A/N: I'm back! Like totally back (with background music) Sorry for not updating so fast, it's been a month, or like, two months since I've last updated. I've been distracted by so many things like Teenwolf, Thor 2, movie marathon, kimi ni todoke, attack on titan and many other anime (you don't wanna know) Or you would haha feel free to ask me ;) As I've said on my past A/N, I love PM's or reviews, it keeps me motivated to know that a lot of you ar still interested on reading this fic. BTW This is the non edited version. I really wanted to post this as soon as I finish this. Forgive me for my mistakes, well, you readers always do and I love you for took me two weeks to write this without getting distracted haha, Anyway, stop the blabber and let's get on to the story. Without further ado, here comes (drum roll) CHAPTER 21! Enjoy,

We get older by the hour, watch the changes from afar, keep forgetting to remember where we've been as who we are, now all we do is wonder why we ever set the scene oh, calamity… It's such a shame that we play strangers, oh calamity.

-All Time Low, Oh Calamity

Previously on Liars go to Hell:

A deep sigh escaped into his lips as he watches Sasuke to sit properly. "What happened?" For some reason, Naruto was happy that he went straight to Sasuke's penthouse. To be exact, he just got here and decided to pay the teme a visit and now… he's surprised to find his best friends' well-being is in deep shit.

"—We need to talk,"

Sasuke didn't say anything as his bloodshot orbs stared directly into the ceiling.

"I love her…"

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Naruto's ears perked-up a bit as soon as his best-friend's words came rushing into him like an ice bucket.

"Ah, you love her." He said calmly. "—Wait! You what!" With his bulging blue orbs, he stared directly into the raven haired Uchiha. He couldn't believe what he just said; for the love of Zeus, never in his damned life, did Uchiha Sasuke admitted that he actually LOVESsomeone.

"Really Naruto?" Looks like he's slowly recuperating to his old self. The Namikaze just stared, no glared at him for the past two minutes and still counting.

He arched an annoyed brow as another deep sigh escaped his dry lips. "—Do I really have to explain it further?"

"Seriously teme? how? Why?...argghr! I don't get it!" Grabbing his blond locks in a frustrated way, the Uchiha watched his best-friend in pure bewilderment.

Naruto shot him another; yes… another, suspicious look, like a police officer who's inspecting something weird.

"Oh no, don't give me that look!" Naruto nearly gagged at the sight of his dear friend. "What?" Perhaps the Uchiha sensed that the blond Namikaze is feeling a little frustrated at how he looked at him. To be honest, he never felt like this before and he never looked the dobe like THIS before.

"What look dobe?" He said in an annoyed tone as Naruto finally stopped staring into his whole well-being.

"—the I'm so totally in love with Hianta Hyuuga look!"

He flinched at how loud Naruto is becoming. Well, actually, he's kind of loud but at this moment, he just sounded extra loud. The teme was about to say something but it looks like his heart has been caught up in some sort of black hole or something. Like he's trapped and there's a spot that's feeling empty and dark and… unwanted.

"Stop staring at me with those devious eyes! Damn! you're freaking me out!" Naruto spatted out as soon as he felt those searing red eyes staring directly into his soul.

He have totally no idea that his best friend AKA the teme AKA the overly fucked up Uchiha Sasuke, has had this hormonal in-balance or hormonal teen-ager lovey dovey syndrome. Maybe he needs to call Shikamaru or Neji for some first aid or something. This whole fiasco is draining every bit of him. And trust me, he doesn't like any of it.

"I-I do, I do love her," His heart leaped a thousand miles across from his chest as soon as those words came out into his mouth.

"See! You're even stuttering!" the Namikaze's blue orbs lightened as he was making his point. Both his fingers were curled in a werewolf manner; like he never EVER imagine that this sickness would infect the Uchiha.

"Can you at least talk without those 'exclamation points?,'" Sasuke air quoted using his left, index and middle finger.

