Good morning! Well at least my time it's 3:06 A.M. I want to apologize for my year log hiatus. It wasn't planed believe me, my computer fried on me last year which had almost all of this chapter and the next one on it. Also since I started this story I got a job which transpired into having two jobs and being a full time college student. I have the summer off for one of my jobs, which is amazing! With that I hope I can write some more before school starts back in the fall. Without further delay chapter seven!

"Maya! Oh thank gosh you're alright! Tor and I were worried sick!" Tris exclaimed wrapping the little blonde into a tight hug. "Katie said you were in the hospital, are you okay? Why are you here?" Tristan asked talking quietly. Maya took a deep breath sitting down on the couch.

"So you know how you are going to be Uncle Tris soon?" Maya stated.

"You know about Owen and Clare?" Tristan asked sitting down beside her.

"Yea Clare kinda told me today." Maya said softly. "How would you feel if someone else called you uncle Tris?" She mumbled. Tristan's eyebrows pulled together in confusion, Maya could see the wheels turning in his head as he let out a sound that was somewhere between a squeal and a groan.

"Shut up! You're pregnant! When did you find out? Do your parents know? Is it a boy or girl? Have you thought of any names?" Tristan rambled, causing Maya to giggle.

"I found out today, it was a shock and I fainted and hit my head, that's why I was in the hospital. And I'm only a month a half along so I don't know if it's a boy or girl and I haven't thought of any names yet." She explained purposely leaving out the part about her parents.

"I think you're going to have a little girl who has dirty blonde hair and chocolate colored eyes." He told her with a smile. "How are you going to tell your parents?" He asked taking a pillow that sat on the couch beside him and cuddling it close to his chest.

"I don't have to. They already know a nurse told them today, they uh kicked me out." She told him softly. Tristan sat for a few minutes quiet until Maya looked up at him, he was mad. It was times like this when you could see the resemblance between Owen and Tris, their jaws would clench, their faces would go blank but you could tell by their eyes that they were mad. Before Maya even had time to think Tristan had his phone to his ear calling someone.

"Mom." Tristan exclaimed Maya could hear a worried voice over the phone but couldn't make out any words. "No Owen is fine, I'm fine too." He reassured her. "You know Maya right? Yeah the blonde one with the glasses. Well you see she is in a bit of a predicament, she's pregnant and her parents kicked her out. Yeah. I know. Me either. I know you would never. Three guesses. Bingo. She can? Thanks mom. Love you too, yes I'll tell Owen as well. Bye." He said as he hung up the phone. "Well Maya welcome to La maison de Milligan."

"Your mom is letting me stay here?" She asked in disbelief she had only seen Mrs. Milligan a few times and now she was letting her move in?

"Just until you can get your feet on the ground, find a job and an apartment." He told her with a smile.

"That's still way more than I could have hoped for. Thanks Tris!" She exclaimed throwing her arms around him.

"Where's Tor at?" Maya asked noticing that the curly brunette was nowhere in sight. Tristan rolled his blues eyes at her.

"She had a date with Zig tonight. So she totally blew me off." He huffed. Maya gave him a half smile and settled on to the couch.

"So what trouble has Gatsby gotten herself into this week?" She asked grabbing a handful of popcorn.

On the other side of the house Clare shuffled as she sat down on Owens bed. His room was nothing like she pictured it would be. It was relatively clean, and there was no pictures of women in bikinis anywhere. She fell back on his full sized bed and slowly drifted into dream land. She opened her eyes to see Owen quietly trying to shut the door behind him.

"Owen?" She called out groggily.

"Yes?" He replied.

"What time is it?" Clare mumbled hugging a pillow close to her body.

"It's almost 11 now. My practice ran way late. What are you doing here?" he asked quietly as he walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge.

"Maya.. Wait is Maya here? She doesn't have anywhere else to go!" She rushed trying to sit up. Owen chuckled at the girl, getting a glare in return.

"Yes, Maya is here. She is staying in the guest room right now. But why are you here?" He wondered.

"Fine if you don't want me here, I can leave." She huffed swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

"Wow, wow, wow. I never said anything about wanting you to leave I was just curious as to why you were here." He answered. "You might want to check your phone though." He told her. Clare groaned and gingerly picked up her phone, hitting the top button her phone lit up with more than fifty texts from Jake, Alli, and Adam. She looked at the bedside clock and sighed, it was too late to call Alli back and she knew there was no way she was getting out of calling Adam or Jake.

"I'm going to call Jake really quick." She informed the blue eyed boy who sat a crossed from her. As she listened to the ring tone, she was relieved to hear his voice mail. She left him a message, thanking him for covering when their parents called. When she hung up, she gulped as she dialed the familiar number and listened as the phone was picked up at the first ring.

"Clare Diana Edwards. Start talking, right now." Adam said as he answered the phone.

"Adam, there is so much I need to tell you. But I don't want to do it over the phone." She told him.

"Come on Clare it can't be that bad." He told her.

"Actually it is Adam." Clare sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Clare, you're my best friend come on and tell me." He demanded.

"Fine you really want to know? You're going to be an Uncle congratulations!" She huffed in one breath. She relaxed slightly when she felt Owen take her free hand and squeezed it lightly.

"Clare that's hilarious. What's next are you going to tell me Owen Milligan is the father?" He laughed.

"No, because you already guessed it." She told him. Adams laughing stopped immediately.

"Clare you're joking right? You can't be pregnant but that Neanderthal!" The boy exclaimed through the phone causing the curly haired girl to hold the phone away from her ear.

"What is with everyone and the use of Neanderthal today? Owen's not that bad." She snapped. "Adam it's late and I really need to get some sleep. Can we talk tomorrow? Promise to tell you everything." She vowed are she waited for the boy's response. She heard a long sigh.

"Fine but we are going to have a long talk tomorrow." He informed her.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Clare replied. As the two said their goodbyes, Clare looked down to see that Owen was laying on the bed next to her almost asleep. She smiled as she turned off the light and laid next to the boy. It was one of the best night's sleep she'd gotten since she was a child.

I know everyone hates being asked this, but if anyone has any ideas for this story please feel free to P.M me! It might take me a few days but I promise I will get back to you!

With much love

Smirkle or XoXoSmiley-RileyOxOx