Things had been on a roll and she had very little time to dedicate to looking for the creeper but she had called Detective Lance and when she told him about the call he was concerned if his tone said anything. At the mention of a stalker though? She honestly couldn't believe it and laughed when she realized how serious he was being. And that scared her. She took his advice and changed her alarm code since that was an easy fix, switched carriers (T-Mobile was sucky anyway) and got a new number. But when she actually went to physically sit down and hack her way to this guy?


Things don't always go according to plan.

Felicity was frustrated because every time she went to follow up on the creeper, she began to call him that in her mind, something came up! Always without a doubt, whether it was an emergency at work or something to do with the list, it's like everything that could happen, well, did happen. First off on the day she meant to head to the foundry she had to decipher an assassin's phone instead and then they had to race against the clock to stop the assassination only to have Oliver reveal his identity to Tommy in the end. Oh and to make matters worse? Yeah, Oliver's super psychotic ex-girlfriend came into town to get her revenge on her father, and ended up getting her involved. Thankfully Oliver came in and got her out of her binds, literally, and that situation was dealt with.

Which is why it took so long for her to get out of work early, head straight to Verdant and get to work. So far she had tried tracking every single call he had made but it frustrated her to no end that there was actually someone out there who could possibly be better than her in hacking. She knew she wasn't the best out there (hello, the famed and worshipped Oracle anyone?) but she knew she was good enough to be able to find out who was calling her (though he hasn't since she switched carriers) and sending her the stupid flowers (which had resumed to their normal schedules only she got roses this time, all with black ribbons tied around them). She had even tried tracking down the delivery man and tracking it that way but it seems they used a different company every time and they paid in cash. Every lead she had lead to a dead end. She groaned in frustration, fists slamming onto the desk, something she had never done before.

"Felicity?" She jumped screaming as Oliver, as always, snuck up on her. "Hey, didn't mean to scare you." He said setting a bag down, holding a hand out to her as if that would soothe her.

"Oliver, I will get you a bell and you will wear it." She said through narrowed eyes.

He shook his head as he took a seat on the other chair, "What's on your mind? You've been tense lately when you've been down here, is something wrong?" he asked looking at her.

"I uh…" she inadvertently bit her lip, she had meant to tell them, she really had. She had every intention of telling both Oliver and Diggle but…the whole lack of being able to trace the guy and then everything…Well, it just was never the right time. And no matter what she did, she had a feeling she would never want to tell them. But, part of being a grown-up was knowing to ask for help. So rather than deny outright that anything was happening she felt this was her chance, "Well…I've just…had stuff going on. Stuff that-" Both their phone's went off and Felicity sighed, grabbing hers.

"Wait, it can wait. What's going on with you?"

"It could be important."

"It can also wait. Look, you've been off, not distracted but it's almost like your mind isn't all here." He realized what he had said, "Not in the sense where you aren't doing anything, but more like something is on your mind." He said quickly.

She sighed, "It's just, I've been having-"

"Hey, have you guys checked your phones? Or the news?" came Diggle's reply as he walked down the stairs towards them.

"What?" came Oliver's reply.

"Look at your phone's." he stated as he went to get a news channel up.

Oliver frowned and it was Felicity who opened the message, gasping, "Oliver look!" she said handing him the phone which was now playing a video of a known drug lord that they were aiming at hitting next.

"I got it on the screen."

They went over to Diggle as the man was forced to confess his sins before he screamed, begging for mercy and there was a loud bang, causing Felicity to jump and look away, eyes shut tight.

"Damn it! Who is this guy? Has this been going on long?"

"Felicity, we need you to track the signal."

She gingerly opened her eyes, relieved that the image was gone now before nodding and heading to her desk, quickly she began to try to pin point where this person had done this, the conversation they had been having now long forgotten.

Her day didn't improve.

Because of her someone had lost their life and Felicity felt that weight on her, completely overshadowing her current problem. Had she been quicker, smarter, better, she would have been able to give Oliver the correct information and that man wouldn't have died. Instead, she sent him the wrong way and lost valuable time, causing another death.

Once Oliver said that everything had been taken care of she didn't even wait for him to return and had simply just left.