"See! You're even AIR, QUO-OO-TIING!" Naruto said the air quoting in a slow-motion and warped way. It irked Sasuke out and he earned another icy glare from the Uchiha. Looks like asking Kami for Naruto's presence is such a bad thing after all.

A deep sigh escaped his lips as soon as his eyes caught Sasuke's serious expression.

And that's how he concluded it. By the looks of it, how his pale skin got five times paler, how his eyes got so bloodshot-ish and scary and weird as hell, not to mention, the tomeoes. How his whole form seemed so stiff and weird and un-loved and weird and weird and cutesy and love-dovey and WEIRD!

The blonde Namikaze was so full of thoughts that he didn't even realize his phone is ringing for the third time.

"Are you going to answer that?" With his arched brow, Sasuke nodded at the dobe's phone.

"O-oh!, damn!" As soon as he caught the caller ID he immediately tapped the answer button and made his way at the end of Sasuke's huge living room.

The Uchiha felt something was up as soon as Naruto took the call. He's not the type of person to eavesdrop but this call is different from any of Naruto's calls. Like suspiciously different.

Concentrating his hearing sense on catching who Naruto's mystery caller, he happened to catch the mystery person's voice. His brows furrowed a bit as soon as he caught that the caller is a she.

"You see babe, I really, really want to talk to you but Sasuke has some serious issues… okay, I'll call you later, I love you, bye"

A smirk appeared in his face. It looks like with everything that occurring into his fucked up life, Naruto has found a girlfriend.

"Looks like we need to have a lot of Teme and Dobe talk," Naruto can feel the trickle of sweat dripping from his nape as soon as he took his seat. A sheepish grin appeared in his face.

"First things first, tell me what happened."

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He told every single detail on how Sakura and the Hyuga elders teamed up just to ruin Hinata's life. Every now and then, Naruto couldn't help but curl his fists with anger. He never imagined that it would reach up to this point where someone has plotted everything just because she's selfish. Or should I say, they are selfish.

A deep sigh escaped Sasuke's lips as he tries to calm himself down. "I also have something to say…"

Somehow, the transition of Sasuke's seriousness changed into something more… ferocious. The Namikaze can clearly see the anger building up in every ounce of Uchiha Sasuke. His eyes never returned to its obsidian color. Thus, the searing red seemed to darken even more.

He gulped as soon as he felt his throat went dry. Like something is yet to be revealed.

"Sakura plotted Neji's accident."

His cold voice pierced through his senses and he couldn't seem to comprehend what Sasuke had just said. "What?" All he could do is ask again. He couldn't decipher what was going on. One minute, he's blabbering about the lovey-dovey Hinata thing and then the elders and Sakura's selfish acts and now… This is way too much to handle for one night so he did what every Namikaze would most likely do.

He asked again. Not that he's dumb or something. He just wanted to clear things up. It looks like the person who's in total and utter and complete bullshit, hell-hole call it whatever you want is none other than the pink haired bitch also known as Haruno Sakura.

"So you're telling me that she's a…" he gulps again as he bit his lower lip. "—She's a psycho-obsessed killer?" It was more of a question than a statement.

"Apparently, Yes." Sasuke said as a matter of fact tone followed by his trademark HN.

"Does your private investigator, Shino Aburame, have anything to do with this?" Naruto shot another confused and shocked look at his best friend. The Uchiha focused his eyes on the tall window of his living room. After a minute of silence, a deep sigh escaped his lips, Naruto on the other hand was quite jumpy on what he is about to hear.

"—technically, yes… it took him some time though," Naruto just mouthed a WOW as soon as the realization hit him, with Sakura acting like a mad woman. Everything is possible. She even plotted on how Sasuke would court the ex-heiress. To be exact, who on Earth would be in their right state of mind would plot something so… so devious and evil!

It's very obvious that the Hyuga princess wanted to befriend the pinkette but it looks like not everyone will like you. Hinata wanted to be Sakura's friend even though they're totally complete opposites.

