Wings of the Raven

Summary: When a mission goes wrong, the Noxian Assassin Talon believes what he experienced was just a hallucination. But when a string of murder begins, Talon slowly uncovers a new side of him that had recently manifested within himself. Will Talon become the shadow that destroys the world? Or will he be able to find his ties to root himself to his humanity, his life, which centers on a certain Red Head? Horror Fic, KatarinaxTalon plus other pairings. Lots of death, so don't be surprised if one of your favorites die.

Genre : Horror, Romance, Action.

Rating : Rated M for Blood, Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual situations, Explicit Graphic Detailing, Character Deaths and Torture. Not recommended for anyone under the age of 19 or anyone who is squeamish, hates blood or dark fics or has the mental maturity level of a 3rd Grader.

Story will Center on: Talon and Katarina du Couteau Mainly.

Disclaimer: I do not own League of Legends nor it's characters. Only this plotline.

ATTENTION: Before reading this, please know that you are reading this at your own risk. I do not take responsibility for any sleepless nights or soiled pants. So, simply, if you do not find this story to your liking, do not read it. You do not need to write a 2000 word review detailing on how much you hated this fic. Have something to say? Say it. Reviews are welcomed. Spotted a flaw or think of a suggestion to better my writing? Please say so, I welcome constructive criticism. Request the death/survival of a character? I will think about it.
Seriously, If you have anything to say or any questions, I will address you personally next chapter to answer your queries. I will also be dedicating a small section to everyone who reviews. Be warned though, if you act like an asshole, you won't get a response from me. Be smart.

Chapter 1: Prologue

It was a simple mission, to be straight forward. A mission that would mean death for most men, yes, but something that was trivial for the experienced Noxian Assassin. Talon stood on the roof of a large building, one food on the edge of the roof, looking down at the people passing by, brightly lit by the street lights. Demacia was always brightly lit, unlike his home city. His trained eyes instantly spotted each and every single route he could use to escape through, all the people who posed a threat and most importantly, his target. An envoy was passing through, with a carriage in the middle of the processions. On all sides of the horse-drawn carriage was atleast a hundred heavily armed guards. Talon smirked, crouched low as he blended in with the night sky at his back. All of these guards were heavily armed and armored, yes, but the term itself was their weakness. They were heavy, and, therefore could not match either Talon's speed or his finesse. He was a league champion. These people were soldiers, battle hardened and elite but still just soldiers.

His orders had come from High Command itself. The person within the carriage was supposedly a man who had something to do with the disappearance of Talon's master and the most respected person in his life; General Marcus Du Couteau. As soon as the fact that this man had something to do with the General's disappearance came up, Talon had decided that he would take this mission.
With that in mind, Talon walked back and then jumped off the roof into an alleyway. He landed lightly on his feet with the magic-aided skill of an elite assassin, as he scared a street rat who resided there. The rat stared at him in wonder as Talon glanced at him with a cold, piercing look. The rat smartly said nothing and pretended not to notice Talon, going back to gnawing on an apple core. Talon turned around and walked to the street, stopping at the edge of the alley, just outside the circle of light coming from the street lights. Most people didn't know this, but the darkest place was actually just outside the light's circle. Some eyes passed over him without even realizing his had a blade cloak or he had his signature weapon on his arm. Their eyes, the pupils small from the lights of the street, only saw his hooded silhouette before moving onto other bright things. Like always, Talon was hiding in plain sight. As the envoy grew close, Talon prepared his magic. The general had taught him the ways of an assassin, and therefore, he knew how to use it easily and efficiently. With eerie Silence, Talon faded from view, becoming completely invisible. His purple clothes and capes, the ones he always wears, were already magically altered so that they would become invisible if he became invisible. That save some energy for Talon as well as some work.

