A/N: With yet another chapter is me! Lets strive for 50 reviews, kay. Also, sorry for some of you that hade to read the WHOLE entire story over to remember what was going on :( But hey, don't blame me! Blame school for causing kids to have brain malfunctions…


"It's your stupid stripper friend. He pissed me off."

"Yeah, but I don't remember his being the one who burned down my house!"

Lucy smacked Natsu on the back of the head. One hit. Two hits. Three, then four. "Luce! Please!" Lucy's eyes narrowed. "Do you know how much this cost!?" Natsu let out a girly scream. "Kyaaa!"

"Ugh, you idiot, idiot, idiot!"

Lucy started to chase Natsu around the front yard of the penthouse, not being bothered by the strange looks and little whispering now and then. "C'mon, Luce! Maybe if you kiss me, everything will be back to normal!"

Lucy picked up her shoe and aimed it at the boy. "Ugh! You - you deserve more beatings!" She threw the shoe at his head making his trip up. "Aaah... somebody help me!

Chapter 5: You're hot

Walking. Since she was a child she had always hated it and she continued to hated to this day. Her hair swishing behind her all up in one messy high pony tail. She had just gotten a fresh cut this morning once she saw she had started to gain split ends.

'And we danced all night to the best song ever
We knew every line, now I can't remember
How it goes but I know that I won't forget her
'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever'

Angel smiled as she started to sing horribly to the lyrics to one of her favorite songs. "Oh, yeaaaah!" She moaned, making by-standers stare at her in either pity or utter confusion. Some started to walk away in fright.

Angel finally reached her destination at a certain boy's house. She knocked on the door waiting for an answer. "Eh!? Who is it!" A familiar deep voice said. "Its me, babe!"

"Um… I don't a 'babe,'" The voice continued, "Who are you really?" Angel face palmed. "Gray open this goddamn door, its me, Angel." She said as she banged on the door. The raven haired male finally opened his door only to be greeted with a silver haired girl with a pout on her face, furrowed eyebrows and her hands firmly on her hips.

"Err...whaddya wan't?"

"I want to come in, silly!"

Somehow her mood snapped back into cheerful. 'Maybe symptoms of bipolar-ness…' Gray thought silently in his head. He gave out a heavy sigh as he extended his arm to his right, opening the door wider for the girl to pass through.

Angel smiled and quickly obliged as she entered what she would call, 'the princess castle.' The said girl took a seat on the couch and admired how neat and tidy the place was. She had wanted to it to be messy so she could clean it up like how a wife would do for her husband. Oh, how she adored this man.

"Nice place you got here, Gray. Never thought you were the type."

"Why do you say that?"
"I thought that you would probably be someone who never cared about tidying up. Kind of like Natsu." Gray's featured became more stiff as she heard the name of his new enemy. "You mean that hot headed idiot with that pink hair on him."

Angel smiled and nodded. "Don't you think is hair is so pretty?" She said, squealing. Gray let out a grunt of disgust. "More like gay…" He mumbled. "Might as well stick some unicorn and rainbow sticker on em." He said crossing his hands over his chest.

Angel shook her head. "Come on now. You know you secretly like him and his… muscular body." Angel said in a slow seductive tone. Gray nearly fell over. "What the hell, Angel!" He said in disbelief. "What… are you jealous?" She said. Outside she was calm and composed but on the inside she was hoping for a little satisfying reaction.

"Tch, naw' dude." Gray said, with no hint of jealousy in his voice, to Angel's dismay. She sighed. "Oh.." Would this guy ever be hers?

"Natsu, what are you doing! Put that back on the rack!"

"But, I wan't it!"

"Well, you can't have it."

Her stood a blonde and rossette haired girl and boy, shopping in wal-mart. "Pwetty pweease!" Natsu whined. Lucy, tired of receiving strange glares from other shoppers just sighed. "Fine, but that's it, now shush child!"

'Child?' Natsu thought. When did she ever get that impression of him? After they finished adding everything needed for their new apartment in their cart, the two made their way to the cash register. Well, maybe a couple meters away since there was a long line. They were next up until Lucy let out some incoherent words. "Dang! I forgot the milk, Angel's milk!"

Natsu tilted his head. "Is it really important if we don't get he milk. I mean, we're next line." Lucy pushed Natsu. "Another reason for you two hurry your ass up!" Lucy yelled. Natsu grumbled as he ran all the way back to the dairy section...way in the back of the store.

"Wait...what did she say get again?"

Natsu stood there for a couple of seconds with his fingers stroking his invisible beard in confusion. 'Did she ask for butter? No, maybe it was cheese. I'm pretty sure we already have milk so… it must be the cheese.' Natsu extended his arm forward, reaching for the cheese before pausing when he heard a conversation between a son and his mother.

