A/N: So here I go again! This plot has been running over and over in my poor mind. I can even picture the whole scenario happening in my dreams. (-_-) Oh well, here's another SasuxHina fanfic. I hope you guys like it. Without further ado, here comes (drum roll) "Liars go to Hell."


Hinata Hyuga, some people might say that I am fortunate because I have everything; Money, fame, fortune. I can have everything I want because I am a Hyuga, but just a Hyuga, I was their heiress.

I must admit, being a Hyuga has its perks. And has its curse. As an heiress I was expected to be strong, vocal, stoic and capable of doing anything. It just so happens that I've got all of it. Well the exact opposite being exact.

When I was a kid, I remember the elders telling me that I was nothing but a failure, That my little sister would surpass me easily. That it's a shame to have someone like me to be called as their heiress.

I didn't mind anything, any harsh things that they've used to tell me. But it all changed when my mother died. She was my source of strength; my Dad was never there for me. I am very much grateful that even though my sister is the opposite of me, she managed to be strong and comfort me. She was the only person that gave me light. After all we are sisters.

Everything changed when they decided to take Hanabi away from me. They sent me in a boarding school telling that I need to be independent.

It wasn't long when I met the blond Namikaze. Naruto Namikaze, his deep blue eyes seem to drown me every time I looked at him. I would often blush and faint whenever his presence got near me.

From the time that I was away to my sister; my only family. Naruto would always comfort me. He was a year older, just like my cousin. Neji, the prodigy of our clan, from the very start I know that he despised me, every time I come near him he would just shoo me away. He used to be kind towards me when I was four. But I guess… people change.

My crush for Naruto became even worse. I would often blush beet red in front of him. I didn't have the guts to confess that's why I barricade myself. I always made a note to at least don't get too near him.


Years have passed and I stayed as the old weak, Hinata I used to be. Although my physical appearance changed, my stuttering worsened. Maybe it was because of the downgrading that I often receive whenever I got home. I really don't know why, I'm on top of my class, I'm not just athletic because I'm a klutz. But every single time that I went home and bring some good news, man! They really know how to tear me down.

That could just yell it straight to my face that they don't want me to be their heiress. The Hell I care? But I do not have the guts to say anything. The only person who listens to me is my best friend… Ino Yamanaka. My sister was sent away to France. I really hated the elders, I love my father but he seems to be distant from me; maybe because I look a lot like my late mom.


I was sixteen when I first met Uchiha Sasuke; The overly handsome best friend of my childhood crush, Naruto.

It was on first semester when he talked to me. I don't have any idea why he did that. I was a nobody, an invisible. I didn't exist on our campus. Even when I die, no one will notice only a few. And that few would be Kiba, Ino and Shino. The three of them become my protector. We're a bunch of weirdo's well, that's what the poplars' called us. But we don't care. I was the shy type that balanced the three of them.


I didn't have any interest towards Uchiha Sasuke. But he got me when he rescued me from the Haruno Sakura's slap. Everyone was shocked why he did that.

I always hated Haruno Sakura. She's a total bitch, her family fortune wouldn't even last a week compared to ours. But I'm not the person who tends to brag. In fact, I was the school punching bag. I got bullied a lot whenever my three friends were not around.

"Why d-d-did you s-save m-me?" I asked the raven haired Uchiha. He let out a deep sigh and gave me one of his icy cold stares. "I hate that bitch." He said bitterly. A small smile crept across my face as I savored the words that came out of his mouth.

"Who is she anyway to hurt you?"

He leaned closer and brushed his fingers into my cheek. I blushed furiously at his actions. I really don't know why but he seemed different from the Sasuke that I always see whenever he's with his friends.

To be honest, it's a bit awkward since he is Naruto's best bud. It wasn't long when Uchiha Sasuke courted me. It shocked the whole campus even my best friends. Shino and Kiba warned me to stay away from Sasuke. But I was blinded by his affections towards me. All my life I had never been cared and treasured before.

Ino warned me but couldn't get mad at me. She always tells me that she's happy when I'm happy.

As a result, when I agree to become Sasuke's girlfriend I instantly lost Shino and Kiba.


Uchiha Sasuke was our school heartthrob. I don't know why because my eyes are all set to Natuo Namikaze when we were kids. But it all changed when he confessed to me.

In a month, he made me fall in love. Little did I know that he's no different from any Hyuga elder that crushed my dreams.

It was raining very hard. I ran away from the Hyuga manor because I cannot take it anymore. Enough is enough. My dad didn't give a damn. I have nowhere to run to.

I was soaking wet, alone and scared. I smiled when I saw a waiting shed not so far away from the road that I am standing. I immediately run towards that direction when all of a sudden….

I was almost hit by a car. The car was familiar; I knew I'd seen it before. It wasn't long when the driver's door opened. The person I least expected to save me came crashing down to my arms.

I was cold. He kept me warm. We stood there for a while, savoring the embrace. He didn't flinch when an angry driver honked at us. He's an Uchiha anyway. He didn't give a damn. He can do whatever he wants.