With the soundlessness of a phantom, Talon skulked forward, moving quick and accurately, automatically making a path to his target that would cause the least encounters. Within moments, he was next to the envoy. And then, the next second, he was inside the carriage, the door open where it had been closed moments before. There was a man inside, who seemed shocked to see Talon standing inside the carriage when, a second before, he wasn't even there. He had a large, wrapped object on his lap, as large as a chest. The inside of the carriage was strangely dark and cold. As the man gaped, some of the guards outside noticed the door suddenly being open. Talon knew his time was short. "Where is General Marcus Du Couteau." He said in his deep, intimidatingly calm voice.

"What!?" The man managed to say.
"Wrong answer." Talon said, before he pulled his arm and his blade back. The man's eyes widened as he quickly brought the large package on his laps up to shield himself. Talon thrust forward and his blade collided with the package… And then, something exploded. Talon found himself lying on the road, his body cut up and badly bruised. He raised his head to see that the carriage had exploded and he had blacked out for a few seconds while he flew off. But then, Talon's eyes widened. The wrapped object he had destroyed was a crystal. A Nexus Crystal… And now, everything was dark. Darker than normal. All the lights were out. This darkness felt unnatural… Cold… And as much as Talon was foreign to the feeling, he felt fear. He tried to sit up, but found that his body was too badly injured from the explosion. He had definitely broken some bones and his body was still recovering from the shock. And then, as he looked up into the pitch blackness, he saw two orbs of bluish white staring at him. Then Talon realized what he had done. He had destroyed the prison that held one of the deadliest creatures in the world. Talon had freed Nocturne.

Nocturne, however, seemed to be distorted. Even as Talon watched, Nocturne flickered, occasionally disappearing for a fraction of a second before reappearing. He seemed to be vibrating, like static, unclear to Talon's eyes. Nocturne spoke in it's hissing voice, reminding Talon of the deathly whisper of death itself and freezing him to the bone.

"Talon… What a surprise. Out of all the beings who might've freed me, you are the last one I expected…" Nocturne said, looking down at Talon. The darkness made it look like Nocturne had no body. Or maybe the entire thing was Nocturne. Talon, for the first time ever, felt completely outmatched. Even when he fought General Du Couteau, he felt like he stood a chance at first. Now, he knew that try as he might ,he could not beat this creature.

"I am a being hellbent on killing everything, Talon, as you know. But I do not let deeds like this pass by. Therefore, I thank you for giving me the chance to destroy everything. Unfortunately, the magic of the nexus crystal that bound me is affecting me horribly now that it has been destroyed. Even now, I feel my power dissipating into ethereality. I feel each and every particle of my body being torn apart and scattered into the void. I need a physical link… I need… You." Nocturne said, and then, grabbing both sides of Talon's head with his vicious hands, Nocturne stared directly into Talon's eyes. And then, Talon experienced pain and horror like he had never experienced before….

It was utter chaos. People were fleeing from the center of the city like there was wildfire. From what was gathered, there had been a bomb explosion, leaving almost everyone present in that area dead, including all 100 soldiers of the guarded envoy that had been passing through. Garen feared the worst, as he knew that Nocturne was being transported in that envoy. As he quickly ran towards the location, he met up with Xin Zhao, who was also heading in the same direction. "You heard?" Garen said, to which Xin nodded. "Jarvan the Third informed me." Xin said as he and Garen ran towards where the commotion was.

When they reached the place, they stood frozen still for a few seconds. The ground was nothing but a pond of blood now, not even one inch of road or pavement visible that wasn't covered by a layer of reddish liquid. Bodies lied here and there, but they didn't look like they were blown up. They were sliced apart by a weapon that had cut them into pieces. By a blade. And in the center of the pond of blood, stood one man. He was completely pitch black in color, but definitely a humanoid shape. He had two V shaped reddish marks on his otherwise featureless face, black as his body. One V was above the other, and both was where his eyes should be. They gave him the appearance of wearing a helmet. He was wearing something like a bladed cape, completely black and flaming at the edges, like it was made of fire forged of shadows. Garen and Xin instantly ran to the man, keep their distance as they stopped 20 ft from it.

