Hi friends who are probably really, really angry! I love you all *nervous laughs as Meg holds pillow in front of face as shield* any ways wow life is nuts! I cannot believe this story has been with me all through my High School career… yes this means I have successfully entered COLLEGE *even more nervous laughter*. Yikes! I know I left last chapter off as a cliffy and this chapter really doesn't do much either but hang in there! I love all the positive feedback from everyone and I'm sorry I'm such a slow poke loser who has an immensely crazy life. But anyways to all you other folks out there quickly approaching your first days of college/middle/high/elementary/preschool (idk): Best of luck! I believe in you 100%!

Alright here is chapter 30! Reviews would be well appreciated even if they are just angry "where have you been" comments. I love you all and would love to chat to anyone so please leave reviews and comments! Alright enjoy!

Chapter 30:

The floor boards moaned as she padded up the wooden staircase on way to the dormitories. The afternoon sun burned through every crevices in the ceilings and walls; it was the perfect winter day. No one occupied the dormitory halls or rooms due to the rehearsals in progress, and not a sound was to be heard besides the occasional whip of wind against the exterior of the opera house. Everything was still, contrary to each tremble racking through May's anxious body.

She was late for rehearsal; Madame Giry would have her head for sure. The morning had been such a whirl wind as she spent her time cooped up in the catacombs tending to Erik and his injury, not to mention her own as well. Nothing was supposed to happen the way it did; she was just supposed to help him for only a few hours, till she knew he would be okay, then return to the surface just in time for her ballet rehearsal; but how was she supposed to know things would transpire such as they did.

Never in her wildest dreams did May imagine herself kissing Erik, and wanting it as much as she did. She hated herself so for enjoying it as she did; but in their moment of perfect embrace there was nothing else but them. No time, no world, no rehearsals, no people and no Christine or Jack. Everything was gone, all sense of reality, right and wrong, all of that was gone. They were just two bodies embracing one another in a shared moment of pure bliss and euphoria.

Pushing her mind away from the events of prior, May flung open her door as she raced to her room.

To her utter shock a man was strewn across her bed. Her breath left her as she witnessed the image of such. To have one unrecognizable invading in your own privacy was a feeling she was unfamiliar with in the farthest. Her eyes slowly noted the dirty blonde hair and notable features of none other than Jack Oliver asleep on her mattress.

'What is he doing here?'

She regained her breath as she took in the truly peculiar sight; she moved closer to inquire. He was dressed impeccably minus the cravat that hung untied around his neck and the few open buttons on his collar. His hair was in normal disarray but slightly more so from his obvious sleep. His eyes were shut tight and his breathing was slow and steady. May couldn't help but blush at the comfortable way he laid on her very own bed with his head on her pillow.

She approached him with caution, placing herself silently beside him as not to make a sound. As May's gentle fingers came to caress his brow Jack woke with a start.

"Maygen?" he asked groggily clearing his throat of the sleep that still lagged. He seemed slightly dazed as he took her hand gently in question.

"Hi Jack." She whispered. Her voice must have put him to because in the next second he was sitting stark straight with no sign of drowsiness.

"My God May where have you been, you had me worried sick!" Jack took her by the forearms and pulled her closer.

"Have you been here all night?" May asked as she gaped at him.

"Yes." He said almost angrily.


"Why?" he came to a quick stance. "Because you were gone. I came to retrieve you but you're room was abandoned. You were nowhere to be found yet again." His voice gave way to his inner agitation. This had been going on for too long now, her disappearing and reappearing in a matter of hours or days even.

"Jack I-…" She was cut off

"What is going on May? You are here one moment and then another you're gone, nowhere, almost as if you disappear ever couple of days. Are you okay? Is something wrong? Are you in danger?" his questions came incessant.

May's mind was a complete whirlwind she had no room to think of anything other than her morning with Erik. Quickly she shoved Jack away from her regretting it the instant she did.

"May…" his voice trailed off as he watched her stare at the floor.

She took a couple low breaths regaining her composure. "Jack. I am not in danger I swear that to you… Just things keep happening a-and with this new opera, rehearsals have been popping up everywhere and-,"

"So you were at rehearsal?" Jack cut in.

"Y-yes." She lied, oh how she hated herself.

"That's funny because I ran into a friend of yours, Meg Giry. When I asked if she knew where you were she said rehearsals had been over for hours and that she had not seen you since." That was it, May heard it. He was angry. "What's going on May?"

"J-jack I…"

"What happened to your hand?"

"My what?" she had forgotten her clearly bandaged and burning hand

"Your hand" he grasped it gently. "Why is it bandaged?"

