!PLEASE READ! A/N: Allow me to inform you that when I started this story, the name of the "Green Chick" was still unknown, and that was part of the original premise of this story. Just recently, Sega revealed the names of the Deadly Six at their Sonic Lost World showcase at E3, so while I was in the middle of writing this, the premise had to be changed. Having said that, I made the narrator of this story to not necessarily be me. The narrator is its own entity that is uninformed. The Green Chick is also unaware that her name has been officially revealed, as are certain characters that will appear later in the story. This story has also been split into two chapters in order to meet self-imposed time parameters.

Also, this fic marks my official return to fanfiction writing! Went through that phase that many authors go through on FanFiction where they suspend their writing and leave. I'll do my best to keep on writing and publishing now that I'm back! =D


Alright, now that that's all been said, it's time to loosen up and get to the story! :D

The Green Chick consumed the very last drop of water that was left in the plastic water bottle of hers. After removing it from her mouth, she decompressed it by squeezing it, and then further breaking it down using her claws. It was to save space when disposing of it. She knew it was unnecessary to downsize it so much, but there was always a guy that kept getting on to everyone for taking up so much space in the waste receptacles. She tossed the remains of what was once a water container into the nearby recycle bin, taking in a deep breath and sighing in the process.

It was break time for her. She had been playing her role in the development of the upcoming game known as Sonic Lost World. She thought it was enjoyable, for the most part. And for being an antagonist, too. Though she thought the developers sometimes get in the way too much. As she walked over and rested herself against the wall, she observed the blue hedgehog as he started to dash toward the wall on the side, followed by him seeming to cling to the wall and running along the face of it at the same speed he was at while approaching it. After running several yards, the blue hedgehog jumped off from the wall, and executed a homing attack at a large orange creature. The orange creature was a fellow member of hers of the Deadly Six. She continued to watch as some developers on the sidelines nodded their heads at Sonic in satisfaction, while the orange guy stumbled around a bit.

The Green Chick had seen this several times already. She started to get bored and began to look for something to entertain herself for the rest of her beak time. She really didn't even need the break right now. All the developers needed with her a moment ago was to record her jumping, and even though she did a good amount of it, she still had the stamina to do much more.

But oh well. Whatever.

Still leaning against the wall, arms crossed and one foot across the other, she looked over at the snacks on the refreshments table. She wasn't hungry, and the water quenched her thirst. As she sighed in boredom, she looked around the room. Not much. Just a large gymnasium-like building used for stuff such as this. Developers observing from the opposite end of the room, the twin-tailed fox and the echidna with huge fists conversing with each other on the side. Still no form of amusement.

Alright, time to find something to do. The Green Chick pushed herself off of the wall she was leaning on, and walked down the corridor on the side of the room. As she went further down, the noise from everyone working began to fade away. At last, she thought; tilting her head up and letting her shoulders down relaxingly, and continuing to walk.

It took her several moments for her to realize that she had never been down this way. Good. Time to see what there is to see!

In no time, she came to a door made of metal. Noticing it, she stopped her trek and peered out the door's window. It was nighttime, so it was dark, and not much could be seen. Though she could make out a couple small light posts mounted on a wall that ran perpendicular to her viewpoint. She could tell that this was the door to an alley. She grinned as she was just about to push the door open, but froze and stepped back as she remembered something.

It was rule that new characters whose game is in progress are not to exit the development grounds and venture out into the world. By leaving the building to go out and explore, she would be violating policy. She would be at risk of being harmed or giving away classified information. She has not been directly authorized to share even her name with anyone outside of Sonic Lost World yet. I'm the narrator, and don't even know her name! I haven't been keeping up-to-date with all the E3 stuff going on. So until I find out, I'm just gonna call her the "Green Chick," as you've noticed already.