"Who-No…. What in the name of Demacia are you!?" Garen demanded, brandishing his greatsword while Xin held his spear at the ready. The black figure slowly turned it's head at the two soldiers, it's reddish V's glowing, more prominent because of it's pitch black body. Now that Garen was closer, he could see that it was impossible to tell any features of this being. He couldn't tell if the being was wearing clothes or armor or anything. He could just make out the head, body, arms and legs as well as the reddish glowing V's. The being looked at Garen's sword first, and then at Xin's sword. And then, with almost no sound, it's right hand extended. No, it's right hand didn't extend… Something came out of it's right hand, slowly elongating before taking shape. It was a blade, black as the being and attached to the top of it's arm. Finally, Garen could put the blade and the cape together. "Talon?" Garen said in disbelief. Xin seemed stunned. And then, without warning, Talon was standing behind Xin. Before Xin could React, Talon spun around, his cape suddenly moving more than it should, like he was controlling each blade individually. They sliced through the air, leaving black smoky motion trails, and passed Xin. Garen froze as Xin froze as well, both staring at Talon. For a moment, Garen thought the blades had missed Xin. But then, Talon raised his left hand and closed it into a fist, with his forefinger extended. He slowly reached over to Xin's face, who was still standing stock still… And poked Xin in the forehead. That push was all that was needed to cause Xin's body to collapse into 6 different pieces. Xin's organs burst out along with blood as he fell to the ground in pieces, cut completely through at his mid-thighs, waist, stomach, chest and neck. Garen stood as still as a statue. Talon's blade-cape had passed through Xin with absolutely no resistance, which seemed impossible. And as he stared, Talon vanished into nothingness. By the time the oppressing feeling of this new Talon's presence was gone, Garen vomited at the sight of the gore before stumbling back and falling, disoriented and nauseated horribly from such a traumatizing sight. He was found minutes later lying in the pool of blood, his eyes staring blankly up at the sky in shock…

His eyes opened instantly as he jumped off the grassy ground, instantly swinging his armblade around in a circle at anything attacking him. His blade passed through thin air as Talon panted, taking deep, heavy breaths as he looked around. He was in a forest, miles away from Demacia, sleeping next to a large tree which shaded him from the bright sun which was shining down upon the land. Talon groped his chest, neck and face with his left hand, checking for any injuries from the previous night. Nothing. He noticed a stream near by and walked over to it. Getting down on one knee, he looked down at the water. His reflection stared back at him, as normal as ever, with shoulder-length brown hair and dark brown eyes. Talon sighed, closing his eyes and putting his left hand on his forehead, fingers massaging his temples. "I don't… know… Must've been the shock… from the explosion… Probably just a shock-wave grenade… Messed with my head… Just a nightmare." He muttered, speaking instead of thinking to further convince himself.

He stood up, intent on riding back to Noxus as fast as he could. But before he left, his reflection in the stream flickered. For a moment, his hair had turned black and his eyes had turned icy blue. Bu that moment passed unnoticed as Talon pulled his hood back up and continued on foot to the road… He had to get a ride back to Noxus as fast as he could. Hallucinations or not, he had killed his target. He had scheduled a pickup to arrive at Drendin's Crossing, which was about 10 miles away from Demacia… He had to get there to get to his getaway. And then, he would be back in the Du Couteau manor, with the only other two people that meant more to him than his life did. The daughters of the General Du Couteau, Katarina and Cassiopeia… An image of the oldest daughter flashed through his mind. Her dark red hair framing her white face, her emerald eyes staring at him with defiance. The lone scar on her eye, instead of marring her beauty, made her more attractive in Talon's eyes. A battle scar to be shown proudly, as Katarina never made an effort to hide it. He remembered how she'd smirk at him, and instantly, his tense mind relaxed. He sighed, continuing to walk until he reached the dirt road, then continuing south towards Drendin's Crossing. Again, something escaped his notice… A subtle snicker filled with malice, emanating from the back of his mind…

That's the first chapter of this story. Read and Review people, even if it's just to say "Omg, I luv ur fic !11!1" Anonymous Reviews are accepted so even if you don't have an account, you can offer your thoughts on the story. Hope you liked it, and farewell.

"First Rule: Know your situation. Study your location. Watch your company. And always have an exit route."