Okay, so I realized how different Nopate Aripa's personality was from when he first appears to when they go to the demon world, so this is the rewriting of chapter 4.
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Batman and demon-Robin walked out of the phone booth. Robin's stomach quietly growled and Robin winced. "I still need more." Robin said uneasily.
"Do you mind if I come with you? I won't interfere unless someone tries to kill you or you want me to." Batman asked.
"Sure. It would probably be best if you didn't interfere. That would hurt your image to the actual good people in Gotham: hanging out with a demon." Robin said as he went on top of a building. "Added this little feature early on." He smirked and hit the three yellow straps that held his shirt closed in a certain order. His uniform changed to black with small purple details. "Just so that no one would know who I really was."
"Good job. Where to?" Batman asked.
Robin closed his uncovered, glowing eyes for about twenty seconds, clearly concentrating on something, then said "Follow me." He ran, jumping onto other rooftops, tail helping him balance. He didn't stop when they got to crime alley, but went on through suicide slums. At an alley next to a billiard club, the Blue Note, he dropped down. A man, clearly one of Two-Face's thugs, was laying peacefully on the ground. "Drug overdose. These ones taste horrible." Robin supplied, wrinkling his nose as he walked away from the shadows Batman was hiding in. He dropped down next to the body, opened the body's mouth, and put his hand over it. He whispered a few unheard words as black tendrils weaved from Robin's outstretched hand into the man's mouth. When they came back out, they were holding a glowing red orb. Robin grabbed it and raised it to his mouth. It nearly looked like he unhinged his mouth as he put the orb into his mouth, swallowing it.
He hummed in content and bent over the body once again, this time aiming for the neck. Batman couldn't help but wince a bit as Robin's fangs sunk into the man's neck. Just like with him, Robin began to moan in pleasure as he sucked the blood, tail happily flicking behind him. The man's color quickly grew to white as most his blood was sucked out. Once Robin was done, he licked the puncture holes where his fangs had gone in, licked his fingers, and then licked his lips.
"Done?" Batman asked.
"No, I need just one or two more… I only eat enough that I'm not in any danger of attacking anyone." Dick responded. Robin looked embarrassed that his hunger had not been filled. He climbed back up onto the building, with Batman quickly following. After Robin had his eyes closed for about 10 seconds, he began running over rooftops again, Batman followed.
"Robin, you don't kill, you keep in the instincts, and you're a great kid. You go through a lot without dealing with the hunger. As long as you don't kill an innocent, still try not to kill anyone of course, but I don't see why you eating is a bad thing." Batman and Robin both slowed to a stop on a rooftop and Batman put a comforting hand on Robin's shoulder. "I'm so proud of you son." Batman gave a small true smile. Robin hugged him and he just held onto his son for a few minutes. "Maybe you should move to a funeral home when you grow up," Batman joked, "regular food and drink." Robin gave a small smile. "But, you should eat when you feel hungry, not just when you are in danger of attacking people. I'll see if Dr. Thompkins can get a few more blood bags for you to drink, sound good?"
Robin smiled a bit bigger and nodded. "Sounds great."
Robin's stomach gave a ravenous protest. He flushed. Batman began to go in the direction that they had been heading and Robin ran ahead of him, trusting his dad to follow.
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Robin stood up after he finished drinking the blood from the fourth man. Urrrp! Hic! His whole body jerked with the force of the hiccup and he blushed a raspberry color. "Drink the last bit too fast there?" Batman asked, smiling amusedly from the shadows of the alley.
"Shut-hic-up! I haven't-hic- eaten or drank for-hic- two we-hic-eks!" Dick scowled as his hiccups continued.
"Come on, batmobile is on its way. Don't want you grappling with that case of the hiccups. Does Alfred know?"
"Not-hic-sure. Probab-hic-ly. He is-hic- Alfred, remem-hic-er?" Dick glared at the ground, his demon form making it much scarier than it should have been. The roar of the batmobile's engines announced its arrival as it pulled into the alley. Robin jumped into his usual seat while Batman drove. The whole ride home was filled with Robin's loud, persistant hiccups.
They walked into the batcave where Alfred was waiting for them. As he saw Dick in demon form, he said, "I was wondering when you would tell us or let us see, Master Dick."
Dick grinned, "Sorry to-hic-keep you-hic-waiting. Would'-hic-ve helped if I'd-hic-known you-hic-knew, though." He and Bruce went and changed. Dick came out wearing black Gotham Academy sweatpants and a white and green Luigi's Pizza tee shirt. Bruce was wearing gray sweatpants with no print and an old, black and yellow Gotham Knights tee shirt.
Bruce noticed Dick had a few holes in his that hadn't been there before. He walked over to finger them when Dick flushed the raspberry pink again and grinned sheepishly saying "My claws cut into it… but at least my hiccups are gone. Could I have the glamour charm back? Obviously the claws get in the way a fair amount…"
"Okay, but you don't have to if you don't want to…" Bruce said taking the glamour charm he had had in his pocket and handing it to Dick.
Dick smiled "Thanks Dad, but I like to look human. The claws really do get in the way, and what if someone was in the house of something? They'd see me…" Dick frowned and hugged himself.
Bruce hugged him close "How about you don't wear it tonight? We can have a movie night if you want to."
Dick smiled "Okay! The A-Team?"
"Sure little bird." Bruce said as Dick ran up the stairs to the manor then up to his room. When Bruce walked in, he was already laying in his bed and the movie was in.
"Alright, move over now!" Bruce jumped on and tickled Dick.
"Hahahaha, stop! Bruce, stop please! Hahaha!" Dick moved over and under the blankets as Bruce laid on top of the blankets and put an arm around his son. Dick pressed play, but both were asleep before the movie was over.
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Zatanna's POV
"Dad, isn't it a blood moon tonight?" Zatanna asked her father, looking at one of her magic books.
"Yes. Why?" Giovanni Zatara asked his daughter.
"Doesn't it affect demons?" Zatara nodded. "We never told Dick Grayson, did we?" Zatanna asked, feeling herself pale.
"Connerie (shit)" Zatara replied.
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End chapter four. Noapte makes his first appearance in the next chapter.