"I-uh it was an accident. I was clumsy while making tea and spilled hot water onto myself by accident." It was no lie but Jack wasn't for it.

"Please you know you can tell me anything. Why are you hiding from me?" he stated. May couldn't handle his touch at the moment. Quickly dashing behind her dressing screen she made to avoid him. "May!"

"Jack please, nothing is going on," she attempted as she hid from him. She needed to get ready for rehearsal, and quickly. Luckily her rehearsal attire was laid out behind her dressing screen. Making certain she was invisible to Jack, she began removing her clothing from the night.

Jack was at a loss. He had no idea how to go about finding the truth from May. Pulling the card, from which he found previous, out of his pocket he walked to the changing screen and hung his arm over the other side allowing May to take in the image.

She jumped as she realized he might see her for she had just removed her chemise.

"What is this then?" Jack inquired from the other side.

May inspected the card realizing what it was. "Jack…"

"What is this May?"

"Its…" she couldn't come up with an excuse.

"Is there another man?" he asked angrily pulling his hand away.


"Are you in a relationship with another man?"

She quickly shimmied into her corset. "No. No Jack…" Before she had time to think Jack was behind the screen grasping her shoulders. "Jack!" May gasped as she attempted to hide herself from him. She stood in only her corset, bloomers and tights. He obviously did not take notice to her current state.

"Then who is this Erik, May? Why have I never met him, let alone seen him? It seems every time you run off, you return from being with him." His voice trailed off as he stared sadly into her eyes. Her propriety was set aside as she stared so longingly into his crystalline eyes. May saw all the emotion he could possibly contain. "You do realize that I love you… more than anybody ever could? I need you to tell me- tell me right now. Is there another man?"

May couldn't process what he was asking. Erik, being another man? No never. "No." she replied quietly. "N-no no Jack there is not another man. I swear this to you."

"Then who is this Erik? You told me he was your teacher but he appears to be more than that my dear."

Suddenly she pushed him away harshly with fire in her eyes; her hand sweltering with pain as it made contact to Jack's body. She had had enough of this pretentious game. "That is enough!" she hollered, her breath coming in quick gasps. "Jack I cannot believe you. I am yours and you know that. Do you not have any trust in me anymore- have you ever?" Jack stared at her dumbfounded. "Erik has been a friend of my family for a long time. He knew my parents! There is nothing between us. He is my friend and nothing more." Jacks demeanor began to resolve. "That letter is from months ago, he came and surprised me because he had been away for a long time. Nothing more I swear to you." She wasn't completely lying. "Why would you ever assume I would have eyes for another man when all I see- all I want is you." She sighed.

"May…" Jack began.

"No, no stop. Jack you truly are all I want, do you not know that?" she didn't know where any of this was coming form. "I have only a mind for you and my heart belongs… only to you." Her mind had completely shut off, no thoughts were coming out straight. "I… I love you… jack."

"You what?" he stated confusedly

What had she just said? "I love you." Did she?

"You love me?"

"Yes." Her heart fluttered a moment for an undenounced reason. Her head cried 'Yes' but her heart cried 'I am not sure.'

Before she could make sense of herself she had wrapped herself around Jack in a gripping hug listening to his labored breaths.

"I love you too May. Very much." Jack sighed.

They sealed the moment with a kiss.

Her skirts pooled out around her in a patterned sort of flow framing her meek form. Her head was bent low as her hands were folded tightly in prayer, with knuckles white as she spoke to her higher being. This was her safe haven, the place to find focus and be in good hands. Barley anyone knew about her secret hide away a few floors below the stage.

Christine finished her prayer with a silent tear and stood to retreat back to reality. Everything was fine in that short moment, her fears and woes had disappeared as she whispered for strength from her father. All was well for mere seconds.

Before she could react a figure appeared from the shadows. Not any just any figure, a familiar one. A figure met with only hate and rage, anger and fear.

"What are you doing here?" She spoke quietly with venom laced to every letter. "What in God's name are you doing here?" Her skirts billowed as she stood advanced on the phantasmal man before her. "How dare you come here to my very place of solitude, and for what?" She waited for an answer but was met with the same dark continuous stare that burned her very soul. "What are you here for…?" She questioned with vigor. No response. "Tell me!" She hollered.

Erik's heart fluttered at the sound of her pathetic yell. He knew he should not have been in anyway enthralled by her outburst at all but he could not help but enjoy the fire thrown by his beloved.

He examined her closely for a second before speaking quietly. "To talk."