The rain drenched both of us but he stayed there embracing me. "What happened? I've been searching everywhere for you." His obsidian eyes met my lilac ones.

Tears flooded down my face and I didn't have to answer his question. He dragged me inside his car cursing my father. "Damnit!" He exclaimed as his eyes never left the road.

"D-d-don't be angry… I-I-I r-ran away b-be-" I didn't manage to finish my sentence because of my sobs. He rolled his eyes and looked at me. I know he's really irritated about my stuttering but I couldn't help it.

"It's okay." H e brushed a tear out of my face and kissed my forehead gently. The car came to a stop as soon as we reached his hiding place. He bought an apartment of his own. I was never allowed to go inside, well… not until now.


It rained harder once we made our way inside his apartment. Two teenagers soaking wet from the rain.

As we went inside, he immediately opened the fireplace and handed me a towel. I sat near the fire while clutching the piece of fabric that was supposed to keep me warm. I let out a sigh as I took a peek of my drenched clothes. I definitely look like a hobo.

It wasn't long when he sat beside me and hugged me. I didn't know what occurred to him. I blushed furiously as he massages my back soothingly. "Tell me what happened." He whispered huskily on my ear. It sent shivers through my whole body. I was about to tell him what happened when I felt his breath on my neck.

I turned around to see a half-naked Uchiha Sasuke kissing my neck. "S-sasuke w-w-what are you…" I was cut off by his lips. It was my first time to be kissed. During our one month relationship, Sasuke never got to first base.

But things can get a little steamy when the rain is falling hard, you have no one to talk to, and you're physically and mentally drained.

I don't know what came over me but the last thin I remember is melting to his kiss. He bit my lower lip and I opened it slightly to tell him why'd he did that, but I was once again silenced by his tongue exploring every bit of my mouth. I tell my breathing became uneven. He sucked my tongue like no one ever did. Of course, he was my first kiss.

I was overwhelmed by the sensation that I didn't notice his hands caressing my thighs. I moaned in pleasure as his other hand traveled through my back. He immediately unbuckled my pants and slid it out of my legs. He laid me on the floor kissing my neck intently. "S-Sasuke w-were not supposed to do this." I managed to say in between my moans. "Are you sure?" He said huskily as he whispered it to my ear. I can feel something hard touching my legs. He looked deep into my eyes and once again, I was trapped within his gaze.

I do not know what came over me but I grabbed his neck and kissed him hard. He smirked from the side of his lips as he managed to tease me. "I take that as a yes to my other question."

He removed his clothes and kissed me once again. I can't barely feel my feet. Suddenly, it started to feel hot. I can feel my insides clutching. Sasuke immediately remove every piece of clothing that I was wearing.

The last thing I remember was having one steamy night with Uchiha Sasuke.


Few days have passed and after the incident. I never got to see my boyfriend again. I never tell anyone what happened between us that night. But it bothered me. It wasn't long when I began to feel a little different. I would always puke whenever I smell something good, or bad. There are times when I would most likely faint. But everyone never noticed that because it's quite normal for me to faint. But one day, my stomach begins to hurt so bad that I got to see a doctor immediately.

"Miss Hyuga, do you happen to have a boyfriend?" The young doctor said with a smile. I don't remember to be prying as part of their job. But I answered her question so she wouldn't label me as a delinquent. "Y-yes." I manage to say while blushing a little. I really missed Sasuke right now.

The doctor let out a sigh. "I don't know if it's good news but… Ms. Hyuga, you're three weeks pregnant."

I don't know if I'll be sad, or happy. But one thing's for sure… I'm scared; Scared that my Dad would be disappointed with me.

But all my worries seem to fade when I remembered Sasuke. "He loves me and I'm sure that he'll be happy… right?"

But hell I was wrong. I was about to tell Sasuke about the news when I overheard him and Sakura is talking while… kissing inside his apartment.

"I did what you've asked for… no do your part." Sasuke said while kissing Sakura into her right breast. I can hear her soft moans as Sasuke and Sakura consummated their love. "Poor… Hyuga… she's such a… failure." I can hear both of them laughing while fucking each other.

It angered me so much that I didn't realize I was crying and running outside his apartment building. I didn't get to see what happened next but I think… a car hit me.


All I could remember was the doctors saying something like… "Baby, dead… we need to take it out of her body." I begged them not to take away my baby but I was too weak.

It was a week after the incident that surprisingly… My family visited me together with the… elders.

"You're such a failure." One elder said while I was trying to get up from my bed. But I was too weak. "I didn't want a-any of t-this to happen." I cried as I remember that my baby is now gone. I was so stupid to run away crying.

"From this day… you're no longer considered as a Hyuga… we now disown you."

I stared at my Father's figure and I see nothing. Hanabi was right; he's just our father by name but not by nature.

After they leave, Ino came rushing down to me. "I'm so sorry Hinata." I froze as I remember Sasuke and Sasura's conversation. It almost killed me. My Boyfriend used me to get Sakura… but why does my baby need to pay for all of this?

From this day I swear. "I'll make those liars pay."


A/N: Okay, so this is just the beginning. Tell me what you think R&R