Apparently it was about a giant poster of Wonder Women on a milk container.

"Mummy, why is Wonder Women not wearing any pants?"

"Because Wonder Women has amazing thighs and she could crush men with them if they insult her."

"I wanna be Wonder Women."

The mother sighed and shook her head, reaching for a carton of milk. "Don't we all…"

Natsu smiled and chuckled. He wished he had a mother to take him grocery shopping for milk. "Oh yeah…" He said remembering he had to get milk. He grabbed and quickly ran back in time to catch Lucy ringing up her last couple of items. "There you are!" Lucy said smiling brightly making a mischievous grin crawl up on the male's face.

"Hmmm, what this? Was someone worried about me?"

"Wha - why the heck would I be worried about you? You were only going to the milk aisle."

"Hmm...maybe so another sexy teenage girl won't steal me away from you?"

Lucy blushed a deep shade of red but tried to hide it by turning her head towards the cart where she placed the items on the belt. "Steal you away from me? And what other girl, there are no girls your age here." Lucy said but it backfired once Natsu pointed to a white haired girl just next to them.

This girl being, Lisanna Strauss. Sensing the duo's stare she looked up and smiled recognizing the two. "Lucy, hey! It's me." Lucy smiled back. "Uh, hey!" Lucy said bagging her items. "That'll be two hundred balens." Lucy quickly fetched her wallet in her back pocket. "Oh, here."

"What type of currency is that?"

"Balens, why?"

"I've never heard of it before."

"Really, what type of currency do you have where you come from?"

"Jewels." Lucy nodded her head. "I think I've heard of that before." Natsu shrugged. Lucy pushed the cart to where Lisanna was. Natsu smirked. "Hello there, beautiful." He said taking an interest in the girl. Lucy rolled her eyes. "Do you flirt with every girl you see?" She said. Natsu smirked and mouthed 'jealous' towards her making Lucy glare at him.

"Well see you guys later, gotta get home to Mira and Elfman. Nice seeing you again Lucy, Natsu!" Lisanna waved as the teens went their separate ways.

After packing everything in the car they decided to walk across the stress to starbucks. "Umm… what do you want?" Natsu asked. "Hot chocolate, please." Natsu shrugged. "Alright I'll order it," Lucy's eyes popped out of her head. Was Natsu Dragneel actually being a gentleman for her...maybe just this once. Natsu continued ", but you're paying." Spoke to soon.

Lucy pulled out her wallet and gathered her money. "I was just kidding." Lucy smiled in glee. She didn't have to spend on her money on her or her dumb and money-less companion. She took a mental note to remind him to get a decent job or at least go back home where he belonged. Now that she remembers why is he still here?

He could have caught a train or something to go back. Something wasn't right. And what about his family. She was sure that they would of came looking for him and sent out some type of missing posters. Lucy looked at the male intently. Just who was Natsu Dragneel.

"Take a picture it'll last longer."

Lucy snapped out of her trance and glared at a little teenage skater boy who had caught her staring. "Damn punks…" Natsu came back and handed her, her cup but not without a little message at the bottome. Lucy looked down at the bottom of the cup where it said,

'Careful, the beverage you're
about to enjoy is extremely hot.'

Lucy blushed as she saw what the male did. He had used a black marker and crossed out all the words except for three ones that made it look like,

'******** you're
********** extremely hot.'

Natsu smiled and kissed her cheek making the female by-passers gush and make side remarks, "How cute."

"Ah, young love!"

"Remind me of my high-school romance days."

"Yeah, when you stole my suppose to be future husband!"

"Oh, shut up, Samantha. He didn't even know you were a girl back then!"

Lucy blushed and Natsu chuckled at the old grannies. They took a seat outside and watched the scenery before them. There was a lake across from them, the sunset making the lake shimmer. "Beautiful…" Lucy said. "I know…" Natsu said, staring at Lucy. Lucy blushed and threw her balled up napkin at his face. "I - I was talking about the scenery." Before Natsu could talk, some couple walks over and sits next to them talking about some unusual things.

Guy: "Have you tried the bacon, mushroom and Swiss cheese burger?"

Girl: "Yeah, it wasn't bad, but I'm not a huge fan of mushrooms."

Guy: *starts singing super quietly* "Mushroom! Mushroom!"

Girl: *also super quietly* "It's a snake! A snaaaaaake! A snaaaaake!"

Both: "Badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger!"

They then go back to their conversation about various menu items, completely normal.



"The people here are weird…" Natsu mumbles quietly.
"I know… I know."

A/N: Sorry this chapter was a short one and nobody likes those :( And guys, I think I may have accidentally told my friend we could go streaking together :0 Anyways...enough about me. How was your day? Good I hope? Don't forget to leave a review and smash that follow but and maybe favorite... For those who asked my birthday was on the twelfth (also on my profile).