Hey guys, this is the first chapter of the sequel to High School Hostage.

If you haven't read HSH please read it first.

My name is Alex Riley Cullen, I do not own Twilight, Stephenie Meyer does.

This story is based on my ideas, and only mine.

Character Info

Bella: 18 pregnant with triplets, dating Edward Cullen

Edward: 18 father of triplets, brother of Emmet, Jasper, Alice, and Rosalie, dating Bella Swan, adopted by CXE

Alice: 18 Bella's best friend, Edward, Emmet, and Rosalie's sister, dating Jasper Hale, adopted by CXE

Rose: 19 Bella's best friend, Alice, Jasper, and Edward's sister, dating Emmet Cullen, adopted by CXE

Angela: 18 Bella's best friend, dating Ben Cheney

Jasper: 19 Edwards brother, dating Alice, adopted by CXE

Emmet: 19 Edwards brother, dating Rosalie, adopted by CXE

Ben: 19 Edwards friend, dating Angela Webber

Ch. 1

Bella's POV

It's been a month since I woke up from coma. What landed me there? Oh the usual, escaping psycho killers that placed bombs all around the high school and killed most of the teachers, but left mostly all of the students, nothing to weird. Not.

It's been three months since I found out I was pregnant. It's been one month since I found out that not only was I pregnant, but I was pregnant with triplets, two boys and one little girl. Yay me.

Im not really sure how I should feel about it. Edward is happy, so are his parents and siblings, who are my best friends, and my dad is happy. Yea, I know that's kinda weird that my father is happy his only daughter is 17 and pregnant with triplets, which she conceived during a two week long hostage situation.

You can't blame me for that! I was bored and I was thinking hey, at least if I die I wont die a virgin, and I'll be losing my virginity to the man I love.

We see how that turned out, now im shopping with my best friends Alice, Rose, and Ang.

They are taking me shopping with Carlisle and Esme's credit card, to buy everything I want and need for our new house. Its fun but my damn feet are hurting and they won't let me buy anything.

I have to buy three cribs, three beddings, three changing tables, loads of maternity and baby clothes, baby swings, toys, couches, TV's, you name it we got to buy it, and Alice is going crazy.

I see the only good things coming out of this are that; 1. I will be the best dressed pregnant woman around, 2. my babies rooms are going to look awesome, and 3. my babies will always look fashionable.

That's right, my babies have their own rooms. I guess that's what I get when their daddy's family is filthy rich or something.

Carlisle, Esme, and Charlie found the perfect home for us and the babies. It was a surprise present from them saying, 'yea you guys screwed up majorly, but hey you blessed us with three soon to be grandchildren and many more to come'. Yea, it's huge to say the least. It has three floors, and underground garage that can fit six cars and four motorcycles.

The first floor consists of two spare bedrooms for guests, the living room, off to the side of the living room is an indoor heated pool, with an attached spa and waterfall, then there's the huge open kitchen with dark granite counters, dark oak cabinets, and all the appliances are chrome, and finally there is the dinning room.

The second floor holds the kids rooms, the playroom, game room, and the den. The boys bathroom connects both of there rooms, with a Jack-and-Jill vanity and a shower/tub, along with the toilet.

My daughter's room has her own attached bathroom and her own walk in closet, that is fully stocked with the best clothes, thanks to Alice.

Then there is the third floor, where mine and Edward's room is. This floor consists of our room, with attached bath, our own private den, and the babies room till they are old enough to be moved down to the third floor.

I know, the house is huge, but it was a present from our parents, so we couldn't say no. I couldn't have said no if I wanted to, it's just to beautiful.

Yea, I had completely spaced out, and by now they were dragging me to our final store, BABIES-R-US, this part I was actually excited about.

First we stopped by the cribs, and I picked out three beautiful dark wooded ones, all the same.

Then we went to the bedding, for one of the boys I picked out a Green bedding with brown spots, for the other I picked out a Blue bedding with brown stripes. After that we got a Purple, Green, and Brown spotted bedding for my little princess.

Once we were through with the bedding we moved on to decorations for their rooms, one of the boys rooms was going to be blue and one green, we decided to get decorations that went well with their room colors.

My little girls room was going to be purple and brown, so again we got stuff to go with hers.

After that we went and got changing tables and a rocking chair. Once we picked out those last few items I was exhausted, I mean im three months pregnant with triplets so I have a damn excuse.

"Guys can we please go now, im so tired, please?" I begged them.

"Yea Bells come one." Rose said.

Yay im happy. I don't really remember the car ride home though cause I was so tired, but the next thing I know Edward is carrying me in and laying me on the bed.

"Goodnight love, sleep well." He gave me a kiss on the head and then bent down to my stomach and whispered. "Night babies, mommy and daddy love you, sleep well."

And with that I drifted off into a peaceful sleep…

Yep, that was the first chapter of GROWING PAINS, I hope you all enjoyed.

I would love it if you guys reviewed.

The more reviews, the longer the chapter, and the quicker I update.

Thank you guys.