Naruto's cobalt eyes glistened with rage and frustration. He didn't expect that the pink haired Haruno would commit such crime. "She'd in deep shit now… like total deep utter abyss shit!"

A smirk formed into Sasuke's lips as he watches his best friend react in such way. "I thought you liked her," his brow arched as he continues the teasing.

"Quit it teme… it was before," a faint blush crept across his cheeks and it wasn't long when he felt Sasuke's hand patting his right shoulder.

"She never deserved you anyway… besides, it would've freaked me, Shika and Neji if you end up with her."

Naruto gave a hearty chuckle as soon as Sasuke made his way towards the kitchen. "You want anything to drink?"

He can hear Sasuke's voice echo inside the kitchen. "do you have ramen?" he happily exclaimed. Sasuke rolled his eyes in a fashionably handsome way. He asked Naruto if he wanted something to drink, but of course, the blonde asks for a ramen instead. Good thing Sasuke didn't dispose Naruto's stack of ramen inside his storage room. "Ow-kay," he said lazily as he close the huge fridge. Naruto exclaimed another hearty "YES!" right after his lazy "ow-kay".

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The cool scent of the air-conditioned made his nose feel cold and numb at the same time. For some reason the dark clouds that are forming outside his private jet made him shiver in a distinct manner. It's almost eight years since that incident happened and every time he sees something that triggers the memory, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

Perhaps, the seventeen year-old Sabaku no Gaara wasn't that aware about the trouble he caused.

A deep sigh escaped his perfect lips as he closes the blinds on his window. He rolled his eyes as he made a mental note, not to leave Sasori again. The unbelievably sadistic persona of his best-friend made him forget about the seventeen-year old Gaara. However, to be honest, he really didn't left Sasori, for the other redheaded male made a choice to be left alone in the arms of his women. The ever so womanizing Sasori couldn't help the last minute fiasco that occurred beforehand so he decided to stay in Monaco for a while.

A small smirk appeared into Gaara's face as he reminisce things. He never thought that he'll end up being friend with Sasori and Deidara. The duo can be a pain at times but they're also clever as hell.

"I hope I'm wrong…" a sad smile formed to his lips as he tries to foresee the possibilities that can occur if he's right.

His thoughts suddenly diverted in the information that Kiba Inuzuka gave him right after his race. He couldn't believe that Haruno Sakura would commit such act. For crying out loud, she's only a girl and yet… she already thought on how to ruin Hinata's life.

Kiba's last words made him wonder a lot of things, like who could help Sakura on putting a bomb into Neji's car?

His brain throbbed the moment he heard about everything. He doesn't know what to react anymore. If Hinata would know about this, she'll be very furious. She'll do anything to make that pinkette pay. What could possibly happen if Hinata end up like Sakura? a psychopath who knows nothing but envy and greed.

"—I just hope everything won't be as harmful as they should be,"

The thought of Hinata having a cat fight with Sakura made him flinch. To be honest, he doesn't have any idea that the ex-Hyuga princess have just went through that fiasco a while ago.

Another sigh escaped his lips as he took a glance on his watch. "2:00 A.M guess I'll be there at 10 in the morning," it's only been an hour since he left Monaco, meaning… there's still eight long hours to go before he gets to Japan.

Gaara hates long airplane drives. Unknown to many people, he is not a man of patience when it comes to long drives. All his life, he's used of driving really fast, especially when he's on racing mode and the fact that he'll be sitting in his thousand dollar leather seat doing nothing but stare into the sky or be a historian (for reminiscing stuffs) It'll probably bore him to death. Of course, Gaara really likes this peace and quiet but something is making the redheaded racer, a little agitated and jumpy.

It wasn't long when his long forgotten cell phone that has been sitting at the coffee table in front of him made a vibrating sound.

His brows furrowed as he took a shot on the caller ID "Hinata" he was a bit hesitant if he's going to answer the call or not. He's not used of Hinata calling him. This is probably the first time that Hinata did the calling. The phone rang the second time and Gaara finally, decided to answer the call.

