A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short but I haven't updated in awhile so I figured, hey, let's make some filler smut... ;) hope you enjoy and my next chapter shall be full of dramaaaaaa!~

"Catch me if you can!" I yelled as I sped away from Artemis. She had her bow aimed at me; I stealthily dodged every arrow, processing where it would hit in a nanosecond.

I pulled to a halt and laughed, "You aren't as good as I thought you'd-" I was cut off by an arrow flying towards me. I moved away from it, only to have a net fly from the tip, trapping me under it.

She started to walk over, laughing. "Ha! Not so fast n-" Just then Dick came out of nowhere and sweep kicked her off of her feet. Her laughing stopped as she rubbed her now sore butt.

"Always be prepared, Artemis. Never lose focus. Slip away from the enemy use the element of surprise." He finished, shooting a grappling hook up at the rafters, getting lost in the darkness above.

I had taken the time while he was talking to escape the net and run into the darkness as well, hoping to stay hidden until Artemis and Dick began fighting.

I surveyed the room, seeing Artemis with her bow ready to fire, walking around the room cautiously. Then I looked up, searching for any sign of the Boy Wonder. The yellow of the underside of his cape caught my eye and I saw him kneeling on a rafter and watching Artemis.

An evil laugh rung throughout the room, making Artemis jump. Dick swung down and delivered a swift kick to her back, knocking her over.

"Don't let your fear control you. How many times must I tell you to stay-" He fell to the ground as my foot swept under his feet. "Focused?" I finished for him. I slipped back into the darkness before he could even turn around to look at me.

"Nice one Wally!" He shouted, clearly trying to get me to answer so he'd know where I was. I'm not THAT stupid.

"Master Dick? Artemis has a phone call from her mother." Alfred said, entering the room.

"That's enough practice for today." Dick said, giving Artemis a hand. I crept out of the darkness and came up behind him, snaking my arms around his waist and setting my head on his shoulder. He jumped slightly but soon relaxed into it, giving me a smile.

"You're getting better, kitten." He turned and gave me a small kiss before running off to follow Artemis and Alfred. I ran to catch up and met them in the living room where she was on the phone already.

"Fine, I'll be home soon mom." I heard as she hung up the phone.

"What's going on?" I asked, taking a seat on the couch beside Dick and removing the part of my suit that's around my head.

"Well, I guess my mom wants me home to see my sister since she's actually home for once. She practically lives with her boyfriend but I don't see why I have to go home and visit. Either way, I gotta go. See ya, guys. I hope the next time I come I'll get to see my suit!" She said, grabbing her purse and slipping out the door.

"Hm… I didn't know she had a sister." I said, looking at Dick to see if he knew.

"Yeah, Jade does just live with her boyfriend. She only comes home to see Artemis sometimes. Even though she doesn't care to see her, her mom always makes her some home. She says family's important but since her dad and sister kind of bailed on her, she doesn't really agree." He shrugged.

Something clicked in my mind. "Jade? Like, Roy's girlfriend? Her sister's boyfriend was one of the people who used to torment me. I can see why she doesn't like her family. At least she still has a mom that cares, right? I don't have any family who cares about me…"

"Stop that. I hate it when you talk about them. You can't let them get to you. You're safe here and if you keep putting yourself down, they'll win. Listen to me. They don't matter. I love you; THAT'S all that matters okay?" He got up and sat on my lap, forehead resting on mine.

He put his hand under my chin and raised my lips to meet his. "I love you so much, Wally. Please don't forget that."

I closed my eyes and let my head sit against his, his slow breathing calming me. "I love you too… I never noticed how slow a normal heartbeat is…" I whispered.

He smiled, keeping his eyes closed. "Yeah? I bet you could make mine beat as fast as yours normally does." His face warmed as he connected our lips again. His soft lips were like cotton on my rough ones.

"You should stop biting your lips." He lectured in between kisses.

"Sorry…" I breathed. I rested my hands on his hips and trailed my tongue across his lips. He opened his mouth and I took my chance. We were moving our mouths together now, taking in as much of each other as we could.