His voice was everywhere and nowhere at once. Possessing her mind, capturing her soul in a death grip. "To talk?" she questioned with fire. "Just to talk, as normal people? No game of cat and mouse. Is that what you want or should I begin running?"

"Christine…" he sighed.

"NO! You awful man. Do not utter my name. I don't ever want to hear it from those heinous devil lips of yours." Erik was defenseless to her words. She had broken him. "You have caused enough trouble as is. Why don't you just go?" Christine turned from him waiting for his departure. The phantom didn't budge an inch. "Go…" again no move. She had had it. "Just leave!" Christine advanced on him quickly shoving him harshly against the closest stone wall.

Her hands hit hard against his stitched skin, pushing with anger beyond concentration. As Erik's back hit the wall he couldn't help but groan in pain as such dainty hands caused pain to shoot through his body. He doubled slightly.

His groan caught her off guard. Never had she seen the phantom show weakness towards anyone. She couldn't have pushed him that hard. That's when she realized; Raoul had wounded him yesterday. She thought nothing of it at the time but now she realized exactly how bad the injury had been.

Stepping back Christine examined him hard for a moment. "Does it hurt?"

Erik was at a loss. She was actually showing sympathy towards him. After a moment he slowly nodded his head.

"I-I'm very sorry. Can I help you?"

"N-no I am fine."

"But you are hurt." She moved towards Erik and watched him back up.

"Yes but I am fine." His words came harsher than they were meant. "Stitched up. Barely sore… your boy sure knows how to hit where it hurts." He spoke with hard sarcasm. "I underestimated him. But I guess a lad in love would do anything for his distressed damsel. "

Christine was hurt. "Raoul's actions were no reflection of my feelings toward you. You must know that."

"Humorous." He laughed darkly. "Mere moments ago you seemed eager to push me straight through that wall there." The confidence in Christine's eyes burnt out. This was his moment, the time for attack. She was weak he was strong. "What do you feel Christine? It cannot be much." He took his opportunity to stalk around her like she were prey. "You truly felt nothing when your lover slashed me with his weapon… No? Tell me, were you indeed happy he did so or were you in turn hurt as well?" He stopped to stare into her eyes for a moment. "By all means you were the one to call wolf." He grabbed her chin delicately. "No one likes a tattle my dear." He began to move again. "Or were you in fact pained to see your poor Angel of Music so destroyed; his halo broken and wings tattered. Such a divine creature slayed and left bloody awaiting his doomed fall from heaven." He stopped behind her a breath away. "What do you feel Christine?"

She was unresponsive. Her body was locked her mind was blank. She did not dare move an inch in fear of being met with his form. Moments ticked by before there was finally a reply. "…scared."

"Do I frighten you my darling?" he stalked before her like she was prey.

"No." the reply was short and quick.

He moved closer. "No?"


Erik moved so close to the point where they were mere inches away. The intensity of his eyes burnt to her soul frightening her beyond words.

"Are you positive of that, my pet?" he inquired reaching out a daring hand to brush the perfect skin of her pink cheek. Erik couldn't help but sigh at the feel of her warmth skin against his cold frigid fingers.

The noise that escaped her lips could only be made from nothing other than ecstasy. At least that's what Erik believed as she closed her beautiful eyes to revel in the moment. His thumb stroked just beneath her eye as he scanned her lips with his hungry vision. Christine could sense his nearness, she could feel his mind turning with anticipation. What was she doing?

Before anything could happen Christine pulled away as quick as if she had touched something hot. Erik watched her scrutinizing as she spun from him.

"Just as I thought." He mocked.

Christine turned with daggers in her eyes. "What?"

"The fair lady has cold feet."

"What are you speaking?"

"YOU CHRISTINE! You, nothing but you. Always you." His temper was burning, but he controlled it. "… Every word from my mouth is you. Each thought my mind creates every second of every day is you. I live, sleep and breathe for you…." His emotions were running ramped. "But you don't see that. No. You don't, and you never will." Christine went to speak. "No. It is my turn to speak-…"

"NO ERIK! NO!" She finally snapped. "I have listened to you for too long now. I never have a say in any of this do I? For so long I have just been another pawn in your never ending game! I am tired of this Erik, tired! I am constantly caught in your web, confused an-and frightened and scared for my life. I cannot keep doing this Erik I cannot let you run my life this way…"

"CHRISTINE!" he shouted. He wasn't angry nor did he truly mean to raise his voice. He needed her attention. Christine stared at him like a mouse facing its attacker.

"Say that again…" he bid.

"Say what?" she was frightened.