She knew she shouldn't, but it was so very tempting. She went back and peeked out from the corridor do see if anyone was coming. Everyone was still going about their business. The coast was completely clear for her to sneak out without being caught. It was then she instantly decided to go for it. She was responsible, and besides, it was only for the purpose of adventure, and for having something to do. She went back to the door, and slowly and quietly pushed it open. A smooth but startling rush of cool air flowed in, and gave her a little more adrenaline.

Sneaking outside, the Green Chick stepped onto a small porch-like area. Well, it was actually no more than just a slab of concrete a couple feet off the ground. Still hanging onto the door, she gently began to return it to its closed position. Before closing it completely, she took a small shard of broken concrete and wedged it in the doorway to keep it from closing all the way, that way she could get right back inside quickly and quietly. If there happened to be draft of cool air going inside, it shouldn't be obvious to anyone.

She was in the clear.

The Green Chick thought it would be best to stay mostly on the safe side for now. She figured she would just stick to the alleys and remain incognito. Just go to the next block, see what there is to see, and come back, she thought.

The light was very low, so she would have no trouble staying hidden should anyone come around. The light shining down from the moon and the few wall lamps here and there provided just enough light for anyone to make their way around and yet at the same time remain stealthy with ease. The Green Chick surveyed the surroundings. The area was clean for the most part. The road that ran through was composed of bricks. It was narrow, but vehicles could travel through on it. She stepped down a very short flight of stairs onto the ground level. To the left, the alley ended into an open area on the outside. She wouldn't be going that way. To the right, the alley network continued. It stretched a pretty great distance before reaching a perpendicular three-way intersection. There were also several paths that could be taken on the side adjacent to where she was located.

Of course, she had no idea where any route would take her to.

She started making her way up the alley. It was quiet. She wondered if she was completely alone. Probably. This was a pretty extreme hour in the night. Even so, she still tried to be as stealthy as possible. You just never know what kind of ninjas or government operatives could be prowling around at a time and place such as this. It's not like she was in any trouble though. She could take on anyone and anything that would dare come her way.

She was right. There was no one else in sight. All other alleyways she came across so far were empty. Even though the coast still appeared to be clear, she continued to exercise caution. She lowered herself into a half-crouch sneaking stance and continued on.

It wasn't long until she reached the end of this gallery, at the three-way intersection. The Green Chick would either have to go left or right. The left path was pitch black and too dark to navigate. The right path had a light about halfway through, illuminating most of the stretch. It was also along the development building in which she was just inside of. The obvious choice was to head to the right. Before actually heading down that way, she stood close to the wall and peeked around the corner to make sure that it was clear of anyone. As the other paths have been, it was deserted.

As the Green Chick came out from behind the corner, she noticed this section was wider than the previous one she was in. After going halfway through, she came to the area with the source of the light. The light was emitting from an electric lamp post on the wall inside an alcove on the side of the development building. Other things on the inside of the alcove included a dumpster-like waste holder (we'll just call it a dumpster), a valve of some sort with pipes around it, and some posters on the wall, which ranged from advertisements to propaganda.

The Green Chick (that's starting to sound like an actual name rather than a simple placeholder title. Remember, that's not her real name!) decided to have a better look at this area. She stepped further into the light. Her long green hair was very shiny in the small amount of light that was present. Noticing the posters, she approaches them and decides to take a quick squiz at what they have to say.

After a few seconds of skimming and not seeing anything interesting, she came across a special advertisement that would concern her. It was a promotional affiche for Sonic Lost World. As with typical promotions for the game, it depicted Sonic parkour vaulting over the title splash, and the Deadly Six posing in the background. She took the flyer down from the wall to get a better look at it. A better look at herself, to be exact. She was captured in an aggressive running pose. All in all, she was satisfied with her appearance on the cover.

"Hey there." A female voice suddenly greeted from behind.

The sudden acknowledgment startled the Green Chick. She quickly spun around a complete 180 degrees out of reflex in order to face whoever had approached her. She assumed a slight fighting stance just in case.

The second chapter is on its way. As always, REVIEWS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AND APPRECIATED! ! !