"Hi, I thought you're never gonna answer your phone," Hinata sounded a bit cheerful and shy at the same time. It's her first time on calling Gaara. Actually, the redhead is always the one who's calling her but this time… she really needs to talk to him.

"Forgive me about that… I was just confused and overwhelmed that you called me." He hated the fact that he's being all shy and cutesy again. His reflexes froze; the moment Hinata's picture came flashing into his phone's huge screen.

Hinata giggles a bit as she realizes that Gaara was shy to answer her call. "You're just not used of me giving you a call; don't worry If you don't want too... I guess I won't call—" She was cut off by the racer himself.

"No, it's okay, it's fine, I promise… I'm sorry, I guess I'm acting like a complete jerk, it's fine no harm done okay?" He nearly punches himself straight in the face on what he said beforehand. He didn't mean it that way but Gaara being Gaara. He's not used of people giving him attention.

"Okay?" Hinata said in an unsure way. Actually, she blushed the moment Gaara apologizes, she heard rumors before that the red headed Sabaku has never begged for anyone's forgiveness, not until now.

"So? We're good then?" The racer asked as he tries to lighten up the mood. This is really killing him. Where is Sasori and Deidara when he needs them? He's certainly not goon on setting this kind of mood.

"We're good!" Hinata chirped happily. A sigh of relief escaped Gaara's mouth as the bluette spoke again. "I actually called because I really need to talk to you…" He can feel the sadness that is now forming into Hinata's voice.

"Sakura planned everything," Just by hearing the ex-Hyuga heiress, he knew what she meant. The fact that she's not aware that there's so much more to learn about the incident almost eight years ago made him quite guilty.

Hinata began to relate him all the information that she gathered. What irked him is the fact that Sasuke talked to her.

"Sasuke… he, told me everything." Sadness engulfed the other line as Hinata took another deep breath. Gaara's pale skin paled another shade of white. His knuckles gripped the phone a little tighter at the thought of Sasuke persuading Hinata to be his again. Of course, it hurts him to think that he has nothing to do about her relationship. They're not even a couple.

"H-hey… are you mad?" Her soft voice echoed through the earpiece as his furrowed brows started to straighten up a little.

"No, I'm fine." He tries to cover up so Hinata wouldn't suspect him. The bluette however, wanted to make things lighter so she decided to change the topic. Gaara has been furious once she told him the whole story.

"No you're not, I can feel the jealousy lingering everywhere." She teased a little a little. She could hear Gaara choked on what he is drinking. "Hey, you alright?"

A coughing Gaara spoke at the other end of the line. "Y-yeah, just a little overwhelmed on what you just said. Are you drunk? You're not that bold when it comes to things like this, seriously, are you okay?" Hinata couldn't help but laugh. She actually didn't want to but Gaara is making it so difficult fir her not to. It'll probably be the first time that she hears him talk so weird like that. "I think you're the drunken one, you really sound weird, so weird." She said in as a matter of fact tone.

"I think you should stop talking to Sasori and Deidara… they're being a bad influence towards you," Hinata laughed even more. "What's so funny?" He asked.

"I think I cannot to what you just said. Deidara… well, after all the bad things that have happened, I'm glad that he and Hanabi are dating now." She said with a little giggle.

"WHAT!? Are you sure you wanted him to date your younger sister? He's quite- yeah but he's a good guy." He said as he tries to calm his nerves. Being all stressed out is making him act like a beyatch or some mother hen.

"You're really freaking me out, well I should be going now…"

He cut off Hianta as she was about to bid him good bye. "—Can we see each other later? I have something to tell you…"

"Oh!... sure! Well,take care and thank you for your time." With that, Hinata cut the other line and Gaara was left with a sad smile written all over his handsome face.

After he heard what Hinata had just said, it made him guilty about everything. For some reason, his emerald eyes started to water but no tear came out.

