Officer Odette and her partner, Derek, were the first ones on the scene. They entered The Smith House quietly and split up. Odette made her way upstairs and Derek took the basement. The emergency call came from a young man who said two girls- Ariel and Esmeralda- had gone on a killing spree. Most of the students and staff hadn't survived.

Odette stepped carefully, holding her gun out in front of her with her flashlight poised above it. The house was eerily silent and almost completely dark. She came to the first hallway and shone her light down it. The hallway was empty, no sign of anyone or any struggle. Odette continued up the stairs. She shone her flashlight down the next hallway and came to an abrupt stop. Butchered bodies of kids barely in their twenties were scattered all over the hallway. Bloody smears and hand prints decorated the walls. It was a heartbreaking sight, but Odette forced herself to stay composed.

She cradled her flashlight against the crook of her neck and spoke into the walkie talkie on her shoulder. "This is Officer Odette requesting back up at The Smith House."

"Ten-four," was the response back.

"No." The voice was bare audible, but Odette was sure she heard it. She took hold of her flashlight again and held it out in front of her. At the end of the hallway Odette could make out a shadow moving.

"Camelot P.D.!" Odette called out. The person didn't respond. Odette carefully walked down the hall. As she approached the figure she could see it was a woman. She was diligently scrubbing blood off the wall and muttering to herself. "Stop!" Odette demanded. "You are tampering with a crime scene."

The woman turned to look at Odette. "I have to clean up the evidence and hide the bodies or they'll kill me, too."

"Who will kill you? Ariel and Esmeralda?"

The woman ignored Odette and went back to cleaning the wall. Odette frowned and called into her walkie talkie, "Derek, I have a woman up on the third floor cleaning up evidence and not cooperating."

"On my way," Derek replied.

Odette put her gun in her holster and slowly pulled out her handcuffs. The woman didn't seem to notice. Odette quickly grabbed her arm, but before she could get the cuffs on her, the woman snarled at her and tackled her to the ground. The two women struggled against each other until Derek finally arrived and pulled the woman off Odette.

Odette immediately handcuffed the woman's arms behind her back. "You are under arrest for tampering with a crime scene. Everything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law."

The woman replied by hissing at her. A few minutes later, back up arrived at the house. Odette and Derek took the woman to the station for questioning. Odette took her into the interrogation room while Derek and the chief of police, Dymas, watched and listened from behind the two-way mirror.

"What is your name?" Odette asked the woman.

"Anita Radcliffe."

"Were you a member of the staff at The Smith House?"

Anita stared at her for a moment, but then said, "Yes. I was the librarian."

Odette nodded. "Can you tell me what happened tonight?"

Anita looked around uneasily as if she thought someone was going to jump out at her. "I don't know really know exactly what happened. Two of the students just starting killing everybody. I hid in the library. Several of the students escaped out of the library window, including one of the killers, Ariel."

Odette arched her eyebrow at her. "You're sure?"

"Yes. Last I saw her she was with a couple of the other students, running towards the woods."

"What about Esmeralda? What happened to her?"

"I don't know. I never saw her."

Odette glanced over at the mirror, then looked back at Anita. "Ms. Radcliffe, can you tell me what the two suspects, Ariel and Esmeralda, look like?"

Anita nodded. "Esmeralda has thick black hair, tan skin, turquoise eyes. I think she was around twenty-years-old. Ariel was younger. Red hair, pale skin, big blue eyes."

"Did any of the other staff survive?" Odette asked, as she scribbled down the descriptions Anita had given her.

"I... I can't say."

Odette glanced up at her. "Why not?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know if anyone else survived or you don't know why you can't tell me?"

Anita nervously bit her lip. "Both."

"Ms. Radcliffe, you do know that withholding information is against the law, correct?" Odette asked. Anita's eyes glazed over and the color from her face drained. She became so pale, almost gray, and started sweating. "Ms. Radcliffe?"

Anita's body suddenly started to violently convulse and she vomited blood down the front of her shirt. The door burst open and Derek rushed to Anita's side. Anita continued to throw up blood all over herself and Derek. But then, she abruptly stopped and fell over, crashing to the floor.

Derek pressed two fingers against her neck. "She's dead. What happened?"

"I don't know," Odette replied.


Several hours later, Odette sat at her desk, sipping luke-warm coffee and going over the information for The Smith House case. Derek sat at the desk in front of her, scanning the autopsy for Anita Radcliffe.

"The coroner has no idea what killed her," Derek told Odette. "They can't find anything unusual..." his voice trailed off as he continued reading.

"Twelve kids are dead," Odette muttered to herself. "Fourteen are missing, including both suspects. But, what I don't understand is who are these kids?"

Derek set down the coroner's report. "What do you mean?"

"There is no trace of any of them in ours, or any, system. No record of any of them anywhere," Odette paused and looked up at Derek. "It's like none of them ever existed outside of The Smith House."