I slid my hands down a little further to grip his butt, causing him to buck his hips. His breathing became rough and his heartbeat sped up as I moved my own hips. I could feel him getting hard, my own already there.

His breath hitched as I bucked my hips again, starting a rhythm between us. He breathed hard, disconnecting our lips so he could rest his forehead on my shoulder.

"W-Wally…" He panted, gripping at my hair. "I… I need you…" He managed, causing my own breath to become more ragged.

"We… can't do this here…" I tried saying, noticing we were still on the couch in the living room.

He jumped off my lap and stood up. "Get us to my room, speedster." He ordered. I complied, picking him up bridal style and rushing off to his room.

Once there, I threw him on the bed and crawled over him. I planted a quick kiss on his lips, then one on his chin, making my way to his neck. I sucked and nipped and licked at his neck, enjoying every little chirp that came from my bird.

"God… " I heard him mutter, picking at his tight clothes. I smirked, deciding to help him out.

"Need help?" I said in the huskiest voice I could muster. His breathing sped up as he nodded, a blush spreading over his flustered face.

I unbuttoned his cape and threw it across the room, giving my own goggles a toss too. Shoes were soon discarded as well, followed by our not-so-easy to remove suits, leaving us only in underwear.

He breathed heavily as I crawled back over him, continuing where I left off. I made my way down his chest, leaving a wet trail of warm, sweet kisses. I reached his underwear and looked up at him for approval.

With a staggered breath he managed, "I… don't have anything to make this… easier…" He looked nervous.

I gave him a smile and crawled over him again, giving him a sweet, comforting kiss. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to."

"No! I… I want to… but I'm not sure if I'm ready for THAT yet…" He blushed and stared at my mouth. I got the hint and gave him smile.

I licked my lips. "I can use my mouth for more than eating food, if that's what you'd like."

He got even redder and gave me a small nod. I kissed him again, harder this time, trailing my hands down his sides and making him shiver. I smiled into the kiss as my hands cupped his ass again.

I began making my way down his body with my mouth again, reaching his underwear line again. This time when I looked for approval he looked at me needily, nodding his head quickly.

I smiled and grabbed his underwear with my teeth, pulling them down over him and quickly throwing them away once they were off. I looked at it and licked my lips again.

I breathed on his erection and watched him squirm. Laughing I said, "You're really excited." I teased.

"Wally… Just… just do it…" He moaned. I didn't want to keep him waiting any longer so I licked the tip, making him grip the sheets. I continued licking, from base to tip then swirling my tongue around the tip until he looked like he was about to explode.

I reached into my own pants, knowing I needed attention too. I moved my own hand in sync with my mouth.

Then I took it all in my mouth and began bobbing my head. His fingers fisted my hair, moving with my head up and down. Using a bit of my super speed, I moved my tongue around faster, vibrating my mouth.

His grip on my hair tightened as he screamed. "Ahhh! Wally!" He yelled as his sticky fluid filled my mouth. His yells put me over the top as I came over myself, his still in my mouth. I looked him in the eyes as I swallowed, making sure he saw.

I licked my lips then kissed him again, showing him how good he tasted. "I'll have you know, spitting is for quitters." I smirked. He kissed me again as I flopped down on the bed next to him, worn out.

He laughed. "Shouldn't we get cleaned up? We still have an entire day to do stuff."

I nodded. "Yeah… but let's stay home today. We can get clean but I don't wanna go anywhere." He seemed to agree with me and we took turns taking showers. Despite what we just did, I still like being alone in the shower.

Within the next hour we were both cleaned up and warm. I jumped onto the bed and laid there. After all, I'm pooped and I'm all warm and cozy now.

I patted the bed next to me and he crawled onto the bed and looked at me. "So what do you want to do then?" He asked.

I pulled him close and snuggled him. "Ah I see; you want to cuddle. I'm down for that." He smiled, wrapping his arms around me. I made sure we were as close as possible, my arms around his skinny waist.

"I love you." I whispered into his hair.

"I love you too." He whispered back.

That's how we spent the rest of our day, cuddling, kissing, and saying I love you.