Summary : Gray was ready for another normal day at Fairy Tail. The only thing is a everybody in the guild have completely different personalities what happened to Fairy Tai. In Gray's P.O.V. Maybe Lucy's P.O.V.
This is my first fanfic of Fairy Tail please be nice with reviews. I don't own Fairy Tail. This idea popped in my head while reading a fanfic by purplediva888. I love Fairy Tail they kick butt like bosses. If you have ideas for the story please PM me.
I walked into the guild ready for another ordinary day at Fairy Tail. I would get in a fight with Natsu, Erza break up the fight while Happy and Lucy cheered for Erza when she chased us. Lucy would be talking to Mirajane and drinking her orange juice or morning tea. Then Lucy would say without turning around "Gray clothes." Which would shock me because I didn't even notice my clothes missing.
But when I open the guild doors everyone was the exact opposite. Natsu didn't start a fight with me instead he gave me a hug and said "Welcome back friend. We saved you a seat." He smiled and turned around that was weird and kind of scary. Who was this "we" Natsu was talking about? I followed Natsu the way you follow a waitress to your table in a restaurant.
I looked around everyone was acting the opposite of their usual shenanigans. Cana wasn't even drinking in fact she was at the table farthest away from the bar and was drinking water it irked me. I haven't seen Cana drink water since we were 13.
When I arrived at the table with Natsu I saw Erza sitting at the table acting timid and she seemed scared of everyone. If that wasn't creepy enough Erza wasn't eating strawberry cheese cake she's obsessed with strawberry cheese cake.
"What the hell happened here?"
Erza looked up from the table and stared at me like I would bite her head off the way she used to with Natsu's dolls when we were younger.
" W-w-w-what are you t-talking about G-g-gr-gray?" Erza kept stuttering the question. Was Erza's personality was so flipped over that she would stutter. Erza never stutters, Erza's scary not timid and I hate to say it but I sorta missed the old Erza. That was when everything went crazy.
Elfman walked in dressed in a short leopard printed dress and a long pink haired wig. The dress ended far above his knees the dress was three sizes too small that the sleeves were ripped and the torso was shredded that must've been hard for Elfman to put on. Then the reporter from sorcerer's magazine wasn't his name Jason, came up behind Elfman wearing a long yellow skirt that look like a fishtail and squealed.
"Honey let's go have some brunch and go to the park for our COOL date to begin. COOL! Yahoo I'm a pretty mermaid. COOL! Maybe we could go back to my place I got COOL new wall paper. Yahoo!"
"Let's go my Sugarplum and you're the prettiest mermaid I have ever seen. I'm the prettiest ballerina ever let's head over to the ball." Elfman said in a shrill girly voice then he twirled a couple of times before leaving with his Sugarplum.
I think I just vomited a little trying to figure out how they got together. What the heck Elfman is gay since when, I'm shocked but not extremely surprised. Wait, why does everyone have pink eyes.
Just than Wakaba got up on the table and shouted "I love my wife don't smoke kids, my magic disgusts me I want to be a spokesperson against smoking. First, I'll arrange a dinner for my family I'm going to make my family happy. Master I'm going to go on a quest to destroy smoking and it's magic."
When I walked past Juvia she was lighting fire to things and had a sociopath smile on her face and was laughing like one two. Out of all the things I've seen today that was the scariest it only got scarier when Juvia started chasing me with a flame and gasoline. Juvia poured the gasoline in the cup and demand me to drinking it so I ran away like a very scared Happy would.
As I ran out of the guild to get away from the pyromaniac monster that was Juvia. I ran smack into Happy but Happy should have been named Angry instead because when he saw me he said, "Well if it isn't a burning ugly nude snow-white."
"Who are you calling ugly you disgustingly ugly cat. Oh I just went there now tell me what is up with everyone and their extremely messed personalities and where is Lucy? The only one that isn't supremely messed up in the guild is Juvia because she is still acting like a crazy psychopath but still pretty messed up!" I shouted at Angry ( a.k.a. Happy.)
"Shut the fuck up and quit your whining like a baby. Here have some candy wait, I don't have any how 'bout I slap you with a fish instead; you know what I'll just slap you with the fish anyway." Angry slapped me four times with the fish and said, "Have you looked at the request board? If you want candy go steal some you ugly whore and find Lucy yourself." Angry sound pleased when he called me an ugly whore.
What does the request board have to do with any of this. Also, I am not an ugly whore those only exist in movies Happy you dumbass.
All I could say is "Do I like a ugly whore to you no; so, go steal candy from some children you ugly cat. You can't even get a cat to share a fish with so go get some social skill." With that I walked to Lucy's apartment with all of my left over brunt barely dressed pride.
When I got to Lucy's apartment I thought one thing what would Lucy be like if she was like the rest of the guild. I sure would like to know what happened Lucy and hoped she was still sane if not I'm screwed and I won't last a week who am I kidding I won't even last an hour.
When I opened Lucy's door she jumped on me with a book in her hand and attacked me one thing went through my mind. Natsu is my favorite person now holy shit that's seriously, the thought running through my mind right now. So I did what I would do I grabbed the book looked at the cover The Peach Farmer a romance novel; seriously, and threw it when Lucy started to thrash so I held her down.
I gazed into her eyes I noticed her eyes were different they had a hint of pink. I remembered that everyone in the guild this morning they had fully pink eyes, But Lucy had a hint of pink this has something to do with personalities change Lucy was only partly effected so I did the stupidest thing I could think of I kissed her I feel like an idiot now. Then the strangest thing happened when I opened my eyes Lucy stopped thrashing then kneed me in the stomach and bit my shoulder with that I fell on the floor.
"What the are you doing in my apartment I didn't hear you come in so you better start explaining Gray."
"Well thanks for worrying about me Lucy you know the person who helped you and in turn got bit, you're welcome for the non-existence thanks."
When I got up and looked in Lucy's eyes they were the normal chocolate-brown that I love so much. Lucy hugged me as a way to say sorry for biting and hitting me. "So can you tell me was going on Gray."
"Yeah everyone in Fairy Tail have different personalities the only normal one was me, you had a hint of pink in your eyes so you were a less infected I guess. I came to see if you were different and then you attacked me when I came in. Everyone else had their personalities flipped the only difference in Juvia was she was even more of a sociopath than before. So can you help me save the guild, tell me what you remember. I noticed those whose personalities have flipped the have pink eyes or a pink tint to their eyes like you did." I explained.
"All I remember from before is when I entered the guild everybody was around the request board which was odd I thought why not ask Natsu what it was about. They said something I couldn't hear so I moved closer and heard some of what they said it then I don't remember the rest of what happened after that. That means the thing effecting the guild could be on the-"
"Request board!" Lucy shouted; it all made sense now it a was a request on the board like that time Natsu read a spell that switched our bodies.
"Let's go check the board Lucy."
"Wait, a second Gray before we go remember don't read it aloud just tear it down and decode it when we get back to my house I didn't forget what happened after until I heard the words."
With that we set off to save Fairy Tail from the curse that changes personalities.
What do you think this is my first fanfic tell me your option. I don't own Fairy Tail sadly, if I did Lucy and Erza would have had a team battle against another guild and win because Lucy and Erza are awesome.