A/N: Yeah, this chapter is very short, but I felt like I really needed to post something. That being said, I'm not sure if I will be continuing this fic. For one, I have no motivation when writing this, and two I just really don't know where I was going with it.

Carla had insisted on driving after she finished talking to Tyler, arguing with Brian for another minute or so before he finally relented and allowed her to drive the truck.

That was hours ago and the sun had since risen, forcing them to roll down the windows since the ac didn't work properly. It felt like it was one-hundred degrees in the truck, but Brian was amazed that Carla's chilly attitude hadn't made it one-hundred bellow.

Though he wasn't one to get carsick, Brian's stomach was still getting over the effects the infection had on him and each bump made him feel like he would vomit. A conversation of any kind would help get his mind off how shitty he felt, but Carla didn't seem to be in an overly chatty mood. Her conversation with Tyler hadn't gone well, that much he knew, and she was left in a foul mood since leaving, content to sit in silence with her own thoughts.

At the moment he didn't really care if she wanted to talk or not, because even though a conversation would help, he worried that if he opened his mouth he would puke for sure. He wasn't used to feeling this sick, and he didn't like being so weak. He didn't make it through life being weak.

Though he'd had a good family, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that he was the black sheep, a rule breaker if ever there was one, unlike Danny who was the perfect son as far as Mom and Dad were concerned. Maybe he had caused more than a few problems with his parents, but last he checked he was the one who had stepped up to the plate when push came to shove and sacrificed his sanity to keeping Danny safe by telling him their parents had died.

"Let's say you do find her," Carla started, breaking the silence out of nowhere. "And for the sake of argument, say she is immune – what then?"

He shrugged. "What do you mean?"

"You guys gonna get back together, go your separate ways, what?"

Brian really hadn't thought that far ahead. "I dunno, maybe we'll move out to the suburbs to live the American dream."

"I'm serious."

"Me too."

Carla rolled her eyes. "Fine, whatever."

Brian glanced at her before dragging his hand down his face wearily.

He really didn't want to get into a fight about all of this in the car when there was no telling how long they'd be stuck in the car together. Better to play nice until they were able to put some distance between them if they did piss each other off.

Grinding his teeth a bit, he sighed, "We were a shitty couple at the best of times, but I owe it to her to find her."

"Even if she's dead?" Carla asked, tone more gentle than it had been earlier.

He hesitated but nodded. "If that's the case, I'll bury her."

The woman rolled her shoulders, scratching the rash on her shoulder lightly. She was thinking, opening her mouth a few times to speak but saying nothing each time, and he wondered what exactly it was that she wanted to say.

"On the off chance that she is in town and is sick, we might not be able to head back right away," she said after a long pause. "Remember how much it sucked when we moved you to the motel after we found you?"

Brian cringed. "I remember my bones being made outta glass, but that's about it."

"Yeah, you were going in and out of consciousness the whole time, but my point is that while you were awake it was hell. The only reason we moved you at all was because Jason's a medic. If he weren't around, you might have died during the drive."

"But I thought that the infection wouldn't kill me since I'm immune?"

"That's true, but there's only so much the body can take," she explained. "I'm just saying that depending on her condition if we find her alive, we might have to stay with her for a day or two unless you're willing to risk endangering her health to get her back to Jason so he can care for her properly."

He hadn't really thought about that, mostly because Carla never mentioned that they might need help with Bobby.

"Well, shit, thanks for the information. Great timing," he said with a bitter laugh. "Jesus, Carla, you couldn't have said that before we hit the road! Why the hell didn't you say we might need help, huh?"

Glaring at him out of the corner of her eye, she snapped, "It didn't exactly cross my mind at the time. I was kinda focused on getting our butts away from the motel before Todd or anyone else caught on. Maybe if you were more patient, we'd have had time to discuss things a little more."

"I needed to be more patient?" he demanded incredulously. "You were the one itching to stop me before demanding that we hurry up!"

"Because you decided not to say jack about leaving up until, oh yeah, you decided to try to steal the fucking truck with my motorcycle on it!"

Brian dragged his hands down his face, angry and frustrated with the turn of events.

Wasn't a fight exactly what he wanted to avoid while in the truck?

"Whatever," Brian groaned. "No point arguing, I guess."

She glanced at him, a little confused. "Here I'd have thought you were the kinda guy to keep poking the bear, so to speak. What? Don't think you can with an argument with me?"

"Princess, I know for a fact I could win. But that bag of chips I ate an hour ago wants to make a second appearance. Call me crazy, but I don't wanna see it again 'cause of some fucking argument making me car sick."

Carla blanched, the very thought of him puking in the truck with her in it making her ill, and conceded, "Fair enough."

Turning his attention back out the window, Brian wished for nothing more than to be able to drive the truck himself, to break every speed limit known to man just to get to Bobby if only put his mind at ease.

But Carla would not let him drive, and honestly that was probably for the best. He could hardly see straight, his stomach was being touchy, and he felt incredibly tired. All in all, he really just wanted to find Bobby and put all of this behind them, if that were possible at all.

Too much had happened, too much trust had been broken.

If he could find her and set things right, maybe then... well, Brian didn't know anymore.