When she arrived home she was a wreck. She curled up in bed because of the idea of having of having been responsible for someone's life…

She jolted when her phone rang and grabbed it, seeing a blocked number. She took a deep breathe, trying to calm herself as it kept ringing and ringing even after going to voicemail.

She hadn't expected her doorbell to ring and that freaked her out more than it should have. She got up, nervous as to who would be at her door at this hour. She made her way over and saw who it was and was both relieved and surprised to see Oliver on the other side. She let him in quickly, "What are you doing here?" she said trying to compose herself.

"You weren't there when I got back." He stated simply. She said nothing as she gestured for him to take a seat as she went and made some hot chocolate, "You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Really. Just…shaken, that's all." She was tired. She loved what she did but working a full time job and then this? It drained her regardless of how satisfying it was to make Starling City a better place. She handed him a mug and he cocked a brow but took it anyway and they sat in silence.

"…You want to talk about it?"

She stood quiet for quite some time, her hot chocolate forgotten. Then when he thought she wouldn't say anything, "I've never seen anyone die. And I saw two people die…One of them was my fault." She stated simply.

"No it wasn't."

"It was. I wasn't fast enough or good enough to get the trace right. I sent you to the wrong place."

"It was a mistake. And sometimes…sometimes we don't always win. Sometimes people don't always make it out alive, there will be casualties in this life. It's our job to minimize them but if he hadn't been stopped, who knows how long it would have taken the police to catch him."

"But you said it, stopped. Not killed. The guy deserved to not just be murdered in cold blood Oliver. That's not how our society works. We have to be better than them, otherwise, what's the difference?" He stood there, silent. He didn't say anything for a good minute so Felicity sighed, "Anyway, we need to catch this guy now. Who knows how long before he goes after innocent people he deems guilty."

Oliver simply nods.

"Good." she yawned, "Now it's not like I don't enjoy your company, cause I do. But I'm exhausted. And a tired Felicity will make a grumpy Felicity." She smacks him when he chuckles, "Seriously! Have you not dealt with me when I am sleep deprived?! I turn into a sleep deprived version of that snickers commercial."

He chuckled, "Well, I'd hate to interfere with your beauty sleep…"

She snorted, "Trust me, I'd need a lot more than just beauty sleep for well, anything beauty related."

He frowns at that, not liking the way she talks about herself. He didn't agree with that statement and a part of him is ready to tell her so when he catches himself, "Good night Felicity."

"Night Oliver."

He leaves and she locks the door, making sure her apartment is sealed before setting her alarm. She sighs as she slumps down to the ground and simply sits there, arms wrapped around her legs. The way he looked at her…She shook it off.

Today had been a bad day but she was going to fix it. This guy who got away would be found, she'd make sure of it. She was determined to bring him to justice. Tomorrow, or should she say later on today?, she would go back to Verdant and find the killer. She finally got up and went to her window, she looked out, an eerie feeling filling her. She bit her lip as she looked around but nothing. "I really need sleep." She closed the blinds before heading to her bed and snuggling in. She grabbed Arty and held it close, "Night Arty." She let exhaustion take her.

She's sleeping now. I smile at her sleeping form, she looks gorgeous, even asleep and drooling. It seems she's had a rough day, my poor girl. But I shouldn't feel too much sympathy, after all…She had Oliver Queen over to her home. And that just fills me with so much anger that I could…Well, I could do something I would regret later on. So I take a deep breath and go to my special room. I smile as I see the pictures of my Felicity up on the wall. Her outfits at times were crazy but they suited her. Her smile is dazzling. I grin as I take one of her wearing a gold dress, she looked lovely that night. The memory of Oliver alone with her surfaces and I growl, putting it back. I reach for another, this one she is wearing a red dress, her hair is in curls and she has this smile on her as she talks with friends. The color red looks magnificent on her. I set it back down as I move on to my treasure pile.

I can't help but grin at the idea that yes, I have seen less of her because she now works with Oliver. But I now have more things of hers than I ever thought would be possible. She's so busy that I have free reign of her apartment. Of course, I'm not stupid. I don't take too much at one time. Just little here and there, subtle enough that she questions her own sanity and doesn't ponder the idea that someone has been in her home.