"What you last said, say it again."

She was at a loss. "I can't let you…"

"No, no…." he approached her cautiously, why did he suddenly seem so sensitive? "My name." he breathed with defeat. "Say my name."

His name? Her heart nearly stopped. He wasn't supposed to know she knew his name. It was a secret from May. There was no way of getting out of this now.

"… Erik." She finally spoke after long moments.

Erik's golden eyes shut for a short moment as he absorbed every ounce of what Christine had just spoken. For years now he wished he could hear her speak his name. To hear it fall so casually from her delicate voice undid him to the bone.

"H-how do you know my name?" he questioned.

"Um… I." she bit her lip and looked to her feet almost as if expecting an answer.

Erik came forth extending a hand lifting her delicate chin to meet eye to eye.

"Maygen?" he inquired quietly. Christine watched him closely gazing strongly into his wild eyes before nodding slightly.

"So I thought." He backed away from her.

Christine's mind stirred in the moment. "How do you know my friend?" she inquired softly

Erik stalked slowly towards the alcove of stain glass to rest his aching body before he spoke. "It seems she is not only your friend, but mine as well." Christine didn't dare move closer to him, she simply listened at a distance. "We met not too long ago. She is a very nice young lady very respectful and endearing. You are lucky to have her as a companion Christine. May is a very descent friend to have around."

"And talented too." She added.

Erik sighed. "Yes and talented." His eyes glanced down. "In more ways than one." He felt his wound briefly with a firm finger. "In fact she was the one who stitched me up last evening. Because of her I wasn't left to bleed out alone in the catacombs… Although that was the ultimate objective was it not?" Christine stared at him with hard eyes for solid seconds. "Forgive me," Erik spoke, dismissing the conversation of before. "I believe I interrupted you. Did you have more to say?"

It took her more than moments to work up the nerve to continue. "Erik…"Christine spoke, lurching towards him with trepid feet. "I cannot perform in your opera." She paused. "I am declining the role."

"Oh, well of course you are." He spat. "Silly me should have known you would be stubborn enough to throw away such an opportunity."

"Please Erik, this is no time for cynicism."

"My apologies." He meant it. "… And may I just say that I will never get tired of hearing my name roll off your lips."

As much as she wanted to believe that he was simply attempting to charm her, Christine knew Erik was speaking the truth.

Erik cleared his throat. "The role was written for you Christine, the music was written for you, everything was written for you. You are Aminta. If you decline this role it will not only be a shame to myself but to you as well."

"If I do forgo Don Juan will you promise threats of falling chandeliers and death to innocent stage hands?" she mocked with fire.

Erik was not willing to put up a fight. He was exhausted mentally and physically. His injury was taking a toll on him. "The decision is not mine Christine, nor is it the Vicomte's. This is solely on you and you alone." He stood to approach her. "I have poured my entire being into this Opera for years, if fear and threat are the single way to get you to cooperate then I will do whatever it takes to keep you in my opera, do you understand? You have not been the only one to be toyed with my dear for I have been playing your games as well for far too long." He began advancing on her in attempt to corner her against the wall. "Now, you have two options. You either disobey me and my wishes by running away from your fears or you face them like the big girl I know you are."

His tactic worked her back pressed firmly against the wall. Christine stared up at him in wavering trepidation "Erik…"

His hand came to caress her delicate curls as he made sure to wrap her in his voice in a form of innocent hypnosis. "You do not wish to disappoint your poor unhappy Erik do you?" Christine shook her head 'no'. "Good. I only wish for what is best for you my sweet. You know I would never hurt you. No, your Angel of Music wants only what is best for his muse." She was far lost in his words. "You will make me proud Christine won't you?"

She was lost even more so then before. She wanted to scream and run but found that Erik was to hypnotic not to. She was nearly intoxicated by his words. She wanted to make him proud yet was terrified to.

"I-I will try Erik." She sighed.

"Good." He moved only a breath away. "You always do, Christine."

And with a blink he was gone.

X Yay a little E/C action! No lie that was really fun to write! Hope you all enjoyed, please leave any response you have!

PS: (This is kinda funny) since my last update in October (:p) I have successfully obtained a lovely Suitor myself! But in the exciting 10 months we have spent together thus far I have found that he is very, very similar to Jack! This fact is quite humorous to me because I began writing the character a whole 2 years before meeting him! I can guarantee you though that he does not obtain messy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes… he only has… you know messy brown hair and piercing brown eyes… OKAY BYE *shuffles off stage with even more nervous laughter*

Lol thanks again fro reading!