Chapter Five
I walk Melinda home from the ice cream shop. I left Derek's books with his brother Patrick. He was curious to know why his brother left. On the walk home I try to get Melinda to tell me.
Melinda: I have therapy tomorrow. Do you still want to come?
Me: If you still want me to.
Melinda: Okay. My therapist thinks a relationship isn't a good idea unless I am 100% comfortable.
I stop walking. Melinda has stopped too. She is a few paces in front of me. She pivots 180 degrees to look me in the eyes. My heart is pounding out the theme from Jaws in preparation for an attack.
Me: Are you comfortable?
Melinda: I'm not uncomfortable. I told her how nice you are about all of this. You know when to back off. I like that.
Me: I really like you.
Melinda touches my hand. A jolt of electricity shocks me for a moment. She squeezes my hand. I would do whatever it takes for my girlfriend. My Melinda.
Melinda: I am still not completely comfortable being alone with you.
Me: We're alone now.
Melinda: I know.
Me: Are you uncomfortable now?
Melinda: I would be more uncomfortable walking home alone. I enjoy your company.
Me: I would be a gigantic dick if I made you walk home alone. I'm not that guy. Besides, I enjoy your company too.
I walk Melinda to her door. She smiles at me. I turn to Jell-O and wait on the doorstep for her to go inside. Her father peeks at me from the window, nods, and I leave. With a glance at her house over my shoulder I know she is safe. I begin the long walk home.
At school, I don't see Melinda right away. But she accosts me when I step into the hallway where ours lockers are. She grabs my hand and pulls me along behind her. I am more than willing to follow.
Melinda: Something is wrong with Derek.
Me: What?
But my question is answered when I get to his locker. Several people are laughing. Derek is red faced and puffy eyed. I stare past him at his locker where one word is written in marker: COCKSUCKER!
Me: Hey! Everyone go to class there is nothing to see here!
Random Jerk: I want you to blow me, Derek. My dick is 9 inches or do you only like small ones?
Me: Leave!
I take Melinda's hand so she doesn't get lost in the sea of people. She stays close. When the roaches in the hall have scattered I turn to Derek. He is leaning against his locker sobbing quietly.
Derek: Alexander told all the boys in school that I blew him in a bathroom during Spanish class.
Me: Why would he do that?
Melinda: David, don't.
Derek: No. Mellie, its alright. The rest of the damn school knows anyway. You want the truth, David?
Me: Yeah.
The bell is ringing.
Derek: Because I made the idiotic mistake of confessing my feelings to Alexander. I told him I had a crush on him and I, foolishly, asked him out.
Me: Alexander is an asshole.
Oh. I feel really stupid for not seeing this coming. I have known Derek for years. How could I not see it? Everything before this moment is starting to make much more sense.
Derek: Besides Patrick, Melinda was the only person I told. She was sweet enough to keep my secret.
Melinda: Happy to do it.
Derek: Do you hate me too?
Me: No. How could you think that?
Derek: Everyone else does.
I get it. That is why Derek told Melinda. He felt like an outsider and knew she would be able to relate to that. I am happy they can talk. It must be therapeutic for both of them.
Me: Melinda, I think you should take Derek to your therapy.
Melinda: Are you sure?
Me: Yeah. I'm sure.
I let Melinda walk Derek to class. I search for Alexander. I have never really skipped class before and the adrenaline is pumping throughout me.
I catch Alexander after his class and pull him out of the flock. He doesn't try to fight me.
Alexander: Hey, buddy.
Me: Why did you spread that rumor about Derek?
Alexander: That little fairy tried to get with me.
Me: No he didn't. He had a little crush. Big deal.
Alexander: It is a big deal. I'm not queer. I don't like guys.
Me: He's your friend.
Alexander: He was.
Me: So were we.
Alexander: You're ditching me for that flamer?
Me: No. I'm ditching you because you're an idiot.