Touhou: Truth or Dare Edition

A/N Hello Everyone! This I my First Story on here! I Hope you like it!

It was a warm Summer day in the Land of Fantasy, Gensokyo, as Reimu Hakurei, the Miko of Paradise, took a swig of tea.

"Hmm... there's nothing to do," says Reimu as she groans silently. "There just has to be something to do around here... I mean really, no stupid fairies to mess with me or any dangerous incidents going on."*sigh*"Just what is there to do around here?" Suddenly a purple portal-like object appears in thin air.

"Fufufu! Sounds like someone's a little bored!" says the Gap hag herself, Yukari Yakumo, as she giggles to herself lightly. "It seems as though our little Shrine Maiden here is in need of a little entertainment!"

"Oh what do you know you old hag!" yells Reimu angrily. She may be right, but still!

"Tch, don't call me old..." Mutters Yukari under her breath. "Do you want a way to beat this boredom or not?"

Reimu stays silent considering her options. Ugh... do I just wait for something to happen or do I take her offer? Well I am a bit bored, but I don't want to do anything right now... "Fine, I'll take you up on your offer, what do you have in mind?"

"Fufufu! You see, I found this certain thing on an outsiders Picture box (A/N For those of you that don't know what that is, it's a TV.). I remember it being called something. What was it called again? Oh! Yes, I believed it was called 'Truth or Dare'." Reimu's eyebrow raised at the name.

"Truth or Dare?" Reimu asked. "Why is it called that?"

"Fufufu... you'll have to find out sooner or later." Replied Yukari.

A/N There we go my friends! The first chapter of my Story! Please leave a review to tell me what Reimu or Yukari will do! Keep in mind that there will be more people/youkai coming in the future. Also, please keep the truths/dares to a rating of E-T or else it will be rejected. NO FLAMES. Thank you again for reading my story! -Phoenix