This was private between them, not for the world to know

"Come on Steph no need to be shy. You weren't shy. WHEN YOU FORCED, YOUR DAUGHTER TO LEAVE ME. Yes fans as you all know I married a beautiful young lady, ok younger than what I should go for, but hell you cannot help who you fall in love with. Her mum thought it was in her daughter's best interest to leave me. No I got that wrong YOU TOLD HER IT WAS LEAVE OR I WOULD LOOSE MY JOB, MY CAREER AND MY REPUTATION. WASN'T THAT THE TRUTH STEPH?". Seeing her face pale, she knew he was going to bring her down here in front of all of them. This was worse than him beating her, that she would cope with, no matter how hard he hit. But this, this was pure humiliation. Moving towards him, she softly spoke in it.

"Yes" hearing the boo's she cringed.

"No that's not all though was it Steph, you see I loved Summer chased her beautiful ass down to her auntie's the one you made her move to. After almost breaking her apart again, letting her believe I hated her, didn't want or need her. WHAT MOTHER DOES THAT TO HER DAUGHTER?. THEN YOU THREATEN HER, MY WONDERFUL WIFE, YOU THREATENED HER, SCARED HER" He stopped his shouting trying to get his anger under control, if not he was going to kill her on the damn spot she stood on. Licking his lips the thought of his wife, their unborn child, all would not be here if they hadn't stuck together, believed in each other, loved each other unconditionally.

"Then just when we thought you couldn't stoop any lower, what did you do Steph? TELL THEM OR I WILL" Giving her the mic he waited, seeing her struggle to say the words.

"Come on Steph no need to by shy I've already told you that"

"I….. oh god please do not make me say it"


"I ordered The Shield to take you down, to kill you in front of the audience. Cover it with a storyline. That's why you were in hospital, it was hit and miss if you lived. Happy you bastard"

Seeing her broken, tears now coming down her face, he had done what he wanted without lifting a damn finger, oh it was so good to be in character, only thing left was to demand the one thing he wanted above everything.

"Now Steph seeing as you seem so upset, let's see if you can do what I want. I am sure the fans would not mind me breaking character would you guys?" he was happy to hear them scream no, most still in shock about what had been said, most thinking it was a storyline, others not so sure.

" Summer darlin can you come out here please?" shocked Summer walked out with her dad, unsure of what else her husband was planning. She was happy to see her mum devastated just like she had been, after all they had been thorough all she had done, seeing her like this, cruel as it may be, was what she needed. Letting Mark help her in to the ring, proud husband and dad to be. He actually smiled down at her, seeing the love in her eyes, the happiness on her face, this was what he wanted all along. His beautiful wife, was gorgeous, blooming and sexy as hell

"Now Steph seeing as I have your daughter here what do you have to say?"

"I am sorry, sorry for everything I have put both you and Mark through, and I will leave you to be happy with him. Summer please forgive me, both of you. I know now Mark is the man to love, and cared for both you and your little one" hanging her head she let her hair fall over her face, ashamed for what she had done to them.

"This ladies and gentlemen is my beautiful wife Summer, and we are expecting our first little one in six months, which I cannot wait. I want each of you to know how much I love my wrestling, but time has come now, that I want to spend time with my wife. So Summer you mentioned something on our honeymoon and after a long chat with Vince, I will be quitting wrestling in five months time" Summer put her hand to her mouth, her eyes wide with unshed tears. Had Mark really said he was quitting the one thing he loved most in the world, from the reaction with the crowd he was. No she couldn't ask him to do that, no way.

"No not that, you love this, your fans, maybe once the baby is born we will talk about it then" she whispered to him, it wasn't for the fans to know or hear that, This was between them, after all he had done for her, waiting for her to grow up, loved her from age 15. She looked up at her handsome husband, the pain he had been through, she emotional rollercoaster, the split, getting back together, it all came down to this. He had broken character, got her mum to apologise in public, given up his career all for her. How could anyone every think he didn't love her, it was all here in front of her.

Surprised she saw her mum come back into the ring a microphone in her hand, raising it to her lips she spoke softly, no malice, anger or lies were spoken as she said the one thing that the couple had wanted to hear.

"For what you have done Mark I accept your relationship, you more than deserve Summer, look after her and care for her that is all I ask" dropping the mic she was lead away by her husband. As Summer and Mark walked out hand in hand to the crowds cheers. He could never hurt someone Summer loved no matter how much they hurt her, Steph was still her mum, her humiliation was enough for the revenge he wanted. All he wanted to do was changed out of his gear, and head home with his wife, wanting to lay in her arms and be loved by her. They had another few months before he was home for good, he had already made his mind up on that, he wanted to see his child grow up, take their first steps, not on the road, watching videos Summer sent because he missed it. No they were a family now, and his wife came first before anything, including his damn career.

Holding Summer is his arms later that night in their bedroom on their ranch he rubbed her stomach.

"Mark thank you for what you did tonight, for even saying you would give your career up for me"

"Darlin I meant it, I love you so much, when you disappeared in Vegas for two hours it scared the living shit out of me, I don't want to be without you by my side. Vince has offered me a job training up and coming wrestlers, they are looking to build a gym and special arena here in Texas, so darlin I will be home every night, now it is a case of can you live with that" as Summer wrapped her arms tight around his neck she kissed him deeply

"I love you Mark and would be happy to have you at home with me, but you won't be happy, you love the atmosphere, and the fight too much I can never ask that from you"

"How about if I told you, Vince agreed a contract to do, any Wrestlemania, until I have had enough or until this old body gives up. So see I get to be with you and my unborn baby and wrestle when I want."

"Our daughter" she whispered, she had known for two days, yet knew Mark had too many things on his mind before the Hell in the cell so called match.

"Wow darlin another little Summer, eh, god help her when she is born, I will be so protective so damn protective. Just like your dad was with you." She smiled at him, yeah her dad was protective and seeing Mark's look he would be of their daughter and her. She was lucky as she cuddled in her husband's arms so happy she had everything she wanted. Mark, and her baby life was good for them all at last.