I glanced up at the clock that was on the wall, directly in front of me. It was midnight, the exact time I had wanted this to be finished. The bodies lay still, ridged in front of me, their glassy eyes staring into nothingness. The victim's skin was pale, lifeless, cold as stone. I liked it that way, knowing that I had caused that pain, knowing that I had caused that sadness, that death. I laid down my weapon by the body and admired the scene in front of me. There was now a body lying in every room, each killed with a different weapon, a different death. The clock was still ticking, as if it were struggling to get its words out, wanting to turn me in, but I just smiled up at it. Soon enough the truth would be out anyway, everyone would know it was me who had done all this, but I didn't care, I had done what had needed to be done. They could do whatever they liked with me now, torture me, kill me, lock me up forever and ever, but that wouldn't matter because they couldn't bring back the lives that were already lost. Everyone was dead now... They were all dead...

I, Kenny McCormick, had killed them.