"I must tell her…"


The day was quite melancholic for Sakura herself. After Hinata's unwanted confrontation yesterday, she couldn't believe that her evil grandmother and her husband to be has been able to put up a team that would speed up the wedding process.

She has no idea what to do or what to act right now. She wanted a bachelorette and an engagement party but none of these were workable. The older matriarch told her that a pregnant woman should be patying till she got wasted.

By rolling her eyes in an annoyed manner, she took another glimpse of herself in the full length mirror as she studies the cream gown she is wearing. Everything she asked has been done deliberately that it almost made her tear up. From the flowing white gown, up to the diamonds that has been embodied into her million dollar gown, everything seems to be in place. The cream colored gown showed a bit of her shoulders as for her hair. It was arranged in a not so messy bun that made her forehead looked a little showy. Sakura decided to pull some fringes to cover up the area. "Really? In my wedding day?" After a moment of pulling and tugging and pinning, a contented smile etched the bride's face as she took another peek of her reflection in the mirror. "This is is," her heart ached at the memory of Sasuke. All she ever wanted was to be his wife. All she ever wanted was to be famed and be honored, not marry someone whom she doesn't love as much as she loves the raven haired Uchiha.

Well, she would definitely cry a river if she were to wed the infamous Uchiha Sasuke but that dream is far forgotten the moment she learned that she's pregnant with Kiba's baby.

A sad smile crept across her face as she started to touch the now growing but not quite showing belly of hers. As much as she hated to admit it, by feeling the baby inside her womb made her feel wanted and loved. It gives her serenity and peace.

She hated this baby but things started to change when she has no one to talk to. She'll end up locking herself not talking to anyone even Kiba. She's partly glad that she's not alone now. Her Dad would've been there for her but Nadeshiko being the powerful matriarch is doing everything to distract her dad.

"I once dreamt of marrying Sasuke before…" she started to move her palm soothingly at her belly as a small tear made it's way out of her glistening emerald orbs. Her heart clenched just by thinking everything she had done to marry Sasuke and ruin Hinata's life.

She made everything even the unimaginable one's just so her plan would later come true but unfortunately… none of it seems to be working and none of it seems to give her what she truly wanted.

"Everything's messed up now… I don't want to give up Sasuke… I've done so many things just to make him mine," Her mind roamed on the incident she planned that once broke Hinata's heart. The disowning, the lies…everything to ruin Hinata and for her to get lost into Sasuke's world but none of it works. Every time she plans something to make herself happy, it ends up a disaster.

"I'm not sorry of what I've done… all this time I've been angry and jealous at Hinata… she has everything that I wanted but now… I have one thing that she lost," she couldn't help but smile weekly at her stomach as she felt the kicking of her baby. "Hush now little one… I know you hated me before for blaming you because of your control freak father… but you're the only one that never left me… you're always here." The baby kicked again as if he/she is happy on what his /her mother have just said.

She doesn't care if it might sound selfish but the fact that her despair has somewhat caused a blessing in disguise made her quite fulfilled. "I guess being pregnant isn't such a bad thing after all, I just wish that you don't get your mother's pink hair but your father's auburn ones'."

Little did she know that Kiba has listened to everything she just said. It made his heart clench seeing Sakura in such state. He wanted her to love him in return so he blackmailed her using their unborn child. A pang of guilt that is forming inside his heart has been replaced by love. He never thought that the pinkette would continue her pregnancy but seeing her in such a fragile state… he swore that he will protect her no matter what.

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The sun shines so bright that Hinata has to cover her eyes because of its brightness. It's quite cheery for an autumn morning. A sad smile appeared into her half awake, half asleep figure as she slowly took a sitting position from her bed. By glancing at the clock in her beside, she was able to take a good look on the time. It says 7:00 AM. It has been five hours since she last talked to Gaara.

It made her curious on what the racer is going to tell her. From the moment that she laid her eyes on him, she knew that he's different. There's something about him that is more mysterious than Sasuke. The red headed racer has been nothing but good to her. She must thank Tsunade for that tho.