I grab the the TARDIS tee I had taken months and months ago, when I first realized she wasn't home as much anymore. I lift it to my face and sniff, it still smells like her, but not as much. I grab the perfume I had taken and spray it on the shirt. It's not the same as her wearing but it'll definitely do. I smile and hold it to me before finally settling it back down.

I feel so much better now and walk out heading to my surveillance corner and adjust the camera. She's still knocked out cold and a part of me is so very tempted to call her, to mess with her. But I won't, not just yet. I know she's been debating telling the others…I reach and pull up the conversation,

"Detective Lance."

"Uh, hi. Um, this is Felicity Smoak. You gave me your card…"

"Ah yes, Miss Smoak, what can I do for you?"

"Well you see…He called again a few nights ago. He was mad and I got mad so I threatened to get him in trouble and well, he laughed it off. He basically said I wasn't the only one who could do something about it."

I can't help but grin as I imagine her biting her lip and moving her fingers like if she were typing, both nervous habits of hers. The detective is silent and I remember becoming worried the first time I got the records of the call.

"Miss Smoak…Is it possible someone could be stalking you?"

There's silence before she laughs. She doesn't take him seriously. My grin widens.

"Absolutely not! Stuff like that happens to rich or beautiful people. I'm just your average nerd, why would anyone want to stalk me?"

I openly laugh at this part, oh she is blind. From the moment she beat me, I was taken. I fell for her and ever since then I have done everything in my power to mold myself to her liking. Not that it matters, she still doesn't see me. And she probably never will unless I make her see me…"Soon enough…" I can't help but mutter.

"…Like I said, if you need anything let me know. If things escalate please get help."

"I will Detective. Thank you."

I blink, I missed the part where he suggested she tell her friends. Like she would tell those two. But if she did...I would make sure they wouldn't take her away from me. They would be taken care off. Hell, I might just have Oliver taken care off, just because of how he interacts with my Felicity. Hmp. I calm myself down, enough to put away the recording and lean back on my chair to watch my Felicity sleep.

So yeah, I'm not dead. I know, I'm horrible and going to hell. And this is my third time writing this stupid note and my laptop is acting up with the internet and not saving this and now I'm getting annoyed. -.- ANYWAYS.

I kinda lost interest in this, and then I forgot about it. And then I was reading fanfics where the author just stopped in the middle of it and I realized I shouldn't get mad at them cause I do the same thing. Then I saw a PM from araglione from like may that I of course didn't see cause I rarely log in onto here. So yeah. I decided I should stop being a witch and update so I did the sensible, adult, thing to get back into the flow...Had a double shot of fireball, threw on some music and reread my chapters before realizing I had some of this ch done. So then I just continued it, and voila. New chapter! I think I need to rewatch season 1 of Arrow so I can get back into the flow of things. And have some more fireball. xD

Anyway, no promises on when the next chapter will be up (I suck at promises anyways) so we should all (even I) keep our fingers crossed that I keep my act straight. Oh! DID YOU GUYS SEE THE ANIMATED TEASER THEY RELEASED?! OMG! And then there's Legends of Tomorrow, Rory is in it! I was like, HA! YESH! YOU WOULD BE THE ONE INVOLVED WITH TIME TRAVEL! I saw the Suicide Squad trailer (MEH) and the Superman sequel (OMG THAT ROBIN SUIT!) and I freaked out at the Robin stuff and now there are all these images of the grave saying Richard on there and I'm freaking out cause OMG THEY BETTER NOT KILL MY DICK! ...I realize that sounds weird but, eh, sue me. Let's see...Anything else worthwhile? Oh yeah, Arrow season 3? What did you guys think over all? Yes, I'm aware it's been forever since it aired but I have no one to talk about these things at home. I will say that overall I felt it was the weakest season and it just felt all over the place. Really hope next season picks up. AND OMG THE FLASH. Now that was amaze balls! Anyways, it's going on 2330hrs and I should probably stop now. And probably proofread this. Yeah, probably. Anyways, reviews are lovely and please, I need someone to discuss these things with! ^^^^

P.S. o.O Did they get rid of the preview button on here? Cause I can't find it. Has it seriously been that long since I've logged on to update? TF!

P.P.S. Nope. I didn't proofread it. Beware of grammar/typo issues. x3