111 W. Harbor Dr, San Diego

The plan seemed absolutely ludicrous, 4 people to magically appear in the middle of a convention centre crowded with thousands of people. However this wasn't just any convention centre and the crowd wasn't just any group of people. This was San Deigo's Convention Centre, and this was Comic Con. If they were ever going to get away with this, it was going to be here and it was going to be now.

There were 'people' bustling everywhere, the main stage lights flickered and dimmed almost to black. The purple and white smoke seemed to trickle in from every angle, soon covering the stage. The smoke grew and encased the entire stage area, then quicker than it appeared the smoke evaporated and standing on the stage were 4 people, dressed in the most elaborate costumes; The Prince; in a tights and puffy sleaved shirt, red clock together with sword and scabbard. The Princess was dressed more as a commoner, with a riding outfit on, with a white cloak and hood; she had a quiver of arrows on her back and bow over her shoulder. The Knight was armoured in a blown leather vest with a white crest on the front and black pants, with a sword and sheath to the left side. And the Queen. She was immaculately dressed in a long black gown that puffed out at the hip and trained behind as she walked. Her hair was in an up do and her makeup was flawless.

The people in the crowd who witnessed the appearance on the stage clapped and cheered for the 4 on the stage that is until the Queen waved her hand and the cheering crowd seemed to forget why they were cheering and walked away from the stage. With another wave of her hand the faces of those on the stage change… just slightly.

The Knight looked at the Queen, questioning if it had worked and if they were where they were meant to be, the Queen nodded towards the Knight affirming the questioning eyes.

Without a word the 4 stepped off the stage and began to walk towards the section of the centre where the 'stars' were autographing pictures and having photos taken. As they approached the section the Queen again waved her hand and the line of people in front of her turned and taking a step backwards all bowed their heads, allowing the 4 of them to proceed to the front of the line.

Sitting behind a row of desks were 5 people. The Knight hesitated taking in the person to the far left of the seated group, again the Knight looked to The Queen. The 5th person was not meant to be here, there were only meant to be 4… Once again the Queen reassured the Knight with a look and proceeded forward towards the seated people.

The 5 people sitting down all looked up as the crowded had bowed to allow the 4 through. On the far right was Ginnifer Goodwin to her left was Jennifer Morrison. Jennifer was seated next to Lana Parrilla and Lana next to Josh Dallas. It was the addition on Robert Carlyle that had given the Knight pause. He was not originally in their plan.

The Queen walked directly over to the middle of the table.

'Wow, your costumes are fantastic' Lana acknowledged. 'Do you have something for me to sign?'

'We were hoping we could get a photo with the … 5 of you' The Queen asked as sweetly as possible, hoping that the urgency in her voice was masked.

'Oh we aren't doing photos just yet, we have a lot of other people in line for signatures' Ginnifer stated.

The Queen looked back to the others who all reluctantly nodded. Again the Queen waved her hand and those in the line started to yell out;

'Its all good'

'We don't mind'

'Go for it'

The Knight looked at Jennifer who seemed to be trying to figure out what was going on. Their gazes meet and Jennifer had a strange feeling come over her, she couldn't quiet place it, but it was like she knew this person.

Jennifer looked at her colleagues and said ' it wont take long come on' and with that she stood up.

The others shrugged and rose as well.

The 9 of them made their way over to the photographer.

The 5 stars stood together and the 4 fans took up places on either side of them.

The Queen was to the far right of the group and she looked down the line, making sure that there was physical contact between of all 9 people.

The photographer took up his place behind the camera, and said ' ok, on 3; 1, 2…'

Before he could reach 3, the Queen waved her hand and the entire convention centre froze, all except the 9 of them. An eerie silence surrounded them.

The Queen turned and faced the other 8 people, looking back and forth between the 5 stars in the middle.

Lana was the first to speak, narrowing her eyes at them, 'What…Who are you?'

The Queen waved her hand once more, removing the disguises from the 4 of them.

It was not clear who gasped but all 5 stars starred at the 4 strangers.

'That's impossible' Josh finally said

The Princes stepped forward and looked at Josh, 'No, not impossible my friend, unbelievable, but not impossible'

They were looking at their exact doubles. Lana and the Queen, Jennifer and the Knight, Ginnifer and the Princess and Josh and the Prince.

The Queen cleared her throat, ' I know this maybe a lot for you to grasp, but we can explain everything, however we are short on time and we have to ask you all something. We need you to come with us.'

'Where?' Jennifer said to the Queen, although she couldn't stop looking at the Knight

It was the Knight that spoke ' We owe them an explanation Gina…' she had said it to the Queen, yet all eyes snapped to her.

Their thoughts swam at the statement 'What did she just call her, did I hear that correctly… did she say Gina?'

'We don't have time for that' the Queen growled, she was getting frustrated. Holding the whole of San Deigo in stasis was having a toll on the Queen's magic

'Did she just call you Gina?' Lana blurted out before she could stop herself, emphasising the last word.

The Knight continued, 'Yes Lana, I called her Gina. My name is Emma, these are my parents, Snow White and Prince Charming' gesturing to the Prince and Princess. ' And this', She took a step towards the Queen, 'this is Queen Regina' gesturing to Lana's double. 'We have come here to ask for your help.'