She slowly hugged her legs as another item reached her sight. A cream colored envelope with black and gold outline and a fancy handwriting that say Hinata has sat there for a while. To be exact, the envelope was more like a wedding invitation; she never imagined that Sakura would invite her to attend her wedding day. Maybe it was because she wanted her to see how beautiful her gown is. To think that the supposed date of the wedding has been moved in a snap has surprised many in the showbiz and business world. To be honest, it surprised Hinata too.

She's still thinking if she will attend the wedding or not. She can sense that something is going to happen sooner or later. She knew better than anyone that Sakura didn't just want her to attend the wedding but also to witness how Sakura would face her eternity.

"She's a strong woman after all…" another faint smile appeared into her face as she slowly made her way towards the bathroom. "I'll forget everything… I guess," Her lilac orbs turned into cold lilac ones at the thought of Sakura and Kiba's wedding.

"I didn't do this to you Sakura, you chose to be this way and I have nothing to do with it."

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The sun shines so brightly that day as the chilly autumn wind blows, sending shivers to all the entourage who's been standing outside the church preparing for their time to march inside. Sakura decided to have a westernize wedding than a traditional one to piss Nadeshiko off. She hated the fact that the old hag has been manipulating her wedding from day one so she made it clear that she doesn't want to wear a kimono in her wedding day.

As the entourage started to make their way in, it wasn't long when Kina made his way inside the church. His eyes seems so sad and happy at the same time. Hinata watch silently at her old friend.

The Inuzuka caught a glimpse of Hinata's lilac orbs and he couldn't help but stare at her. Stare at her with his sorry eyes. Hinata immediately averted the gaze as she busied herself by looking at the tip of her shoes.

Kiba however, felt the awkwardness as he continue to walk towards the isle. A moment later and the crowd were ordered to stand up as the bridal music echoed inside the church. Ave Maria was played by two violinists.

It wasn't long when a glimpse of pink entered the church. Everyone was silent as Haruno Sakura walked down the isle with her father in tow. The Haruno matriarch was standing at the end of the isle waiting for her son and granddaughter.

The smell of cherry blossoms lingered through her nostrils as Sakura made her way to her row. The pinkette didn't even bother to look at her as she made her way towards the isle. Her face showed no emotion at all. It's like looking at a porcelain doll; beautiful yet… cold. Everyone watched in awe at the sight of the the Haruno princess. Her persona is like a stigma, it doesn't fade and no matter what happens, she'll always be a queen. "I hope she gets to see how high and mighty she is…" a said smile crept across the bluette's face.

Hinata couldn't help but stare at the pinkette. She must admit, Sakura invited her at her wedding so she could witness how strong of a woman she is. That no matter what happens to her; she'll just walk and face everything.

The sight of her now showing stomach was another thing to Hinata. Her heart clenched a little but at the same time, leaps for joy because Sakura has decided to keep the child.

As the violinists hit their last note, Sakura made her last step and it wasn't long when Nadeshiko and Sakumo entrusted their Sakura to Kiba Inuzuka.

"I'll always love you Sasuke… always and forever," A small tear escaped her emerald orbs as she fearlessly took Kiba's hand. Little did she know that a certain Uchiha is watching her from a far.

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"If I catch you on the corner, will even know it's me? will I look familiar to you? Do you offer me a seat? Can we find a new beginning? Do you turn the other cheek? It's such a shame that we play strangers… Oh calamity, comeback to me."



A/N: Okay don't hate me so much, (well you have every right tho) Sorry I mean it, like really, sorry for not updating that fast, you see, I'm not having a writer's block but rather, I'm stuck into my writer's procrastination zone. I got so distracted by so many things but I'll try to update soon, really, this fic is nearing the end haha (Too Evil) I hope and pray that you won't hate me if I won't chose the person whom you want to be Hinata's pair. ;) Also, keep on reading and reviewing, since we're nearing the end, a little review wouldn't hurt. It'll even encourage me to continue my writing. Lots of love, thank you for your support.
