This is the last of what I have done right now, but I promise I'm already working on the rest. It just needs a little time! Thanks for reading/faving/following/reviewing!

After a lot of pacing and bouts of frustration from Shepard, he finally got to the root of what was upsetting her so. Leviathan had forced her to come face to face with her humanity and what it could mean for the war. She was feeling insignificant compared to the massive conflict and lost among the hopeless.

"It used to be so clear. Everything I was doing was for the war. But what am I really doing? I feel like I'm trying to scale a landslide. No matter what kind of progress I think I make, I end up farther down the mountain."

"What caused the landslide?"


"I have come to notice that everything you say has a purpose, intentional or not. When this conflict started, it was a mountain, yes?"


"So, when did it become a landslide?"

Without thinking, Shepard responded, "When Cerberus attacked the Citadel."

Javik nodded. "Why?"

"Because, I've been trying so hard to bring all our species together, and then my own pulls a coup and kills indiscriminately. It's counter to everything I stand for. I've noticed since then, people are less trusting of me, of everything."

"So, it has become a losing battle because your own species no longer trusts you to do what is right?"

"How can they? I willing worked with Cerberus!"

"And there is the problem."

Shepard fell silent for a long moment. "Guilt?"

"You regret working with Cerberus."

"No. I felt like I had to because they brought me back to life. And maybe it was wrong but maybe it wasn't. I stopped the Collectors, blew up the base. I feel like that should count for something. I don't feel guilty for working with them, but I feel like I should."

"The reapers have a way of making the best intentions look like foul play."

"There really is no way to win, is there?"

"Perhaps not."

"I guess stopping them will have to be enough."

"You are still uneasy."

"It's nothing you can fix this time, Javik."

"The dream?"

"It's not just a dream, though."

"Then what is it?"

Shepard groaned, "I don't know!"

He was silent for a moment, thoughtful. "I can stay with you."

Surprised, she turned to him, "What?"

"The bond we share would make it possible for us to share the dream were we sleeping together when it came to your mind. I am willing to stay until this happens."

She sagged with the relief of knowing she was no longer fighting it alone. "Oh, Javikā€¦"

"Hush, Sylvia. It is late and you have not slept. Let us rest." He took her hand and pulled her gently to the bed. With soft touches, Javik pulled her uniform off and dropped it on the floor. Shepard climbed into bed and watched him remove his armor before joining her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, stroking her back until she drifted off to sleep.

The only problem was that now, she could see his dreams, too.