' Is this some sort of joke, did Adam and – put you up to this, how did you get all of these people involved?' Ginnifer said looking at the very still, silent crowd.

The Queen rolled her eyes and huffed, even this Snow is annoying she thought 'No, Ginnifer, the writers of your TV show did not put us up to this. And this crowd has been frozen by magic, my magic.' She demonstrated by conjuring a ball of flames in her open hand, and closed it extinguishing the flame. All of their eyes went wide in amazement. 'We are from a land that is created from your television shows. Whenever a new show is created in your world and new realm is created in ours and the characters from your shows are the people within that world, in our case, your show Once Upon A Time. We can explain everything in more detail later, but for now what we need is for you to accompany us back to our world and help us stop a great evil that we have been battling for years.' As she made this statement her gaze fell onto Robert and she looked away just as quickly.

'I cannot force you to make this journey with us, you need to decide for yourself. We will give you a moment to think about it, but I cannot hold them like this for too much longer, ' she gestured to the crowd around them, 'so please make your decision quickly.'

The Queen turned on her heel and gestured to the others to give them some space. As she did Lana spoke, 'How long will we be gone? How will we get back?'

The Queen studied Lana's expression, 'Are you concerned about time here? Or time there? You see things work differently in our world. You see a day here is a year there. You will not age while you are in our world. So even if you decide to stay you will remain as you are today. However, if you are worried about what will happen here, I can assure you, I will return you to the moment of this photograph' she gestured to the photographer who was about to take the photo. 'No time will pass here, it will be a blink of an eye'

Again the Queen turned to leave them with their thoughts and to discuss what they wanted to do. Walking over to Emma and the others.

Lana looked to Jennifer, Ginnifer, Robert and Josh. 'What do you think?'

'Oh, I don't know…' Ginnifer stated trying to hide her fear

'Come on Ginny, this is an opportunity of a lifetime, to see another world, our other world. The Enchanted Forest… for real… I think we should do it.' Jennifer was very excited by it all.

'Be careful of your excitement' Robert finally spoke. 'If their land is truly our Enchanted Forest, that means that there is all of the evil, scary, magically beings there too.' He emphasized the magically. 'I suggest caution, we shouldn't run in because it is exciting' Robert looked over to the 4 people talking quietly and he lowered his voice, ' How do we know that she is not evil and has the other 3 under some sort of spell. Who knows what she will do when we get there. Perhaps by eliminating us, she eliminates them in her world.'

'How do we test out that theory Robert?' Josh asked

'I have an idea…' Robert turned towards the other group. 'Excuse me Your Majesty' his eyes fell onto the Queen. 'Are you still referred to as the Evil Queen?'

'What is it that you really want to know Rump… Robert?' The Queen steeled her eyes at him

'How do we know that you are not trying to trick us?' Rumplestilskins double asked matching her glare.

'If I wanted to harm you imp, I would do it here, where you are powerless. I would not invite you to my land … ' She was fast closing the gap between her and Robert, anger resonating through her words to the man

'Gina…' The Knight placed her hand on the Queens arm, stroking it, 'He is not Rumple'

'Regina, relax' This time it was Snow who spoke, moving herself in front of the Queen. 'We need their help.'

'You're right.' Regina said lowering her gaze and calming her temper. 'I am no longer referred to as the Evil Queen. How can I prove it to you?'

Robert looked to the other stars and then back to the Queen, 'You said your land is a copy of our show' The Queen gave a small nod to acknowledge his statement. 'So tell me, is there a Storybrook as well as the Enchanted Forrest?'

'There was' the Queen began, 'however when the curse was broken the people of Storybrook asked me to return them to the Enchanted Forest and so Storybrook ceased to exist.'

'Ah, so curse has been broken in your world?' Robert enquired and the others caught on to where he was heading.

The Queen looked to the Knight and it was Emma who answered 'Yes, many many years ago. Regina returned to, what you call the 'Dark Kingdom' and my parents to the White Kingdom.' Emma looked at her parents and smiled.

'Where did you and Henry go?' the question came from Jennifer

'Henry and I live with Regina' Emma answered 'And I can assure you that all of the subjects in the Kingdom truly love Regina again'

'Why would you choose to live with Regina?' This time it was Lana who asked, sounding slightly confused at the arrangement.

'These are all answers I am very happy to give you, however we need you to make a decision and quickly. I am sorry to hurry you, but magic works differently here and holding this many people in stasis is draining me. Please' The Queen pleaded.

The group looked to each other and a decision was made without speaking.

'What do we have to do?' Jennifer's question answering for the group.

'Stand back together, as we were to have the photo taken. Make sure there is physical contact with the person beside you and do not let go of them until i tell you it is safe to do so.' Regina gave instructions as though this was an everyday occurrence.

They all took up their places as they were before. Emma, Charming, Robert, Ginnifer, Josh, Jennifer, Lana, Snow and Regina. Regina and Emma waved their hands. Purple smoke billowed from Lana and White from Emma surrounding the 9 of them.

'3.' Click

'What the...?' The photographer looked at the empty space in from of him; he scratched his head and sat back down not really sure what just happened.

The empty table that had sat the 5 stars drew no attention and everyone in the centre went on as through nothing had happened.